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Dasam Granth Cynics Now Attacking Guru Granth Sahib

Feb 7, 2008
Panthic Weekly: Dasam Granth Cynics Now Attacking Guru Granth Sahib

lDasam Granth Cynics Now Attacking Guru Granth Sahib
Panthic Weekly News Bureau
The Plan to Unravel the Sikh Panth by Removing the Source of Strength Coming to Fruition

Chandigarh, Punjab (KP) – Controversies continue to plague the notorious Rozana Spokesman newspaper and it’s editor, Joginder Sawney. The newspaper, which operates from over a dozen offices all over Punjab, seems to be creating a new controversy everyday it is published. Many have considered its views against Dasam Granth Sahib, Amrit Sanchar, and Rehit Maryada blasphemous. Recently, the newspaper has launched a new controversy by belittling Bhagat Bani in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee.

Joginder Sawney is embattled this time for allowing his newspaper to be misused by modern day unfounded missionary scholars. In its February 24th edition, the newspaper published a ‘tribute’ to Bhagat Ravidas on his birthday. The author of the ‘tribute’ – Harbhajan Sinh, entirely disbanded bani of Bhagat Ravidas Ji from the rest of Guru Granth Sahib Ji’s teachings and stated that when comparing the two, Bhagat Ravidas Ji seems unfamiliar from the teachings of Sikh Gurus.

Several sakhis (tales) of Bhagat Ravidas Ji were misquoted by Harbhajan Singh in ridiculing manner. The article erroneously states that no historical facts are present about the life of Bhagat Ravidas Ji. The same Rozana Spokesman that is trying its best to raise doubts about Dasam Granth Sahib and several other eminent Sikh practices is using the same agenda to now create doubts about the Bhagats.

Although Panthic groups should have dealt with Joginder Sawney long ago, even this time, Sikh groups failed to initiate any inquiries--whereas the Dalit community faced this matter with their own influence. Bhagat Ravidas Ji is without a doubt an eminent figure for the Dalits, but the Sikh community is also directed to give the same high status to Bhagat Ravidas Ji as it gives to other Saints.

Soon after the articles were published against Bhagat Ravidas Ji, the Dalit community filed FIRs against the newspaper’s editor-in-chief and the author of the article. As a result, teams of Punjab Police raided several offices of Rozana Spokesman and also arrested and filed charges against Harbhajan Singh for intentionally hurting the sentiments of a minority community. Charges have also been filed against Joginder Sawney who remains at-large.

Earlier, seeing the wrath of the community increase, Joginder Sawney had played a publicity stunt by publishing a statement to clear his stance. Joginder Sawney begged pardon from the Dalit Community and stated that the Rozana Spokesman is the voice of the Dalit Community. He further alleged that his entire team, including Harbhajan Sinh is regretful about the incident. Whether Joginder truly works to provide a voice to the Dalit Community remains unproven, but it is definitely true that he has hired people who hold no regards to the lower-caste communities, as well as Sikh scriptures and traditions.
"With the Spokesman providing a lead, and those like Amarjit Halwara support the cause from behind..."
In addition, Joginder Sawney and the entire staff of Rozana Spokesman have proven that their ideology is no different from that of the ex-communicated Kala Afghana who held Bhagat Bani with no regard.
With the Spokesman providing a lead, and those like Amarjit Halwara support the cause from behind, it seems like a new trend is emerging at a fast pace which allows people to raise questions about the Bani of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee, just as they did before with Sri Dasam Granth Sahib.




Feb 25, 2008
jaginder singh spokersman, ghaga, kala afgana and his group is exposed, for whom they work is also well known now. The only thing that worries me is that who so ever, questions something that goes against our Guru Shabad is automatically affiliated with this low class group by some people right on SPN.That is not fair. After reciting Gurbani regularly, how small people become disturbs me a lot.
Regarding those people who are exposed and have lost faith in people, are literally insects and we do not care what they write or do. Lately Spokesman just tried to defile Bhagat Ravidas ji and have got what they deserved. He stoops further low when he calls spokesman daily as Satguru Nanak's paper. Who doesnt know what he is doing and who are supporting him?
Feb 7, 2008
jaginder singh spokersman, ghaga, kala afgana and his group is exposed, for whom they work is also well known now. The only thing that worries me is that who so ever, questions something that goes against our Guru Shabad is automatically affiliated with this low class group by some people right on SPN.That is not fair. After reciting Gurbani regularly, how small people become disturbs me a lot.
Regarding those people who are exposed and have lost faith in people, are literally insects and we do not care what they write or do. Lately Spokesman just tried to defile Bhagat Ravidas ji and have got what they deserved. He stoops further low when he calls spokesman daily as Satguru Nanak's paper. Who doesnt know what he is doing and who are supporting him?

Veer ji

These people have done immense damage to sikhism.They have misled quite a few sikh
youth.These people have made it an ego issue to harp on their ideology.Along with them are some agents of the Govt who want to fan this issue in their interests.Globalsikhstudies of IOSS are the other culprits.Jasbir singh Mann is writing a lot of trash about Dasam granth that is outrightly a lie.Sikh missionaries are the other people who are palying a mischief.They quote two lines at random and leave the other two to misguide people.

If there is doubt in someone's mind it should be clarified.there is no harm in that.
May 24, 2008
Dear Veer ji ,
The Rozaana Spokesman is promoting Atheism ( Communist ) ideology in garb of Panthic Newspaper . It is doing utmost Anti - Panthic deeds by criticizing Sikh Ardas , Sikh Rehat Maryada , Amrit Saskar , Nitnem Banis , Amrit Vela , Nitnem practice , Bhagat Bani , Guru Granth Sahib Ji as Guru ( Just ordinary Book ) , the Supremacy of Akal Takhat ,. These r the very things which r the baisis of Sikh identity , the baisis of Sikh Existence . The SELF MADE SCHOLARS like Gurbaksh Kala Afghana , Inder Ghagga , Joginder Sahney , Ravinder Singh Pinjore , Hari rattan Yukta have done more damage to Panthic cause even more than open enemies like RSS / BJP . One wonders , if they r on the payrolls of these agencies only . But using the word Missionary alongwith these people is the ****hest from truth , as they r doing their utmost to defame Missionaries of ' Sikh Missionary College , Ludhiana ' the India 's biggest non - SGPC institution probabely the only institution in the field of Sikh Religious Preaching which is non - political . The proof is an article by Ravinder Singh Pinjore , a member of the Kala Afgana gang , who wrote an article in India Awareness some months ago criticizing Sikh Missionary College , Ludhiana probabely same way as Nurmahalia Ashutosh , Radha Soamis , Sacha Sauda , RSS / BJP , Nirankaris & whole lot of Dera Mafia .
Regards ,
Dalbir Singh
Jul 30, 2004

yes sometime before das did read an article of Mr Chandan in Sikh Phulwari,wehre he was realy unhappy with leued comments made by Indiaawareness guys against SMC.Anyway mnay guys of india awaness also do not belvie in Bhatt and Bhagat Bani.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
An inqiusitive and open mind ,which is not afraid of facing uncomfortable questions, is the greatest gift that GUru Nanak Dev ji gave us. Insead of acussing people who do not hold your views, of ulterier motives.we should fight their arguements with our own aguements and try to win them over.Abusing them will only show our weekness.:(

Quite right Jasbir Ji.

After all GURU NANAK JI himself declared..
Kicchh sunneah kichh kaheah Nanak....
AND..Ros na keejeh UTTAR DEEJEH.

Ask QUESTIONS...express DOUBTS...say something..LISTEN to Others...DONT BELIEVE BLINDLY !!


Same high handed techniques ( Death Threats/ridicule/ridiculous false propoganda etc etc ) used against SPOKESMAN. its Editor Joginder Singh...GS.Kala Afghana.....Prof Darshan Singh... Hari Yukta...Harbhajan Singh..Reporters of Spokesman...and NOW latest victim of these is.... HS Dilgeer...in fact anyone who writes in Spokesman is fair game ?? Such will not work simply because this is the IT Age....GYAAN is so widespread..HANERA-DARKNESS is out..except in some darkened and closed minds !!


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004

This is a poor paraphrase of an eloquent statement by an illiterate chief of an aboriginal tribe in Peru. He said this about controversy: Without questions there is only closure. In Nature there is no closure. So let there always be questions between brother and brother.

Maybe we have to rise to a level that is sophisticated in order to forget that we are brothers and fail to understand that to ask questions is natural between brothers (and sisters).


May 19, 2006
The real lines of Charitro pakhyaan are not discussed again and reverse logics are given. If Khaluraho is so explicit, let us be explicit here. If you are right, there should not be any problem in direct discussion.After all it is Out Guru's Bani. I am being direct ... to emphasize my point.
Why no other religion gives so explicit lines? THEY ARE FOOLS??????
What was the need for being so graphic in the poetry. Same message could have been sent across to people is subtle ways like khajuraho or in a literary way of kaam sutra. Our Guruji thought it essential to give graphic details for what purpose?
This Kaam sutra.... is it a religious book to which every one bows their head every day?
Maskeen ji give us reference of kaam Sutra....Can we equate two Granths?????
Why did not Guruji mention about women character elsewhere. He should caution us about it every where..... if it is soooooo important.

It was a method to malign sikh religion during those days.... nothing else. Dasam Granth is written by Guruji... but only in parts.
If you refer to Bhindranwale to justify authenticity of dasam Granth...... !??! Any thing can be made into a truth.
On one hand Guruji give equality to women and on other they should not be considered worth believing... What rubbish. Which side we are... may be muslims... four women = 1 male.

Discuss controversial parts of Dasam Granth directly. ... No offence... no joke. TELL US the need to be so much detailed WITHOUT ANY other reference during his WHOLE LIFE TIME.
Why did not he reference Dasam granth teaching during 1699. WHAT was more important 1699 or charitropakhyan.
Choose one please.
We bow before Dasam granth.... but never hear about its teaching anywhere else. I am refering to ALL IMPORTANT wiles of women.

It is important ... very important( after all we bow before it) but never referenced in daily life.... why.. Is our life important?? If yes... then Why does not our Granth give us direction.....
WHAT WAS SO URGENT NEED... to devote a significant part to women's wiles......in graphic details.

BTW, Why do we have more and more deras..... A simple person like Gurpreet grover... aanandmaa could also have such beautiful dera/ hotel/ aashram...
People like her discourses... get peace.... and direction!!!!!!!
Where is the gap.... what is our mistake... What should we do to control this...
NOONE has given any practical idea.
LET US bring out future plan to engage masses.....
Again... these words are stated to bring out my point.. no blasphemy.
May 23, 2009
Inder Singh Ji
Waheguru ji ka khalsa
Waheguru ji ki Fateh

It would be nice if you could post the article from which these lines have been quoted. I searched the Spokesman archives ,but there was nothing showing for February 24,2008.It is hard to respond when you do not have the article in front of you and The Panthic Weekly people are well known for their conspiratorial proclivities. Just to launch into a quick condemnation of kala Afghana,Ghagga and Joginder Singh on the basis of these lines without being aware of the context does not seem appropriate.

Satnam Singh


Jun 30, 2009
An important lesson to remember about Sikhism as per forum member inder singh ji.

(posted by him on another forum)

Genuine queries are always welcome. there is one important point to keep in mind that if we apply the same scrutiny to SGGS ji , Dasam granth comes on top as for as authenticity issues are concerned.

Why on earth are you defending something (SGGS) that is questionable?


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
roab1 ji

This is an ongoing source of vexation for a lot of people. Of course your logic is impeccable. Yes, why would he worry about cynicism and criticisms of Guru Granth Sahib?He has already decided that the authenticity of so-called Dasam Granth surpasses that of Sri Guru Granth Sahib. What is this about? 1) Is there an impairment of some kind? 2) Is this part of a program foisted on the unsuspecting by a tightly woven web of Internet sites receiving directions from "on top?"

I, as admin of SPN, cannot be more specific. All I can say is that we try not, if we can help it, to bash other Sikh forums. But it is difficult. However, you as a member are free to explore any concerns that you have. And there is no doubt that you will be civilized. You will be more civilized in fact, than the rhetoric we find on most of these pro-Dasam Granth sites where threats of arson and physical battery are not uncommon.


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
These people have done immense damage to sikhism.They have misled quite a few sikh
youth.These people have made it an ego issue to harp on their ideology.Along with them are some agents of the Govt who want to fan this issue in their interests.

If there is doubt in someone's mind it should be clarified.there is no harm in that.
Yes how rightly expressed your concern is. Looks like they are throwning away their pearls out of their very own clamps.

Well not to worry because Sikhism is one religion which has all the gems.
All we have to make sure is that they remain with us always because our generations to come need not look elsewhere for the gems of real wisdom.
Oct 10, 2009
Gurfateh ji,

Dasam Granth is written by Tenth Master and it's authenticity cannot be doubted for many reasons the things which are explained In SGGS are clearly explained here and it's reasons are stated in this Granth.

Why I am Saying so here is the verse from Dasam Granth Sahib where it proves it's authencity-

"I shall complete this Granth only if Thou Helpest me". ( Bachitar Natak )

Now who says that Dasam Granth Sahib is not written by Tenth Master then one should
ask these so called scholars then where this verse has come from where Sahib Guru Gobind Sahib ji Maharaj is been blessed to complete Dasam Granth and moreover the verse is clear and direct in it's message. Do so called scholars have answer to this?