This is the type of Sucham Guur Nank Ji taught us Sikhs to keep...the Sucham of HONEST LABOUR..not to even TOUCH something not earned honestly....BUT Sikhs ran after the Pandits and the Bippar Brahmins..and adopted the FALSE "sucham" of FOOD....not eating food cooked by supposedly low castes, non-amrtidharees, non-jatha members etc etc etc...a TEACHING not evne remotley advocated by GURU JI...How deeply Fraudalent ?? These Fake Sikhs accept BRIBES, thalees Bags full of ILLICIT Money, drugs, meat, sheraab etc etc..and PRETEND they eat food cooked only by "holy hands"....????
Read this article and see how Editor Joginder Singh ji of Rozana spokesman (the Newspaer MOST HATED by sants Babas mahapurashs Jathedars pujarees etc etc - reason si clearly in this article ..) REFUSED to touch RS 20,000 offered by Sant Sucha Singh jawadi to NOT OPPOSE the sants introduction of Comrades and atheists as "Sikh Intelligencia and academics"...and the sant was forced to DROP the plan !!
This is the type of Sucham Guur Nank Ji taught us Sikhs to keep...the Sucham of HONEST LABOUR..not to even TOUCH something not earned honestly....BUT Sikhs ran after the Pandits and the Bippar Brahmins..and adopted the FALSE "sucham" of FOOD....not eating food cooked by supposedly low castes, non-amrtidharees, non-jatha members etc etc etc...a TEACHING not evne remotley advocated by GURU JI...How deeply Fraudalent ?? These Fake Sikhs accept BRIBES, thalees Bags full of ILLICIT Money, drugs, meat, sheraab etc etc..and PRETEND they eat food cooked only by "holy hands"....????
Read this article and see how Editor Joginder Singh ji of Rozana spokesman (the Newspaer MOST HATED by sants Babas mahapurashs Jathedars pujarees etc etc - reason si clearly in this article ..) REFUSED to touch RS 20,000 offered by Sant Sucha Singh jawadi to NOT OPPOSE the sants introduction of Comrades and atheists as "Sikh Intelligencia and academics"...and the sant was forced to DROP the plan !!