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Vegetarian Consciousness And The Meditative Mind

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Dec 29, 2011

In my last post, I covered some of the recent research about the long term negative effects of animal protein on health. In this blog I will focus on what I have found to be the more immediate effects of animal protein on the energetic body and meditative mind.

First, a little of my history: I was born into a medical family. My grandfather and my father were medical doctors. My mother was a nurse and both of my sisters became nurses. I grew up with the expectation that I would also become a medical doctor. But instead I dropped out of college and became a carpenter. As a result of having chronic headaches, I started going to a chiropractor and found it to be very beneficial. At that time I had no desire or intention to become a chiropractor.

In 1974 I was introduced to Kundalini Yoga and went to my first Summer Solstice Celebration. I already knew that Kundalini Yoga had changed my life and at Solstice I saw a demonstration of muscle-testing by a chiropractor. This was a life changing moment for me. The elegant simplicity of being able to communicate with a person’s inner healer was so profound that I decided that this is what I wanted to do with my life. So I enrolled in Chiropractic College and became a wellness-oriented, muscle-testing chiropractor.

One of the techniques that I learned was checking for food intolerances with muscle testing. For those who are not familiar with this, you put a specific food in a person’s mouth and then test their arm strength. If the arm weakens, it is a sign that the person has a negative reaction to this food. Common foods that were found to cause weakness were sugar, wheat, dairy products, soy, corn, chocolate, and coffee.

When I learned this, I could not wait to show people how bad animal protein was. So I got some meat and had someone put this in their mouth to test it. To my great surprise, their arm did not weaken. Their body did not have a negative reaction to animal protein. I found this to be true for all types of flesh like poultry, fish, and eggs.

With further study this made sense to me. We have lived and evolved for hundreds of thousands of years eating primarily fruits, vegetables, and the occasional animal that we could catch. We are very well genetically adapted to eating these foods. Other foods are relatively new to our diet such as grains and dairy. As hunters and gatherers we never ate the milk of another mammal or large quantities of the seeds of grasses that grew wild.

Years later I learned a refinement of how to test a food with muscle-testing. When I was testing a food in the past, I was in essence asking the whole body if it had a problem with the food. I learned that by touching the reflex point for a specific organ at the same time that I tested the muscle, I could zero in on the effect that the food had on that specific organ. So once again, I got some meat and started testing people, but this time I tested it against all of their individual organs. I found that there were two organ reflexes that caused people to test weak to meat over and over. Those two organs were the pituitary and the pineal gland.

As you may know, these two glands are associated with the 6th and 7th chakras. The sixth chakra is associated with our intuition and the projection of our mind. The seventh chakra is the seat of our soul and our connection to our infinite self. WOW! So while flesh did not seem to have an immediate negative effect on the body as a whole, it did seem to have a weakening effect on the two organs associated with our two highest chakras!

This led me to postulate that animal flesh has a dampening effect on our higher chakras and our higher consciousness. This is why it affects the consciousness so powerfully for people who completely stop eating animal protein. There is something about consuming the flesh of another animal that causes us to shut down the higher levels of spiritual awareness that are so important for yogis and other spiritual practitioners.

I also heard Yogi Bhajan talk about how bad fish was specifically for the large intestine. I found in my muscle-testing that fish weakened 3 organs: pituitary, pineal and large intestine.

This weakening of muscles does not happen when dairy products are tested. The pituitary and pineal are not specifically affected by dairy products. That is why the 3HO diet is lacto-vegetarian and not vegan. It is only the flesh foods like beef, lamb, poultry, fish, shellfish, and eggs that create this block to the 6th and 7th chakras.

So to bring it all together, the China Study teaches us that the more you reduce the amount of animal protein in your diet, the less you are at risk for heart disease, stroke, cancer, and diabetes. This means that if you only ate animal protein a few times a week, your risk would be pretty low. But based on my own research with muscle testing, ANY time that you eat animal flesh, you shut down your 6th and 7th chakras, so even a few times a week will have a significant effect on your consciousness. And fish, instead of being less of a problem, also affects your lower digestion.

If you are not dairy intolerant, you can eat dairy occasionally without this dampening effect on your chakras and without significantly raising your risk to these chronic diseases, but it is clear for those of us who are working hard through yoga and meditation to open up our higher centers and experience our divine essence, that meat, flesh, and eggs are working in the opposite direction.


Santokh Singh Khalsa, D.C., chiropractor, healer, yogi, and master yoga teacher, has been teaching beginners how to start and maintain a regular daily yoga practice for over 30 years. He founded the Awareness Center in Pasadena, CA in 1975 and is a master teacher for Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Level I and II His website is here.


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
I don't believe this for a second. What are your thoughts on this please?
Veer BaljinderS ji thanks for the post. I have no doubt that certain dietary regimens are good and perhaps better than others. For example eating balanced meat-veg diet versus eating McDonald's everyday.

There are many good people and may be the Author is also one. I believe such people start to lose credibility with me when they become pseudo Scientists and start claiming results of some crude observations as vetted research. For example in this article about pituitary, pineal and large intestine being impacted by Fish eating. Obviously these people cannot be practicing in West Bengal or Bangladesh as their Business will fail. Beyond preaching of moderation and variety I find lot of the stuff is hocus-pocus.

Additionally, I believe when someone is running a Shop (a Chiropractor runs a shop in making money of others)., their motives become suspect beyond plain Marketing. Some bite such bait and so are taken advantage of. Of course it is legal and allowed.

Fundamentally however, if someone makes someone healthy or helps them stay healthy and the person is happy with the services, great. So I don't want to be too hard per se.

Sat Sri Akal.
Nov 23, 2010
Complete nonsense with no scientific basis whatsoever. But sadly enough the more ludicrous the theory ,particularly when related to diets ,the more people will follow it.I believe it was Mark Twain who said "a good lie will travel around the world before an honest truth puts it's shoe's on in the morning"
Apr 26, 2012
life or no life, animals obviously have emotions

eating meat nowadays is done solely for the purpose of satisfying a person's tastebuds, which is a frivolous and ridiculous reason to sacrifice an innocent life

there is no longer a need to eat meat now, there are vegetables, fruits, and many other foods more than available to us across the globe as opposed to meat

the same can be said about wearing animal fur, which nowadays is done for fashion

killing an innocent animal is taking a life, the animal does not desire to die, and will feel pain

if we indulge in eating meat or wearing fur, we contribute to this pain

I do not think God takes kindly to dishing out needless pain....

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
life or no life, animals obviously have emotions

eating meat nowadays is done solely for the purpose of satisfying a person's tastebuds, which is a frivolous and ridiculous reason to sacrifice an innocent life

there is no longer a need to eat meat now, there are vegetables, fruits, and many other foods more than available to us across the globe as opposed to meat

the same can be said about wearing animal fur, which nowadays is done for fashion

killing an innocent animal is taking a life, the animal does not desire to die, and will feel pain

if we indulge in eating meat or wearing fur, we contribute to this pain

I do not think God takes kindly to dishing out needless pain....

Well I think your comments are wholly wrong, but on taste, does all vegetarian food awful? Is it some form of punishment like Shia's whipping themselves to eat awful tasting vegetarian food as opposed to great tasing meat?

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
in Fact its meat that is virtually tasteless stuff that ha sto be marinated, covered in all sorts of spices, masallas and flavours, roasted, grilled etc to make it "taste"....whereas Vegetables can be eaten RAW too...and with the minutest amounts of spices can taste wonderful...so whats with the "Taste" argument ?? Its Totally FAKE.


Dec 3, 2011
life or no life, animals obviously have emotions

eating meat nowadays is done solely for the purpose of satisfying a person's tastebuds, which is a frivolous and ridiculous reason to sacrifice an innocent life

there is no longer a need to eat meat now, there are vegetables, fruits, and many other foods more than available to us across the globe as opposed to meat

the same can be said about wearing animal fur, which nowadays is done for fashion

killing an innocent animal is taking a life, the animal does not desire to die, and will feel pain

if we indulge in eating meat or wearing fur, we contribute to this pain

I do not think God takes kindly to dishing out needless pain....

This is a very dim view. We have to remember that a food chain does exist. As mentioned above by Randip ji, that Guru Nanak states that a corn grain has life, well of course it does. Infact any foods be they veg or not, if they go off or mouldy, then they are considered living and have different life forms within.

OK, so an apple tree doesn't have emotion, but a sheep does??
I'm not too sure that we can deny plants have other sensory organs, except that they can't be directly compared to mammals. It is well known, that plants respond to sound, music, temperatures and moisture just like all mammals.

You know those apples you see in the superstore, all gleaming and shiny under their lights. Do you actually know exactly how many chemicals are sprayed on just a single apple ??
More interstingly, how many of the ingredients sprayed are products or byproducts from animals and insects.
Do you think that all waxy and shiny materials are synthesised in labs without any animals or insects used in their devloping??

If you learn and find the answers to the above, you would be very surprised.

I mentioned the 'food chain' above that is often used in scientific explanations.
We, humans are on top of this chain, with all living things and plants below.
This is surprisingly very similar to what Guru Nanak explained about us 'humans'.- That we are in the highest form of the chain where we have the chance to attain liberation with the almighty.
A plant or other species does not have this oppurtunity, instead they transmigrate from one form to the other, just as in the food chain until human life is reached.
How we interpret transmigration, wether we use reincarnation or simple food chain, the end result is still the same. -As Humans, we are at the top of this chain or transmigration process and we have enough given abilities to attain liberation or mukhti with the almighty.
This is what is more important, not how we interact with fellows in the food chain.
Even as a child, I knew that when I would cut certain plants, that the liquid sap would seap out. Even as a 6yr old, I knew that the plant was hurt and crying or bleeding if you want to call it that.
I'm still more than positive that any scientist would find that when the natural structure of a plant is disturbed, ie by cutting it's stem. Then as well as reacting with a production or seapage of discharge there can also be measured frequency signals of higher wavelengths at this same time.- similar to cries of help.

Everything has life, but where it is in the chain is what matters. Not how we think we can measure it's emotions.

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
in Fact its meat that is virtually tasteless stuff that ha sto be marinated, covered in all sorts of spices, masallas and flavours, roasted, grilled etc to make it "taste"....whereas Vegetables can be eaten RAW too...and with the minutest amounts of spices can taste wonderful...so whats with the "Taste" argument ?? Its Totally FAKE.


Wheras Carrots, fruits etc can be eaten raw, and without any spice, can you imagine eating meat raw? The silly argument that people eat meat for taste is ridiculous.

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
This is a very dim view. We have to remember that a food chain does exist. As mentioned above by Randip ji, that Guru Nanak states that a corn grain has life, well of course it does. Infact any foods be they veg or not, if they go off or mouldy, then they are considered living and have different life forms within.

OK, so an apple tree doesn't have emotion, but a sheep does??
I'm not too sure that we can deny plants have other sensory organs, except that they can't be directly compared to mammals. It is well known, that plants respond to sound, music, temperatures and moisture just like all mammals.

You know those apples you see in the superstore, all gleaming and shiny under their lights. Do you actually know exactly how many chemicals are sprayed on just a single apple ??
More interstingly, how many of the ingredients sprayed are products or byproducts from animals and insects.
Do you think that all waxy and shiny materials are synthesised in labs without any animals or insects used in their devloping??

If you learn and find the answers to the above, you would be very surprised.

I mentioned the 'food chain' above that is often used in scientific explanations.
We, humans are on top of this chain, with all living things and plants below.
This is surprisingly very similar to what Guru Nanak explained about us 'humans'.- That we are in the highest form of the chain where we have the chance to attain liberation with the almighty.
A plant or other species does not have this oppurtunity, instead they transmigrate from one form to the other, just as in the food chain until human life is reached.
How we interpret transmigration, wether we use reincarnation or simple food chain, the end result is still the same. -As Humans, we are at the top of this chain or transmigration process and we have enough given abilities to attain liberation or mukhti with the almighty.
This is what is more important, not how we interact with fellows in the food chain.
Even as a child, I knew that when I would cut certain plants, that the liquid sap would seap out. Even as a 6yr old, I knew that the plant was hurt and crying or bleeding if you want to call it that.
I'm still more than positive that any scientist would find that when the natural structure of a plant is disturbed, ie by cutting it's stem. Then as well as reacting with a production or seapage of discharge there can also be measured frequency signals of higher wavelengths at this same time.- similar to cries of help.

Everything has life, but where it is in the chain is what matters. Not how we think we can measure it's emotions.


The following Shabad although a metaphor for how people who speak the truth are treated, clearly shows the mind of the Guru's when seeing life in all its form, be it plant, mineral or animal:
Page 143 of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

mehlaa 1.
vaykh je mithaa kati-aa kat kut baDhaa paa-ay.
khundhaa andar rakh kai dayn so mal sajaa-ay.
ras kas tatar paa-ee-ai tapai tai villaa-ay.
bhee so fog samaalee-ai dichai ag jaalaa-ay.
naanak mithai patree-ai vaykhhu lokaa aa-ay.

First Mehl:
Look, and see how the sugar-cane is cut down. After cutting away its branches, its feet are bound together into bundles,
and then, it is placed between the wooden rollers and crushed.
What punishment is inflicted upon it! Its juice is extracted and placed in the cauldron; as it is heated, it groans and cries out.
And then, the crushed cane is collected and burnt in the fire below.
Nanak: come, people, and see how the sweet sugar-cane is treated!
Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011

Wheras Carrots, fruits etc can be eaten raw, and without any spice, can you imagine eating meat raw? The silly argument that people eat meat for taste is ridiculous.

I am one of those people that have ordered steak tartare without knowing what it really was, so yes I know what it feels like to eat raw meat, and I had my gazpacho soup hot too.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
BTW..in SGGS..Bhatt swaiyahs its written....Mata Khivi wife of Guru Angad sahib Jee served her Signature DISH..."KHEER GHYALI"....sweet rice milk pudding with lots of desi GHEE/BUTTER...."...........

NOW is ALL that about the "TASTE"....or just "words"...why mention Kheer and Ghee vali kheer..???

All those Fake Babas derawadees maharajs and fake "non-vegetarians" simply LOVE to REGURGITATE this "meat is for taste" argument repeatedly....( and Guru nanak ji 'saw through them" when He wrote..a Baby is BORN of MEAT..the very FIRST THING he puts into his mouth is MEAT..his TONGUE is MEAT...he plays with MEAT, is LOVED by meat..he marries MEAT and brings even more MEAT into the World.....and ALL those FRAUDS who pretend to "hold their noses" and stare with Horror stricken looks at "meat"...actually DEVOUR HUMANS IN THE DARKNESS of NIGHT..Maanas Khanney !!!!

Just ask the Chicago wallah baba...( who was caught red handed in a Hotel room in the USA with a Piece of "Black Meat" ..allegedly "counselling" her privately...He is a Very STRICT VEGETARIAN too !!! in fact ask any BABA Ji..he will surely be a "vegetarian"...but also have SECRET rooms/Bhoras/ in his dera for such secret counselling (devouvring meat).

So get OFF the high horse about meat being for taste blah blah blah..its a PERSONAL CHOICE.PERIOD. no religious spiritual benefit etc.. make your own choice and keep it PRIVATE. Stop using it as a "weapon" to attack SIKHS who dont support Damdami taksaal..or your Jatha..or DG..or blah blah blah..its NOT as per Gurbani at all.... For ME coke is "spiritually" disturbing..makes me not feel spiritual at all..but i dont go around trying to make a coke drinking Sikh as unspiritual..bad person etc..to another friend TEA makes him uncomfortable..so he never touches tea..NOTHINg to do with nay spirituality..etc etc.just his own BODY...cheerleader
Apr 26, 2012
Before people going off saying I'm on my high horse, no, I don't think I'm better than you because I am a vegetarian. No, I do not seek the thrill of yet another heated debate. I am merely here to spread information that I recently found out a lot of people don't know and clear some misconceptions.

Let's make this be a respectful conversation. =]

Now first off, personal choice? What about the animal's choice? Furthermore there is no NEED to eat meat

there is no NEED to sacrifice an animal when there are so many other substitutions available

the pain and suffering they go through is unimaginable as shown in this video; and you minus well see it since knowing the truth is better than choosing to blindly be ignorant and avoid watching it


an estimated over 140 billion animals are killed each year for the sole purpose of eating meat

and all this pain is inflicted for greed, so that the factories can generate the most money possible without thinking about the pain these animals go through as they are injected with horrible steroids and being born only to die in a dimly lit place

where is the light in that?

why do you eat meat?

the reason we are omnivores before that argument is presented is because there was some need in the past to move on to meat during evolution when vegetables became scarce; we have moved past that point

the argument of insects being used in sprays; we actually have a garden in our backyard we utilize for most vegetables. The rest we obtain from our local grocery store. Bottom line is you try to avoid it as much as possible. I severely doubt an apple suffers pain when it is eaten. Plants and some insects have a symbiotic relationship as well. As shown with the tree that has ants eat its fruit while the ants protect the tree. Google it.

If the morals of slaughtering an innocent living being for the sole sake of "MMM this tastes good" [I'm assuming this is the only reason people eat meat, as there is really no other] don't ring enough bells well how about our religion tells us?

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and God bless :D

also, positive aspects of vegetarian diet and negative or meat eating diet
just for kicks below


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Apr 26, 2012
also, yes, I did read some thread with the fools and the meat.

I have added some other quotes above as well

If Sri Guru Grant Sahib Ji stated eating marijuana, fish, and wine is wrong....it is wrong though.....I read the rest and the context and it still says what it says

Some of these quotes are not restricted to only rituals either and they talk of how killing an animal for meat is morally wrong...

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
also, yes, I did read some thread with the fools and the meat.

I have added some other quotes above as well

If Sri Guru Grant Sahib Ji stated eating marijuana, fish, and wine is wrong....it is wrong though.....I read the rest and the context and it still says what it says

Some of these quotes are not restricted to only rituals either and they talk of how killing an animal for meat is morally wrong...

Guru Piayario.

The SGGS is a "MIRROR"..it shows us what we look like...If we stand normal..we look normal..IF we place Two fingers like a V on top of our head..we see a "Rabbit" with a human face....IF we stretch out our tongue..what we see is human face with dog like expression....What I am getting at..its NOT the FAULT of the MIRROR...the Mirro reflects REALITY...the GURU TELLS us EXACTLY..what we take that to mean..is up to us..really...
Apr 26, 2012
Guru Piayario.

The Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is a "MIRROR"..it shows us what we look like...If we stand normal..we look normal..IF we place Two fingers like a V on top of our head..we see a "Rabbit" with a human face....IF we stretch out our tongue..what we see is human face with dog like expression....What I am getting at..its NOT the FAULT of the MIRROR...the Mirro reflects REALITY...the GURU TELLS us EXACTLY..what we take that to mean..is up to us..really...

I still firmly believe that what Sri Guru Grant Sahib Ji contains is law and truth. Only some people twist it to bend to their beliefs. I see now that there is no point in showing these quotes from Sri Guru Grant Sahib Ji since neither of us will change our beliefs.

Let's turn this into a simple question

Why do "you" eat meat?

[this isn't directed at the quoted person, just everyone who eats meat in general


Apr 24, 2006

The following Shabad although a metaphor for how people who speak the truth are treated, clearly shows the mind of the Guru's when seeing life in all its form, be it plant, mineral or animal:
Page 143 of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji

mehlaa 1.
vaykh je mithaa kati-aa kat kut baDhaa paa-ay.
khundhaa andar rakh kai dayn so mal sajaa-ay.
ras kas tatar paa-ee-ai tapai tai villaa-ay.
bhee so fog samaalee-ai dichai ag jaalaa-ay.
naanak mithai patree-ai vaykhhu lokaa aa-ay.

First Mehl:
Look, and see how the sugar-cane is cut down. After cutting away its branches, its feet are bound together into bundles,
and then, it is placed between the wooden rollers and crushed.
What punishment is inflicted upon it! Its juice is extracted and placed in the cauldron; as it is heated, it groans and cries out.
And then, the crushed cane is collected and burnt in the fire below.
Nanak: come, people, and see how the sweet sugar-cane is treated!
Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji
Randip Singh ji,
Would you agree that higher conscious beings like humans and other animals suffer more than lower conscious (if any) beings like plants?
If an animal was put through the wooden rollers and crushed, do you reckon it would suffer more than a plant?
If rocks (lowest form of consciousness if any) were placed in the wooden rollers, do you think the would suffer less than a plant?
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