This post has been moved from to begin this thread. spnadmin
This hiding away in dark rooms seems to me to be only for the self :interestedsingh:
Its when we go into inner silence that we can connect with our inner self
!Meditation helps us in many ways.
Inner silence is very healing for our Bodies too !
The mind consists of 3 levels as I have been taught and learnt through Meditation
Conscious mind, Subconscious and Super Conscious Mind.
Day to day we make our decisions with our Conscious mind. This lower mind is
also called our EGO mind. This is our tarnished Judgemental mind, its affected by what we see and what it hears. This mind judges everything it sees.
Our Subconscious Mind (SM) even though we are unaware of it, is constantly monitoring and recording daily thoughts, words, and experiences. It remembers everything even though our conscious mind may have long forgotten!
Daily we are bombarded by TV, advertisement posters and other
SUBLIME lucrative sights which are stored into our subconscious mind.
We then unconsciously become controlled by the messages we have received.
A Hypnotist can access Subconscious mind (SM) by Hypnotism and tap into forgotten records especially our past lives as in its Computer is recorded everything. Its linked to our Book of Life, -
our Akashic Records.
While the conscious mind is often affected by the subconscious, it has the ability to program the subconscious. What we say to ourselves and others, and what we think to ourselves- especially if we have strong emotions, thought and words- is registered in our subconscious memory bank.
The subconscious does not Judge.
It records and replays Negative as well as Positive thoughts emotions & experiences!
If we say "I am sick of driving in this traffic every day",
This is recorded into our SM. Then we really become depressed and sick.
Its our SM now feeding into our Conscious mind. "you are sick of traffic, You are sick of Traffic" !
"Watch your thoughts, actions and words."
If we think " I am sick of that person, he is not good"
Every time we see or think of the person, the Subconscious mind (SM), starts
the process of filtering into our Ego Lower mind, "You are becoming sick, he is no good".
You then become sick and angry when you see him.
This is why the Sages say "Do Not Judge"
When we judge we record this judgement into our Subconscious mind (SM).
The process then starts again.
We have the Power to re program our mind with Positive thoughts.
"Think Positive and Do not Judge".
The Super Conscious Mind is our Pure Untarnished link to the Divine.
Jesus called it "Father within"
Meditation allows us eventually to connect to our Super Conscious Mind,
However to move forward we have to clean our Hard Drive in our
Sub Conscious mind Computer.
How can we do this ?
Meditation is one way to clean our hard drive which is so full of junk.
Its a well proven Scientific fact that Meditation calm us and
takes us into inner piece
This is an extraordinary story of one Saint , Swami Rama
on you utube :
Swami Rama the Himalayan Master, part 1