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Preamble Understanding Mool Mantar


Mar 28, 2006

There is only ONE UNIVERSAL CREATOR GOD(the One Who Forms and Deforms Ceaselessly).

1-ie`k [(one and only one) E-EAM[(God; pronounced as om/on/oan/oang) > -kwr[ (represents continuity of His Actions(without any interruptions).
eyk queI eyk queI ] eyko vrqY Avru n koie ]
srbM swcw eyku hY dUjw nwhI koie ]

siq nwmu

The Name Is Truth(Immortal/Eternal)

Truth is His Name. To know the truth one must realize what is false. False(kUV/JUT) is associated with mortality, one that is bound to time and space. Sat(siq) is similar to sach(sic/sc) and has a deeper meaning, it represents immortality.

scw Awip, scw drbwru ]

siq nwmu qyrw prw pUrblw ] soeI soeI sdw scu, swihbu swcw, swcI nweI ]

krqw purKu

Creative Being Personified. He is the Doer of everything.

The word ‘Purukh’ here is referred to the Spirit/Atma that is prevailing allover the universe.
qUµ Awid purKu AprMpru krqw jI, quDu jyvfu Avru n koeI ]
qUM krqw sicAwru mYfw sWeI ] Awpy krqw kry su hoie ]
The wordPurkh’ is also used to refer the relationship between Parmatma and the devotees.
iesu jg mih purKu eyku hY hor sglI nwir sbweI ]

inrBau inrvYru

He is without Fear and Hatred/Anger/Enmity.

He is Beyond Fear and Revenge(as there is no other equal or greater than Him and feelings of fear and revenge comes in only when there is a comparison).
inrBau inrMkwru siq nwmu ] inrBau inrvYr AQwh Aqoly ]

Akwl mUriq

He is the Image Of the Undying, Beyond time and space.

He never ages, always Afresh as He is the Primary Entity.
He is The Everlasting Reality.
jnm mrx qy rhq nwrwiex ] swihbu myrw nIq nvw sdw sdw dwqwru ]


He is Beyond Birth(unborn).

He is without incarnations.
Akwl mUriq AjUnI sMBO min ismrq TMFw QIvW jIau ]


He is Self-Existent.

He is Self-Perpetuating, Self-Evolved (sans(without) father or mother). He is Self-Illumined. In this word ‘sY’ refers to ‘from self’ and ‘BM’ refers to ‘Jot, Parkaash, and Chetna (Awareness)’.joiq srUp sdw suKdwqw scy soBw pwiedw ] This is why sUrj ikrix imly jl kw jlu hUAw rwm ] joqI joiq rlI sMpUrnu QIAw rwm ]

gur pRswid ]

By His(God’s) Grace He is obtained/realized.

Realizing our ‘true self’(GOD) being our(human) mission on the Earth, GuruJi advise us throughout Gurbani to stay under His Command; as His awareness comes only with His own Grace.
gur prswid prm pdu pwieAw sUky kwst hirAw ]
gur prswdI pweIAY krim prwpiq hoie ]



forgive me please


Mar 28, 2006
Respected Nadeem Ji,

i do not think i am capable of making anybody understand anything.


dieAw DwrI iqin isrjnhwry ]
jIA jMq sgly pRiqpwry ]
imhrvwn ikrpwl dieAwlw sgly iqRpiq AGwey jIau ]

Conceiving God as without enmity and hate-

As there is no ego, so no enmity
Ego comes to play in humans when one feels that I am better or the best, as there is a sense of duality thus there are comparisons, doubts, Fear, Hatred.

God is Love. God is ALL. There is no second entity. God is the one and only one, there is no comparison. God is full of humility: Nimrata. God does not judge, He gives us what we ask for- what we sow, so do we reap. There are no good or bad souls. It is only the sense of Separation that comes in when mind plays in the hands of Ego. As soon as the mind realizes the true identity, the difference disappears. All are one. God is always Carefree and at Peace.

qU smrQu vfw myrI miq QorI rwm ]
pwlih AikrqGnw pUrn idRsit qyrI rwm ]
AgwiD boiD Apwr krqy moih nIcu kCU n jwnw ]
rqnu iqAwig sMgRhn kaufI psU nIcu ieAwnw ]
iqAwig clqI mhw cMcil doK kir kir jorI ]
nwnk srin smrQ suAwmI pYj rwKhu morI ]

forgive me please


Apr 9, 2007
Conceiving God as without enmity and hate-

As there is no ego, so no enmity
Ego comes to play in humans when one feels that I am better or the best, as there is a sense of duality thus there are comparisons, doubts, Fear, Hatred.

God is Love. God is ALL. There is no second entity. God is the one and only one, there is no comparison. God is full of humility: Nimrata. God does not judge, He gives us what we ask for- what we sow, so do we reap. There are no good or bad souls. It is only the sense of Separation that comes in when mind plays in the hands of Ego. As soon as the mind realizes the true identity, the difference disappears. All are one. God is always Carefree and at Peace.

Respected Surinder Ji,

What I find so humbling is that Waheguru, who created everything, is without ego...without enmity...without hate or revenge. How can we not love and praise Waheguru?

If he, who is so powerful... who is truth, is is free from ego, enmity, hate, revenge, judgement, etc... how can we not seek to also be free from these things?

Forgive me if I ramble but since I am so new to Sikhism, I am almost without words upon realizing the nature of Waheguru described here.

I am reading these texts for the first time these past weeks and I can't help but be both in awe of and feeling much love for Waheguru. Many thanks for sharing these sacred words.




Nov 5, 2010
Sat Sri Akaal,

Just sharing experience form of GURU's BANI, thought may be rejected/ accepted/ commented as written by personal opinion.

Ik One
Oang Part of Whole as ONE
Kar All done and created from ONE
NAAM Word form to Express Truth or to realise and share TRUTH

It is following NATURE's LAW to hold in SPACE, as ONE COSMOS. following obeying in time, in discipline, to SUSTAIN it.

Attributes NATURE and HUMAN correlation, how TRUTH of NATURE and HUMANs are INTERWOVEN,

it is

Karta Doer/ Creator/Originator

Humans can be Co Creator by understanding TRUTH of Nature
for EG SANSKRITI Brahma is known to be originator or Co Creator as an Inventor of Human Communication System by understanding breath and formations from breath to be used as a communication system

Purakh Complete System

Co Creator of Computer System, understands complete Memory System

Nirbhau Without Fear

Humans who do not stores fears arising out of IGNORANCE/ EVENTS/ and even if they counter in life they dont store in Memory System. Those human minds have attribute of FEARLESS. While performing fearless action, observers do remember GOD. Those having IGNORANCE and DISOBEDIENCE have fears.

Nirvair Without Enemity

Humans who do not stores enemity arising out of EVENTS humans who try to resolve and work on controversial issues and even if they counter in life they dont store EsNEMITY in Memory System. and resolve conflicts by positive discussion Those human minds have attribute of NIRVAIR. Those who are unable to resolve holds VAIR

Akaal Beyond Time Limits

Humans who SERVE TRUTH are remembered beyond life,

Murat Forms
Co Creator by Knowing Nature create multiple forms from the awareness of Origins Operations and Life Cycle

Ajooni Without Bitrh and Death
Humans who embibe and store UNIVERSAL TRUTH and devote MIND MEMORY limits to UNIVERSAL THOUGHT process, still there MIND Negative thoughts neither BORN nor DIE in there MINDS

Team of PERSONS following GURU's PATH, earlier they were known as GUR BHAI, all formed in UNITY as COMMUNITY as ONE, held by same UNIVERSAL Natural LAWS abiding and following

Gur Parsad Through Blessing of GURU

To Humans attributes comes with UNDERSTANDING and PRACTICE of GURU's BANI.

Purpose of GURU's BANI reading as an education holds VALUE with TRANSFORMATION of THOUGHTS.

Comprehend JAP with life examples. Where we find GURU's BANI in our LIFE.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji KI Fateh
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Nov 5, 2010
Sat sri Akaal


One is principle
One is TRUTH
One is Basic

It is source on initiation from zero to one.

It can not lead to TWO.

Application of LEARNING

It is root or basic principle for Seekers (Sikh)

To learn facts, source information.

Only after one there can be 2 and multiple.

But after zero it has to cross through ONE objective.

Till awareness of Shabad is have two or more forms the objective aim of obtaining TRUTH is not obtained.

TRUTH is ONE without contradiction and forever and ever.

To get TRUTH one has to go for 100% views off all the view points, to get an OBJECTIVE vision.


Waheguru Ji ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji ki Fateh


Nov 5, 2010
Dear Surinder-Ji,

Could you help me to understand the concept of Nir Vair - Without Enmity?

Many Thanks,


ONE who has already to give from abundance is Nirvair, Vair comes when One has to receive and deliver without owing. Nature owes all abundance, and is giver.

The state comes to humans with feeling of connect to abundance. And gives performs service with satisfaction, without greed or demand. It may come with abundance of wealth or even without wealth, having feeling of connect with abundance and performing selfless service, and life needs no accumulations for survival, as all the survival issues are pre addressed by Nature.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
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