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What Is Worship? What Is Not?


May 24, 2008
I am firm believer in Guru Nanak’s ideology. What I get from his writing is very simple message. One does not need to worship IDOLS to get to God. Live simple life and do no harm to any one.
Every one different idea as to what is idol. There is no need to do arti to God. Arti mean prayer.
My question here today is:

What is worship?
What is idol worship?
What is not worship?
What is not idol worship?


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1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
I will start.

worship |ˈwər sh əp|
the feeling or expression of reverence and adoration for a deity : the worship of God | ancestor worship.
• the acts or rites that make up a formal expression of reverence for a deity; a religious ceremony or ceremonies : the church was opened for public worship.
• adoration or devotion comparable to religious homage, shown toward a person or principle : Krushchev threw the worship of Stalin overboard.
• archaic honor given to someone in recognition of their merit.
• [as title ] ( His/Your Worship) chiefly Brit. used in addressing or referring to an important or high-ranking person, esp. a magistrate or mayor : we were soon joined by His Worship the Mayor.

verb ( -shiped |ˈwərʃəpt|, -shiping |ˈwərʃəpɪŋ|; also -shipped, -shipping) [ trans. ]
show reverence and adoration for (a deity); honor with religious rites : the Maya built jungle pyramids to worship their gods.
• treat (someone or something) with the reverence and adoration appropriate to a deity : she adores her sons and they worship her.
• [ intrans. ] take part in a religious ceremony : he went to the cathedral because he chose to worship in a spiritually inspiring building.

The idea of a deity or idol figures strongly in these definitions. Here and there a human is being "worshipped" as per rank, merit, or motherhood.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
I am firm believer in Guru Nanak’s ideology. What I get from his writing is very simple message. One does not need to worship IDOLS to get to God(this is not just Guru Nanak's ideology, this is confirmed and repeated by all the Gurus) Live simple life and do no harm to any one.
Every one different idea as to what is idol. There is no need to do arti to God. Arti mean prayer.(I personally agree with you on this, however, we are all different, and I see the benefits of prayer, for those that choose to pray, that prayer is every bit as valuable to those, as the methods I employ to connect with Creator, your post has a slightly arrogant tone about it, what works for you, or indeed me, may not work for anyone else)
My question here today is:

What is worship?(to me worship is appreciation and thanks to the one that created everything, and is in everything, Some worship with prayer, some with sewa, if you do not pray, how do you connect with the Creator, what do you do that shows your appreciation for everything around us, I would like to know)
What is idol worship?(idol worship is the worship of idols, as you well know, we do not idol worship, the respect shown to the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is the same respect shown if it were a person, the same way I bow down before my dad, and my mum, when I have not seen them for some time, I want them to know how much I have missed them and how much I love them, many sikhs feel the same way about the contents of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, it is not there to be worshiped as an idol, the information contained in it, however, can change your life and allow you to harness the energy that already exists inside you)
What is not worship?(For me? (if worship is the appreciation of the Creator, in the same way that I worship my wife, and my parents, I love them so much, it fills my heart with joy when I see them, again, I am filled with joy when I see the grass, the animals, an old range rover, the sky, the trees, by breathing, I am worshiping creation, that I can see, not worshiping is not appreciating the wonder of all around us, by not fulfilling our potential, by not being the best we can be, in all respects, not just the best disciple, but the best husband, wife, friend, mentor, son, excelling at what we enjoy, and finding the balance within so that we may have access to the cosmic vibration that enables us to feel the creator within us, and see the thin line of truth like a shining thread guiding us through life, helping us achieve our goals.)
What is not idol worship?
(tricky one, is worshiping a tree because it is part of creation, idol worship?, is bowing down before the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji idol worship, no, I think the former is to recognize the Creator in everything, and the latter is respect and love. Does idol worship actually exist? Some people worship pictures of the Gurus, this is wrong in itself because the Gurus specifically asked not to be worshiped, so it is not the idol element that is incorrect, simply, I think appreciating anything and everything with Creator in mind is not idol worship)

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011

I disagree, a man on a desert island could do no harm, yet not appreciate the wonders of nature and creativity all around him, and thus not be worshiping, . Whereas a man who became as one with the Island would in my mind be worshiping, what are your thoughts?

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011

Duality is all very well, but just adopting an opposite point of view for the sake of it, is not in my humble view, worship, although I suppose it can be enlightening

You have been spending too much time with Bhagat Singhji lol your are getting almost as obscure as he is!


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
I respectfully request that red be used only by admin. It is becoming increasingly difficult to read posts with red in the quotes bracket and red in the main text of an answer as it is. And if moderation is needed it will be more difficult.

Given time, I will go back and edit member comments on top of comments in red font.



ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
seeker3k ji some ccomments,
I am firm believer in Guru Nanak’s ideology.
- Understanding and not just believing should drive one. Believing is a trap.

What I get from his writing is very simple message. One does not need to worship IDOLS to get to God. Live simple life and do no harm to any one.

- Guru ji emphasized practical lives not necessarily overly simple as everyone has different capabilities to manage life comfortably at various levels of complexity. Over simplification leads to "yogism", "hermits", etc., and that is not Sikhism's message.

Every one different idea as to what is idol. There is no need to do arti to God. Arti mean prayer.
My question here today is:

What is worship?
- A sign or action of personal reflective respect based on understanding
What is idol worship?
- A sign or action of personal respect based on beliefs and not understanding
What is not worship?
- A sign or action of non personal reflective respect and or based on falsehoods recognized by inner self
Example: Touching someone's feet as you see someone else do without knowing why.
Example: Making offering to something or someone for trading favors like I offer you this "Bheta (Alm)" or "offer money" and please God make sure I win a lottery.
What is not idol worship?
- A sign or action of personal reflective respect based on understanding
Sat Sri Akal.


My two brothers Sinner and Harry Haller ji seem to be doing the following. Seeker3k ji I would have included you if it was 3 people video lol

Sat Sri Akal.


Jan 29, 2011
Vancouver, Canada
I found an analogy between God and idol. We know what a circle is. It is a round figure where each point is equidistant from a fixed centre. But when we try to draw a circle, we can't draw a perfect one. Some of its points will be more or less than the radial distance. So we understand what a circle is. But even if we use biggest computer and draw a circle down to a million points, we don't get a perfect circle. Same is with an idol.


Cleverness is not wisdom
May 2, 2010
All I would have to add is this:

Idolatry I think is straightforward enough...i.e imbuing a physical object with such significance that you worship the object and may even attribute supernatural powers to the object

Worship then can lead people to idolatry.

Personally I would prefer to make a distinction between worship and appreciation. You can appreciate the wonder of the Creation without indulging in "worship"

To me, recital of prayers should be more about making a spiritual connection and not worship

I hope that makes some sort of sense...


May 24, 2008
It is not my intension to insult any one here. I only say as I see it.
An idol is thing that is made from non living matter. Like Hindus make stone or clay or metal. There idols are not living thing As intelligent people knows that there were no shiva,brahma,vishnu. Yet people are worshiping those idols. Any thing that is not living is idol.
Is granth living? For millions it is. But book can not talk book can not speak. Book can not move from one place to other. If people want to believe that book is living guru then that is there thing. But it is blind faith started by unknown being. We Sikhs just wanted to do what the Hindus were and are doing. Every day there is new thing being added in the ritual of worship. People tell me that their things are getting done by ardas so why you complaing? Have we lost sense that by getting bhai ji to do the ardas our problems will be solved? We created our own problem why bring god into it.

None of the Guru said any where that he is guru. It is only people called them guru. Why?
Example: There was a doctor who could cure any ailment. He died if we go to his grave and pray and show respect to that grave will he cure us? In the same way why are we prey to gurus who has been dead for long time? Some one wrote that he respect his mom/dad by touching their feet. Is it not true that insult mom/dad if we don’t do what mom/dad tells us to do and we don’t do that? The real respect is to do what the guru told us to do. Touching the feet of mom/dad is Hindu custom not Sikhs. I have not seen Sikhs touching their mom/dad feet. Those who are doing is because they have seen Hindus doing it.
Every religion claim that their holy book is written or spoke by god. Yet no one of those religions try to feed food or put glass of water by the bed at night. No one put their holy books in AC room and put blanket on it. Only the Hindu and Sikhs are doing it.

The bani in granth are written in gurmukhi. What if one can’t not read gurmukhi and he cant not hear he is def. Is that person is doomed?
God gave us logic for some reason. It is to use and make life better. Jut for one minute thing as a neutral person. Are we not doing the things what guru tsaid in granth not to do.
We are doing all those things what the Hindus are doing. But we call them but different name
Religion is teaching hatred not respect.

I am all for respect but don’t force it on others and see if it makes sense.

There is only one rule of humanity; DO NO HARM TO ANY LIFE


Aug 17, 2010
World citizen!
Guru Granth Sahib ji is not the same as a stone idol as it contains the knowledge, the teachings, the key to be a Sikh. The Guru Granth Sahib ji cannot talk but it can be read. SIdols give us no knowledge!! AC rooms are more those doing the reading as it is hard to focus and take on what you are being taught when you are too hot! The cloth protects the pages so they last longer. Anyone who is a fan of books will know how easily books can get ruined! Sometimes its worth looking beyond appearances, at the deeper sentiments, before judging actions.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
I am all for less tradition and ritual, and more substance, And I agree with some, but not all of Seeker3k's post.

Ok, so 90% of sikhs have got it wrong, as Gyaniji pointed out in another post, most are Hindu in action, so what do we do?

Nothing, concentrate on our own relationship with creation and Waheguru, and get it right for ourselves in whatever way we feel comfortable, ours is not to judge, or to impose our views on others, if you are having a moan at how Hinduism has crept into Sikhism, then I am with you all the way, If you want to protest and do something about it, your on your own then brother

I would point out that the tenth master made it quite clear that the SGGS should be treated as a living Guru, and thanks to a court case,(rightly or wrongly) it is legally so, but it is up to the individual to do what he or she feels comfortable given this diktat from Guru Gobind Singh ji.

Also when people tend to worship idols, they are thinking of the power beyond the idol, not the idol itself, some people are clever enough to use their imagination, it is not fair to pronounce judgement on those that need a physical idol if it helps them visualize their god, we are all different, do not harm any life, do not pronounce judgement on those who do not harm any life either, no?


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Note: I do assume that seker3k is an adult capable of rational thinking. I do apologize ahead of time if the person in seeker3k is a younger member at spn and is just seeking help as my answers would be considered harsh even by me in such a scenario.

seeker3k ji some comments and none is made to insult you but written in a direct style like your own,
It is not my intension to insult any one here. I only say as I see it.
- I am sorry you do insult as you do not read answers or ignore the specific answers and respond regardless.

An idol is thing that is made from non living matter. Like Hindus make stone or clay or metal. There idols are not living thing As intelligent people knows that there were no shiva,brahma,vishnu. Yet people are worshiping those idols. Any thing that is not living is idol.
- You need to brush up on your English a bit
- American Idol2011 Finale - Scotty McCreery

Is granth living? For millions it is.
- You are talking nonsense. Have you heard the phrase "It is as applicable today as it was when it was written". That defines currentness or alternatively "alive" feeling.

But book can not talk book can not speak. Book can not move from one place to other.
- Continued nonsense. Life is not defined by ability to move or speak as that will rule out majority of life forms. I suppose healthy bacteria in your mouth really are not living!

If people want to believe that book is living guru then that is there thing. But it is blind faith started by unknown being.
- More nonsense. Blind faith is if no effort is made to read or understand. No one treats it such and I know of no one, who would not have heard a shabad and understood parts or all of it including perhaps yourself.

We Sikhs just wanted to do what the Hindus were and are doing.
- Maybe you are complaining about your upbringing and your own special situation. Don't tell me or others at spn as perhaps none here do so.

Every day there is new thing being added in the ritual of worship. People tell me that their things are getting done by ardas so why you complaing? Have we lost sense that by getting bhai ji to do the ardas our problems will be solved?
- Miracles or unexplained things happen and if people believe such to be a result of something, let them. You are so intelligent that you know that is not the basis of ardas which is a retrospect, a recognition and many times one talking to one's inner self.

We created our own problem why bring god into it.

- Don't generalize as it is so apparent that "we" don't have a problem, "you" may.

None of the Guru said any where that he is guru. It is only people called them guru. Why?
- Guru is a word of respect and recognition of content of value, teaching/teacher, leader, etc

Example: There was a doctor who could cure any ailment. He died if we go to his grave and pray and show respect to that grave will he cure us? In the same way why are we prey to gurus who has been dead for long time?
- You are a master of distortion here. Again you generalize "we" as though that is what people you are communication with do. To show you are wrong, "I" don't do that. So stop generalizing and using the collective "we".

Some one wrote that he respect his mom/dad by touching their feet. Is it not true that insult mom/dad if we don’t do what mom/dad tells us to do and we don’t do that?
- This is called I will distort what you say to make a point. An example is an example and it is not an all inclusive statement to lay down the law. Someone doing it does not imply people not doing such or doing other things are less respectful and people doing it obviously are not any fault or can be blamed to be idol worshiping or followers. It appears genuine expressions of respect or recognition of the same is missing in your arguments or posts.

The real respect is to do what the guru told us to do. Touching the feet of mom/dad is Hindu custom not Sikhs. I have not seen Sikhs touching their mom/dad feet. Those who are doing is because they have seen Hindus doing it.

- Utter nonsense and generalization. Touching, bowing, etc., are human traits worldwide and people touch knees, feet, bow, etc., and it is not exclusive to Sikhism or Hinduism.

Every religion claim that their holy book is written or spoke by god.
- Our Guru ji and the others in Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji did not claim or say that they wrote or spoke for God. A distortion or lack of understanding in your upbringing or your mind.

Yet no one of those religions try to feed food or put glass of water by the bed at night. No one put their holy books in AC room and put blanket on it. Only the Hindu and Sikhs are doing it.

- No one is asking you to do it and it is not part of Sikh Rehat Maryada. Make suggestions on improvement and try to read posts where attempt is made to explain heritage of such practices.

The bani in granth are written in gurmukhi. What if one can’t not read gurmukhi and he cant not hear he is def. Is that person is doomed?
- No one is doomed for not being a Sikh and that is not what Sikhism stands for. Sikhism encourages you to understand for better living with yourself and everything around in creation.

God gave us logic for some reason. It is to use and make life better. Jut for one minute thing as a neutral person. Are we not doing the things what guru tsaid in granth not to do.
We are doing all those things what the Hindus are doing. But we call them but different name

Religion is teaching hatred not respect.
- Have you studied Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji and can quote where it teaches you hatred?

I am all for respect but don’t force it on others and see if it makes sense.
- Who is forcing what on you? Be your own. You don't throw the possible mis-guidance that you may be surrounded with and say Sikhism is bad or preaches hatred. No one forces you to do things where you are but then again you cannot walk naked in the park either. There are certain rules that communities, congergations may establish to create a base for reasonable behavior so that all can have a piece of mind than worry about idiotic arguments from every Tom Dck and Harry day in and day out and lose the reason to be in a congregation, etc.

There is only one rule of humanity; DO NO HARM TO ANY LIFE
- Don't drink tea, coffee, Coke or eat anything as you could be killing lot of healthy bacteria in your mouth, your gut and your behind. Define life for yourself!
Sat Sri Akal.

Scarlet Pimpernel

We seek him here,we sikh
May 31, 2011
In the Self
Seeker Veera everyone knows Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is not a book,we all know it is a boat!Now if you want to ask a question ask something like' Is the Guru still the Guru if there is no Sikh?Because one is known from the other. That might lead you to realise that Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji can be put on CD, on Web, in Book,but it is not ink,paper or code ,that is the medium only.Guru is known as Guru because there is a Sikh ,the Self, it is a divine truth,It is not as it seems.If God forbid no trees were left to make books Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji will still exist but in it's matterless form.

Ambarasaria Ji
Guru Nanak said "Jaisai mai ayee khasam ki bani and we say Akaash bani.I took that to mean from God,I could be wrong as usual ! By the way Master Musketeer Self editing is Sikhi

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Seeker3k ji,

Guru Fateh.

Here is my 2 cent worth.

It is not my intension to insult any one here. I only say as I see it.

Thanks for sharing your good intentions but it is much more than it meets the eye. It seems you want to learn things that you do not know. Things that you may have little or no knowledge of. Thus, your observations are not based on any studies in depth because you have not done so but more for you to think aloud in order to find the answers. Well, you are at the right spot shall I say!

An idol is thing that is made from non living matter. Like Hindus make stone or clay or metal. There idols are not living thing As intelligent people knows that there were no shiva,brahma,vishnu. Yet people are worshiping those idols. Any thing that is not living is idol.

An idol may mean anything. If you studied the Abrahamical religions, then you would discover as the story goes that Abraham's father sold idols and idol worshipping was a common thing then in many cultures and religions.

Polytheism was the religion de jour then and still is in many parts of the world. Abraham changed that by smashing all the idols at his dad's store and started the Monotheistic school of thought in that part of the world which became the umbilical cord of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

All Derawalas, Swamis, Sants, Snakeoil Salesmen, The Pope etc. etc. are considered living idols(demi gods) by their followers.

Is granth living? For millions it is. But book can not talk book can not speak. Book can not move from one place to other. If people want to believe that book is living guru then that is there thing. But it is blind faith started by unknown being. We Sikhs just wanted to do what the Hindus were and are doing. Every day there is new thing being added in the ritual of worship. People tell me that their things are getting done by ardas so why you complaing? Have we lost sense that by getting bhai ji to do the ardas our problems will be solved? We created our own problem why bring god into it.

You seem a bit confused to say the least with your above claims most of which are baseless and lack any thought process. No offence intended.

As you have not explained what a Living Granth means to you, it shows that you do not know why it is called that and hence, you are looking for the answer.

Living Guru in Sikhi as Guru Granth is considered means that knowledge in it is not dead. It is not about mechanical rituals nor about do's and don'ts of life as many other religious books dictate to their followers and all these religions stopped in time, during that very time span when they were written unlike Sikhi which evolved in 200 some years.

Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is a tool box, a recipe book for the soul, a manual for self improvement. It is full of messages that can make a difference in our lives and urges us to make a difference in others whom we come in contact with. It is for us to become proactive so we can leave this place better than how we found it.

The other interesting and unique part of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is that people from different religions have their writings in there which shows that Sikhi is idea based not personality based as can be said about most of the other religions.

So, all these skills that we hone with the help of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji make us better living people rather than dead men walking. That is why we need to study it daily to sharpen our skills like a good playbook of life.

It seems you have not read the threads about Ardaas in this forum. When and if you read them you will find out that Sikhi Ardaas is nothing that you may have seen in your own household during your upbringing or at other places.

Ardaas in Sikhi is more an introspection, like talking to yourself in the mirror to do things that you had planned to do many times but have not started on or do something right the next time which was done wrongly. Ardaas is not a bribe as unfortunately is practiced in the Gurdwaras all over. That is why we have access to Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, our living Guru to find the truth for ourselves. Sikhi is the journey of the individual and each of us carry our own spiritual torches. That is why there is no clergy in Sikhi. It is our duty as individuals to get better with the help of our living Guru,Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

None of the Guru said any where that he is guru. It is only people called them guru. Why?

You are right. None of our Gurus called themselves as such. They did not even state their names in the beginning but used nom de plume: Guru Nanak because Guru Nanak was the founder and he ended each Shabad with his name as was and still the custom in that part of the world for the poets.

All six Gurus who have Gurbani in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji gave themselves mere numbers. However, they did not take away the titles of the other writers who were known as Bhagats and Sheikh. All the Shabads-Saloks added in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji by these people have the titles on the top and their names at the bottom of each Shabad, unlike the numbers of our Gurus.

Unfortunately, you missed the point here. It seems you did not ask yourself the question.

Why did they give themselves mere numbers rather than names or titles?

The answer lies in their greatness because the poetry they wrote was not about them but an idea to share with others. It had the deliberate absence of Me-ism. We call them Gurus: Gu-darkness, Ru-Light. In other words, a Guru is the enlightener who helps us take away the darkness of ignorance and instills in us the light of wisdom. They never asked nor demanded that from us.

There are a couple of more things that should not be forgotten are that our Gurus neither hired any portrait painters to have their portraits painted nor any historians to have their history written, who were readily available in great numbers at that time in the Mughal era.

It shows once again that their actions were not about them getting any fame but to advance the idea to help us get better as human beings.

Example: There was a doctor who could cure any ailment. He died if we go to his grave and pray and show respect to that grave will he cure us?

Irrelevant to the post.

In the same way why are we prey to gurus who has been dead for long time?

Once again you have shown your lack of knowledge about Sikhi. We do not pray to any Gurus nor to any deity. I have already explained what Ardaas means above and the rest can be read in other threads in case you are interested in furthering your knowledge.

Some one wrote that he respect his mom/dad by touching their feet. Is it not true that insult mom/dad if we don’t do what mom/dad tells us to do and we don’t do that? The real respect is to do what the guru told us to do. Touching the feet of mom/dad is Hindu custom not Sikhs. I have not seen Sikhs touching their mom/dad feet. Those who are doing is because they have seen Hindus doing it.

Once again, the above has nothing to do with the thread nor does it have to do with how you started your post but I will respond to it anyway.

There are some traditions in each culture that people adhere to. One of these traditions in the Indian culture is to touch your elders' feet.

I have no idea where you got this from that it is only a Hindu custom/tradition which once again shows your lack of knowledge about your parents' culture. It is part of the Indian culture and has been since the time immemorial.

Allow me to share my own cultural habits. I touch feet of my elders but I do not let my son, nephews, nieces, their spouses do the same to me. I give them a hug instead. In fact my son Trimaan who is 16 has never touched anyone's feet. He was never forced to do it. He also hugs rather than touching feet of his elders. So, it depends on each family and their traditions.

Every religion claim that their holy book is written or spoke by god.

You are wrong again. These are just your false assumptions. Sikhi never claims that.

Yet no one of those religions try to feed food or put glass of water by the bed at night.

Once again, false assumptions about Sikhi.

No one put their holy books in AC room and put blanket on it. Only the Hindu and Sikhs are doing it.

Which religion has the holy book that is 1429 pages long, weighty and as big as Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji?

Holy books in all religions are preserved under the right temperature, climate and conditions so they can last. Having said that, one does not need a bed as is the custom in many Gurdwaras for the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji to rest.

The bani in granth are written in gurmukhi. What if one can’t not read gurmukhi and he cant not hear he is def. Is that person is doomed?

I know it is becoming redundantly repetitive, but I am bewildered at your lack of knowledge about the questions you are asking. You can just Google and find translations in English and in Spanish. Following is one of the sites that many use which has interpretations in English by two authors and also interpretation in Punjabi by Prof. Sahib Singh, the best so far. It also has its own search engine.

Enjoy the site.

You did not tell us that if this deaf person you are talking about knows how to read. But that is not the point anyway. You are just trying to find faults in things where none exist for the reasons only known to you.

God gave us logic for some reason. It is to use and make life better. Jut for one minute thing as a neutral person. Are we not doing the things what guru tsaid in granth not to do.

Pardon my ignorance, but I have no idea what you are talking about. Please express yourself a bit better so I can respond.

We are doing all those things what the Hindus are doing. But we call them but different name

What are we doing that is offensive to you? Please be specific in your questions so we can learn from each other.

Religion is teaching hatred not respect.

Once again, the same as above. Just a babble, nothing much.

I am all for respect but don’t force it on others and see if it makes sense.

Who is forcing whom here? Once again nothing specific, just rant.

There is only one rule of humanity; DO NO HARM TO ANY LIFE.

It seems that you do not know how the humans including yourself survive or you have never given it a thought. We, as organic material have to consume other organic material (life) in order to survive. There is no other way out. Gurbani says that every organic material even a leaf is beaming with life.

I will end this with a song by Harold Melvin and The Blue Notes:
"It is the law of the land, whether you like it or you understand".

Tejwant Singh


Aug 8, 2011
Rather than worrying about what is worship and what is not a Sikh should only worry about Naam Japna and contemplate on the Shabad Guru.
What difference would it make if we know what is "not worship" if we are still unaware of what is "worship"
Or what difference would it make if we were to know what is "worship" but do not know what is not?
Only significant thing here is to "do worship" even if what is "not worship" is not known.
SGGS ji guides us to "Naam Japna". I believe that shall be the Sikh way of worship.
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