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Transmigration Of Soul

Oct 14, 2007

TRANSMIGRATION OF THE SOUL. doctrine of rebirth based on the theory that an individual soul passes at death into a new body or new form of life. Central to the concept is the principle of universal causality, i.e. a person must receive reward or punishment if not here and now then in a subsequent birth, for his actions in the present one. The soul, it is held, does not cease with the physical body, but takes on a new birth in consequence of the person`s actions comprising thoughts, words and deeds. The cumulative effect of these determines his next existence. Attached to worldly objects, man will continue in the circuit of birthdeathrebirth until he attains spiritual liberation, annulling the effect of his past actions. Belief in reincarnation is basic to the eschatology of all religions of Indian origin. Some Western philosophers of yore also believed in the transmigration of soul, but for them it was associated with the concept of the immortality of soul. In Indian tradition, on the other hand, transmigration is an essential concomitant of the doctrine of karma, according to which every action, physical or mental, has its own consequence which must be faced immediately or in future, either in this life or in the hereafter, good actions leading to a favourable reward and bad actions entailing punishment. The individual soul tjivatma), so it is believed, does not perish with the physical body but dons a new corporeal vesture in a new birth which is determined by its karma in the preceding births. Every new birth in its turn necessarily involves new karma or action leading to further consequences. Jivatma is thus tied to a karmik chakra or an endless cycle of birthactiondeathrebirth, until the chain is broken and karmik accumulation is dissipated and thejiva attains muktior moksa, i.e. liberation or release from transmigration. The origin of the idea of transmigration is traced back to the postVedic period. The early Aryans simply believed that good men ascended to heaven to join company with the gods while the souls of the wicked sank.down into the abyss of hell. The postulate that there is no unmerited happiness and unmerited misery and that the individual soul takes after death a new existence during which it reaps what, good or bad, it had sown earlier was first propounded in the ^atpatha Brahmana, one of the several commentaries that preceded the appearance of the Upanisads. Since then in India the highest spiritual goal has been the release of thejivatma from the cycle of birth and death or avagaman (lit. coming and going).
Oct 14, 2007
Different traditions within the Indian religious systems offer different analyses and correspondingly different solutions. One view is that since transmigration is subject to karma or actions, the cycle can be broken only through the annihilation or karma. Various methods have been suggested to achieve this end such as renunciation, nonaction, ritualism and gian (jnana) or philosophical and metaphysical knowledge. The doctrines of transmigration of soul and karma are accepted in the SIKH system, but with significant individual shades and emphases. Karma, it is true, determines its own consequence : jehe karma kamai teha hoisias one acts so shall one be (GG, 730). However, karma as part of the Divine Order (HUKAM) is a natural compulsion and hence is unavoidable. What is needed, therefore, is not annihilation of karma through nonaction, but doing good deeds and avoiding evil ones. Men are naturally endowed with power to discriminate between good and evil. Human life is on this account a valuable chance not to be frittered away. GURU NANAK warns : suni sunisikh hamari sukritu kitarahasimerejiare bahuri na aval van Listen, listen to my advice, 0 my Mind ! Only good deeds shall endure, and there may not be another chance (GG, 154).
Oct 14, 2007
Says Guru ARJAN :" milujagadls milan ki bana chirankal ih deh sanjana do meet the Lord of the Universe, for now is the time. After ages (passing through many different forms) have you attained the gift of human life" (GG, 176). Here in the world man has the opportunity to achieve ethical perfection, cherish the Lord and earn final release. Secondly, what lies at the root of the problem is not karma, but haumai, i.e. egoity or the sense of Iness. Jivatma (individual soul) is a spark or ray of the Ineffable Spirit, Paramatma, and its deliverance lies in its reunion with its source. What hinders such reunion is thejiva`s egoism. The jiva confined in its narrow shell and devoid of understanding of the infiniteness of Reality claims for itself a separate, individuated existence. It is haumai that robs a jiva`s karma or potential merit. Even the holiest of acts would not avail when accompanied by haumai or selfconceit. Says Guru Arjan, Nanak V : "jojo karam kie hau haumai te te bhae a/aeAll actions performed in ego go waste," (GG, 999) and "apas kau karamvantu kahavai, janami marai bahujoni bhramavaiAs long as he (jiva) thinks he is the doer, so long shall he continue wandering through wombs and births" (GG, 278).
Oct 14, 2007
What is needed is not annihilation of karma, but the conquest of haumai. This is done through right understanding of hukam (Divine Order), and the sabad (Divine Word) itself. As says Guru Amar Das, Nanak III, "ham kia ham karahage ham murakh gavar karnaivala visaria dujai bhai piaru Utterly misguided are they who, filled with ego lay out many claims for what has been done and for what remains to be done, forgetting the one who guides all of our actions, and falling a prey to illusion and duality" (GG, 39). When haumai is overcome and actions are dedicated to God, individuation ceases and die soul merges into the Absolute Beings. Another Sikh principle having bearing on the concept of transmigradon is that of nadar. Divine Order (hukam) although generally immutable is yet tempered by nadar or Divine Grace. The law of transmigration of soul, too, does not condemn a soul to irrevocable predestination and eternal karmik chakra. God`s nadar (lit. favourable glance) can at any stage redeem a soul and release it forever from the circuit of avagaman or transmigration. MUKTI or deliverance from the bondage of birth and death, according to Sikh belief, is not condngent upon the end to the present life. With God`s grace one can be a.jivanmukta, emancipated while still living. What is required of the seeker of nadar is to behave and act in such a way that he qualifies himself for His grace. Thus while karma is necessary and good deeds helpful, liberation finally comes through nadar. Says Guru Nanak in the JAPU, "karmi avai kapra nadan mokhu duaru body is determined by karma, but through nadar is found the door to liberation" (GG,2). There is nothing dreadful as such about birth and death, i.e. transmigration, although to transcend the cycle is ever the soul`s goal. Birth and death are part of hukam and are to be accepted as His raza or Will. Guru Nanak says : "jammanu mama hukamu pachhanuknow that birth and death are by His hukam alone," (GG, 412)
Oct 14, 2007

Again, "jammanu marana hukamu hai bhanai avaijai birth and death are by His hukam; by His Will does one come and go" (GG, 472). Besides being in tune with the Divine Will and practising humility and truth, the jiva is urged, in SIKHISM, to take shelter in nam or sabda. Without savouring nam one wanders endlessly from birth to birth. Says Guru Nanak "gur kau jani na janai kia tisu chaju acharu andhulai namu visaria manmukhi andh gubaru avanujanu na chukal marijanamai hoi khuaruThey who have not cherished the Guru nor realized nam will continue to transmigrate" (GG, 19). 1. Sabadarth Sri Guru GRANTH Sahib. AMRITSAR, 1959
2. Jodh
SINGH, Bhai, Gurmati Nimaya. LAHORE, 1932
3. Caveeshar, Sardul Singh, Sikh Dharam Darsha.n.
4. Sher Singh, The Philosophy of Sikhism. Lahore, 1944
5. Wazir Singh, Philosophy of Sikh Religion. Delhi, 1981

Oct 14, 2007
Extracts Of Post............****
naam binaa nahee chhootas naanak saachee tar too taaree. ||9||7||

without the NAAM, no one is saved; o nanak, with the TRUTH, cross over to the other side. ||9||7||
[SGGS, pg 1013]
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i believe an answer lies deep in that shabad. the way i understand that shabad is that the word 'saved' is used to refer to what lies beyond this mortal life which sikhs and hindus refer to 'freedom from transmigration' while the christians ans muslims would refer the word 'saved' to heaven or hell.

the guru says that without the loving devotion of the LORD, one cannot be saved. the other side has been interpreted differently by different faiths. whatever the other side be, the religions will agree that without devotion to the LORD, it cannot be achieved.

in sikhism, we have the shabad 'gur parsad' which means 'by the grace of the guru'. whatever question it may be or help one may seek to reach GOD, the true guru [ satguru ] is the only guide. the best we can do is follow with diligence the path laid down by our gurus.

guru nanak, in japji reveals the message:

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mat vich ratan javahar manik je ik gur ki sikh suni' [6]

if one listens to to the instructions of the guru, the reason becomes adorned with gems, rubies and diamonds.
. . . . . .

so, the answer to your questions lie in gurbani. study the gurbani diligently for the treasure of answers lie there.
Re: Transmigration of the soul in Sikhism
Oct 14, 2007
God's purpose in creating man?It may never be possible to understand fully God's purpose in creating man, but prophets have told us something about man's goal. It is generally accepted that God's purpose is for man to realize his divine inheritance while living in this mortal frame.

God made man in His own image. He put His divine spark in man which is called "The Soul". The soul enters bodily forms according to individual's actions. The wall of ego separates the soul from God. This leads to the cycle of birth and death. Metempsychosis can only be ended through meditation or the acquisition of divine grace.
God is not a cruel monster out for sport with mortals. On the contrary, He is like a benevolent father. He gave man a good start in this life by providing him with all the needs for his upkeep at the time of birth. Just as the body is sustained by food and drink, in the same way the soul is nourished by virtue and devotion. When the soul progresses with the performance of good deeds and the remembrance of The Name, it becomes more worthy of a merger to Divinity.
Man is a focal point in the universe. He is the apex of creation, the final stage. Human life is the starting point for God-realization. You cannot own salvation as an animal or stone. Only human life, offers this grand opportunity for spiritual attainment.
Man is made of spirit and matter: shiv and shakti. The spirit is subtle, while the body is gross. The body has to be cared for, because it houses the soul. A house-holder's life is the best life because it offers scopre for acts of charity and social service. Escapism or ascetisism is not advocated by Sikh religion.
Life may be compared to a game of chess or cards. Where the individual does not frame the rules or control the game. The cards are given to him; it is upto him to play the cards well or badly, wisely or foolishly. God watches over him and will reward him according to his efforts. In the ultimate analysis, human life is a rich gift, not something to be flittered away in frivolity. If one fails here, one has to go through the cycle of birth and death. It is man's option(what he can) to save himself from this chain of transmigration



1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Sikh80 ji

Say what one will -- You have given us a great gift on New Year's day by creating a thread about the subject of transmigration. It is so clear, so convincing, so faithful to scripture, so motivating to live life fully and live it as we best can. Every paragraph teaches a lesson. Please tell us who the author was. Was it Baldev Singh?

Thank you so much.


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
The yeaning for sangam, milaap, or se-maa-jau feeling one has is already in itself the purest prayer. No words are needed for that.

So where does language leave us ? High and dry ?

No necessarily. Because words were created to express this same feeling - but they don't come close to the original. On the contrary, they could be even misleading. To improve the outer effect of the inner expression, hence came about the creation of acts, dramas and plays.

Every individual has this inner feeling to be one with that which gives us joy, happiness, tranquility and perfection. But alas, they search it in all the wrong directions.

So what is the right direction ? I mean the direction where all these qualities give total and complete satisfaction which should be everlasting.

Is this satisfaction sensual like sex? No - because external stimuli have a very short span of providing pleasure.

But I am amazed as why so much is talked about in a parallel way about love for a spouse and love for God.

Psychologically, they have been inter-woven so intensely that one can't help giving equal or even greater importance to this temporal physical relationship.

Ha Ha Haaaa
Oct 14, 2007
Aad ji,
My contribution to thread is, as usual, is nil a Big ZERO.I am just doing copy pasting. It is good to learn that some intelligent people care for that is posted.
I am thankful to you for your kind and encouraging words.
Oct 14, 2007
Namjap ji,
Wishing yo a very happy new year it is submit that there acn be no language to express the basic feelings or even a minute particle nature.

Can someone even describe the color of an apple? I could not do it? You may like to try. Words are,may be, in close proximity but they cannot state the original feeling. You are cent percent right ,Sir.
Oct 14, 2007
aad ji/namjap ji.

The thread has some questions unanswered.
1.At what time the soul re-enters the new Body?
2.In case the soul does not get the new Body, where does it stay during the intermittent period?

3. What decides as to the soul will take up the body of woman or a man.?

4. I have an idea that it is stated in Gurbani, I shall have to dig the SGGS ji, that it is clearly stated as to when the man will be born as a woman in the next birth.I am not 100 percent sure. But will check it and let you know.
At what time the soul enters the new body, at the time of conception itself that is zeroth /1st day.? May be there is some answer with science.



ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
Sikh80 Ji,

A glimpse of how we perceive truth.

We express ourselves thru our mind and physical body. The result is strife and dissappointments. Let us consider how we can conquer our mind and change our hearts. Man is composed of body, mind (intellect) and soul. We have to develop all around.

To achieve this end, we must have an ethical or moral life which is a stepping stone to spirituality. Guru Nanak said, "Victory over the mind is victory over the world."

If we direct our attention toward soul, we become spiritual; the result will be love and peace. When we liberate ourselves from the bondage mind and matter we find we are conscious entities— souls.

We are, as it were, drops of the ocean of life.Your souls are of God, give unto God. Only the mind asks the questions and is time bound.

Soul exists beyond the realm of matter, energy, time and space. All of mind's questions are within the dimension of time and space.

A man who was blind from birth underwent an eye operation, after which he could see. His first experience of space by sight was like as if everything he saw was touching him. He had no concept of distance thru sight.

Your questions, Sikh80 Ji, are also within the space-time continium therefore what you're reading now is also within the mind world. Of course, there are gifted people who can tell you events in this time-space continium about when soul gets entrapped in the mind world after leaving the ocean of the absolute. But your question requires a precise answer as to when does soul enter the physical body and before that where is it ? It's like asking when will it start raining and where will the first droplet reach the ground.

Everything works in a random way. Yes I know you need to feed your mind by giving it a visual map. So that you'll move forward and ask the next more difficult question, lol. There is no end to the questions, no matter how much knowledge is gained.

Life just is. No questions. Try this exercise if you're willing to. Sit in a comfortable chair and take a few deep breaths. Ease yourself on a sturdy but comfortable chair. Relax your body and still your mind as much as you can. You'll definitely come to the conclusion that it is not possible to still the mind. So try this exercise as follows:-

Silently say to yourself, within you :
I am soul, the divine spark of God.
I have a physical body but I know that I am not my body. My body can be in states of health or illness and I can observe its conditions. Since I can observe and perceive myself as a separate entity - it confirms that I am not my physical body.

I am soul, pure consciousness. I have feelings. I can observe my emotions which might be in states of happiness or sadness. But I know I am not my feelings. I am soul, the pure consciousness of God.

I have a mind. I know I am not the mind. The mind oftens refuses to obey me. Therefore I cannot be my mind. I am above the mind. I am in control. I am soul. I am my trueself, a drop of the ocean of my Creator.

Bhai Baljit Singh Namdhari - Mat Dekh Bhoola

Happy New Year 2008.
Oct 14, 2007
It is once again requested to the members to kindly contribute to the development of this thread as it has not found adequate coverage.
Oct 14, 2007


The soul according to Sikhism is an entity in our body because of which the body can sustain life. On the departure of this entity from the body, the body becomes lifeless - No amount of manipulations to the body can make the person make any physical actions. The soul is the ‘driver’ in the body. It is the ‘roohu’ or spirit, the presence of which makes the physical body alive.

SGGS Page 19Full Shabad
The empty body is dreadful, when the soul goes out from within.
sunjee dayh daraavanee jaa jee-o vichahu jaa-ay.
The burning fire of life is extinguished, and the smoke of the breath no longer emerges.
bhaahi balandee vijhvee Dhoo-o na niksi-o kaa-ay.
The five relatives (the senses) weep and wail painfully, and waste away through the love of duality.
panchay runnay dukh bharay binsay doojai bhaa-ay.
Oct 14, 2007
Many religious and philosophical traditions, support the view that the soul is the ethereal substance — a spirit; a non material spark — particular to a unique living being. Such traditions often consider the soul both immortal and innately aware of its immortal nature, as well as the true basis for sentience in each living being. The concept of the soul has strong links with notions of an afterlife, but opinions may vary wildly even within a given religion as to what happens to the soul after death. Many within these religions and philosophies see the soul as immaterial, while others consider it possibly material.

In Hinduism, the Sanskrit word most closely corresponding to soul is "Atman", which can mean soul or even God. It is seen as the portion of Brahman within us. Hinduism contains many variant beliefs on the origin, purpose, and fate of the soul. For example, advaita or non-dualistic conception of the soul accords it union with Brahman, the absolute uncreated (roughly, the Godhead), in eventuality or in pre-existing fact. Dvaita or dualistic concepts reject this, instead identifying the soul as a different and incompatible substance.
Oct 14, 2007
TRANSMIGRATION OF THE SOUL is the doctrine of rebirth based on the theory that an individual soul passes at death into a new body or new form of life. Central to the concept is the principle of universal causality; i.e. a person must receive reward or punishment if not here and now then in a subsequent birth, for his actions in the present one. The soul, it is held, does not cease with the physical body, but takes on a new birth in consequence of the person’s actions comprising thoughts, words and deeds. The cumulative effect of these determines his next existence. Attached to worldly objects, man will continue in the circuit of birth-death-rebirth until he attains spiritual liberation, annulling the effect of his past actions.
Oct 14, 2007
Belief in reincarnation is basic to the eschatology of all religions of Indian origin including Sikhism ans Hinduism. Some Western philosophers of yore also believed in the transmigration of soul, but for them it was associated with the concept of the immortality of soul. In Indian tradition, on the other hand, transmigration is an essential concomitant of the doctrine of karma, according to which every action, physical or mental, has its own consequence which must be faced immediately or in future, either in this life or in the hereafter, good actions leading to a favourable reward and bad actions entailing punishment. The individual soul (jvatma), so it is believed, does not perish with the physical body but dons a new corporeal vesture in a new birth which is determined by its karma in the preceding births. Every new birth in its turn necessarily involves new karma or action leading to further consequences. Jivatma is thus tied to a karmik chakra or an endless cycle of birth-action-death-rebirth, until the chain is broken and karmik accumulation is dissipated and the jiva attains mukti or moksa, i.e. liberation or release from transmigration.