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Can Sikhs Eat Beef?


Dec 14, 2007
I am a teenager of 16 years and currently eat all meat except beef. Recently I heard someone saying that there is no rule where that it states that Sikhs cannot eat beef.

So I was wondering whether this was the case
Oct 14, 2007
You may kindly check up with Sikh Rehat nama.Please visit SGPC.net. You will find Rehatnama. Please read it and you will learn many new things and get the answer to your question as well.


Mar 26, 2007
Damdami Taksaal and AKJ maryada do not allow meat. keep in mind alot of those singhs who also drink and smoke follow sGPC. i know not all sikhs who drink and smoke too follow SGPC, and not all AKJers are as pure as they are supposed to be.

my advice, since in america, u do not know if animal meat was killed non hallal or non kosher (basically animal torture) do not eat it.

However if u are nihang and u chatka on goat, and see it killed right way, then why not eat meat?

Of course, i prefer to not eat any, tatse, smell, etc. do not appeal to me


Mar 26, 2007
just ask urself- do YOU want to eat beef?

and then decide :)

amar ji

while that works for some, we have to think about gurbani/ if we ask ourselves, do i wanna do japji sahib today?

We say no though we should.

do we wanna commit adultery?

Sure, though we shouldn't.

Just because want to do or not want to do something, that should not be our guide in life, as gurmukh.

we should follow gurbani, not what we want.

Sri Granth: Shabad/Paurhi/Salok SGGS Page 141

please see above
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(previously amarsanghera, account deactivated at t
Jun 7, 2006
मः १ ॥
Mehlā 1.
First Mehl
ਹਕੁ ਪਰਾਇਆ ਨਾਨਕਾ ਉਸੁ ਸੂਅਰ ਉਸੁ ਗਾਇ
हकु पराइआ नानका उसु सूअर उसु गाइ ॥

Hak parā­i­ā nānkā us sū­ar us gā­ė.
: To take what rightfully belongs to another, is like a Muslim eating pork, or a Hindu eating beef.
ਗੁਰੁ ਪੀਰੁ ਹਾਮਾ ਤਾ ਭਰੇ ਜਾ ਮੁਰਦਾਰੁ ਖਾਇ
गुरु पीरु हामा ता भरे जा मुरदारु न खाइ ॥

Gur pīr hāmā ṯā bẖarė jā murḏār na kẖā­ė.
Our Guru, our Spiritual Guide, stands by us, if we do not eat those carcasses.

this is one of the similies used by Guru ji

he is explaining about taking something what is not rightfully ours - doing fraud, he equtes it to sin througha simily.

ਗਲੀ ਭਿਸਤਿ ਜਾਈਐ ਛੁਟੈ ਸਚੁ ਕਮਾਇ
गली भिसति न जाईऐ छुटै सचु कमाइ ॥
Galī bẖisaṯ na jā­ī­ai cẖẖutai sacẖ kamā­ė.
By mere talk, people do not earn passage to Heaven. Salvation comes only from the practice of Truth.

ਮਾਰਣ ਪਾਹਿ ਹਰਾਮ ਮਹਿ ਹੋਇ ਹਲਾਲੁ ਜਾਇ

मारण पाहि हराम महि होइ हलालु न जाइ ॥
Māraṇ pāhi harām meh ho­ė halāl na jā­ė.
By adding spices to forbidden foods, they are not made acceptable.

haram andhalal are not words for meat. they are persian/arabic words for sinful and righteous. halal means correct, righteous. Haram means through wrong ways. the translator has tried to impose his own thoughts here. justbecause meats are referred in similies above, it does not mean that Guruji were sermoning on eating meat or not.

Guruji started the sermon/vak for explaning righteous conduct and the outcomes of wrong doings.

ਨਾਨਕ ਗਲੀ ਕੂੜੀਈ ਕੂੜੋ ਪਲੈ ਪਾਇ ॥੨॥

नानक गली कूड़ीई कूड़ो पलै पाइ ॥२॥
Nānak galī kūṛī­ī kūṛo palai pā­ė. ||2||
O Nanak, from false talk, only falsehood is obtained. ||2||
Apr 4, 2007
I am a teenager of 16 years and currently eat all meat except beef. Recently I heard someone saying that there is no rule where that it states that Sikhs cannot eat beef.

So I was wondering whether this was the case

yes, you're allowed to. you're not a hindu. you don't worship cow.

however, if you live in india, most likely the only beef you will find is halal, and we are NOT allowed to eat halal. so if you're in india, you probably should avoid beef.

now whether or not you should eat any meat is a different question. :)


Mar 26, 2007
Sri Granth: Shabad/Paurhi/Salok SGGS Page 1289

also insights on the above?

Sorry to be spamming this thread, but here are more gurbani verses


kbIr jIA ju mwrih joru kir khqy hih ju hlwlu ] (1375-5, slok, Bgq kbIr jI)
kabeer jee-a jo maareh jor kar kahtay heh jo halaal.
Kabeer, they oppress living beings and kill them, and call it proper.
dPqru deI jb kwiF hY hoiegw kaunu hvwlu ]199] (1375-5, slok, Bgq kbIr jI)
daftar da-ee jab kaadh hai ho-igaa ka-un havaal. ||199||
When the Lord calls for their account, what will their condition be? ||199||
kbIr joru kIAw so julmu hY lyie jbwbu Kudwie ] (1375-6, slok, Bgq kbIr jI)
kabeer jor kee-aa so julam hai lay-ay jabaab khudaa-ay.
Kabeer, it is tyranny to use force; the Lord shall call you to account.
dPqir lyKw nIksY mwr muhY muih Kwie ]200] (1375-6, slok, Bgq kbIr jI)
daftar laykhaa neeksai maar muhai muhi khaa-ay. ||200||
When your account is called for, your face and mouth shall be beaten. ||200||


rwm nwm kI giq nhI jwnI kYsy auqris pwrw ]1] (1103-1, mwrU, Bgq kbIr jI)
raam naam kee gat nahee jaanee kaisay utras paaraa. ||1||
You do not know the exalted state of the Lord's Name; how will you ever cross over? ||1||
jIA bDhu su Drmu kir Qwphu ADrmu khhu kq BweI ] (1103-2, mwrU, Bgq kbIr jI)
jee-a baDhahu so Dharam kar thaapahu aDhram kahhu kat bhaa-ee.
You kill living beings, and call it a righteous action. Tell me, brother, what would you call an unrighteous action?
Awps kau muinvr kir Qwphu kw kau khhu ksweI ]2] (1103-2, mwrU, Bgq kbIr jI)
aapas ka-o munivar kar thaapahu kaa ka-o kahhu kasaa-ee. ||2||
You call yourself the most excellent sage; then who would you call a butcher? ||2||


However, eating emat or not eating meat does not confer any cirtue, and has no real benefit besides better physical health and well being, and helps you gain respect for all gods creation. What we have in mind, our intent, and what we do matters more then not just eating meat. I hope you understand why i do not eat meat is to see gods presence in all, and is not ritual.
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Apr 3, 2005
I am a teenager of 16 years and currently eat all meat except beef. Recently I heard someone saying that there is no rule where that it states that Sikhs cannot eat beef.

So I was wondering whether this was the case

Sikhs can eat beef
Oct 14, 2007
This is the shabad referred to in the above posts. However, it is only a reference to flesh.There is no edict contained in it regarding taking or not taking the meat/flesh. You may follow the advice of kds ji and Jasleen ji.
I would suggest you to kindly go thru. Rehat Maryada at Sgpc.net.You will also learn many new things.:}:):

ਪਹਿਲਾਂ ਮਾਸਹੁ ਨਿੰਮਿਆ ਮਾਸੈ ਅੰਦਰਿ ਵਾਸੁ ॥

ਸਲੋਕ ਮਃ
सलोक मः १ ॥
Salok mehlā 1.
Shalok, First Mehl:

ਪਹਿਲਾਂ ਮਾਸਹੁ ਨਿੰਮਿਆ ਮਾਸੈ ਅੰਦਰਿ ਵਾਸੁ

पहिलां मासहु निमिआ मासै अंदरि वासु ॥
Pahilāʼn māsahu nimmi­ā māsai anḏar vās.
First, the mortal is conceived in the flesh, and then he dwells in the flesh.

ਜੀਉ ਪਾਇ ਮਾਸੁ ਮੁਹਿ ਮਿਲਿਆ ਹਡੁ ਚੰਮੁ ਤਨੁ ਮਾਸੁ

जीउ पाइ मासु मुहि मिलिआ हडु चमु तनु मासु ॥
Jī­o pā­ė mās muhi mili­ā had cẖamm ṯan mās.
When he comes alive, his mouth takes flesh; his bones, skin and body are flesh.

ਮਾਸਹੁ ਬਾਹਰਿ ਕਢਿਆ ਮੰਮਾ ਮਾਸੁ ਗਿਰਾਸੁ

मासहु बाहरि कढिआ ममा मासु गिरासु ॥
Māsahu bāhar kadẖi­ā mammā mās girās.
He comes out of the womb of flesh, and takes a mouthful of flesh at the breast.

ਮੁਹੁ ਮਾਸੈ ਕਾ ਜੀਭ ਮਾਸੈ ਕੀ ਮਾਸੈ ਅੰਦਰਿ ਸਾਸੁ

मुहु मासै का जीभ मासै की मासै अंदरि सासु ॥
Muhu māsai kā jībẖ māsai kī māsai anḏar sās.
His mouth is flesh, his tongue is flesh; his breath is in the flesh.

ਵਡਾ ਹੋਆ ਵੀਆਹਿਆ ਘਰਿ ਲੈ ਆਇਆ ਮਾਸੁ

वडा होआ वीआहिआ घरि लै आइआ मासु ॥
vadā ho­ā vī­āhi­ā gẖar lai ā­i­ā mās.
He grows up and is married, and brings his wife of flesh into his home.

ਮਾਸਹੁ ਹੀ ਮਾਸੁ ਊਪਜੈ ਮਾਸਹੁ ਸਭੋ ਸਾਕੁ

मासहु ही मासु ऊपजै मासहु सभो साकु ॥
Māsahu hī mās ūpjai māsahu sabẖo sāk.
Flesh is produced from flesh; all relatives are made of flesh.

ਸਤਿਗੁਰਿ ਮਿਲਿਐ ਹੁਕਮੁ ਬੁਝੀਐ ਤਾਂ ਕੋ ਆਵੈ ਰਾਸਿ

सतिगुरि मिलिऐ हुकमु बुझीऐ तां को आवै रासि ॥
Saṯgur mili­ai hukam bujẖī­ai ṯāʼn ko āvai rās.
When the mortal meets the True Guru, and realizes the Hukam of the Lord's Command, then he comes to be reformed.

ਆਪਿ ਛੁਟੇ ਨਹ ਛੂਟੀਐ ਨਾਨਕ ਬਚਨਿ ਬਿਣਾਸੁ ॥੧॥

आपि छुटे नह छूटीऐ नानक बचनि बिणासु ॥१॥
Āp cẖẖutė nah cẖẖūtī­ai Nānak bacẖan biṇās. ||1||
Releasing himself, the mortal does not find release; O Nanak, through empty words, one is ruined. ||1||
Mar 17, 2005
Damdami Taksaal and AKJ maryada do not allow meat. keep in mind alot of those singhs who also drink and smoke follow sGPC. i know not all sikhs who drink and smoke too follow SGPC, and not all AKJers are as pure as they are supposed to be.

my advice, since in america, u do not know if animal meat was killed non hallal or non kosher (basically animal torture) do not eat it.

However if u are nihang and u chatka on goat, and see it killed right way, then why not eat meat?

Of course, i prefer to not eat any, tatse, smell, etc. do not appeal to me

Are suggesting that those that follow Sri Akal Takht Rehit Maryada which is PUBLISHED by the SGPC most likely drink or smoke? Can you tell me where in Sri Akal Takht Reyat maryada it say that drinking or smoking is allowed? Those that follow Maryada of Sri Akal Takht Sahib would never drink or smoke, please dont take actions of a few and label all the members of SGPC as drinkers or smokers.


To the original Poster, Sikhs dont worship cows.The worship of cows is behind the reason for people not eating beef.
Oct 14, 2007
Anyone who violates the Maryada would not be a sikh in true spirit. Hence the applicability of Maryada again on the one who has violated it is doubtful.
Once one is out of the periphery of the applicability of the rehat it is no point sating that one is sikh at all.


Mar 26, 2007
Are suggesting that those that follow Sri Akal Takht Rehit Maryada which is PUBLISHED by the SGPC most likely drink or smoke? Can you tell me where in Sri Akal Takht Reyat maryada it say that drinking or smoking is allowed? Those that follow Maryada of Sri Akal Takht Sahib would never drink or smoke, please dont take actions of a few and label all the members of SGPC as drinkers or smokers.


To the original Poster, Sikhs dont worship cows.The worship of cows is behind the reason for people not eating beef.
Akaali ji,

the head council members may not. but soem of the sikhs who drink and go to pub PROBABLY follow SGPC.. all the AKJ and DamDami Taksaal folks i see, seem pretty rooted in rehit.


I have read SGPC maryada many times.

Damdami taksaal maryada, which is one of the Takhats says:

hu`kw, hjwmq, hlwlo, hrwm ] ( AsPokt sYÍXy)
Hukka Smoking tobacco, and all other intoxicants. Hajamat Cutting, plucking, surgically removing, dying/bleaching hair. Defacing body by piercing or tattooing. Halalo Eating meat, fish and eggs. Haram Adultery and sexual relationships outside of marriage.

kuTw hu`kw, crs qmwkU [ gWjw topI qwVI KwkU ]30]
ien kI Er n kbhU dyKy [ rhqvMq jo isMG ibsyKy ]
"Meat, all forms of intoxicants (including tobacco, ganja/cannabis and alcohol), wearing of hats and doing the pretense of rubbing soil on the body. A Singh with excellent rehat doesn’t associate with people who are engrossed in these sinful habits." (Rehatnama Bhai Desa Singh Jee, 148)



3. Halaal – Eating meat, fish and eggs
The eating of meat is strictly forbidden in the house of the Guru. It is a cardinal sin to eat any type of meat whether it be Kutha or meat killed in any other fashion and it makes one a traitor to the Guru. In Sri Guru Granth Sahib there is no place where permission to eat meat is given, on the contrary it is condemned consistently and continually. A person that kills an animal and eats it, will be reborn in that life form and have to experience being killed and eaten.
kbIr KUbu Kwnw KIcrI jw mih AMimRqu lonu ]
hyrw rotI kwrny glw ktwvY kaunu ] 188]
"Kabeer, the eating of lentils(masoor) and rice is excellent, In which there is Amrit in the form of salt.
Who would cut his own throat, to have meat with his chappati?" (SGGSJ Ang 1374)
The Khalsa is a warrior, not being a Vaishnoo (those who do not kill any other living beings), but at the same time the Khalsa is not a butcher who kills for meat. Guru Jee used to go hunting to free souls from the cycle of births and deaths. We do not have the power to become Mukt (liberated) ourselves from the cycle of births and deaths let alone liberate others. When Sri Guru Nanak Dev Jee lived at Sultanpur, a Qazi (Muslim priest) was killing a chicken but it escaped from his clutches and splashed his clothing with blood. The Qazi said to his servant, my clothes have become dirty, go and fetch fresh clothes. Satguru Jee composed the following Shabad in reference to the Qazi,
jy rqu lgY kpVY jwmw hoie plIqu ]
jo rqu pIvih mwxsw iqn ikau inrml cIqu ]
"If blood has stained your clothing you say your clothes have become impure.
How can the mind of those who eat meat, drink blood and suck bones become pure?" (SGGSJ Ang 140)
Qazi! If your clothes have become impure due to bloodstains then how can your mind stay pure after eating a chicken which is so large and full of blood. Eating meat just to satisfy your taste buds is strictly forbidden. Vaheguru has created 36 types of vegetarian food for you to consume, by eating meat your intellect becomes like that of an animal. Your mind becomes unwilling to recite Gurbani. Baba Deep Singh Jee lived on a diet of unripe Ber (a tropical fruit) and hand wrote four volumes of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee, which were placed at four of the Takhats. At the age of 87, he went to war and defeated the tyrants. Within him he had the power of Naam, Bani and Amrit. To conclude, eating meat is not allowed in any form, this includes fish and eggs and ingredients in foods with lecithins, egg trace, gelatins etc. The Guru’s teachings are more precious to us than the pleasures of our tastebuds, we should try adopting a simple diet and steer away from eating processed foods which do commonly contain ingredients which we cannot consume, if you do consume these foods you must not become lazy or purposely ignorant of the ingredients, you are to remain forever alert of the great teachings of the Gurus. Thousands have been martyred to uphold this Rehat and have gone many gruelling days, weeks and months in battle or persecution whilst maintaining these high standards.

Source: Damdami Taksaal Online Website - Rehat Maryada

as for the AKJ:

link here: :: AKJ.Org :: Literature ::

I know i'm just copying and pasting, but it summarizes my views adaquately.

i think this is kind of offensive... first, we don't follow SGPC, we follow Akal Takht. and second, the rehat maryada clearly states that drinking and smoking are forbidden, so how can you say "a lot" of us do it?

Do you think majority of sikhs follow SGPC?

Obviously, yes.

Majority of singhs also drink, or so i hear.

Please correct if I am wrong.

Also please forgive spelling errors
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Oct 14, 2007
Sherab ji,
Just for information:
Would you kindly let us know as to what are the consequences of not following Maryada irrespective of whether one violates the maryada and let it be known or not.


Mar 26, 2007
Sherab ji,
Just for information:
Would you kindly let us know as to what are the consequences of not following Maryada irrespective of whether one violates the maryada and let it be known or not.
they are no longer considered a sikh, ji.

However, i do not think i have violated maryada at all.

SGPC says whetehr not we eat meat or not is up to us. I am choosing not too, as do 2 other jatha/Takhats go against eating meat.

I simply support their view.

Also, sorry if i have offended by saying all SGPC sikhs drink and smoke, but please see my reply to Jasleen-ji, for a clarification on my reasoning. It is NOT an attack.
Oct 14, 2007
I would presume, as I am not sure, that one would not be a sikh for that period of time till/unless the things are rectified once again if the Maryada provides.

Sorry For late posting.

Sherab ji,
No Not at all. We are all learner here and try to be a better human being after every visit to the site else copying and pasting that I am doing is useless.
You have not broken any Maryada and who am I to judge.One is the best judge.
Coming back to the point if some sikh drinks and smokes he would not be a sikh on moral grounds. He will know himself. Hence no Maryada would be applicabe to him. Maryada is for those who would like to be in the periphery of A Sikh to whom Maryada can be made applicable.

I hope I have clarified myself.

A hindu is not supposed to kill a cow.If he kills one he does not remain a Hindu. Thus the code of hinduism ,if any as I do not know if they have some, would not be applicable to him the next time he kills a cow.
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Apr 4, 2007
Akaali ji,

the head council members may not. but soem of the sikhs who drink and go to pub PROBABLY follow SGPC.. all the AKJ and DamDami Taksaal folks i see, seem pretty rooted in rehit.


I have read SGPC maryada many times.

Damdami taksaal maryada, which is one of the Takhats says:

woah, slow down a minute... Damdami Taksaal is NOT one of the panj Takhts! you're confusing an unrelated organization with Damdama Sahib, which falls under the purview of SGPC.

Do you think majority of sikhs follow SGPC?

Obviously, yes.

Majority of singhs also drink, or so i hear.

Please correct if I am wrong.

no, majority of sikhs do not "follow" SGPC. SGPC is a committee to take care of Gurdwaras. it's not a governing body for sikhs.

majority of sikhs follow Akal Takht, which is the temporal authority of Sikhs, hence it's proximity to Darbar Sahib, representing Miri and Piri.

if someone born to a sikh family drinks, i don't think they're following ANY sikh authority.


Mar 26, 2007
Jasleen ji, thank you for the info :-D

Sikh80 ji, thanks as well!

I think i have given enough info for original poster to see both sides of the arguement.


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
Why would sikhs want to eat corpses ?
Partake the living amrit. It's a state of mind. Depending where you put your attention - habitually or by choice - the results are going to be delivered.
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