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Jun 1, 2004
Some of us do have ik ong kar or the khanda tattooed on our hands... What do you think about this?


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Jul 13, 2004
i think its porbably rong because its altering the body that god had given u and also i think getting a tatoo done removes some of ur hair so that wud be a kurahit and also if u got ik oankaar on ur hand wat about wen ur eating, going to the toilet and touching something that might be dirty it wud be disrespect.


May 6, 2005
Singhsta, that is the lamest reply ever. If you want to get a tattoo, what is the big deal ? Will Babaji come down and strike you down ? An expression of love like a Khanda tattoo does not a disbeliever make. When you said "if you go to the toilet" ... what about when one wears a Khadda , is there a difference ? Get a grip on reality and concentrate on making our Religion better not more hard to follow.
Jul 13, 2004
Singhstah said:
i think its porbably rong because its altering the body that god had given u and also i think getting a tatoo done removes some of ur hair so that wud be a kurahit and also if u got ik oankaar on ur hand wat about wen ur eating, going to the toilet and touching something that might be dirty it wud be disrespect.

This reply is not lame. I think it would be insulting to Sikhism to get a tattoo of any form, this is because Sikhism teaches acceptance of God's will which is why Sikhs are not supposed to remove hait from any part of the body because hair grows, that is the way it is meant to be. To permanently ink one's skin would be to edit God's original form of the person.
Sikhism is about growing inner faith for God, so wearing necklaces with the khanda or getting a tattoo is just showy which is what Guru Nanak teaches against. This is the same reason why Sikhs do not have malas and tilaks.
If you love Waheguruji and Shri Guru Granth Sahib that much then construct a Gurdwara without mention of your own name, serve God and his devotees or do seva at the Gurdwara. Pray when no-one else is around. Sikhism is more complex, deeper and stronger than staining ink on one's body.


May 17, 2005
London, UK
Hello All,

When it comes to tats and Sikhi, well I say that Guru Granth Sahib does not say we should not have them. So I guess it is up to the individual.

I would say though that those of us that have tats, or get more have to accept that we do it for our own benifit, as body decoration. In that regard then accept it as one of the 5 thieves, and strive to be a better Sikh.



Feb 19, 2005
In the process of getting a tattoo, one of the first steps is for the tattoo'erto shave all of the body hair off the area that is being tattooed. Tatooing is also modifying the body, instead of keeping it intact.
Jul 13, 2004
Hello Lee and hira,

Sikhi teaches Sikhs to respect human body, which contains His light (Jot Saroop). Any act of modification in form of tattoo or shaving, though not written in Guru Granth Sahib, but is a part of Sikh Rehit.

Regards, Arvind.
Jul 13, 2004
Look what I just found: http://prabs.nomadlife.org/hello/1857327/640/DSC00070-2005.06.13-00.31.42.jpg
And I am actually kinda disgusted as a non-sikh... apart from the fact that hair was removed to have this Gurubani on his body, many people will see this while their hair is uncovered, and what about when this man is married, he will have intercourse with Gurubani on his body!!! This raises so much issues. If someone gets a tattoo then I personally think that they are wrong and immoral altogether, but for Sikhs, if they are a hair cutter then they should at least only get ones of khanda or a lion, no Gurubani as the body can get into the most unclean situations!
May 16, 2005
Vernon, BC Canada
hira said:
... Will Babaji come down and strike you down ? An expression of love like a Khanda tattoo does not a disbeliever make. When you said "if you go to the toilet" ... what about when one wears a Khadda , is there a difference ? Get a grip on reality and concentrate on making our Religion better not more hard to follow.

Just because you can, does it mean it's right? It seems to be deeply imbedded in the human spirit: "if we can get away with it, it's ok" One reason why the planet is so f---ed up and pouuted. And we are trying to make our religion better when following what the SGGS and our guru's have said, is suddenly going against it ok?


Jun 24, 2005
Well....my take on this issue is as follows:

Rules of religion and society are two different things and should be treated separately.

Let us first take religion. Each religion has its own way of referring to the ultimate power (aka God). Islamists refer to it as Allah, Hindus refer to it as Bhagwaan, we call it Waheguru. Each religion also tells us how to reach the God.

Then comes that social aspect of a religion. The social aspects of a religion drive our appearances. For example, the Rahetnama drived the Sikhs' special appearance. In Islam, Shariat tells that all men must have beard long enough to be grabbed by hand (It is a different issue that not all Muslims follow it).

Then comes the rules of the society we live in. These rules are separate from rules of religion and religion driven social rules. For example, we all wear clothes..No religion tells us that we have to wear clothes....It is "obvious". These social rules have evolved from time to time with the mankind. Some things which were forbiddeen earlier are now acceptable in society. Some ideas are still forbidden and some ideas came and then disappeared as they could not survive the litmus test of time.

Ear piercing was originally used by Moghul invaders to identify women slaves they took from India....And today, it is a fashion. You may even see ear rings/studs with Khanda on it, or a necklace with a Khanda on it. No one objects to them anymore.

Recently, in France, one shoe company came with a shoe design with the pictures of Hindu Lord Rama on them. Now, that was a stupid idea and was killed almost instantly.

Another company came up with a line of underwear with Hindu Gods printed on them....Another stupid idea.

The direction in which some of today's (so called) Sikh youth are moving, I won't be surprised if we will see some girl (or boy) wearing a Khanda shaped stud on her/his belly button and then claim that God will still love her/him. Come on...God will love you whatever stupid thing you do....It's like parents....they love their kids whatever you do...you may scream, you may have arguments, you may do things against their wishes, but parents do not stop loving their kids.

Tattoos are relatively new idea. If it passes the test of time and society, maybe in few years or decades it will be common and everyone will accept it as naturally as we have accepted ear piercing.

We should respect symbols of any religion as you respect your parents.


Hukum Kaur

Jul 6, 2005
Portland, Oregon
I do not believe getting a Khanda nor Gurbhanni tattoo is moraly ok, because these symboles are so sacred that it would be almost like stealing. I have a neclace with a khanda and I only put it on, when my energy is pure, when I am clean and when I am an open chanel to its power. I am not always these things, so a tatto of an Adi Shakti or Khanda or Gurbhanni would not befit me.
And I do not think one should shave anypart of their body, even once.
However, someplaces, the hair is so small you do not need to shave (Shoulder or low back, etc).
Sikhism has really helped me understand the power of symboles and images and above all, the Word, the ShabadGuru.
and so if one were to tattoo this ephemeral bag of flesh, it should be an image that resonates with ones soul and carries a message/reminder to the carrier.
I have a tattoo that I got a few months before finding Sikhism, I do not regret it.
I got a bamboo stalk from elbow to shoulder, and this symbolises rapid growth, the balence of streingth and flexability, and the sybole of the reed flute that is the body and the wind that is the music and the soul and God that passes through us...
Just like a spiritual name reminds one of their destiny, a tattoo can remind one of their priorities or dreams and inspirations. Tattoos are art, the body a most sacred canvas, meditate on the design for a few years, just dont over do it or become addicted to the needle. Intention has a LOT to do with weather or not it is an act of Maya. I the tatoo for your ego to show off, or is it for your mind to remember who you really are? I know that some Sikhs, in India espetially, will look down upon my arm or think me not True, I consider this my job to help expand the minds, and contract some minds, to walk the path of neutrality.
Sat Naam, Wahe Guru
Liv Kaur
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Sep 7, 2005
The fact of the matter is that it is not directly considered a sin to get a tattoo. I have a question, if getting a tattoo were as bad as cutting one's hair, would it not be written as a sin? And it is not like if you do get a tattoo, Waheguru will turn his back to you. I know of people who get their hair cut but still commit their time to the lord. So these are my "two cents", if you want to get a tattoo, by all means go and get one. But not if you are Amrit-shak.


Sep 3, 2005
i was wondering if tatooing is such a big deal how about the decoration stuff in the cars is that considered as wrong or what??? Cauz we were actually thinking of placing vilyn stickers onto our car with encription of god sybols


May 24, 2005
waheguruji da khalsa waheguruji di fateh!

well lets start by saying that

- piercing and tattoos were made on animals, cattle etc to differetiate between them and their ownership. do you want to be an animal?

- i am sure i read something in sri guru granth sahib on making marks on your body.

- the koran and bible also forbid their followers to do piercings and make tattoos

-from the holy bible leviticus 19 :28
according to the bible, these are the words of waheguru which he said to Moses "ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead nor print any marks upon you: i am the Lord"

leviticus 19:27 is even more interesting
ye shall not round the corners of your heads, neither shalt thou mar the corners of thy beard.:up:

man is such a selfish and egoistic being, he even tries to twist, edit and ignore words of god if they dont suite him.

I apologise if i have mentioned something wrong!


May 17, 2005
London, UK
Sat sri akaal!

Cyber Sangat,

Tattoing is actualy very, very old and not a recent think at all. It is known that tattoinh the skin is at least 5000 years old, and probably much older than that.

In relation to tattos in general, if Guru Granth Sahib does not restrict against it then I guess it is fine. However tattoing is a form of body decoration, like jewlry, wearing fashinable cloths, makeup, etc.. If we do this to make ourselves look or feel better that as I have said before, can it be said that we are giving into ego?

As far as tattoos of Gurbani go, heh well God is everywhere, I think the thing to bear in mind is respect for God, but we cannot be too serious over Gurbani on body, or in news papers or on posters etc.. because God is the body, and the newspapers and the posters.


Sep 30, 2005
waheguru ji ka khalsa
waheguru ji ki fathe!

i simply think if guru ji wanted you to have a tattoo then we would of been given it at birth. as a sikh we cannot re-form our body in anyway whether its cutting you're hair or getting a tattoo-->its simply the same. also a tattoo could make a person increase his or her ego. if guru jus wanted us to have earing's or whatever s/he would of given it. my opinioun as a sikh is its wrong for no matter what reasons and if you love you're sikhi so much and want to show it off im sure the dastar would potray it. sikhi isn't about how much you look like a sikh its about how bad you want it and tattoo's and percings just come in the way.


May 17, 2005
London, UK
ranjodh singh khalsa said:
waheguru ji ka khalsa
waheguru ji ki fathe!

i simply think if guru ji wanted you to have a tattoo then we would of been given it at birth. as a sikh we cannot re-form our body in anyway whether its cutting you're hair or getting a tattoo-->its simply the same. also a tattoo could make a person increase his or her ego. if guru jus wanted us to have earing's or whatever s/he would of given it. my opinioun as a sikh is its wrong for no matter what reasons and if you love you're sikhi so much and want to show it off im sure the dastar would potray it. sikhi isn't about how much you look like a sikh its about how bad you want it and tattoo's and percings just come in the way.

I have to say that I simply don't agree with all you say here Ranjodh Ji. The reason and really the only reason for a Sikh not to cut the hair, is to obey the will of God. I agree with you about the ego and indulgeing in it, I also agree that Sikhi is not how you look. However the whole 'If we where meant to have.... we would have been born with it' line of argument just isn't true. I was not born with hair, or clothes, I was not born with wings yet is it un-Sikh for me to get in a plane and fly?

I can respect your opinion, and in fact I do, but my opinion says when and where has God told us not to alter our bodies, or not to have tattos?
If you could point me to these places I would be very much in your debt.


Sep 11, 2005
Dear Friends

It is a belief , If everything seems Anti-Gurmat.

Then we should do the following :

OMG Those who want to be a Purest of Purest Sikh Should Visit a Desert :

Sit There with gloomy Faces,
Stick a Tape on the Mouth so that neither good words nor bad words can be spoken.
Plug the Ears Nothing could be heard
Plug the Nostrils , so that while breathing the viruses or bacteria not enter , as it will be ..........
Tie a Black Cloth on your eyes so that nothing can be seen ........

Plug your back so that no bad thing could be eased out .

Plug all your exit parts ............

Do Nothing , Speak Nothing , Hearing Nothing , Listening ...........

Now , Nothing will be against any Religion ..............OMG


Aug 25, 2004
Amerikaur said:
In the process of getting a tattoo, one of the first steps is for the tattoo'erto shave all of the body hair off the area that is being tattooed.


Unless of course, the tattoo is going in a secluded area of the body.
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