Veerji, you dont have to shift bases to indulge in discussions. Welcoming a new member is a general courtesy.

So, you are welcome to the forums.
oh and CC, try not to use the word "page", your reffering to maharaj as a "book", a direct insult. i am sure you never meant it like so. the correct term is "ang" meaning apart someone, in this case the gurus. therefore certain prayers can be found on limb.... (whatever).
Breath easy veerji, so, do you think Maharaj can be insulted this way? ang or limb ? What do we mean by 'Panna' ? Doesn't this word in gurumukhi means 'Page' ?
Do you seriously think a non-sikh would understand such a terminology. Guru Maharaj resides in Shabad and even thinking of insulting Truth residing in Gurbani this is indigestable for me. Do you think the english translations on intenet in website, using the word page are insulting Guru Maharaj ? I dont think so.
id like someone opinion, do you think sikhi would allow homosexuality?
1. you wont be judged on your sexuality but your deeds
2. if homosexuality is wrong, why did god create it?
I still dont get the whole fuss over the issue. Nothing in this world acts without a reason or purpose and what is meaning of notion 'allow homosexuality' ? I think, Sikhi has nothing to do with it. Religion has nothing to do with it. Spirituality has nothing to do with it. That is why Guru Maharaj even did not bother to mention about this phenonmenon. Please quote so that i can amend my views. Any person can be a good Sikh as you said above..
against it...
1. god made adam and eve for one another, not man for man, or woman for woman.
2. why in the anand karaj does it say man and woman being united with god and not man for man or woman for woman. why just man for woman. when clearly their were lesbians during the time of the gurus?
I have no reason to believe your first point. Bible says Adam and Eve decended on this earth only around 6000 years ago and they were the first man and woman... what about the humans born before them ? This theory has no validation in Sikhi. Gurbani clearly says "Aval Allah Noor Upaaya, Kudrat kae sab bandae, Aek noor tae sabb jag upjaeyaa, ko palae ko mandae"
Let us read and understand what Anand Karaj, institutionilsed in 1909 refers to... Do these Hymns really talk about union of man and woman or union two souls... ?
Lavan: Wedding Hymns
First Lavan
Har pehlrree laav parvirtee
Karam drirraya balram jeo.
Bani Brahama Ved dharm drirro
Paap tjaya balram jeo.
Dharam drirro Harnam dhiavo
Simrat naam drirraya.
Satgur Gur poora aarodho
Sabh Kilvikh paap gavayaa.
Sehaj anand hoa vadbhagi
Mun har har mitha laiyaa.
Jan kaheh Nanak laav pehlee
Arambh kaaj rachayaa. || 1 ||
Proceeding forth into the first nuptial round.
The Lord presents before you His instruction for the daily duties of marital life:
Rather than the Vedas or Brahma,
You are to recite the hymns of the Guru,
And be constant in the performance of your duty.
Thus the errors of the past shall be washed away.
Be confirmed in righeousness and
Repeat the Lord’s Name.
The practice of the Name has been urged in the Smritis as well.
Reflect upon the True Guru, who is ever perfect.
And all your sins and misdeeds will leave you.
By the greatest good fortune the mind
And thoughts of the Lord are soothing to the mind.
Slave Nanak proclaims that in this first round.
The marriage ceremony has begun.
Second Lavan
Har doojrree laav Satgur purkh
Milaya balram jeo.
Nirbhao bhey mun hoey
Haomay meil gaviya balram jeo.
Nirmal bhao paya Har goon gaya
Har vekheh Ram hadooreh.
Har aatam Ram pasarial Suami
Sarab rihya bharpooray
Antar bahar Har Prabh eko
Mil Har jan mangal gaaeh
Jan Nanak dooji laav chlaaee
Unhudh Sabad vajaeh. || 2 ||
Comes the second nuptial round.
And the Lord has made you to meet the True Guru.
With your heart bound by the fear of the Fearless God.
All sense of pride has been washed from the mind.
Knowing the fear of God and singing His praises,
You behold His presence before you.
God, the Lord Master is the soul of the creation;
He pervades everywhere and fills all places with His Being.
Know then that there is One God, within us and without.
And His songs of rejoicing are heard in the company of His servants.
Nanak proclaims, that in this second nuptial round, the Divine Music is heard.
Third Lavan
Har teejrree laav man chao bhiya
Bairagia balram jeo
Sant jana Har mail Har paiya
Vadbhagia balram jeo
Nirmal Har paayia Hargoon gaiya
Mukh boli Har bani
Sant jina vadbhagi paaya
Har kathieh akath kahaani
Hirdai Har Har Har dhoon oopji
Har japieh mustak bhaag jeo
Jan Nanak boley tiji laaveh
Har oopjay mun bairaag jeo || 3 ||
In the third round the praises of the Lord fill my mind.
By the greatest good fortune you have come to meet the Lord God in the
company of the holy.
Singing His praises and speaking the Divine Word, the Immaculate Lord is
It is by very great fortune
That the pious attain to the Lord
And tell that story which can never be told!
The music of God resounds within and we contemplate the Lord God:
For we have been blessed with a great destiny written upon our foreheads.
Slave Nanak proclaims that in this third round, the love of God has been
awakened in the heart.
Fourth Lavan
Har chaothree laav mun sehaj bhiya
Har paaiyua balram jeo.
Gurmukh milia Subhaey Har Mun
Tun mitha laaya balram jeo.
Har mitha laaya mereh Prabh bhaya
Undin Har livlaee.
Mun chindia phal paaya suami
Har Nam vaji vadhaaee.
Har prabh Thakur kaaj rachaiya
Dhun hirdey Nam vigasee.
Jan Nanak boley chaoteh laaveh
Har paaiya Prabh avnaasee. || 4 || 2 ||
In this fourth round,
The mind grasps the knowledge of the Divine,
And God is realized within.
By the Guru’s Grace, we have reached the Lord with ease;
Our bodies and our souls are filled
With the tender delight of the Beloved.
I am a sacrifice unto my Lord.
God seems sweet to me and I have become pleasing to my Master.
He fills my thoughts all night and day.
I have obtained the object of my heart’s desire - my Lord.
By praising His name I have gained the highest praise.
While the heart of the bride blooms and flowers with His Holy Name.
Slave Nanak proclaims, that in the fourth round we have found the Eternal Lord.
Post Wedding Hymn: Wiyah Hooa Mere Babla
My marriage is performed, O’ my father! By Guru’s instruction I have obtained
The darkness of my ignorance is removed. The Guru has blazed the very bright
light of Divine knowledge.
The Guru given Divine knowledge is shedding lustre and the darkness is
dispelled. I have therefore found the priceless gem of God’s Name.
My malady of ego has departed and my anguish is over.
Under Guru’s instruction I myself have eaten up my self-conceit.
I have obtained God of immortal form, as my spouse. He is imperishable and so
dies or goes not. The marriage has been solemnized, O’ my father! and by
Guru’s instruction, I have found God.
Its futile to dispute over these issues... they have nothing to do with religion or spirituality... Just my understanding on this topic.
Chardi Kala