I am not certain about offending our human Gurus; can a person without haumai be offended? I can only think that if they can be angered, Guru Gobind Singh ji must be furious at his Khalsa.
Guru ji is only fighting our corrupted minds (computer) so that the beauty of our TRUE SELF (soul) can shine through. What they are trying to do is reset the computer (mind), pull the power cable out so to speak. I doubt any anger would be in there...probably more a challenge to WAKE as many people up....if this makes any sense just an opinion
Forgiveness, I think, must come from some inner need of my own, not from a desire to please others, even the Deity.
The test is if we do harm to others, we hope they forgive us.
if they do harm to us, can we forgive them?
sometimes the forgiveness may take time, and the other person may continue to be a prat, but if we have managed to execute this divine power then we move forward spiritually and we encounter less problems in our lives.
I really want to know in very simple terms:
1. What does it mean to forgive?
to understand intially that only god exists, so if only He exists, how can we hate anyone, how can we not forgive. Then When we raise our consciousness as per Guru Ji's instructions, you will undoubtedly have experience of this. Everything is in his hukam, nothing is outside of his hukam. at this physical world conscious level, bad things apear very bad. When you raise your consciosness, you will see the 'bigger' picture and all will appear 'perfect' and you will understand why these good/bad things happen, and you will also know for certain that we never ever die, that we are forever beautiful souls.
2. How exactly do I forgive?
My wife has had a troubled past. for as long as i have known her she had held onto her past, never forgiven anyone. I tell her always that she doesnt need to forget, but she needs to forgive and move forward with the rest of her life. She cannot change the past but she can live a better future. She struggles to see this and continues to this day to get into arguments, verbal fights with these people. she continues to feel hurt and it is affecting her present behaviour/life and will affect her future beahviour/life if she doesnt let go of these shackles.
When she argues, she brings up every little thing from the past that hurt her, and she ends up in even more arguments.
She really must learn to forgive, she would have so much more peace in her life.
3. How do I know if I have forgiven?
If you're able to move forward and not look back. yes you'll always remember what has occured and deal with those things, but they will in no way hold you back, you'll smile and walk forward '100% FREELY' rathern than dragging a long a heavy weight.
During the christmas break, i had a threat against me to take my life and a threat towards my family. Ego kicked in, anger kicked in, mind was saying "revenge, take this person out, no one can threaten me and my family"
Something happened, i cant explain, but at that moment during the threat i said to this person "god bless you and smiled" he didnt know what to do, he felt powerless that i literally had no fear inside of me...i think this is was due to all the simran i had done in previous years, leading to this point. spiritually this precise moment in my life triggered something inside...hard to explain.
I think back at what my life would be like, or what would have occured if anger, hatred, ego had taken over. there would have been violence, a lot of hurt, anger, family would have been involved...they would have experienced dukh.
But since that moment of forgiveness, that other person hasn't mouthed a bad word.
If i have to defend myself in the future, then i will, but in the meantime a little forgiveness is always good for everyone involved
4. Can forgiveness, once given, be retracted?
Only our EGO will want us to do this, and it will mean we havnt truely forgiven in the first place. It will mean you maybe wanted something in return of your forgiveness and if you didnt get it, you want to re-tract the forgiveness. This is where the other divine power 'selflessness' comes into play.
Relating this to the events of 1984 might be helpful, but is not necessary.
All i can say is that as many of us need to 'AWAKEN' and raise our consciousness to a higher level as instructed in gurbani, only then will we understand such events and why they took place, only then will we be able to see the 'bigger picture' then will we be able to move forward and move sikhi forward in the right manner for future generations and create heaven on earth.