Respected Sikh Cyber Members,
Waheguru jee ka Khalsa Waheguru jee kee Fateh
In the Delhi Sikh Gurdwaras Act 1971 passed by the Parliament of India
on 30th December 1971, it is mentioned that "Sikh" means a person who
professes the teachings of Sri Guru Granth Sahib and the Ten Gurus only,
and keeps unshorn hair.....
8. Every person who -
(a) has been ordinarily resident in a ward for not less than one hundred and eighty days during the qualifying period;
(b) is a Sikh of not less than twenty-one years of age on the qualifying date; shall be entitled to be registered in the electoral roll for that ward;
Provided that no person shall be registered as an elector who -
(a) trims or shaves his beard or keshas;
(b) smokes;
(c) takes alcoholic drinks.
Hence, Sikh voters should always practice TRUTH, and if someone does
not follow the basic tenets then that person is a hypocrite, impostor.
In respect of third point:
< siqgur pRswid ]
In most of the foreign countries, it is customary to offer drinks during the official and social gatherings. In 1981, when I first came to Australia, I was confronted with the question of ‘drinking’. When explained that Sikhs neither drink nor smoke, Australians accepted my explanation. During the official functions or private parties, I was offered juice or soft drinks only. But I am surprised when this question is raised by the Sikhs that there is no harm to have a small drink occasionally. Despite giving them convincing reasons and extracts from the books, they generally remain unsatisfied and require further authentic proof from the “Guru Granth Sahib”. With this in view, following Divine Revealed Word (Gurbaani Shabds) are reproduced for their information and guidance:
Guru Nanak Sahib preaches us:
isrI rwgu mhlw 1 ] gurU gRMQ swihb - pMnw 16 ] bwbw horu Kwxw KusI KuAwru ] ijqu KwDY qnu pIVIAY mn mih clih ivkwr ] 1 ] rhwau ]
ArQ: hy BweI ! ijMnHW pdwrQW dy Kwx (pIx) nwl srIr rogI ho jWdw hY Aqy mn iv~c BI keI mMdy i^Awl qur pYNdy hn, aunHW pdwrQW nMU Kwx (pIx) nwl ^uAwr hoeIdw hY [ (tIkwkwr, pRoPYsr swihb isMG jI)
Friend, all other foods (including drinks), (and) all other pleasures, are vain. For, they fill the mind with Evil and make the body writhe in Pain. GGS P. 16, (Dr. Gopal Singh jee)
Awsw mhlw 1 ] gurU gRMQ swihb - pMnw 360 ] pUrw swcu ipAwlw shjy iqsih pIAwey
jw kau ndir kry ] AMimRq kw vwpwrI hovY ikAw mid CUCY Bwau Dry ] 2 ] 4 ] 38 ]
ArQ: (hy jogI !) ieh hY auh ipAwlw ijs dI msqI sdw itkI rihMdI hY, s~B guxW dw mwlk pRBU Afolqw iv~c r~K ky aus mnu~K nMU (ieh ipAwlw) iplWdw hY ijs au~qy auh Awp myhr dI nzr krdw hY [ jyhVw mnu~K At~l Awqimk jIvn dyx vwly ies rs dw vpwrI bx jwey, auh (quhwfy vwly ies) hoCy Srwb nwl ipAwr nhIN krdw [ (tIkwkwr, poRPYsr swihb isMG jI)
The Lord, perfection incarnate offers this cup of Truth spontaneously, To Whomsoever He shows grace. One that deals in Amrita (Nectar Word), by hollow intoxicants (wines) shall not be attracted. GGS P 360 - (Prof Gurbachan Singh jee Talib, Punjabi University, Patiala)
sloku mrdwnw 1] gurU gRMQ swihb-pMnw 553] kil klvwlI kwmu mdu mnUAw pIvxhwru ] kRoD ktorI moih BrI pIlwvw AhMkwru ] mjls kUVy lb kI pI pI hoie KuAwru ] krxI lwhix squ guVu scu srw kir swru ] gux mMfy kir sIl iGau srmu mwsu Awhwru ] gurmuiK pweIAY nwnkw KwDY jwih ibkwr]1]
ArQ: kljugI suBwau (mwnoN) (Srwb k~Fx vwlI) m~tI hY; kwm (mwnoN) Srwb hY qy ies nMU pIx vwlw (mnu~K dw) mn hY [ moh nwl BrI hoeI kRoD dI (mwnoN) ktorI hY qy AhMkwr (mwnoN) iplwaux vwlw hY [ kUVy l~b dI (mwnoN) mjls hY (ijs iv~c bih ky) mn (kwm dI Srwb nMU) pI pI ky KuAwr huMdw hY [ cMgI krxI nMU (Srwb k~Fx vwlI) lwhx, s~c bolx nMU guV bxw qy s~cy nwm nMU sRySt Srwb bxw [ guxW nMU mMfy, sIql suBwau nMU iGau qy Srm nMU mws - (ieh swrI) ^urwk bxw [ hy nwnk ! ieh ^urwk siqgurU dy snmu~K hoieAW imldI hY qy ies dy KwiDAw swry ivkwr dUr ho jWdy hn [ [Guru Nanak attributed the composition to Bhai Mardana]
Kaliyuga is the vat, lust the wine; the mind the boozer. With wrath is the cup by attachment filled; Pride the cup-bearer. In circle of false avarice, those thus boozing forfeit all honour. Make good deeds and truth the molasses, Thus the wine of Truth thou distil. Make good qualities the pancakes, good conduct the ghee (clarified butter), Modesty the dish of flesh. These dishes, Saith Nanak, by the Master’s guidance are obtained, By whose consumption evil-thinking vanishes. GGS Page 553 - (Professor Gurbachan Singh jee Talib)
mrdwnw 1 ] kwieAw lwhix Awpu mdu mjls iqRsnw Dwqu ] mnsw ktorI kUiV BrI pIlwey jm kwlu ] iequ mid pIqY nwnkw bhuqy KtIAih ibkwr ] igAwnu guVu swlwh mMfy Bau mwsu Awhwru ] nwnk iehu Bojnu scu hY scu nwmu AwDwru ] 2 ]
ArQ: srIr (mwnoN) (Srwb k~Fx vwlI sm~grI smyq) m~tI hY, AhMkwr Srwb, qy iqRSnw iv~c Btkxw (mwnoN) mihPl hY [ kUV nwl BrI hoeI vwSnw (mwnoN) ktorI hY qy jm kwl (mwnoN) iplwauNdw hY [ hy nwnkw ! ies Srwb dy pIiqAW bhuqy ivkwr K~ty jWdy hn (Bwv, AhMkwr iqRSnw kUV Awidk dy kwrn ivkwr hI ivkwr pYdw ho rhy hn) [ pRBU dw igAwn (mwnoN) guV hovy, is&iq swlwh rotIAW qy (pRBU dw) fr mws-ieh ^urwk hovy[ hy nwnk ! ieh Bojn s~cw hY ikauNik s~cw nwm hI (izMdgI dw) Awsrw ho skdw hY [
The body is the vat, ego the wine; Restless desire the boozers’ circle. Passion the cup falsehood-filled, that Yama, agent of death is doling out. Saith Nanak: By drinking such wine are numerous sins earned. Make enlightenment the molasses, Divine laudation the pancakes and Fear of God the dish of flesh. Saith Nanak: Seeking prop of the holy Name, Is this the feast of Truth. (Professor Gurbachan Singh jee Talib)
(mrdwnw 1 ]) kWXW lwhix Awpu mdu AMimRq iqs kI Dwr ] sqsMgiq isau mylwpu hoie ilv ktorI AMimRq BrI pI pI ktih ibkwr ] 3 ]
ArQ: (jy) srIr m~tI hovy, Awpy dI pCwx Srwb qy aus dI Dwr (Bwv, ijs dI Dwr) Amr krn vwlI hovy [ sqsMgiq nwl myl hovy (Bwv, mjls sqsMgiq hovy) qy AMimRq (nwm) dI BrI hoeI ilv (rUp) ktorI hovy, (qW hI mnu~K) (ies Srwb nMU) pI pI ky swry ivkwr pwp dUr krdy hn [ {tIkwkwr: pRoPYsr swihb isMG jI}
Make the body the vat; of the ego make wine, Which in stream of Amrita pours. In unison with holy company, with cup of devotion, Quaff cupfuls of Amrita – By such quaffing is annulled evil-thinking. (Professor Gurbachan Singh jee Talib)
Guru Amardas Sahib expounds the effects of drinking liquor:
slok m: 3 ] gurU gRMQ swihb - pMnw 554 ] mwxsu BirAw AwixAw mwxsu BirAw Awie ] ijqu pIqY miq dUir hoie brlu pvY ivic Awie ] Awpxw prwieAw n pCwxeI Ksmhu Dky Kwie ] ijqu pIqY Ksmu ivsrY drgh imlY sjwie ] JUTw mdu mUil n pIceI jy kw pwir vswie ] nwnk ndrI scu mdu pweIAY siqguru imlY ijsu Awie ] sdw swihb kY rMig rhY mhlI pwvY Qwau ] 1 ]
ArQ: jy mnu~K (ivkwrW nwl) ilbiVAw hoieAw (eyQy jgq iv~c) ilAWdw igAw, auh eyQy Aw ky (hor ivkwrW iv~c hI) il~bVdw hY (qy Srwb Awidk kukrm iv~c pYNdw hY) [ pr ijs dy pIiqAW Akl dUr ho jWdI hY qy bkx dw joS Aw cVHdw hY [ Awpxy prwey dI pCwx nhIN rihMdI qy mwlk vloN D~ky pYNdy hn [ ijs dy pIiqAW Ksm ivsrdw hY qy drgwh iv~c szw imldI hY, AYsI cMdrI Srwb ijQoN q~k v~s c~ly kdy nhIN pIxI cwhIdI[ hy nwnk ! pRBU dI myhr dI nzr nwl ‘nwm’-rUp nSw (aus mnu~K nMU) imldw hY, ijs nMU gurU Aw ky iml pey [ auh mnu~K sdw mwlk dy (nwm dy) rMg iv~c rihMdw hY qy drgwh iv~c aus nMU QW (Bwv, ie~zq) imldI hY [
One man offers and another pours himself (the drink). And it makes him crazy and senseless and devoid of all reason. Then one can distinguish not between one’s own and another’s and is cursed by God. Drinking it, one forsakes one’s Master, and is punished at the Lord’s Court. Nay, one should drink not this vicious wine, as far as one can help. If the Lord’s Grace be upon one, one is Blest with the True Wine. And one is imbued with one’s God and is ushered into the Lord’s Presence. GGS Page 554 -(Dr. Gopal Singh jee)
Guru Ramdas Sahib describes the condition of a drunkard as follows:
gauVI kI vwr mhlw 4 ] pMnw 311 ] scu scw ijnI n syivAw sy mnmuKu mUV byqwly ]
Eih Awl pqwlu muhhu boldy ijau pIqY mid mqvwly ] 19 ]
ArQ: gurU swihb aupdyS krdy hn ik hy BweI ! ijnHW ny s~cy hrI nMU nhIN ismirAw, auh mnmu~K mUrK qy Buqny mUMhoN Aijhw bkvws krdy hn ijvyN Srwb pIiqAW SrwbI bkvws krdy hn [
They, who served not the Lord of Truth, are turned away from God; in ignorance they reel.
They bark out insensible prattle, as do the drunkards. GGS P. 311 -(Dr. Gopal Singh jee)
Guru Arjun Sahib also teaches us:
Awsw mhlw 5 ] gurU gRMQ swihb - pMnw 399 ] durmiq mdu jo pIvqy ibKlIpiq kmlI ]
rwm rswieix jo rqy nwnk sc AmlI ] 4 ] 12 ] 114 ]
ArQ: (hy sMq jno !) KotI miq (mwno) Srwb hY jyhVy mnu~K ieh Srwb pIx l~g pYNdy hn (jo gurU dw Awsrw C~f ky KotI miq dy ip~Cy qurn l~g pYNdy hn) auh durwcwrI ho jWdy hn Aqy auh (ivkwrW iv~c) J~ly ho jWdy hn [ pr, hy nwnk ! jyhVy mnu~K pRmwqmw dy nwm dy sRySt rs iv~c msq rihMdy hn, aunHW nMU sdw iQr rihx vwly pRmwqmw dy nwm dw Aml l~g jWdw hY [
They who drink the wine of Vice, their mind is turned. But they who drink the Elixir of the Lord are in the Ecstasy of Truth. GGS Page 399 - (Dr. Gopal Singh jee)
mwrU mhlw 5 ] gurU gRMQ swihb - pMnw 1001 ] pRwn suK dwqw jIA suK dwqw qum kwhy ibswirE AigAwnQ ] hoCw mdu cwiK hoey qum bwvr dulB jnmu AkwrQ ] 1 ]
ArQ: hy AigAwnI ! qUM ikauN aus pRmwqmw nMU Blw id~qw hY jo ijMd dyx vwlw hY, swry suK dyx vwlw hY Aqy swry jIvW nMU suK dyx vwlw hY [ CyqIN mu~k jwx vwly Srwb dy JUTy moh dw nSw c~K ky qUM J~lw ho irhw hYN Aqy qyrw kImqI jnm ivArQ jw irhw hY [
Ignorant man! Why be forgetful of the Provider of joy to life, Provider of joy to the Self?
Tasting of the world’s insipid liquor are you turned mad, making waste of your life hard to attain. GGS Page 1001 - (Professor Gurbachan Singh jee Talib)
Saint Ravidas ji warns us:
mlwr bwxI Bgq rivdws jI kI ] gurU gRMQ swihb - pMnw 1293 ] sursrI sll ikRq bwrunI ry sMq jn krq nhI pwnM ] surw ApivqR nq Avr jl ry sursrI imlq nih hoie AwnM ] 1 ]
ArQ: hy BweI ! gMgw dy pwxI qoN BI bxweI hoeI Srwb, gurmu~K lok nhIN pINdy (Bwv, auh Srwb gRihx-krn-Xog nhIN, iesy qrHW AhMkwr BI Aaugx hI hY, cwhy auh au~cI pivqR jwq dw kIqw jwey) [ pr hy BweI ! ApivqR Srwb Aqy BwvyN hor gMdy pwxI BI hox, auh gMgw dy pwxI iv~c iml ky, aus qoN v~Kry nhIN rih jWdy (iesy qrHW nIvIN kul dw bMdw BI prm pivqR pRBU iv~c juV ky, aus qNo v~Krw nhIN rih jWdw) [
O’ holy men! Drink not wine, even though it be made with the Ganga’s water (Hindus’ holy river). The impure wine, -- nay rather some other dirty water as well, meeting (mixing) with the Ganges, remains not different from it. P 1293 (Advocate Manmohan Singh jee, SGPC)
Saint Kabir ji further tells us:
slok Bgq kbIr jIau ky ] gurU gRMQ swihb - pMnw 1377 ] kbIr BWg mwCulI surwpwin jo jo pRwnI KWih ] qIrQ brq nym kIey qy sBY rswql jWih ] 233 ]
ArQ: hy kbIr ! jo lok “Bgqn syqI gosty” kr ky qIrQ-XwqRw, vrq-nym Awidk BI krdy hn qy auh SrwbI lok BMg-m~CI BI Kwdy hn (Bwv, sqsMg iv~c BI jWdy hn, Srwb-kbwb BI KWdy pINdy hn Aqy ivkwr BI krdy hn), aunHW dy auh qIrQ, vrq Awidk vwly swry krm iblkul ivArQ jWdy hn [
Saint Kabir says: the mortals who eat (consume) bhang (hemp) and fish and drink wine, Shall all go to hell, whatever pilgrimages, fasting, and daily devotion they may perform.
GGS Page 1377 - (Mr. Max Arthur Macauliffe)
There is no doubt that alcoholic drinks affect the body and mind by way of serious diseases. We also know that drinking and driving is also an offence that is why breath testing on the highways is a common feature. During the Good Friday, Christmas and New Year holidays there is always increase in deaths due to drink - driving. Apart from the non-violation of traffic rules, in view of religious injunction, Sikhs generally remain away from such happenings and accordingly by the blessings of Guru Sahibaan, Sikhs enjoy better life. Whatever may be the Doctors or Scientists’ views, Sikhs being followers of the Sikh Faith, should not drink beer or any other alcoholic spirits.
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vwihgurU jI kw ^wlsw vwihgurU jI kI &iqh ]
Reproduced for free distribution by, [Sunday: 13th October 2002]
9 – HAMLIN STREET, QUAKERS HILL, N S W - 2763, AUSTRALIA {Tel/Fax No. 61 – 2 – 9837 2787}
Gurmit Singh (Sydney - Australia)