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General Gurusahib's Grammar, Naam, Simran, And Sukhmani Sahib

Aug 28, 2010
Last edited by a moderator:
Oct 21, 2009
Re: ਸੁਖਮਨੀ ਸਾਹਿਬ ਅਸਟਪਦੀ ੧ ਸਬਦ ੧ / Sukhmani Sahib Astpadi 1 Sabad ੧

I had worked on this post in the morning . But did not post it as many learned members had not posted. I am posting it for the purpose of learning and sharing.
In Raag Guadi, Sri Guru Arjan Dev ji Maharaj Blesses us with Sukhmani Bani that and is with love called as 'sukhmani sahib'. It is entered immediately after Bavan akhiri.

Construction and arrangement of bani

There are 24 ashtpadis in Bani. [asht means eight.]
Each Ashtpadi begins with 'slok'.
Each ashtpadi is of 8 Pads/ Paudi.
Each pad/paudi is of ten line.
Thus there are 24 slok and 24 ashthpadis [ i.e 24*8 =192 paudi.and 1920 Lines.
Each Paudi has 10 lines and generally last two lines of the Paudi are somewhat reflective of the entire Paudi.
The sloka is of 4 lines.
We have about 1920 lines of Ashtpadis and about 96 lines of Sloks [Total lines are 1920+96 lines=2016 lines ]
Ii is depicted it as follows


Slok......Ashtpadi......Paudi-[8 paudi in each ashtpadi]......each paudi comprise 10 lines....Followed by

Slok......Ashtpadi......Paudi-[8 paudi in each ashtpadi]
,…..Till we reach 24th Ashtpadi


It appears that Guru sahibs have explained to us the significance/ mahatam of Simran in the Paudi-1 as explained by my respected friend Ambarsaria ji.

Legend and Syntax

One can formulate general legend/syantax for referring to Pad/ Paudi 1 of Ashtpadi 1 as 1/1 and 2/1 would refer to the Pad/Paudi 2 of ashpadi 1.

Likewise 8/13 would mean Paudi 8 of ashtpadi 13. It is for the author to formulate some structure so that reference can be made in easy manner in future posts as the thread moves ahead.


SuKhan’ di mani. That which gives 'sukh ' to ‘manu’ or mind. There is no negation on the physical comforts as well. But greater significance is on spiritual sukh that is bliss and in ordinary language would mean peace of mind but at higher levels would lead to eternal bliss where one remains equi poised and ‘sukh ‘ ‘dukh’ becomes irrelevant.

It is not my endeavor to explain the Paudi in mixed fashioned that may not be structured as my friend has already given the meanings in structured fashion that one can refer time and again. I would like to be excused if there are typo/grammatical mistakes that would be in abundance if not in profusion. I am not very good at expressing and would not invite any questions on the post. Members may kindly forgive me for this audacity.
I am , of course , subject to correction.

What is to be simraned ?

What is to be simraned ? or what is to be kept in mind while doing simran. Without any hesitation, I would state that one should practice of ‘naam’. Guru ji has clearly used the words SIMRO or- Do Simran as by simran one gets the piece and bliss.
Simran is of the Naam ...Naam..and Naam….and Naam

Bani is to be assimilated, practiced and understood and implemented. Bani is also said to be Dhur ki Bani or God’s word

That, it is ‘naam jap’ that is to be carried out, has been stated in Bani at many places and does not require any line or Tuk to support it. A fine reading of Jap ji sahib would prove this point that is being made.

When are we Likely to do Simran

As and when it pleases HIM we are blessed with Simran and naam jap. He himself makes us to do namm jap and simran .I have treated these two terms as same as these are same to me.

jw quDu BwvY qw nwie rcwvih qUM Awpy nwau jpwvixAw ]3] (122-11, mwJ, mÚ 3)

Yes, it is repetition. Entire life is about repetition. We repeat our breaths and live out this life. We repeat the same routine day after day till we breathe our last.

I am too young and not yet acquainted with bani. But a reading has made it clear to me that for a layman like me it is ‘Guru Mantar’ and I know of nothing else.

Parroting on ‘waheguru’ is fine with me.

Life is all about this ‘word’. May be with HIS blessings a Guru sikh may be blessed with Naam di datt. But we would get it if 'Waheguru' so desires else it may be next time or it may take thousands of life and it should not matter if I see no immediate results. I shall definitely better of next life.

Cleansing of mind is a very slow process as I am told.
Naam jap and Simran is cleansing of mind and also keeping it under tighter reins. Every thing happens gradually till we attain the state of ’sehaj’ when everything seems to happen automatically with out making special effort.

Mantras in Bani

We have three mantras in bani.:
1. Mool Mantra
2. Beej Mantra
3. Guru Mantra

Guru mantra can be repeated with ease and ‘waheguru’ is symbolic to Sikhs hence the practice of ‘waheguru’ is the simplest of all.

I am not able to do for more than ten minutes or fifteen minutes. Let it be. We carry the imprints and dirt of many ages on this mind. We shall reach the stage of higher/increased times of practice only gradually. A stage would be reached when we shall automatically and siliently recite this mantra in our minds. That is the way I have learnt.

Mind cleansing is a gradual process. We might have undergone many births of lower level and it is in this life that we have become a sikhs and have understood that it is only through the naam jap and simran that this non-sense called as mind can be kept tight to the pole and can be imprisoned else it shall make us slave of senses. Kill thy mind, is the phrase that is believed by many. Sikhi, in my humble opinion, has same coloring.

It is for this reasons that sages and saints used to do Jaap in jungles and led a simple life away from material things. Physical and sensual pleasures are poison. We do not take poison as we know we would die or we may have physical death. I am dead spiritually if I let my mind take control over my will. It has been told to me in Bani.

Hence simran/ naam jap , practice of bani may lead to same point but after listening to the discourses and having shared experiences with seniors It is ‘waheguru’ mantras that shall help us.

What is Naam

Naam at some places has been stated to be sabad in Bani.

auqpiq prlau sbdy hovY ] (117-8, mwJ, mÚ 3)

It is inside everyone and in each body that is created by Naam. Thus Naam created this creation and resides within us. It is this Naam that we long to search for.Wee look for this outside , it is inside us AMqir vsqu mUVw bwhru Bwly ](117-17, mwJ, mÚ 3)....
It is within us but we are nor aware of this.

God is also inside us

Similarly, It has been stated that Gt Gt mY hir jU bsY sMqn kihE pukwir ] (1427-3, slok, mÚ 9)

He is inside every one and each one of us. We may call it ‘waheguru’ or by Hari; it is immaterial.

It resides within but we are not aware of this as we have never tried to search it or look for due to ignorance or we were never told by our elders to practice ‘simran’ when we were kids. We were all career conscious and spent about 22-25 years in studies and learnt the ways and means to support ourselves in the ensuing days. We might have created more impressions on this mind that was already foggy or was full of suit and dirt.

I have digressed from the topic. But the font formation and preparation of post is fairly time consuming process.

It has been ordained to us in Slok Mehla 9 that:

gun goibMd gwieE nhI jnmu AkwrQ kInu ] (1426-10, slok, mÚ 9)
khu nwnk hir Bju mnw ijh ibiD jl kau mInu ]1] (1426-10, slok, mÚ 9)
ibiKAn isau kwhy ricE inmK n hoih audwsu ] (1426-11, slok, mÚ 9)
khu nwnk Bju hir mnw prY n jm kI Pws ]2] (1426-11, slok, mÚ 9)

There are indications that we should concentrate out focus on Guru Manatra in Slok Mehla -9 it self. Any one knowing Gurmukhi can make out that we have to do simran of waheguru mantra. Beyond this there is no prescription in Guru Granth sahib ji.
There is general prescription as prescribed to Sangats in Gurudwara to do simran on 'waheguru' or 'Mool Mantra'

nwmu rihE swDU rihE rihE guru goibMdu ] (1429-9, slok, mÚ 9)
khu nwnk ieh jgq mY ikn jipE gur mMqu ]56] (1429-9, slok, mÚ 9)

I do simran of 'waheguru' that is stated to be 'Gurumantra .
The following lines also speak

rwm nwmu aur mY gihE jw kY sm nhI koie ] (1429-10, slok, mÚ 9)
ijh ismrq sMkt imtY drsu quhwro hoie ]57]1] (1429-10, slok, mÚ 9)

Those who are in devotion to Lord remain in constant fear of the Lord so that they may be saved from the evils of Maya and the lower passions and instincts of human being. Constant practice on Guru mantra is the only method available to me for doing simran.

'Waheguru' has become of special significance to sikhs as Allah has become specific color to Muslims. It may have some sectarian significance.
For doing simran any name of God would do Sikhs believe in Naam and it is the path shown to us by Guru Maharaaj.

Simro simr simr sukh pavo….Kal kalesh tan mahe mitavo..

The physical pain and sickness of body and kalesh of mind are all removed or eradicated by Simran.

Simro jaas Bisamber eke
Remember and always remember the Bisamber [ one who gives us Rozi roti]

Naam Jpat agnit Anekke
There are many names innumerable names by which He can be remembered

[But what is wrong with waheguru that I should not remember HIM by this name. It is Guru mantra as well.It is fine for me.]

Ved Puran Smiriti sudhyakar Kene, Ramm naam ek Akhar
Even Vedas , Puranas and smirities have recommended this pure words i.e Ram..The Lord…

Kinka ek Jis ji Basave taki mahima Gani na avay
One in whose mind a ‘kinka’[very small] of naam simran is implanted by HIS grace, the state of the person is inexplicable

nwmu rihE swDU rihE rihE guru goibMdu ] (1429-9, slok, mÚ 9)
khu nwnk ieh jgq mY ikn jipE gur mMqu ]56] (1429-9, slok, mÚ 9)

Waheguru..waheguru. waheguru ji…
satinamu satinamu satinam ji.….
satinamu waheguru ….saitnamu waheguru …. satinam waheguru jeo
Bhul Chuk Mauf
Aug 28, 2010
Re: ਸੁਖਮਨੀ ਸਾਹਿਬ ਅਸਟਪਦੀ ੧ ਸਬਦ ੧ / Sukhmani Sahib Astpadi 1 Sabad ੧

I had worked on this post in the morning . But did not post it as many learned members had not posted. I am posting it for the purpose of learning and sharing.
In Raag Guadi, Sri Guru Arjan Dev ji Maharaj Blesses us with Sukhmani Bani that and is with love called as 'sukhmani sahib'. It is entered immediately after Bavan akhiri.

Construction and arrangement of bani

There are 24 ashtpadis in Bani. [asht means eight.]
Each Ashtpadi begins with 'slok'.
Each ashtpadi is of 8 Pads/ Paudi.
Each pad/paudi is of ten line.
Thus there are 24 slok and 24 ashthpadis [ i.e 24*8 =192 paudi.and 1920 Lines.
Each Paudi has 10 lines and generally last two lines of the Paudi are somewhat reflective of the entire Paudi.
The sloka is of 4 lines.
We have about 1920 lines of Ashtpadis and about 96 lines of Sloks [Total lines are 1920+96 lines=2016 lines ]
Ii is depicted it as follows


Slok......Ashtpadi......Paudi-[8 paudi in each ashtpadi]......each paudi comprise 10 lines....Followed by

Slok......Ashtpadi......Paudi-[8 paudi in each ashtpadi]
,…..Till we reach 24th Ashtpadi


It appears that Guru sahibs have explained to us the significance/ mahatam of Simran in the Paudi-1 as explained by my respected friend Ambarsaria ji.

Legend and Syntax

One can formulate general legend/syantax for referring to Pad/ Paudi 1 of Ashtpadi 1 as 1/1 and 2/1 would refer to the Pad/Paudi 2 of ashpadi 1.

Likewise 8/13 would mean Paudi 8 of ashtpadi 13. It is for the author to formulate some structure so that reference can be made in easy manner in future posts as the thread moves ahead.


SuKhan’ di mani. That which gives 'sukh ' to ‘manu’ or mind. There is no negation on the physical comforts as well. But greater significance is on spiritual sukh that is bliss and in ordinary language would mean peace of mind but at higher levels would lead to eternal bliss where one remains equi poised and ‘sukh ‘ ‘dukh’ becomes irrelevant.

It is not my endeavor to explain the Paudi in mixed fashioned that may not be structured as my friend has already given the meanings in structured fashion that one can refer time and again. I would like to be excused if there are typo/grammatical mistakes that would be in abundance if not in profusion. I am not very good at expressing and would not invite any questions on the post. Members may kindly forgive me for this audacity.
I am , of course , subject to correction.

What is to be simraned ?

What is to be simraned ? or what is to be kept in mind while doing simran. Without any hesitation, I would state that one should practice of ‘naam’. Guru ji has clearly used the words SIMRO or- Do Simran as by simran one gets the piece and bliss.
Simran is of the Naam ...Naam..and Naam….and Naam

Bani is to be assimilated, practiced and understood and implemented. Bani is also said to be Dhur ki Bani or God’s word

That, it is ‘naam jap’ that is to be carried out, has been stated in Bani at many places and does not require any line or Tuk to support it. A fine reading of Jap ji sahib would prove this point that is being made.

When are we Likely to do Simran

As and when it pleases HIM we are blessed with Simran and naam jap. He himself makes us to do namm jap and simran .I have treated these two terms as same as these are same to me.

jw quDu BwvY qw nwie rcwvih qUM Awpy nwau jpwvixAw ]3] (122-11, mwJ, mÚ 3)

Yes, it is repetition. Entire life is about repetition. We repeat our breaths and live out this life. We repeat the same routine day after day till we breathe our last.

I am too young and not yet acquainted with bani. But a reading has made it clear to me that for a layman like me it is ‘Guru Mantar’ and I know of nothing else.

Parroting on ‘waheguru’ is fine with me.

Life is all about this ‘word’. May be with HIS blessings a Guru sikh may be blessed with Naam di datt. But we would get it if 'Waheguru' so desires else it may be next time or it may take thousands of life and it should not matter if I see no immediate results. I shall definitely better of next life.

Cleansing of mind is a very slow process as I am told.
Naam jap and Simran is cleansing of mind and also keeping it under tighter reins. Every thing happens gradually till we attain the state of ’sehaj’ when everything seems to happen automatically with out making special effort.

Mantras in Bani

We have three mantras in bani.:
1. Mool Mantra
2. Beej Mantra
3. Guru Mantra

Guru mantra can be repeated with ease and ‘waheguru’ is symbolic to Sikhs hence the practice of ‘waheguru’ is the simplest of all.

I am not able to do for more than ten minutes or fifteen minutes. Let it be. We carry the imprints and dirt of many ages on this mind. We shall reach the stage of higher/increased times of practice only gradually. A stage would be reached when we shall automatically and siliently recite this mantra in our minds. That is the way I have learnt.

Mind cleansing is a gradual process. We might have undergone many births of lower level and it is in this life that we have become a sikhs and have understood that it is only through the naam jap and simran that this non-sense called as mind can be kept tight to the pole and can be imprisoned else it shall make us slave of senses. Kill thy mind, is the phrase that is believed by many. Sikhi, in my humble opinion, has same coloring.

It is for this reasons that sages and saints used to do Jaap in jungles and led a simple life away from material things. Physical and sensual pleasures are poison. We do not take poison as we know we would die or we may have physical death. I am dead spiritually if I let my mind take control over my will. It has been told to me in Bani.

Hence simran/ naam jap , practice of bani may lead to same point but after listening to the discourses and having shared experiences with seniors It is ‘waheguru’ mantras that shall help us.

What is Naam

Naam at some places has been stated to be sabad in Bani.

auqpiq prlau sbdy hovY ] (117-8, mwJ, mÚ 3)

It is inside everyone and in each body that is created by Naam. Thus Naam created this creation and resides within us. It is this Naam that we long to search for.Wee look for this outside , it is inside us AMqir vsqu mUVw bwhru Bwly ](117-17, mwJ, mÚ 3)....
It is within us but we are nor aware of this.

God is also inside us

Similarly, It has been stated that Gt Gt mY hir jU bsY sMqn kihE pukwir ] (1427-3, slok, mÚ 9)

He is inside every one and each one of us. We may call it ‘waheguru’ or by Hari; it is immaterial.

It resides within but we are not aware of this as we have never tried to search it or look for due to ignorance or we were never told by our elders to practice ‘simran’ when we were kids. We were all career conscious and spent about 22-25 years in studies and learnt the ways and means to support ourselves in the ensuing days. We might have created more impressions on this mind that was already foggy or was full of suit and dirt.

I have digressed from the topic. But the font formation and preparation of post is fairly time consuming process.

It has been ordained to us in Slok Mehla 9 that:

gun goibMd gwieE nhI jnmu AkwrQ kInu ] (1426-10, slok, mÚ 9)
khu nwnk hir Bju mnw ijh ibiD jl kau mInu ]1] (1426-10, slok, mÚ 9)
ibiKAn isau kwhy ricE inmK n hoih audwsu ] (1426-11, slok, mÚ 9)
khu nwnk Bju hir mnw prY n jm kI Pws ]2] (1426-11, slok, mÚ 9)

There are indications that we should concentrate out focus on Guru Manatra in Slok Mehla -9 it self. Any one knowing Gurmukhi can make out that we have to do simran of waheguru mantra. Beyond this there is no prescription in Guru Granth sahib ji.
There is general prescription as prescribed to Sangats in Gurudwara to do simran on 'waheguru' or 'Mool Mantra'

nwmu rihE swDU rihE rihE guru goibMdu ] (1429-9, slok, mÚ 9)
khu nwnk ieh jgq mY ikn jipE gur mMqu ]56] (1429-9, slok, mÚ 9)

I do simran of 'waheguru' that is stated to be 'Gurumantra .
The following lines also speak

rwm nwmu aur mY gihE jw kY sm nhI koie ] (1429-10, slok, mÚ 9)
ijh ismrq sMkt imtY drsu quhwro hoie ]57]1] (1429-10, slok, mÚ 9)

Those who are in devotion to Lord remain in constant fear of the Lord so that they may be saved from the evils of Maya and the lower passions and instincts of human being. Constant practice on Guru mantra is the only method available to me for doing simran.

'Waheguru' has become of special significance to sikhs as Allah has become specific color to Muslims. It may have some sectarian significance.
For doing simran any name of God would do Sikhs believe in Naam and it is the path shown to us by Guru Maharaaj.

Simro simr simr sukh pavo….Kal kalesh tan mahe mitavo..

The physical pain and sickness of body and kalesh of mind are all removed or eradicated by Simran.

Simro jaas Bisamber eke
Remember and always remember the Bisamber [ one who gives us Rozi roti]

Naam Jpat agnit Anekke
There are many names innumerable names by which He can be remembered

[But what is wrong with waheguru that I should not remember HIM by this name. It is Guru mantra as well.It is fine for me.]

Ved Puran Smiriti sudhyakar Kene, Ramm naam ek Akhar
Even Vedas , Puranas and smirities have recommended this pure words i.e Ram..The Lord…

Kinka ek Jis ji Basave taki mahima Gani na avay
One in whose mind a ‘kinka’[very small] of naam simran is implanted by HIS grace, the state of the person is inexplicable

nwmu rihE swDU rihE rihE guru goibMdu ] (1429-9, slok, mÚ 9)
khu nwnk ieh jgq mY ikn jipE gur mMqu ]56] (1429-9, slok, mÚ 9)

Waheguru..waheguru. waheguru ji…
satinamu satinamu satinam ji.….
satinamu waheguru ….saitnamu waheguru …. satinam waheguru jeo
Bhul Chuk Mauf

You have given very valuable information but I find that the construcion and arrangementof Baanee is not as per SGGS.
I think you are refering to the construction and arrangement from some GUTAKAA.

There is only ONE TUK of RAHA-Au.

There is reference of Beej Mantra and that GuR Mantra.How can the Word WAHiGURU can be SYMBOLIC for GuR Mantra.This is nowhere so in Gurbani.

I look forward to your views to improve my own understanding with regard to GuR Mantra as WAHiGuRU.

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