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Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji KI fateh.

Almost daily I come across "Sikhs" who tell me they have so much shardha in Gurbani..they beleive every single word of Gurbani..and this tells them that there are BHOOTS and PRETS.( also YUGS and Reincarnations..84 lakh joons and jamraaj and chitragupts..and and ..and..) I ask them..Have you really studied Gurbani ?? or just read gurbani..superficially...
The Difficulty and problem stems from the fact that we Sikhs always proclaim that GURU NANAK began a NEW RELIGION...a NEW system of THOUGHT...a Brand New Philosophy...etc etc BUT then we put on the Same old "spectacles" of Brahminism/vedas/purans...when we attempt to "look" at GURMATT Philosphy espoused in GURBANI. The "technique" Guru Ji used in Wriiting Gurbani is called PRODAWAAD...USE the "same old words" that already well known..BUT GIVE them NEW MEANINGS in line with the NEW GURMATT PHILOSOPHY. Thus we have mention of YUGS, REINCARNATION, BHOOTS, PRETS, 84 Lakh Joons etc etc..ALL these are used just as EXAMPLES..UDHARANS ONLY....to explain the new GURMATT. we cannot see the new gurmatt if we continue to BORROW the Brahmins" spectacles to see what Guru Ji wrote. WHY DID GURU JI THROW WATER at HARDWAAR ?? Does this Mean that We MUST also "THROW WATER" ?? Guru Ji is clearly THROWING WATER...But to TEACH his NEW GURMATT PHILOSOPHY....that THROWING WATER is a useless act...and even IF GURU JI also threw water..we are NOT to DO IT anymore after we read and understand GURBANI.

Lets see what are the BHOOTS and PRETS mentioned in Gurbani..
1.Page 289..SGGS "Saar BHOOT seh Har ka nao sehaj subhai nanak gun gao..... Here "BHOOT" is used for MATERIAL THINGS
2.Page 1202 SGGS "Kart buraee manas te chhapaee, Sathi BHOOT bhavaan"... Here BHOOT is TIME
3. Page 714 SGGS "Bhasma bhoot hoa khin bheetr Keea aapna paiya.." Here BHOOT is BODY
4. Page 839 SGGS " Panchmee panch BHOOT betala, aap agochar purakh nirala" Here BHOOT is Panch tatt Five Tatts
5. Page 1031 SGGS. " Dundar dhoot Bhoot bhehaleh,khinchotan kareh bheetaleh." Here BHOOT is used for VISHA VIKAARS
6. Page 513 SGGS " Maiya moh PRET hai, Kaam Krodh hankaara.." Here BHOOT PRET is MAYA..kaam, krodh,,hankaar
7. Page 890 SGGS. " Pasu pret mugadh te bureetiseh na bujheh jin eh siree..." Here BHOOT is for HUMAN BODY
8. Page 224 SGGS. "Kar kirpa rakhoh ravaleh..bin bujheh pasu paiyeah betaleh.." GIANHEEN..those without KNOWLEDGE are
9. Page 311 SGGS.." Sach sacha jineh na sevaiah se MANMUKH moorrh BETaleh.." here the MANMUKH is the BHOOT
10. Page 149.SGGS " Navoh bhoolah jag phireh betalia.." Here the WORLD is BHOOT
11. Page 556 SGGS ." kali andhar nanaka jinah da autaar..PUTT jnoora dhee janoree Joru jinah da sikdaar..Here the FAMILY is BHOOT
12. Page 1374 SGGS " Kabir ja ghar saadh na seviah...Har kee seva nahin..se ghar marthakh sarkheh BHOOT baseh tin maheh...
People WITHOUT any GUNN...are like "Houses with BHOOTS"
13. Page 802 SGGS.."Pasu pret mugadh ko tareh pahan paar utareh.. nanak dass teri sarnaii sada sada balihareh...Here GURU has the
ability to Make "BHOOTS" ( those without Gunn, Knowledge etc) into GOOD HUMAN BEINGS
14. Page323 SGGS.." Pretoh kettan devta tin karneh hareh.. sabhe SIKH swarean Prabh kaaj swareh.." Guru has the ability to make
Bhoot like Bad Human Beings into GOOD Angel like Devtas
15. Page 706.SGGS " Har bhagat bhav heenangNanak PRABH bisrteh preteh..." PRET is one who has forgotten Name of GOD

Only Prof sahib Singh ji in His Guru Garanth Darpan has stepped out of the BRAHMIN LKEER ( line of CONTROL) and doen justice to Gurbani aarths...all others have doen these arrths by remaining firmly TIED DOWN to Brahminic/Vedic Thoughts and Rituals..and our so callaed DERAWADEE SANTS and SAADHS and even Taksali Gyanis are lakeer de fkeer..makee te makhee maree jaan walleh..who mindlessly keep repeating these "bhoot bhoot" when GURBANI is s ayign the Direct OPPOSITE of what they preach...and keep pushing the unwary sikh towards the deep ocean of Hinduism and its bhoot prets and 33 krorr devtas and such myths...
Actually there are no Bhoot Pret Joonis...there is not a single tuk of Gurbani that declares that such a BHOOT pret can enter a Human Body and take possesiion of it..all such are MANSAK Sicknesses..sickness of the MIND and should be treated as such by medical professionals...not akhautee saadhs and sants reading gurbani over glasses of water and sprinkling them over such mentally disturbed persons..
Har ke naam heen BETAAL..Jeta karan karavan teta Sabh bandhan Janjaal..and also.....Koi Kaheh BHOOTNA koi BETALLA.... if such a Modern SAADH-SANT say from baba Wadbhag Singh Dera had come across GURU NANAK JI...he would have sat down to take out "Guru nanak Ji's BHOOT also...because Guru Ji declares ..People call me Bhootna, betalla..so whose "bhoot" is in GURU NANAK JI ?? Gurbani clearly declares that humans who dont have Naam, gunns, good deeds, knowledge of God are the BHOOTS in HUMAN FORM...

a small story. A man approached Guru Gobind Singh ji and pleaded that he saw BHOOTS/PRETS..and was frightened. Guru Ji asked him.. Have you taken Khandeh batte dee Pahul..Do you Do Nitnem...Do you read Gurbani Paath... and he repleid NO Guru Ji. Guru Ji then replied..to me YOU are the BHOOT/PRET...for without the Naam of Gurbani a Human is BHOOT/PRET. Any human who is not having love of God in him, does bad things, cannot see God in everyone...is a Living BHOOT/PRET..and GURBANI hs the Power to make such a bhoot into a good Human being. NO "DEAD" person can enter into any living human...so dont fall for that saadh/Sant/Tantrik trick to relieve you of your money...and SANITY and PEACE of MIND.

Jarnail Singh Gyani "Arshi"

The Following Comment was posted by Respected Prof devinder Singh ji Chahal....

:"...Mr Jarnail Singh Arshi Giani Ji has explained wonderfully that in all the phrases quoted by him the word’ Bhoot’ and ‘Pret’ have been used by Gurus as metaphors to convey their philosophy. According to Nanakian Philosophy embodied in the Bani of Guru Nanak the so-called Soul does not go into reincarnation of 8.4 million life-cycles or into the Bhoot or prêt form.. There is no such thing in this universe.

It is very important for the Sikhs to first understand the ‘Nanakian Methodology’ used by Guru Nanak and other Sikh Gurus to write their Bani. One of the various methods used by the Gurus is that they have used ALLEGORIES, METAPHORS, AND SIMILES extensively to convey their philosophy. As soon as one understands Nanakian Methodology it would be much easier to interpret Gurbani in its real perspective.

One can read about it on the following site:

Nanakian Methodology

For more articles on scientific and logical interpretations of Gurbani go to the following Net:

Prof Devinder Singh Chahal, PhD
Institute for Understanding Sikhism
4418 Martin-Plouffe
Laval, Quebec, Canada
H7W 5L9
Phone: 450-681-1254
Jul 13, 2004

Thanks for a refreshing perpective Gyani ji.

Gyani ji, what is meaning of following tuk in Sukhmani Sahib?
"Kayee kot jakh kinnar pisach Kayee kot bhoot pret shookar mirgach" Guru Sahib Ang 276



Mar 28, 2006

Gyani Jarnail Singh said:
all such are MANSAK Sicknesses..sickness of the MIND and should be treated as such by medical professionals...not akhautee saadhs and sants reading gurbani over glasses of water and sprinkling them over such mentally disturbed persons..

Respected Veer Gyani Jarnail Singh Ji,

You are right, these people are struck with Multiple Personality Disorder kind of things, and can be effectively treated by medication and psychiatric help.

As far as these akhautee Sadh Sants are, they are always after money and play with people's simple mindedness.

Naam Simran can help people with such disorders, for which a very devotional mindset is needed.
Jul 30, 2004

There is verse from Bhagat Namdev Ji which talks that person who is after house will be reborn as ghost.

Say another verse from Ninth master,when this sprit will levae the body wfe will run away from you calling you Ghost Ghost!.

If we have sprit in us as per Gurmat then it may leave our body and that sprit(not the soul) could be felt by senstive person mostly non bleiver.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004

Arvind said:
Thanks for a refreshing perpective Gyani ji.

Gyani ji, what is meaning of following tuk in Sukhmani Sahib?
"Kayee kot jakh kinnar pisach Kayee kot bhoot pret shookar mirgach" Guru Sahib Ang 276


Waheguru Ji ka khlasa waheguru ji ki fateh Arvind Jio,

This Tuk simply means that Guru Ji is warning us that those who live like "BHOOTS and PRETS"....without Naam japp and in the world of MAYA...then a KOT ( many millions) of Janams will NOT save them ....Merger into Waheguru..will NOT happen...MERGER..Pavan meh pavan..jal meh jal..jyot me JYOT ral giya is the Ultimate Aim of the HUMAN JANAM...

ALL those Naam Sakhneh ( empty of Naam) persons are living ghosts....prets who have human faces..but NO SOUL of humanity, love of waheguru, humility, Love of humanity..all the attributes which GURBANi and Nitnem are supposed to Fortify us and result in Merger with waheguru..

We can see many such persons...and they will be reborn as..or whatever..since they have WASTED this valuable chance..Gobind Milan kee eh teri Barria,,,ONLY one chance at the "Jackpot"...as you know once a machine pays a jackpot....it never comes again that soon....lets not make our jackpot a waste

Guru teg bahdur Jis Bani..ref Vijaydeeps messgae elsewhere is also stating aFACT...that when we DIE..even the Loved ones who promised to "die" with US..actually DONT do any such thing but cry Bhoot Bhoot and make an effort to get our body out of the house as fast as possible.

GURBANI came to us in HUMAN FORM...in LANGUAGE used by HUMANS...written on Paper in Ink for HUMANS...Taught to us in HUMAN FORM by Gods Messengers...it is clear that GURBANI is BRAHM VICHAAR for the HUMAN FORM....it has nothing to do with metaphysical ghosts bhoots prets blood sucking vampirtes, were wolves , Satanic possession, etc etc..IT is the Ultimate FORMULA for the HUMAN FORM to Grab the opportunity and MERGE with WAHEGURU.

Hope this answers your query. Please dont hesitate to ask many more..


Jarnail singh gyani
Jul 30, 2004
Yes das did read one verse often refered by Sant Singh Ji Maskeen.

Son is Jinnorha(Ginnie type).

He said that it may means that in wrong people,wrong spirit take birth.Perhpas he meant that wrong people further have wrong ofspring due to wrong habits.
anway das has seen those people suffering f\more from ghosts,occult or say evil eye(Nazer),who have done no devotion in life and had evil conduct.

may be it is thier gult contiousness which comes like ghost.But still till scince reaches to solve hypothicaltion of para normal,das can not make a view on that.
Jul 13, 2004
Thanks everyone and Gyani ji. I see the point you expressed.

One more thing, I heard about is "Shaheed Singhaa'n da Pehraa" ... What is that all about?

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
I had a massive debate with someone about this....who said bhoots and prets were a reality....I said no it was a metaphor...........the person said NO it was a reality...........I said ok Guru ji said God made men of clay too (see my footnote)......therefore we are made of clay....to which the person replied this was a metaphor......... :)

.......there are a some great lunatics around who call themselves Sikhs :)


May 28, 2006
I've maintained this for some time.

The literal manifestation of metphors turns Sikkhism into another form of Hinduism.

There would be no point in Guru Nanak rejecting the paganistic qualities of Hinduism just to substitute it with another form of the same thing.
Jul 30, 2004

Shaheed is that sort of the Singh,who is dead but not salvaged and his/her spirit is used to help people by Akal.

But thing here is that people have started to do Shaheed worship and even made ghost of those people ,who were salveged while being alive.concpet of Shheed may by from concpet of Beers or Veers coming in us from Hindus.

so no need to follow any fake person,who takes us after dead then taking us after Akal.
Jul 13, 2004
vijaydeep Singh said:
But thing here is that people have started to do Shaheed worship and even made ghost of those people ,who were salveged while being alive.concpet of Shheed may by from concpet of Beers or Veers coming in us from Hindus.

so no need to follow any fake person,who takes us after dead then taking us after Akal.
Veer ji, we are not talking about above. Question raised is: Whether Bhoot/Pret or shall I say Spirits exist or not. Is there anything like Atma? If Atma is there, then perhaps that could be of two kinds - good and bad. this leads to bad spirit being called bhoot/pret. so question is whether bhoot/pret exists.

Another perspective is when we say Jot of a human body, probably one means the Atma or spirit of a person.

Above all are questions which keep on getting in me... this doesnt mean I believe in this theory. Looking forward to response from learned members here.

Jul 30, 2004

We belive in tranmigration of sprit from one body into another(at one level of understanding but this is also not absoute).so there could be some time there before going from one body into another.

so in that time some good or bad things can be done by spirits.Das anyway thinks that there could be spirits.As sictists also have not totaly ruled them out as yet.


Apr 3, 2005
Arvind said:
Veer ji, we are not talking about above. Question raised is: Whether Bhoot/Pret or shall I say Spirits exist or not. Is there anything like Atma? If Atma is there, then perhaps that could be of two kinds - good and bad. this leads to bad spirit being called bhoot/pret. so question is whether bhoot/pret exists.

Another perspective is when we say Jot of a human body, probably one means the Atma or spirit of a person.

Above all are questions which keep on getting in me... this doesnt mean I believe in this theory. Looking forward to response from learned members here.


if there is paramatma ( god) then there is atma .if there is no paramatma then there is no need to do naam japna and the entire sikhism is false
Jul 13, 2004
vijaydeep Singh said:
so in that time some good or bad things can be done by spirits.Das anyway thinks that there could be spirits.As sictists also have not totaly ruled them out as yet.
Veer ji,

Present Science has not been able to define or find a spirit with its materialistic tools, this does not mean, that "spirit" is non-existent. Jot/Spirit/Atma/Rooh/Parmatma etc are the representations of the divine energy, which is not confined to a body. Kayee rooha'n bhatakdiya'n rehndiya'n hun.... kayee apne karma anusaar agle sareer wich chale jaandiya'n hun.

Arent we contradicting ourselves when we say - there is one God... there are 8.4 million reincarnations... there is nothing like atma... extending it to bad atma i.e. bhoot pret!

you know what, sometimes I think what if, one fine day we find or realize that:
1. Our vision is extended beyond the small portion of the optical spectrum, and we are able to see things, which normal eye can not see!
2. Our hearing power is extended beyond the audible frequencies of 20-2kHz, and we hear the cosmic noise!
3. Our speaking power gets enhanced and we speak loud and clear without speaking or using our mouth!

And then, well... we are not alone.. not a single planet Earth with life. My weird thought process says - what if we are already dead, and life exists everywhere around but not sensed by our limited perceptory organs. Guru sahib keh gaye - sab kuch jhooth hai, pani da budbuda hai

Feel free to ignore above ramblings :) please.

Bhull chukk di khima ji.


Apr 3, 2005
arvind ji the problem is not atma.the problem is obsession with bhoot pret
some people who beleive in them got so much obsessed with them that
even blame a simple pain on bhoot pret whcih is wrong.in india you will find so many fake baba,s who cheat people who are obsessed with ghosts.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Dear All,

IF we take any TUK...any Shabad..there is 110% SURE to be one TUK which emphsises..HUMAN BIRTH + OPPORTUNITY to DO NAAM JAPP..and save this Janam by MERGER with waheguru.

IS dehi ko simreh Dev....also Has this MESSAGE in the Tuk...Guru ji is EMPHASISING HOE very very very IMPORTANT and VALUABLE this Human BODY is..."even the DEVTAS..the DEVAs..the Angels.. WANT IT SO BADLY !!!! they simreh..they BEG for this Human Birth...NOW it is up to us..whetehr we wnat to begn "wasting time...thinking about devas,....devtass...bhoots..atmas..prets..shaheed singhs..blah blah blah...OR are we going to Tackle the TRUE MESSAGE of GURBANI and begin Doing Naam japp to SAVE this VALUABLE heereh jasie janam hai....Gobind Milan ke eh Teri barreeah....THIS Huamn Bireth doesnt Come but ONCE....meaning..do we count the trees or eat the FRUITS...the choice is ours...

so dear friends..GET out of this cesspool of bhoots prets singhs shaheeds doing pehras and all this time WASTING..and go towards the REAL MESSAGE of Gurbani...DO Naam japp...BHAGTEE SINGH !!!

Is dehi ko simreh dev..DO you WANT to WASTE this Huaman birth and then "become a DEV ?? and then go around waiting a billion years for human birth ?? THAT would be BIG TIME STUPIDITY....Read the SECOND part of thsi TUK....begin bhagtee man...dont waste time..life is just a NIGHT..MUKDEE challee rain...what KUFAKERREDEH panggeh are you into...?? no offense if i came across too strong..GURBANi si stronger..just have a look..SGGS pages 1-1429...

Gyani Jarnail Singh


Apr 3, 2005
Gyani Jarnail Singh said:
Dear All,

IF we take any TUK...any Shabad..there is 110% SURE to be one TUK which emphsises..HUMAN BIRTH + OPPORTUNITY to DO NAAM JAPP..and save this Janam by MERGER with waheguru.

IS dehi ko simreh Dev....also Has this MESSAGE in the Tuk...Guru ji is EMPHASISING HOE very very very IMPORTANT and VALUABLE this Human BODY is..."even the DEVTAS..the DEVAs..the Angels.. WANT IT SO BADLY !!!! they simreh..they BEG for this Human Birth...NOW it is up to us..whetehr we wnat to begn "wasting time...thinking about devas,....devtass...bhoots..atmas..prets..shaheed singhs..blah blah blah...OR are we going to Tackle the TRUE MESSAGE of GURBANI and begin Doing Naam japp to SAVE this VALUABLE heereh jasie janam hai....Gobind Milan ke eh Teri barreeah....THIS Huamn Bireth doesnt Come but ONCE....meaning..do we count the trees or eat the FRUITS...the choice is ours...

so dear friends..GET out of this cesspool of bhoots prets singhs shaheeds doing pehras and all this time WASTING..and go towards the REAL MESSAGE of Gurbani...DO Naam japp...BHAGTEE SINGH !!!

Is dehi ko simreh dev..DO you WANT to WASTE this Huaman birth and then "become a DEV ?? and then go around waiting a billion years for human birth ?? THAT would be BIG TIME STUPIDITY....Read the SECOND part of thsi TUK....begin bhagtee man...dont waste time..life is just a NIGHT..MUKDEE challee rain...what KUFAKERREDEH panggeh are you into...?? no offense if i came across too strong..GURBANi si stronger..just have a look..SGGS pages 1-1429...

Gyani Jarnail Singh

gyani ji i don't beleive in one chance thoery.some people are born mentaly retarded or with very little iq
they can't even understand what is naam japna.
does it mean that they will wait for one billion
years for another janam.what is there fault.
if there is one chance by god then all people should have same destiny.
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