There is only ONE UNIVERSAL CREATOR GOD(the One Who Forms and Deforms Ceaselessly).
1-ie`k [(one and only one) E-EAM[(God; pronounced as om/on/oan/oang) > -kwr[ (represents continuity of His Actions(without any interruptions).
eyk queI eyk queI ] eyko vrqY Avru n koie ]
srbM swcw eyku hY dUjw nwhI koie ]
siq nwmu
The Name Is Truth(Immortal/Eternal)
Truth is His Name. To know the truth one must realize what is false. False(kUV/JUT) is associated with mortality, one that is bound to time and space. Sat(siq) is similar to sach(sic/sc) and has a deeper meaning, it represents immortality.
scw Awip, scw drbwru ]
siq nwmu qyrw prw pUrblw ] soeI soeI sdw scu, swihbu swcw, swcI nweI ]
krqw purKu
Creative Being Personified. He is the Doer of everything.
The word ‘Purukh’ here is referred to the Spirit/Atma that is prevailing allover the universe.
qUµ Awid purKu AprMpru krqw jI, quDu jyvfu Avru n koeI ]
qUM krqw sicAwru mYfw sWeI ] Awpy krqw kry su hoie ]
The word ‘Purkh’ is also used to refer the relationship between Parmatma and the devotees.
iesu jg mih purKu eyku hY hor sglI nwir sbweI ]
inrBau inrvYru
He is without Fear and Hatred/Anger/Enmity.
He is Beyond Fear and Revenge(as there is no other equal or greater than Him and feelings of fear and revenge comes in only when there is a comparison).
inrBau inrMkwru siq nwmu ] inrBau inrvYr AQwh Aqoly ]
Akwl mUriq
He is the Image Of the Undying, Beyond time and space.
He never ages, always Afresh as He is the Primary Entity.
He is The Everlasting Reality.
jnm mrx qy rhq nwrwiex ] swihbu myrw nIq nvw sdw sdw dwqwru ]
He is Beyond Birth(unborn).
He is without incarnations.
Akwl mUriq AjUnI sMBO min ismrq TMFw QIvW jIau ]
He is Self-Existent.
He is Self-Perpetuating, Self-Evolved (sans(without) father or mother). He is Self-Illumined. In this word ‘sY’ refers to ‘from self’ and ‘BM’ refers to ‘Jot, Parkaash, and Chetna (Awareness)’.joiq srUp sdw suKdwqw scy soBw pwiedw ] This is why sUrj ikrix imly jl kw jlu hUAw rwm ] joqI joiq rlI sMpUrnu QIAw rwm ]
gur pRswid ]
By His(God’s) Grace He is obtained/realized.
Realizing our ‘true self’(GOD) being our(human) mission on the Earth, GuruJi advise us throughout Gurbani to stay under His Command; as His awareness comes only with His own Grace.
gur prswid prm pdu pwieAw sUky kwst hirAw ]
gur prswdI pweIAY krim prwpiq hoie ]
forgive me please