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Professor Dhunda: Intellectual Or Misleading?

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Dec 19, 2011
Brampton, Ontario, Canada
Controversial preachers like Dhuna earn their roji roti by doing emotional blackmail on Sangat.

I like to know why people call Sarabjit Singh Dhunda with a tittle of Professor. Does he understand what makes a person professor or how long it takes to become a professor in any subject? If he is not a qualified professor, than why he is using the professor title. What kind of preacher lies?

In his video he is labeling our own mothers, sisters and daughters as females prostitutes because of dancing in private family functions or happy occasions such as marriage. Is this how preachers do prachar by name calling and making character mockery of bibian with degrading examples of prostitutes. Simple task of missionary is to guide our community rather than doing offensive adultery talk against some members of sangat and that too in the hazoori of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.
Personally to me he is nobody, I can comprehend Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, it is easy for a Sikh to follow his dharam flawlessly. Translations are available in Punjabi and English. I don’t think we need third party dodgy pracharks such as Dhunda to tell us about Sikhi. We have our Guru, Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. We should remove third party such as dhunda from our life. We must stop listing to third parties such as missionary Dhunda or Ghagga, as such third parties will always create confusions.

If we want peace in our life then the formula is very simple and given by our Guru Sahib: kirt karni, Vaand ke shakna, Naam Simran Karna and Bhanna man-Keh-Charrdi kala vich rehana. We spend almost half of our life working, we will never miss a day from work but we do not find time to read and understand straight message from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. We will rush to Gurudwara Sahib when such dodgy character less preacher comes to visit foreign shores. We believe that these preachers will do some magic on us so that we can get on to follow Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Most of our naïve brothers and sisters go to see such preacher, thinking that he will give us the medicine for our sins. What our brothers and sisters don’t know is that NOBODY can give us anything except our Guru Sahib jee.

We are simply just being lazy, pathetic and naïve by totally relying on pathetic preachers like Dhunda. I was like them but with guru jees blessing, I got out of that rut.

It is easy for a missionary like Dhunda to do lectures on us because he knows our weakness that most of us are empty and ignorant about faith. We should understand that these missionary are paid and free all day to memorize few tuks from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji and then use that against us. They live their roji roti by doing emotional blackmail on Sangat. We must stop giving our minds to such shady character otherwise we will become a cult-controlled mind. I know a family who got attached with this missionary cult and now their family is ruined. My brothers and sisters who are not aware of our dharam then be alert and be careful and always take guidance from Guru Sahib Jee rather than from duki tuki preacher like dhunda. Always ask guidance from Guru sahib ji and he will take care of us. We must remember Guru jee both in Dukh and Sukh. Guru jee will shower you with his grace, everything will change to .

Guru fateh
Darshan Singh

Source: Preachers like Dhunda misleading naive Sikh Sangat
Feb 15, 2012 by SSNews

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ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Sukritkaur Bhain world is not as straight as it appears some times.

Checkout the following URL,

Darshan Singh DG Ghankas, Authorized Signing Officer


Nice house for the Charity address. It appears lot of people have opened charities and Gurdwaras in their homes for Tax purposes. The above appears related to the author of the article. Very suspicious! Also appear to be Dasam Granth pushers!

Sat Sri Akal.

PS: Sukritkaur ji you are very smart. Do you think one day I should add the word Prof. to my name say when I am finished translating Sukhmani Sahib ji. lol
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Aug 28, 2010

How nany of us have really understood the true message of GuRu.?
We all only talk about GuRu whithout understanding what the GuRu is?
Under these circumstances persons like you are mentioning get the opportunity of presenting whatever they like and many of us feel happy and dont hesitate in giving the title like PROFESSOR or MAHAPURAKH or even SANT BABA.


Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Guru Piayario Jios,

This article is typical run off the mill type of mislead..misinterpret.....<wbr>everything MIS..that can be there in the dictionary...and the link address shows that its indeed being promoted by the Mother of All MIS creators ( Quote modeled on the famous Saddam quote Mother of all battles that he promised the Americans if they invaded Iraq and then Americans called his bluff..it became his Mother of all Ends )....

2. The Same Character Assasination was carried out on Professor Darshan Singh Khalsa Ex Jathedar of Akal Takhat. Just to be Fair why not question each and every "Gyani"..titles which even the TABLA player is addressed with from very long ago and is so common that any "religious" looking person in a Gurdwara/kirtan area is automatically addressed as GYANI JI. Now a GYANI as qualified in Gurbani is such a HIGH Standard...almost negligible persons can be qualified. Secondly those who do go to UNIVERSITY and PASS a Public Examination with HONOURS is given a Official DEGREE called GYANI. The holder of such is entitled to attach the title GYANI in his name. There is NO THIRD type of GYANI. Absolute SAME..HIGHEST OF ALL STANDARDS are the GURBANI QUALIFICATIONS for SANT/SAINT/BRAHMGYANI...the number achieving it would be one in a billion...YET UNDER EACH TREE and STONE in INDIA..there is a SANT/Brahmgyani/Mahapurash !! There is NO "Worldy education/exam/university/<wbr>college that bestows titles of SANT/Brahmgyani/Mahapurash. IN Gurbani it is transaprent that ONLY BRAHM can have all the GYAAN necessary to be qualified Brahmgyani....a PURSH who is MAHA..can only be the One CREATOR HIMSELF...in fact Gurbani doenst veen refer to a Mahapurash..it just refers to to PURSH ONLY..and that One and ONLY PURSH is HE HIMSELF..yet we have Sikh sangats kissing the feet of people masquarading as Total FRAUDS by calling themsleves MAHA to the PURASH of GURBANI...they are claiming to be GREATER thna GURU..Akal Purakh..The Creator..and yet we bow at their feet and dont say a word...if that isnt double speak what is ??

Has anyone ever even feebly protested that the writer of Sukhmani Sahib refers to Himself as Mahalla Panjavan and signs off Nanak...while the mere mortal who explains this bani/other banis..... based on his own low level human mind consciousness..calls himself Gurmatt Maartaand..brahmgyani..Sri 108.. Gyaan Da SOORAJ...etc etc etc etc etc etc..a virtually UNENDING STRING OF TITLES a MILE LONG !!..and still remains a mahapursh brahmgyani sant to many hundreds of followers worldwide...WHO DONT HESITATE to draw swords and knock off dastaars in the very august presence of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji even of anyone who dares to say a word about this.....

2. Missionaries are DEDICATED people who dutifully attend MISSIONARY COLLEGES...go through well known Gurmatt Mission Courses on Gurbani, sikh history, languages etc etc for long periods of disciplined timetabled life and then emerge as Missionary Parcharaks who are more often than not Married as per Gurbani/Gurmatt, have families and other responsibilities and also PREACH the GURMATT as opposed to the hundreds fo thousands of DERAWALLAHS called "Sant Ji"..Brahmgyani ji..mahapursh ji..etc..who dont MARRY as per Gurmatt, dont do any KIRT..except go around EQUALLING the GURUS by saying we are Naam jappers....who collect HUGE SUMS..who ALWAYS go ABROAD more often becasue the foreign currencies mean bigger fortunes...whose DERAS have majestic AraamGaahs mansions for their PRIVATE residences, luxury cars...who express EXTREME ANGER and VIOLENCE as was shown when Babbu mann sang a song..IK Baba nanak see jihneh dunia padel tur ke gahtee..IK uh baba see jihne LAAL BATEE Gaddee ute laa tee....now its common knowledge that who HAS RED LIGHTS on Luxury cars..and why this SONG STUNG SO MUCH. GOVERNMENTS ALWAYS ACCORD RED CARPETS and RED LIGHT Cars and SECURITY..only to those who COLLUDE with the Govt of the Day..be it Mughal..British..or Delhi Govt....NOT a Single MISSIONARY in the world has a LUXURY CAR..or Mansions..or Govt security...esp in PUNJAB. All of them are simple householders earning a living and doing KIRT, waand chhaknna and Naam jappnna as ordained by GURBANI in PRACTISE in the OPEN......not sit around in deep "bhoras" hidden inside DERAS and Private Gurdwaras...."doing what" ?? no body knows..because the doors are locked...and secured by armed security outside and cctv cameras as well.

2. Listen to the Videos of prof Dhunda ji....and see..that the DIWANS are what we say in Punjabi KHACHA KHACH....filled to the brim..even OVERFLOWING into extra tents etc...( And thats what really scares these Baba mahapursh followers becasue sangats are now actually sitting down to listen to the GURU and His Message instead of tall tales of dropadi and nand lalla kishore and various rishis making babies out of reeds etc etc etc)..are these CROWDS for REAL ?? why no one made any PROTEST ? why didnt hey just get up and WALK AWAY ?? Are those thousands of LADIES simply so stupid to take those so called "insults" to themsleves sitting down ?? OR is the WRITER of this SPUN TALL TALE masquerading as an "article" decide to DEFEND THEM ???
Listen carefully...dont So called SIKHS drink..and dance in PUBLIC..on PUBLIC ROADS ??? is that an overstatement ?? Then why so many so called "SATIKAAR" GOONDA GROUPS rushing about everywhere looking to DISRUPT these weddings and dancings and drinking binges ?? You cannot have your cake and eat it too. You cant say..NO SUCH THING..its Dhundas imagination..and then justify gate crashing at weddings simply because there s meat alcohol bhangara there ??? Just Google the Internet and see how many sikh weddings were thus rudely "interrupted"...and you know Dhunda is just stating the OBVIOUS....and anyway DHUNDA Ji is much much MORE RATIONAL about these than the "satikaar goondas" who dont give two hoots about anyone else except their own AGENDA. What is the TRUTH cannot be hidden or wished away under guise of "insulting us"...so close the eyes and bury the head in the sand... no jios jkear eho jiheh kaam karangeh taan sir swaah pavegi...GURMATT nasaar there is NO Bhnagra..NO ALCOHOL..no DANCING..etc in a ANAND KARAJ..only LAAVAN !! But sadly todays SIKHS (more so the wealthy ones)...treat Laavan/Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji presence just as a necessary "evil"..and keep it SHORT ENOUGH....so that the LONGER time can be spent drinking, orgy dancing drunk as the devil...and eating etc in the Marriage Palaces with DJs and loud music half naked dancing girls etc etc...in FACT 99.9% of WEDDING ATTENDEES/INVITEES NEVER step foot inside the Gurdawra for the laavaan...they go STRAIGHT to the Marriage Palace..where all the action is...( Bottle/Chicken legs).....who needs the Karrah parsaad anyway..its GHEE/SUGAR/ATTA is cholesterol and bad for health..ha ha !!

WHY not a single "detractor" of Dhunda ji ahs not even asked why he alludes to the DHESIAN DERA Kirtan programme where in the AUGUST Presence of a parkash Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji...the ragis like SUFI POET Hans raaj hans and so called gurmatt kirtaniyahs sang and the sangat STOOD UP and DANCED. This Incident is real and did happen...but no one seems the slight bit offended by this GROSS INSULT to Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji...but the "shadowy" insult to the our daughters mothers is so visible...isnt it true that an ELEPHANT seated on ones NOSE is invisible..while a MICROBE on the MOON is highly viisble ??( esp when that "microbe" is just IMAGINARY )

LISTEN to ALL the DHUNDA Videos on YOU TUBE....and make up your own minds...dont be MISLED by vested interests....:redturban: :redturban: :redturban: :redturban: cheerleader
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Dec 29, 2011
I agree with Jarnail Singh veer ji... don't be fooled by other people. Do your own research, if you do that then you can make the correct decision for yourself, who is wrong or right? Don't be a sheep and follow others. Waheguru has given you the capability to stand on your own feet.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004


Feb 20, 2012
Each and every one of us should close our eyes and meditate on Satnaam Waheguru and from deep in our heart do ardaas to god to show us the 'Truth' to keep us amongst the 'Truth' to help us be the 'Truth' and to serve the 'Truth'.
If you do this with Full faith and Love and commitment, God will show you all the Truth and nothing but the Truth. even if the Truth hurts your feelings or is not what you expected.
If you are destined to meet a Living True Sant (if there is one) then you will know He is a True Sant.
Problem is that too many people go looking for a Sant, they have lost faith in Ardaas and their reasons for Seeking god are worldly reasons.
When i Sit in the gurdwara, all i hear are ardaas of "please bless me with a Job" "bless my New Child with happiness and success" "please bless me so that I may pass my exam".... Hardly ever do i hear an ardaas or prayer that says "whatever you give me, i am pleased with that, whatever you do with me, i am pleased with that for you are the only doer Kartaa Purakh. Just never let me forget your Naam".

These followers have just lost faith, and their desires are worldly. Life will always manifest something to appease their minds desires, and thats why these fake saints keep popping up.


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Hardly ever do i hear an ardaas or prayer that says "whatever you give me, i am pleased with that, whatever you do with me, i am pleased with that for you are the only doer Kartaa Purakh. Just never let me forget your Naam".
veer chazsingh ji great points indeed.

Essence of what underlined above is my quiet Ardaas when I bow before SGGS. No wonder you will never hear it. Many doing this Ardaas do it so in their hearts.

I believe it is generally OK to speak or good or bad in Ardaas in worldly terms too as this is perhaps also one of the only places and times that you have the opportunity to say thanks or cry for help openly. Sometimes this in itself may be help to you as well as others since many people with different backgrounds and capabilities attend a congregation. It does sound pretty bad at times listening and I agree with you on that.

What you think!

Sat Sri Akal.


Feb 20, 2012
Satnaam Ji,

Yes, i sincerely hope many people are doing this ardaas also albeit silently. God bless us all that we pour our hearts out the the Guru and fall at His feet. It is his Grace that gives us the kick up the '....' to start Simran, to help others, to tell the truth and be the truth, and it is our Ego that wants to take the credit for it all.

Just from my experience of hearing peoples ardaas, hearing people get angry to the Giani ji pronouncing their name sin-correctly, even just the Giani Ji having to mention someone's name and how much money they have given. I just don't understand it. If we really truely beleive in Guru Ji, that Guru Ji literally exists in every particle of us, they whey do we need to speak out about how much money is given by us, or have a Giani Ji to speak it. Guru Ji already knows as soon as the though of you giving money arises in your mind.

Our minds have the power to create whatever world we so desire....If we are all perverted to the extreme, our surrounding become filled with more Strip clubs, more prostitutes appearing and all that follows with it.
If our collective minds live in Fear and Dis-trust, we add more locks to our front doors, pay for ever more expensive security equipment, give more power to our governments to help remove this fear.
If we forget that God is one, all is God. then our Ego bathes in the Glory of 'I' and 'Me' and we create boundaries, Hate, Anger towards another, My belonging/ My money, etc etc.

People still don't believe that God Exists in us even though Sri Gur Nanak Dev ji made it so clear, so they still feel the need to get something from the outside ( a Sant or someone to come and do the job for them ) and then leave themselves open to being abused by Fake people. , rather than sit in Quite and Tune into your inner sound. All the answers lie there.
Aug 28, 2010
ARDAASi or PRAYER is the most powerful way of communication with SUPREME or ULTIMATE LORD.There is great importance of ARADAASi in all circumstances and situations in life individually or collectively.
There is Latent Power of ARDAASi that can do anthing for the person .So one should always make ARDAASi for ones requrement of any type .But the ARDAASi should be always be personal not thru some one.


Feb 20, 2012
Satnaam SatSangat Ji,

In the past i would get very Angry at what these Fake Sants are doing, Shout at the T.V, demand that they get 'sorted out'. then once i started Taking Naam Simran Seriously and doing it on a daily basis i used to start thinking, Look what negative things these situations are bringing out of me (anger, hate, the feeling to retaliate, to hurt, slander) all of the exact things that Sri Guru Granth Sahib is showing me how to eradicate, but i am failing miserably.

I asked myself, Do I Continue Hating the Fake Sants, or should i understand why they are materialising so much around us. If We desire Sweets, a Shop will open around the corner selling sweets, If we desire hurting someone, an opportuinity to hurt them will materialise one day, if we desire someone to magically fix all our issues and give us God in an stance, then someone will materialise who claims to do all these. We need to undertand it is the individual and collected states of people minds and desires that creates these people.

So lets all do ardaas the next time we sit quietly to do Simran that all these people including myself are shown the truth and can live by the truth. and that we can refrain from Anger and hate, and instead are graced with energy to showing people the right way.

God bless all.


Dec 19, 2011
Brampton, Ontario, Canada
To everyone,
Thanks for your contributions.

Gyani Ji: Don't worry I do not despise Mr. Dhunda Ji, I actually went to some of his appearances at Gurudwaras in the community where he was doing katha vichaar.I was shocked to read this article and I posted it here to see if others also thought like this. I just thought since it was on SikhSangat.org their regulations would've seen this and since they approved it for public viewing I was trying to understand why this would be. It didn't occur to be that the Baba/Pakhandi agenda had infiltrated these sites as well. Usually this site has valuable news and information. This is the first time an article like this came into my view on this site, and it immediately set off alarm bells.

It can be noted when someone is obsessively possesive of the titles they hold(be it Gyani, Captain, Sant, Fearless Leader, etc) that they themselves are unworthy of such titles. I love it when Gyani ji, I say this because of your superior understanding and prowess of the Punjabi language and Gurbani interpretatoin, is explaining the denotations of Gyani. This is done so often by you, and you never hesitate to school us and bring those unaware back to reality, which I love. Either way, the enlightened person does not cherish titles nor do they care for them so I don't really pay attention to people who profusely proclaim their self-proclaimed status of Sant/Gyani. I dont know if you recall my Kashmiri community issue, the elderly gentleman who came up with his genuine vision for helping Kashmiri Sikh Youth and Newcomers, Gunjit Singh, has the same degree as you but not once does he inform people of this just for cheap acknowledgement/applause. I only found out one day after he was telling me about Akali Phoola Singh and I asked him how he knew so much about Sikhi.He's
just referred to as mashter Ji (respected teacher) by me. SInce you're also my teacher if it's okay with you, I would like to call you mashter ji too. You two should meet, I think you two would make for good friends.
Ambarsaria Ji: If I ever need a good laugh, I'm coming to you. Man oh man, I spit out the pani in my mouth when I read your post. Of course, thanks for the compliment, you're much too nice. You were talking about the author being a Dasam Granth pusher, is there somewhere I can look this up, I feel like I'm googling wrong.

In all seriousness however, I feel like I should re-evaluate my sources 24-7 now that this debacle has come to pass.But I still can't wrap my head around the fact that this site would print such things. Maybe its too naive of me but I thought Sikh sites were supposed to be positive and a place for learning and growth, not negativity and name calling that this author seems to enjoy writing about.

I've so much to learn still,
Sukrit Kaur

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
That is WHY the Genuine Ardass gifted to US ALL free and unadulterated via the SGGS..TU THAKUR TUM PEH ARDASS is the Best and Most appropriate for all ocassions. No one cna find an iota of fault with this becasue its all 100% Gurbani straight form the GURU..our SAHIB...back to our Creator...our Thakur..Our Akal Purakh..our SAHIB.


Apr 24, 2006
He is pretty lame. I just watched his Katha on the homepage. Bad sample maybe? Anyways, I watched the first 20 minutes and as I listened to his shallow interpretations of the shabads, which he sang out in a rather melodious voice (maybe that's why he is famous). He did not seem to grasp what the shabads were saying at all. But sounded pretty confident in his grasp of them (another reason for his fame perhaps). Prof Dhundha does not appear to be enlightened to me. Anyways, let's see if he gets better with age.

PS Gyani Sant Singh Maskeen has much better katha if anyone is interested. Philosopher, teacher, poet and contemplative with a soothing voice.


Dec 3, 2011
It's very easy for us to be critical.
I always try not to judge even when someone like this self made prof makes it pretty obvious that they are up to no good.

If I do come across these kind of people that criticise others, then immediately I usually switch off. But for me to criticise him for his remarks doesn't make me any better than he is.

Sometimes I do think that it is a blessing that we come across all varieties of individuals as we can AlWAYS learn.
That learning could be some good quotes, some knowledge or even some discipline.
When people with certain negative charachteristics come along- the BIG lesson we CAN learn is NOT to be like THEM.

Lucky Singh


Dec 19, 2011
Brampton, Ontario, Canada
He is pretty lame. I just watched his Katha on the homepage. Bad sample maybe? Anyways, I watched the first 20 minutes and as I listened to his shallow interpretations of the shabads, which he sang out in a rather melodious voice (maybe that's why he is famous). He did not seem to grasp what the shabads were saying at all. But sounded pretty confident in his grasp of them (another reason for his fame perhaps). Prof Dhundha does not appear to be enlightened to me. Anyways, let's see if he gets better with age.

PS Gyani Sant Singh Maskeen has much better katha if anyone is interested. Philosopher, teacher, poet and contemplative with a soothing voice.
I Looove Gyani Sant Maskin Ji, I grew up on his Katha playing in the family room while waiting for my mom to finish cooking, and when I feel especially confused I listen to his Kathas, he's amazing.

I also love Sant Jasbir SIngh Khalsa. His Katha Kirtan skills are quite engaging and I've always learned from him.

These two individuals are my top two. However there's a young guy in the UK, Bhai Sukha SIngh who shows some promise I hope I hear more from him. He does his Katha in England Gurudwaras which is half in english and half in Punjabi so the younger audience can get engaged. Maybe I'll post some of his videos.

Why don't we turn this thread into the sangat suggestions of Katha Vachaks. I think I should start recording my local Gurudwara Katha Vachak, he's pretty awesome and his analogies are quite simple and best of all he always encourages people to question his interpretation so everyone can have a better understanding, but of course no one does, I don't know why.

Sukrit Kaur

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Prof Dhunda..Prof Ghaghha, Prof Gurbachan singh Ludhiana, Prof Shivdev Singh, Panthpreet Singh..are among the more prominenent ones who do Katha every week at Gurdwara bangla sahib and broadcast LIVE over Chardeekala Time TV via satelite/cable.
IF they were indeed as 'shallow" and just melodious voices..they would have been kicked out a long time ago...
I do think that they ALL have a much deeper understanding of Gurmatt as much as Gyani maskeen Ji ( I have ALL of his kathas on dvd and have listened for past 15 years repeatedly to them)
A much BETTER Kathawachak than Maskeen ji ( in those far off days)was a person named JHAUR...who was gaining audiences so fast....all over India..and then one fine day he boarded a TRAIN for a samagam in a nearby town..never to arrive..no body was ever found...and then Maskeen Ji rose almost miraculously....to dominate the katha field..until now...when we have so many fine ones.
Of course Dhunda ji doesnt believe in reincarnation, rebirth, pittars liivng on the sun waiting for water and bedding b{censored}es langgar saradhs etc...BUT Maskeen ji beleived al that 110%...and even in the Bhardwaj case where he preached that listening to one Akhand paath cured cancer...but even that didnt STOP DEATH..which is the more important POINT stressed in GURBANI....hence my personal bias....
Bottom line..we MUST EACH..on his own..reach out to the GURU....One to ONE...no two ways about that..no one..even as great as maskeen ji can help us one iota...

PS> maskeen katha is 340GB MP3 files....spanning 30+ years of his life... I am now cutting a couple of Blurays..DVDs are just too many to handle...plus on Portable HDDs which are dirt cheap these days.


Feb 20, 2012
Giani Ji,

That is right, we are all on our own journey and it is the power of our heart felt prayer that strikes through the fog of our mind and connects with the Guru Ji literally within us.

All of us are in varying degrees controlled by our millions of thoughts which arise in the mind based on Greed, desire, attachment, anger, ego etc. How many times have we sat and held our heads and said "where are these thoughts coming from, i can't stop these millions of thoughts, how can i stop them so that i can think clearly"

Simran is the technique to battle the mind, to still it, to take it out of its thinking habits that get us all muddled up, take us to the wrong people, make us re-act the way we dont actually want to. The more we start to still the mind, the more the thoughts from the soul get through to the mind and we act upon them...the divine/pure thoughts.

Guru Ji can speak through the tongue of a drunken man. The point is, when you need to hear something truthful from God, it can come from anybody at the precise moment in time that each individual person needs to hear it. You'll know its Truth (god) if it pierces your heart and stops you in your tracks to think about it.

Does anyone on the forum believe in things like the Third eye or Dassam Duar?
Aug 28, 2010
It is true that one has to make the journey alone but from Gurbanee we learn that we do require a medium being refered as SATiGuRu to complete the journey.
There are very strong messages in SGGS for the requirement of SATiGuRu.
Without SATiGuRu it is not even possible to start the journey.
So find your OWN SATiGuRu first so that you always remain guided for your destination.

Prakash Singh Bagga
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