Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru JI KI fateh.
GO through the Bani line by line and post your comments and questions and we will discuss them together.
Jarnail singh.
(From SGGS Page 938 line 5 to page 946 line 19).
rwmklI mhlw 1 isD gosit
raamkalee mehlaa 1 siDh gosat
Raamkalee, First Mehl, Sidh Gosht ~ Conversations With The Siddhas:
<> siqgur pRswid ]
ik-oNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
isD sBw kir Awsix bYTy sMq sBw jYkwro ]
siDh sabhaa kar aasan baithay sant sabhaa jaikaaro.
The Siddhas formed an assembly; sitting in their Yogic postures, they shouted, "Salute this gathering of Saints."
iqsu AwgY rhrwis hmwrI swcw Apr Apwro ]
tis aagai rahraas hamaaree saachaa apar apaaro.
I offer my salutation to the One who is true, infinite and incomparably beautiful.
msqku kwit DrI iqsu AwgY qnu mnu AwgY dyau ]
mastak kaat Dharee tis aagai tan man aagai day-o.
I cut off my head, and offer it to Him; I dedicate my body and mind to Him.
nwnk sMqu imlY scu pweIAY shj Bwie jsu lyau ]1]
naanak sant milai sach paa-ee-ai sahj bhaa-ay jas lay-o. ||1||
O Nanak, meeting with the THE "SAINT", Truth is obtained, and one is spontaneously blessed with distinction. ||1||
ikAw BvIAY sic sUcw hoie ]
ki-aa bhavee-ai sach soochaa ho-ay.
What is the use of wandering around? Purity comes only through Truth.
swc sbd ibnu mukiq n koie ]1] rhwau ]
saach sabad bin mukat na ko-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Without the True Word of the Shabad, no one finds liberation. ||1||Pause||
kvn qumy ikAw nwau qumwrw kaunu mwrgu kaunu suAwE ]
kavan tumay ki-aa naa-o tumaaraa ka-un maarag ka-un su-aa-o.
"Who are you? What is your name? What is your way? What is your goal?
swcu khau Ardwis hmwrI hau sMq jnw bil jwE ]
saach kaha-o ardaas hamaaree ha-o sant janaa bal jaa-o.
We pray that you will answer us truthfully; we are a sacrifice to the humble Saints.
kh bYshu kh rhIAY bwly kh Awvhu kh jwho ]
kah baishu kah rahee-ai baalay kah aavhu kah jaaho.
Where is your seat? Where do you live, boy? Where did you come from, and where are you going?
nwnku bolY suix bYrwgI ikAw qumwrw rwho ]2]
naanak bolai sun bairaagee ki-aa tumaaraa raaho. ||2||
Tell us, Nanak - the detached Siddhas wait to hear your reply. What is your path?"||2||
Git Git bYis inrMqir rhIAY cwlih siqgur Bwey ]
ghat ghat bais nirantar rahee-ai chaaleh satgur bhaa-ay.
He dwells deep within the nucleus of each and every heart. This is my seat and my home. I walk in harmony with the Will of the True Guru.
shjy Awey hukim isDwey nwnk sdw rjwey ]
sehjay aa-ay hukam siDhaa-ay naanak sadaa rajaa-ay.
I came from the Celestial Lord God; I go wherever He orders me to go. I am Nanak, forever under the Command of His Will.
Awsix bYsix iQru nwrwiexu AYsI gurmiq pwey ]
aasan baisan thir naaraa-in aisee gurmat paa-ay.
I sit in the posture of the eternal, imperishable Lord. These are the Teachings I have received from the Guru.
gurmuiK bUJY Awpu pCwxY scy sic smwey ]3]
gurmukh boojhai aap pachhaanai sachay sach samaa-ay. ||3||
As Gurmukh, I have come to understand and realize myself; I merge in the Truest of the True. ||3||
dunIAw swgru duqru khIAY ikau kir pweIAY pwro ]
dunee-aa saagar dutar kahee-ai ki-o kar paa-ee-ai paaro.
"The world-ocean is treacherous and impassable; how can one cross over?
crptu bolY AauDU nwnk dyhu scw bIcwro ]
charpat bolai a-oDhoo naanak dayh sachaa beechaaro.
Charpat the Yogi says, O Nanak, think it over, and give us your true reply."
Awpy AwKY Awpy smJY iqsu ikAw auqru dIjY ]
aapay aakhai aapay samjhai tis ki-aa utar deejai.
What answer can I give to someone, who claims to understand himself?
swcu khhu qum pwrgrwmI quJu ikAw bYsxu dIjY ]4]
saach kahhu tum paargaraamee tujh ki-aa baisan deejai. ||4||
I speak the Truth; if you have already crossed over, how can I argue with you? ||4||
jYsy jl mih kmlu inrwlmu murgweI nY swxy ]
jaisay jal meh kamal niraalam murgaa-ee nai saanay.
The lotus flower floats untouched upon the surface of the water, and the duck swims through the stream;
suriq sbid Bv swgru qrIAY nwnk nwmu vKwxy ]
surat sabad bhav saagar taree-ai naanak naam vakhaanay.
with one's consciousness focused on the Word of the Shabad, one crosses over the terrifying world-ocean. O Nanak, chant the Naam, the Name of the Lord.
rhih iekWiq eyko min visAw Awsw mwih inrwso ]
raheh ikaaNt ayko man vasi-aa aasaa maahi niraaso.
One who lives alone, as a hermit, enshrining the One Lord in his mind, remaining unaffected by hope in the midst of hope,
Agmu Agocru dyiK idKwey nwnku qw kw dwso ]5]
agam agochar daykh dikhaa-ay naanak taa kaa daaso. ||5||
sees and inspires others to see the inaccessible, unfathomable Lord. Nanak is his slave. ||5||
suix suAwmI Ardwis hmwrI pUCau swcu bIcwro ]
sun su-aamee ardaas hamaaree poochha-o saach beechaaro.
"Listen, Lord, to our prayer. We seek your true opinion.
rosu n kIjY auqru dIjY ikau pweIAY gur duAwro ]
ros na keejai utar deejai ki-o paa-ee-ai gur du-aaro.
Don't be angry with us - please tell us: How can we find the Guru's Door?"
iehu mnu clqau sc Gir bYsY nwnk nwmu ADwro ]
ih man chalta-o sach ghar baisai naanak naam aDhaaro.
This fickle mind sits in its true home, O Nanak, through the Support of the Naam, the Name of the Lord.
Awpy myil imlwey krqw lwgY swic ipAwro ]6]
aapay mayl milaa-ay kartaa laagai saach pi-aaro. ||6||
The Creator Himself unites us in Union, and inspires us to love the Truth. ||6||
hwtI bwtI rhih inrwly rUiK ibriK auidAwny ]
haatee baatee raheh niraalay rookh birakh udi-aanay.
"Away from stores and highways, we live in the woods, among plants and trees.
kMd mUlu AhwroKweIAY AauDU bolY igAwny ]
kand mool ahaaro khaa-ee-ai a-oDhoo bolai gi-aanay.
For food, we take fruits and roots. This is the spiritual wisdom spoken by the renunciates.
qIriQ nweIAY suKu Plu pweIAY mYlu n lwgY kweI ]
tirath naa-ee-ai sukh fal paa-ee-ai mail na laagai kaa-ee.
We bathe at sacred shrines of pilgrimage, and obtain the fruits of peace; not even an iota of filth sticks to us.
gorK pUqu lohwrIpw bolY jog jugiq ibiD sweI ]7]
gorakh poot lohaareepaa bolai jog jugat biDh saa-ee. ||7||
Luhaareepaa, the disciple of Gorakh says, this is the Way of Yoga."||7||
hwtI bwtI nId n AwvY pr Gir icqu n fuolweI ]
haatee baatee need na aavai par ghar chit na dolaa-ee.
In the stores and on the road, do not sleep; do not let your consciousness covet anyone else's home.
ibnu nwvY mnu tyk n itkeI nwnk BUK n jweI ]
bin naavai man tayk na tik-ee naanak bhookh na jaa-ee.
Without the Name, the mind has no firm support; O Nanak, this hunger never departs.
hwtu ptxu Gru gurU idKwieAw shjy scu vwpwro ]
haat patan ghar guroo dikhaa-i-aa sehjay sach vaapaaro.
The Guru has revealed the stores and the city within the home of my own heart, where I intuitively carry on the true trade.
KMifq indRw Alp AhwrM nwnk qqu bIcwro ]8]
khandit nidraa alap ahaaraN naanak tat beechaaro. ||8||
Sleep little, and eat little; O Nanak, this is the essence of wisdom. ||8||
drsnu ByK krhu joigMdRw muMdRw JolI iKMQw ]
darsan bhaykh karahu jogindaraa mundraa jholee khinthaa.
"Wear the robes of the sect of Yogis who follow Gorakh; put on the ear-rings, begging wallet and patched coat.
bwrh AMqir eyku sryvhu Ktu drsn iek pMQw ]
baarah antar ayk sarayvhu khat darsan ik panthaa.
Among the twelve schools of Yoga, ours is the highest; among the six schools of philosophy, ours is the best path.
ien ibiD mnu smJweIAY purKw bwhuiV cot n KweIAY ]
in biDh man samjaa-ee-ai purkhaa baahurh chot na khaa-ee-ai.
This is the way to instruct the mind, so you will never suffer beatings again."
nwnku bolY gurmuiK bUJY jog jugiq iev pweIAY ]9]
naanak bolai gurmukh boojhai jog jugat iv paa-ee-ai. ||9||
Nanak speaks: the Gurmukh understands; this is the way that Yoga is attained. ||9||
AMqir sbdu inrMqir mudRw haumY mmqw dUir krI ]
antar sabad nirantar mudraa ha-umai mamtaa door karee.
Let constant absorption in the Word of the Shabad deep within be your ear-rings; eradicate egotism and attachment.
kwmu k®oDu AhMkwru invwrY gur kY sbid su smJ prI ]
kaam kroDh ahaNkaar nivaarai gur kai sabad so samajh paree.
Discard sexual desire, anger and egotism, and through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, attain true understanding.
iKMQw JolI Birpuir rihAw nwnk qwrY eyku hrI ]
khinthaa jholee bharipur rahi-aa naanak taarai ayk haree.
For your patched coat and begging bowl, see the Lord God pervading and permeating everywhere; O Nanak, the One Lord will carry you across.
swcw swihbu swcI nweI prKY gur kI bwq KrI ]10]
saachaa saahib saachee naa-ee parkhai gur kee baat kharee. ||10||
True is our Lord and Master, and True is His Name. Analyze it, and you shall find the Word of the Guru to be True. ||10||
aUNDau Kpru pMc BU topI ]
ooNDha-o khapar panch bhoo topee.
Let your mind turn away in detachment from the world, and let this be your begging bowl. Let the lessons of the five elements be your cap.
kWieAw kVwsxu mnu jwgotI ]
kaaN-i-aa karhaasan man jaagotee.
Let the body be your meditation mat, and the mind your loin cloth.
squ sMqoKu sMjmu hY nwil ]
sat santokh sanjam hai naal.
Let truth, contentment and self-discipline be your companions.
nwnk gurmuiK nwmu smwil ]11]
naanak gurmukh naam samaal. ||11||
O Nanak, the Gurmukh dwells on the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||11||
kvnu su gupqw kvnu su mukqw ]
kavan so guptaa kavan so muktaa.
"Who is hidden? Who is liberated?
kvnu su AMqir bwhir jugqw ]
kavan so antar baahar jugtaa.
Who is united, inwardly and outwardly?
kvnu su AwvY kvnu su jwie ]
kavan so aavai kavan so jaa-ay.
Who comes, and who goes?
kvnu su iqRBvix rihAw smwie ]12]
kavan so taribhavan rahi-aa samaa-ay. ||12||
Who is permeating and pervading the three worlds?"||12||
Git Git gupqw gurmuiK mukqw ]
ghat ghat guptaa gurmukh muktaa.
He is hidden within each and every heart. The Gurmukh is liberated.
AMqir bwhir sbid su jugqw ]
antar baahar sabad so jugtaa.
Through the Word of the Shabad, one is united, inwardly and outwardly.
mnmuiK ibnsY AwvY jwie ]
manmukh binsai aavai jaa-ay.
The self-willed manmukh perishes, and comes and goes.
nwnk gurmuiK swic smwie ]13]
naanak gurmukh saach samaa-ay. ||13||
O Nanak, the Gurmukh merges in Truth. ||13||
ikau kir bwDw srpin KwDw ]
ki-o kar baaDhaa sarpan khaaDhaa.
"How is one placed in bondage, and consumed by the serpent of Maya?
ikau kir KoieAw ikau kir lwDw ]
ki-o kar kho-i-aa ki-o kar laaDhaa.
How does one lose, and how does one gain?
ikau kir inrmlu ikau kir AMiDAwrw ]
ki-o kar nirmal ki-o kar anDhi-aaraa.
How does one become immaculate and pure? How is the darkness of ignorance removed?
iehu qqu bIcwrY su gurU hmwrw ]14]
ih tat beechaarai so guroo hamaaraa. ||14||
One who understands this essence of reality is our Guru."||14||
durmiq bwDw srpin KwDw ]
durmat baaDhaa sarpan khaaDhaa.
Man is bound by evil-mindedness, and consumed by Maya, the serpent.
mnmuiK KoieAw gurmuiK lwDw ]
manmukh kho-i-aa gurmukh laaDhaa.
The self-willed manmukh loses, and the Gurmukh gains.
siqguru imlY AMDyrw jwie ]
satgur milai anDhayraa jaa-ay.
Meeting the True Guru, darkness is dispelled.
nwnk haumY myit smwie ]15]
naanak ha-umai mayt samaa-ay. ||15||
O Nanak, eradicating egotism, one merges in the Lord. ||15||
suMn inrMqir dIjY bMDu ]
sunn nirantar deejai banDh.
Focused deep within, in perfect absorption,
aufY n hMsw pVY n kMDu ]
udai na hansaa parhai na kanDh.
the soul-swan does not fly away, and the body-wall does not collapse.
shj guPw Gru jwxY swcw ]
sahj gufaa ghar jaanai saachaa.
Then, one knows that his true home is in the cave of intuitive poise.
nwnk swcy BwvY swcw ]16]
naanak saachay bhaavai saachaa. ||16||
O Nanak, the True Lord loves those who are truthful. ||16||
iksu kwrix igRhu qijE audwsI ]
kis kaaran garihu taji-o udaasee.
"Why have you left your house and become a wandering Udaasee?
iksu kwrix iehu ByKu invwsI ]
kis kaaran ih bhaykh nivaasee.
Why have you adopted these religious robes?
iksu vKr ky qum vxjwry ]
kis vakhar kay tum vanjaaray.
What merchandise do you trade?
ikau kir swQu lµGwvhu pwry ]17]
ki-o kar saath langhaavahu paaray. ||17||
How will you carry others across with you?"||17||
gurmuiK Kojq Bey audwsI ]
gurmukh khojat bha-ay udaasee.
I became a wandering Udaasee, searching for the Gurmukhs.
drsn kY qweI ByK invwsI ]
darsan kai taa-ee bhaykh nivaasee.
I have adopted these robes seeking the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan.
swc vKr ky hm vxjwry ]
saach vakhar kay ham vanjaaray.
I trade in the merchandise of Truth.
nwnk gurmuiK auqris pwry ]18]
naanak gurmukh utras paaray. ||18||
O Nanak, as Gurmukh, I carry others across. ||18||
ikqu ibiD purKw jnmu vtwieAw ]
kit biDh purkhaa janam vataa-i-aa.
"How have you changed the course of your life?
kwhy kau quJuiehu mnu lwieAw ]
kaahay ka-o tujh ih man laa-i-aa.
With what have you linked your mind?
ikqu ibiD Awsw mnsw KweI ]
kit biDh aasaa mansaa khaa-ee.
How have you subdued your hopes and desires?
ikqu ibiD joiq inrMqir pweI ]
kit biDh jot nirantar paa-ee.
How have you found the Light deep within your nucleus?
ibnu dMqw ikau KweIAY swru ]
bin dantaa ki-o khaa-ee-ai saar.
Without teeth, how can you eat iron?
nwnk swcw krhu bIcwru ]19]
naanak saachaa karahu beechaar. ||19||
Give us your true opinion, Nanak."||19||
siqgur kY jnmy gvnu imtwieAw ]
satgur kai janmay gavan mitaa-i-aa.
Born into the House of the True Guru, my wandering in reincarnation ended.
Anhiq rwqy iehu mnu lwieAw ]
anhat raatay ih man laa-i-aa.
My mind is attached and attuned to the unstruck sound current.
mnsw Awsw sbid jlweI ]
mansaa aasaa sabad jalaa-ee.
Through the Word of the Shabad, my hopes and desires have been burnt away.
gurmuiK joiq inrMqir pweI ]
gurmukh jot nirantar paa-ee.
As Gurmukh, I found the Light deep within the nucleus of my self.
qRY gux myty KweIAY swru ]
tarai gun maytay khaa-ee-ai saar.
Eradicating the three qualities, one eats iron.
nwnk qwry qwrxhwru ]20]
naanak taaray taaranhaar. ||20||
O Nanak, the Emancipator emancipates. ||20||
Awid kau kvnu bIcwru kQIAly suMn khw Gr vwso ]
aad ka-o kavan beechaar kathee-alay sunn kahaa ghar vaaso.
"What can you tell us about the beginning? In what home did the absolute dwell then?
igAwn kI mudRw kvn kQIAly Git Git kvn invwso ]
gi-aan kee mudraa kavan kathee-alay ghat ghat kavan nivaaso.
What are the ear-rings of spiritual wisdom? Who dwells in each and every heart?
kwl kw TIgw ikau jlweIAly ikau inrBau Gir jweIAY ]
kaal kaa theegaa ki-o jalaa-ee-alay ki-o nirbha-o ghar jaa-ee-ai.
How can one avoid the attack of death? How can one enter the home of fearlessness?
shj sMqoK kw Awsxu jwxY ikau Cydy bYrweIAY ]
sahj santokh kaa aasan jaanai ki-o chhayday bairaa-ee-ai.
How can one know the posture of intuition and contentment, and overcome one's adversaries?"
gur kY sbid haumY ibKu mwrY qw inj Gir hovY vwso ]
gur kai sabad ha-umai bikh maarai taa nij ghar hovai vaaso.
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, egotism and corruption are conquered, and then one comes to dwell in the home of the self within.
ijin ric ricAw iqsu sbid pCwxY nwnku qw kw dwso ]21]
jin rach rachi-aa tis sabad pachhaanai naanak taa kaa daaso. ||21||
One who realizes the Shabad of the One who created the creation - Nanak is his slave. ||21||
khw qy AwvY khw iehu jwvY khw iehu rhY smweI ]
kahaa tay aavai kahaa ih jaavai kahaa ih rahai samaa-ee.
"Where did we come from? Where are we going? Where will we be absorbed?
eysu sbd kau jo ArQwvY iqsu gur iqlu n qmweI ]
ays sabad ka-o jo arthaavai tis gur til na tamaa-ee.
One who reveals the meaning of this Shabad is the Guru, who has no greed at all.
ikau qqY AivgqY pwvY gurmuiK lgY ipAwro ]
ki-o tatai avigatai paavai gurmukh lagai pi-aaro.
How can one find the essence of the unmanifest reality? How does one become Gurmukh, and enshrine love for the Lord?
Awpy surqw Awpy krqw khu nwnk bIcwro ]
aapay surtaa aapay kartaa kaho naanak beechaaro.
He Himself is consciousness, He Himself is the Creator; share with us, Nanak, your wisdom."
hukmy AwvY hukmy jwvY hukmy rhY smweI ]
hukmay aavai hukmay jaavai hukmay rahai samaa-ee.
By His Command we come, and by His Command we go; by His Command, we merge in absorption.
pUry gur qy swcu kmwvY giq imiq sbdy pweI ]22]
pooray gur tay saach kamaavai gat mit sabday paa-ee. ||22||
Through the Perfect Guru, live the Truth; through the Word of the Shabad, the state of dignity is attained. ||22||
Awid kau ibsmwdu bIcwru kQIAly suMn inrMqir vwsu lIAw ]
aad ka-o bismaad beechaar kathee-alay sunn nirantar vaas lee-aa.
We can only express a sense of wonder about the beginning. The absolute abided endlessly deep within Himself then.
Aklpq mudRw gur igAwnu bIcwrIAly Git Git swcw srb jIAw ]
akalpat mudraa gur gi-aan beechaaree-alay ghat ghat saachaa sarab jee-aa.
Consider freedom from desire to be the ear-rings of the Guru's spiritual wisdom. The True Lord, the Soul of all, dwells within each and every heart.
gur bcnI Aivgiq smweIAY qqu inrMjnu shij lhY ]
gur bachnee avigat samaa-ee-ai tat niranjan sahj lahai.
Through the Guru's Word, one merges in the absolute, and intuitively receives the immaculate essence.
nwnk dUjI kwr n krxI syvY isKu su Koij lhY ]
naanak doojee kaar na karnee sayvai sikh so khoj lahai.
O Nanak, that Sikh who seeks and finds the Way does not serve any other.
hukmu ibsmwdu hukim pCwxY jIA jugiq scu jwxY soeI ]
hukam bismaad hukam pachhaanai jee-a jugat sach jaanai so-ee.
Wonderful and amazing is His Command; He alone realizes His Command and knows the true way of life of His creatures.
Awpu myit inrwlmu hovY AMqir swcu jogI khIAY soeI ]23]
aap mayt niraalam hovai antar saach jogee kahee-ai so-ee. ||23||
One who eradicates his self-conceit becomes free of desire; he alone is a Yogi, who enshrines the True Lord deep within. ||23||
Aivgqo inrmwielu aupjy inrgux qy srguxu QIAw ]
avigato nirmaa-il upjay nirgun tay sargun thee-aa.
From His state of absolute existence, He assumed the immaculate form; from formless, He assumed the supreme form.
siqgur prcY prm pdu pweIAY swcY sbid smwie lIAw ]
satgur parchai param pad paa-ee-ai saachai sabad samaa-ay lee-aa.
By pleasing the True Guru, the supreme status is obtained, and one is absorbed in the True Word of the Shabad.
eyky kau scu eykw jwxY haumY dUjw dUir kIAw ]
aykay ka-o sach aykaa jaanai ha-umai doojaa door kee-aa.
He knows the True Lord as the One and only; he sends his egotism and duality far away.
so jogI gur sbdu pCwxY AMqir kmlu pRgwsu QIAw ]
so jogee gur sabad pachhaanai antar kamal pargaas thee-aa.
He alone is a Yogi, who realizes the Word of the Guru's Shabad; the lotus of the heart blossoms forth within.
jIvqu mrY qw sBu ikCu sUJY AMqir jwxY srb dieAw ]
jeevat marai taa sabh kichh soojhai antar jaanai sarab da-i-aa.
If one remains dead while yet alive, then he understands everything; he knows the Lord deep within himself, who is kind and compassionate to all.
nwnk qw kau imlY vfweI Awpu pCwxY srb jIAw ]24]
naanak taa ka-o milai vadaa-ee aap pachhaanai sarab jee-aa. ||24||
O Nanak, he is blessed with glorious greatness; he realizes himself in all beings. ||24||
swcO aupjY swic smwvY swcy sUcy eyk mieAw ]
saachou upjai saach samaavai saachay soochay ayk ma-i-aa.
We emerge from Truth, and merge into Truth again. The pure being merges into the One True Lord.
JUTy Awvih Tvr n pwvih dUjY Awvw gauxu BieAw ]
jhoothay aavahi thavar na paavahi doojai aavaa ga-on bha-i-aa.
The false come, and find no place of rest; in duality, they come and go.
Awvw gauxu imtY gur sbdI Awpy prKY bKis lieAw ]
aavaa ga-on mitai gur sabdee aapay parkhai bakhas la-i-aa.
This coming and going in reincarnation is ended through the Word of the Guru's Shabad; the Lord Himself analyzes and grants His forgiveness.
eykwbydn dUjY ibAwpI nwmu rswiexu vIsirAw ]
aykaa baydan doojai bi-aapee naam rasaa-in veesri-aa.
One who suffers from the disease of duality, forgets the Naam, the source of nectar.
so bUJY ijsu Awip buJwey gur kY sbid su mukqu BieAw ]
so boojhai jis aap bujhaa-ay gur kai sabad so mukat bha-i-aa.
He alone understands, whom the Lord inspires to understand. Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, one is liberated.
nwnk qwry qwrxhwrw haumY dUjw prhirAw ]25]
naanak taaray taaranhaaraa ha-umai doojaa parhari-aa. ||25||
O Nanak, the Emancipator emancipates one who drives out egotism and duality. ||25||
mnmuiK BUlY jm kI kwix ]
manmukh bhoolai jam kee kaan.
The self-willed manmukhs are deluded, under the shadow of death.
pr Gru johY hwxy hwix ]
par ghar johai haanay haan.
They look into the homes of others, and lose.
mnmuiK Brim BvY bybwix ]
manmukh bharam bhavai baybaan.
The manmukhs are confused by doubt, wandering in the wilderness.
vymwrig mUsY mMiqR mswix ]
vaymaarag moosai mantar masaan.
Having lost their way, they are plundered; they chant their mantras at cremation grounds.
sbdu n cInY lvY kubwix ]
sabad na cheenai lavai kubaan.
They do not think of the Shabad; instead, they utter obscenities.
nwnk swic rqy suKu jwix ]26]
naanak saach ratay sukh jaan. ||26||
O Nanak, those who are attuned to the Truth know peace. ||26||
gurmuiK swcy kw Bau pwvY ]
gurmukh saachay kaa bha-o paavai.
The Gurmukh lives in the Fear of God, the True Lord.
gurmuiK bwxI AGVu GVwvY ]
gurmukh banee agharh gharhaavai.
Through the Word of the Guru's Bani, the Gurmukh refines the unrefined.
gurmuiK inrml hir gux gwvY ]
gurmukh nirmal har gun gaavai.
The Gurmukh sings the immaculate, Glorious Praises of the Lord.
gurmuiK pivqRü prm pdu pwvY ]
gurmukh pavitar param pad paavai.
The Gurmukh attains the supreme, sanctified status.
gurmuiK roim roim hir iDAwvY ]
gurmukh rom rom har Dhi-aavai.
The Gurmukh meditates on the Lord with every hair of his body.
nwnk gurmuiK swic smwvY ]27]
naanak gurmukh saach samaavai. ||27||
O Nanak, the Gurmukh merges in Truth. ||27||
gurmuiK prcY byd bIcwrI ]
gurmukh parchai bayd beechaaree.
The Gurmukh is pleasing to the True Guru; this is contemplation on the Vedas.
gurmuiK prcY qrIAY qwrI ]
gurmukh parchai taree-ai taaree.
Pleasing the True Guru, the Gurmukh is carried across.
gurmuiK prcY su sbid igAwnI ]
gurmukh parchai so sabad gi-aanee.
Pleasing the True Guru, the Gurmukh receives the spiritual wisdom of the Shabad.
gurmuiK prcY AMqr ibiD jwnI ]
gurmukh parchai antar biDh jaanee.
Pleasing the True Guru, the Gurmukh comes to know the path within.
gurmuiK pweIAY AlK Apwru ]
gurmukh paa-ee-ai alakh apaar.
The Gurmukh attains the unseen and infinite Lord.
nwnk gurmuiK mukiq duAwru ]28]
naanak gurmukh mukat du-aar. ||28||
O Nanak, the Gurmukh finds the door of liberation. ||28||
gurmuiK AkQu kQY bIcwir ]
gurmukh akath kathai beechaar.
The Gurmukh speaks the unspoken wisdom.
gurmuiK inbhY sprvwir ]
gurmukh nibhai saparvaar.
In the midst of his family, the Gurmukh lives a spiritual life.
gurmuiK jpIAY AMqir ipAwir ]
gurmukh japee-ai antar pi-aar.
The Gurmukh lovingly meditates deep within.
gurmuiK pweIAY sbid Acwir ]
gurmukh paa-ee-ai sabad achaar.
The Gurmukh obtains the Shabad, and righteous conduct.
sbid Byid jwxY jwxweI ]
sabad bhayd jaanai jaanaa-ee.
He knows the mystery of the Shabad, and inspires others to know it.
nwnk haumY jwil smweI ]29]
naanak ha-umai jaal samaa-ee. ||29||
O Nanak, burning away his ego, he merges in the Lord. ||29||
gurmuiK DrqI swcY swjI ]
gurmukh Dhartee saachai saajee.
The True Lord fashioned the earth for the sake of the Gurmukhs.
iqs mih Epiq Kpiq su bwjI ]
tis meh opat khapat so baajee.
There, he set in motion the play of creation and destruction.
gur kY sbid rpY rMgu lwie ]
gur kai sabad rapai rang laa-ay.
One who is filled with the Word of the Guru's Shabad enshrines love for the Lord.
swic rqau piq isau Gir jwie ]
saach rata-o pat si-o ghar jaa-ay.
Attuned to the Truth, he goes to his home with honor.
swc sbd ibnu piq nhI pwvY ]
saach sabad bin pat nahee paavai.
Without the True Word of the Shabad, no one receives honor.
nwnk ibnu nwvY ikau swic smwvY ]30]
naanak bin naavai ki-o saach samaavai. ||30||
O Nanak, without the Name, how can one be absorbed in Truth? ||30||
gurmuiK Ast isDI siB buDI ]
gurmukh asat siDhee sabh buDhee.
The Gurmukh obtains the eight miraculous spiritual powers, and all wisdom.
gurmuiK Bvjlu qrIAY sc suDI ]
gurmukh bhavjal taree-ai sach suDhee.
The Gurmukh crosses over the terrifying world-ocean, and obtains true understanding.
gurmuiK sr Apsr ibiD jwxY ]
gurmukh sar apsar biDh jaanai.
The Gurmukh knows the ways of truth and untruth.
gurmuiK privriq nrivriq pCwxY ]
gurmukh parvirat narvirat pachhaanai.
The Gurmukh knows worldliness and renunciation.
gurmuiK qwry pwir auqwry ]
gurmukh taaray paar utaaray.
The Gurmukh crosses over, and carries others across as well.
nwnk gurmuiK sbid insqwry ]31]
naanak gurmukh sabad nistaaray. ||31||
O Nanak, the Gurmukh is emancipated through the Shabad. ||31||
nwmy rwqy haumY jwie ]
naamay raatay ha-umai jaa-ay.
Attuned to the Naam, the Name of the Lord, egotism is dispelled.
nwim rqy sic rhy smwie ]
naam ratay sach rahay samaa-ay.
Attuned to the Naam, they remain absorbed in the True Lord.
nwim rqy jog jugiq bIcwru ]
naam ratay jog jugat beechaar.
Attuned to the Naam, they contemplate the Way of Yoga.
nwim rqy pwvih moK duAwru ]
naam ratay paavahi mokh du-aar.
Attuned to the Naam, they find the door of liberation.
nwim rqy iqRBvx soJI hoie ]
naam ratay taribhavan sojhee ho-ay.
Attuned to the Naam, they understand the three worlds.
nwnk nwim rqy sdw suKu hoie ]32]
naanak naam ratay sadaa sukh ho-ay. ||32||
O Nanak, attuned to the Naam, eternal peace is found. ||32||
nwim rqy isD gosit hoie ]
naam ratay siDh gosat ho-ay.
Attuned to the Naam, they attain Sidh Gosht - conversation with the Siddhas.
nwim rqy sdw qpu hoie ]
naam ratay sadaa tap ho-ay.
Attuned to the Naam, they practice intense meditation forever.
nwim rqy scu krxI swru ]
naam ratay sach karnee saar.
Attuned to the Naam, they live the true and excellent lifestyle.
nwim rqy gux igAwn bIcwru ]
naam ratay gun gi-aan beechaar.
Attuned to the Naam, they contemplate the Lord's virtues and spiritual wisdom.
ibnu nwvY bolY sBu vykwru ]
bin naavai bolai sabh vaykaar.
Without the Name, all that is spoken is useless.
nwnk nwim rqy iqn kau jYkwru ]33]
naanak naam ratay tin ka-o jaikaar. ||33||
O Nanak, attuned to the Naam, their victory is celebrated. ||33||
pUry gur qy nwmu pwieAw jwie ]
pooray gur tay naam paa-i-aa jaa-ay.
Through the Perfect Guru, one obtains the Naam, the Name of the Lord.
jog jugiq sic rhY smwie ]
jog jugat sach rahai samaa-ay.
The Way of Yoga is to remain absorbed in Truth.
bwrh mih jogI Brmwey sMinAwsI iCA cwir ]
baarah meh jogee bharmaa-ay sani-aasee chhi-a chaar.
The Yogis wander in the twelve schools of Yoga; the Sannyaasis in six and four.
gur kY sbid jomir jIvY so pwey moK duAwru ]
gur kai sabad jo mar jeevai so paa-ay mokh du-aar.
One who remains dead while yet alive, through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, finds the door of liberation.
ibnu sbdY siB dUjY lwgy dyKhu irdY bIcwir ]
bin sabdai sabh doojai laagay daykhhu ridai beechaar.
Without the Shabad, all are attached to duality. Contemplate this in your heart, and see.
nwnk vfy sy vfBwgI ijnI scu riKAw aur Dwir ]34]
naanak vaday say vadbhaagee jinee sach rakhi-aa ur Dhaar. ||34||
O Nanak, blessed and very fortunate are those who keep the True Lord enshrined in their hearts. ||34||
gurmuiK rqnu lhY ilv lwie ]
gurmukh ratan lahai liv laa-ay.
The Gurmukh obtains the jewel, lovingly focused on the Lord.
gurmuiK prKY rqnu suBwie ]
gurmukh parkhai ratan subhaa-ay.
The Gurmukh intuitively recognizes the value of this jewel.
gurmuiK swcI kwr kmwie ]
gurmukh saachee kaar kamaa-ay.
The Gurmukh practices Truth in action.
gurmuiK swcy mnu pqIAwie ]
gurmukh saachay man patee-aa-ay.
The mind of the Gurmukh is pleased with the True Lord.
gurmuiK AlKu lKwey iqsu BwvY ]
gurmukh alakh lakhaa-ay tis bhaavai.
The Gurmukh sees the unseen, when it pleases the Lord.
nwnk gurmuiK cot n KwvY ]35]
naanak gurmukh chot na khaavai. ||35||
O Nanak, the Gurmukh does not have to endure punishment. ||35||
gurmuiK nwmu dwnu iesnwnu ]
gurmukh naam daan isnaan.
The Gurmukh is blessed with the Name, charity and purification.
gurmuiK lwgY shij iDAwnu ]
gurmukh laagai sahj Dhi-aan.
The Gurmukh centers his meditation on the celestial Lord.
gurmuiK pwvY drgh mwnu ]
gurmukh paavai dargeh maan.
The Gurmukh obtains honor in the Court of the Lord.
gurmuiK Bau BMjnu prDwnu ]
gurmukh bha-o bhanjan parDhaan.
The Gurmukh obtains the Supreme Lord, the Destroyer of fear.
gurmuiK krxI kwr krwey ]
gurmukh karnee kaar karaa-ay.
The Gurmukh does good deeds, an inspires others to do so.
nwnk gurmuiK myil imlwey ]36]
naanak gurmukh mayl milaa-ay. ||36||
O Nanak, the Gurmukh unites in the Lord's Union. ||36||
gurmuiK swsqR isimRiq byd ]
gurmukh saastar simrit bayd.
The Gurmukh understands the Simritees, the Shaastras and the Vedas.
gurmuiK pwvY Git Git Byd ]
gurmukh paavai ghat ghat bhayd.
The Gurmukh knows the secrets of each and every heart.
gurmuiK vYr ivroD gvwvY ]
gurmukh vair viroDh gavaavai.
The Gurmukh eliminates hate and envy.
gurmuiK sglI gxq imtwvY ]
gurmukh saglee ganat mitaavai.
The Gurmukh erases all accounting.
gurmuiK rwm nwm rMig rwqw ]
gurmukh raam naam rang raataa.
The Gurmukh is imbued with love for the Lord's Name.
nwnk gurmuiK Ksmu pCwqw ]37]
naanak gurmukh khasam pachhaataa. ||37||
O Nanak, the Gurmukh realizes his Lord and Master. ||37||
ibnu gur BrmY AwvY jwie ]
bin gur bharmai aavai jaa-ay.
Without the Guru, one wanders, coming and going in reincarnation.
GO through the Bani line by line and post your comments and questions and we will discuss them together.
Jarnail singh.
(From SGGS Page 938 line 5 to page 946 line 19).
rwmklI mhlw 1 isD gosit
raamkalee mehlaa 1 siDh gosat
Raamkalee, First Mehl, Sidh Gosht ~ Conversations With The Siddhas:
<> siqgur pRswid ]
ik-oNkaar satgur parsaad.
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
isD sBw kir Awsix bYTy sMq sBw jYkwro ]
siDh sabhaa kar aasan baithay sant sabhaa jaikaaro.
The Siddhas formed an assembly; sitting in their Yogic postures, they shouted, "Salute this gathering of Saints."
iqsu AwgY rhrwis hmwrI swcw Apr Apwro ]
tis aagai rahraas hamaaree saachaa apar apaaro.
I offer my salutation to the One who is true, infinite and incomparably beautiful.
msqku kwit DrI iqsu AwgY qnu mnu AwgY dyau ]
mastak kaat Dharee tis aagai tan man aagai day-o.
I cut off my head, and offer it to Him; I dedicate my body and mind to Him.
nwnk sMqu imlY scu pweIAY shj Bwie jsu lyau ]1]
naanak sant milai sach paa-ee-ai sahj bhaa-ay jas lay-o. ||1||
O Nanak, meeting with the THE "SAINT", Truth is obtained, and one is spontaneously blessed with distinction. ||1||
ikAw BvIAY sic sUcw hoie ]
ki-aa bhavee-ai sach soochaa ho-ay.
What is the use of wandering around? Purity comes only through Truth.
swc sbd ibnu mukiq n koie ]1] rhwau ]
saach sabad bin mukat na ko-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.
Without the True Word of the Shabad, no one finds liberation. ||1||Pause||
kvn qumy ikAw nwau qumwrw kaunu mwrgu kaunu suAwE ]
kavan tumay ki-aa naa-o tumaaraa ka-un maarag ka-un su-aa-o.
"Who are you? What is your name? What is your way? What is your goal?
swcu khau Ardwis hmwrI hau sMq jnw bil jwE ]
saach kaha-o ardaas hamaaree ha-o sant janaa bal jaa-o.
We pray that you will answer us truthfully; we are a sacrifice to the humble Saints.
kh bYshu kh rhIAY bwly kh Awvhu kh jwho ]
kah baishu kah rahee-ai baalay kah aavhu kah jaaho.
Where is your seat? Where do you live, boy? Where did you come from, and where are you going?
nwnku bolY suix bYrwgI ikAw qumwrw rwho ]2]
naanak bolai sun bairaagee ki-aa tumaaraa raaho. ||2||
Tell us, Nanak - the detached Siddhas wait to hear your reply. What is your path?"||2||
Git Git bYis inrMqir rhIAY cwlih siqgur Bwey ]
ghat ghat bais nirantar rahee-ai chaaleh satgur bhaa-ay.
He dwells deep within the nucleus of each and every heart. This is my seat and my home. I walk in harmony with the Will of the True Guru.
shjy Awey hukim isDwey nwnk sdw rjwey ]
sehjay aa-ay hukam siDhaa-ay naanak sadaa rajaa-ay.
I came from the Celestial Lord God; I go wherever He orders me to go. I am Nanak, forever under the Command of His Will.
Awsix bYsix iQru nwrwiexu AYsI gurmiq pwey ]
aasan baisan thir naaraa-in aisee gurmat paa-ay.
I sit in the posture of the eternal, imperishable Lord. These are the Teachings I have received from the Guru.
gurmuiK bUJY Awpu pCwxY scy sic smwey ]3]
gurmukh boojhai aap pachhaanai sachay sach samaa-ay. ||3||
As Gurmukh, I have come to understand and realize myself; I merge in the Truest of the True. ||3||
dunIAw swgru duqru khIAY ikau kir pweIAY pwro ]
dunee-aa saagar dutar kahee-ai ki-o kar paa-ee-ai paaro.
"The world-ocean is treacherous and impassable; how can one cross over?
crptu bolY AauDU nwnk dyhu scw bIcwro ]
charpat bolai a-oDhoo naanak dayh sachaa beechaaro.
Charpat the Yogi says, O Nanak, think it over, and give us your true reply."
Awpy AwKY Awpy smJY iqsu ikAw auqru dIjY ]
aapay aakhai aapay samjhai tis ki-aa utar deejai.
What answer can I give to someone, who claims to understand himself?
swcu khhu qum pwrgrwmI quJu ikAw bYsxu dIjY ]4]
saach kahhu tum paargaraamee tujh ki-aa baisan deejai. ||4||
I speak the Truth; if you have already crossed over, how can I argue with you? ||4||
jYsy jl mih kmlu inrwlmu murgweI nY swxy ]
jaisay jal meh kamal niraalam murgaa-ee nai saanay.
The lotus flower floats untouched upon the surface of the water, and the duck swims through the stream;
suriq sbid Bv swgru qrIAY nwnk nwmu vKwxy ]
surat sabad bhav saagar taree-ai naanak naam vakhaanay.
with one's consciousness focused on the Word of the Shabad, one crosses over the terrifying world-ocean. O Nanak, chant the Naam, the Name of the Lord.
rhih iekWiq eyko min visAw Awsw mwih inrwso ]
raheh ikaaNt ayko man vasi-aa aasaa maahi niraaso.
One who lives alone, as a hermit, enshrining the One Lord in his mind, remaining unaffected by hope in the midst of hope,
Agmu Agocru dyiK idKwey nwnku qw kw dwso ]5]
agam agochar daykh dikhaa-ay naanak taa kaa daaso. ||5||
sees and inspires others to see the inaccessible, unfathomable Lord. Nanak is his slave. ||5||
suix suAwmI Ardwis hmwrI pUCau swcu bIcwro ]
sun su-aamee ardaas hamaaree poochha-o saach beechaaro.
"Listen, Lord, to our prayer. We seek your true opinion.
rosu n kIjY auqru dIjY ikau pweIAY gur duAwro ]
ros na keejai utar deejai ki-o paa-ee-ai gur du-aaro.
Don't be angry with us - please tell us: How can we find the Guru's Door?"
iehu mnu clqau sc Gir bYsY nwnk nwmu ADwro ]
ih man chalta-o sach ghar baisai naanak naam aDhaaro.
This fickle mind sits in its true home, O Nanak, through the Support of the Naam, the Name of the Lord.
Awpy myil imlwey krqw lwgY swic ipAwro ]6]
aapay mayl milaa-ay kartaa laagai saach pi-aaro. ||6||
The Creator Himself unites us in Union, and inspires us to love the Truth. ||6||
hwtI bwtI rhih inrwly rUiK ibriK auidAwny ]
haatee baatee raheh niraalay rookh birakh udi-aanay.
"Away from stores and highways, we live in the woods, among plants and trees.
kMd mUlu AhwroKweIAY AauDU bolY igAwny ]
kand mool ahaaro khaa-ee-ai a-oDhoo bolai gi-aanay.
For food, we take fruits and roots. This is the spiritual wisdom spoken by the renunciates.
qIriQ nweIAY suKu Plu pweIAY mYlu n lwgY kweI ]
tirath naa-ee-ai sukh fal paa-ee-ai mail na laagai kaa-ee.
We bathe at sacred shrines of pilgrimage, and obtain the fruits of peace; not even an iota of filth sticks to us.
gorK pUqu lohwrIpw bolY jog jugiq ibiD sweI ]7]
gorakh poot lohaareepaa bolai jog jugat biDh saa-ee. ||7||
Luhaareepaa, the disciple of Gorakh says, this is the Way of Yoga."||7||
hwtI bwtI nId n AwvY pr Gir icqu n fuolweI ]
haatee baatee need na aavai par ghar chit na dolaa-ee.
In the stores and on the road, do not sleep; do not let your consciousness covet anyone else's home.
ibnu nwvY mnu tyk n itkeI nwnk BUK n jweI ]
bin naavai man tayk na tik-ee naanak bhookh na jaa-ee.
Without the Name, the mind has no firm support; O Nanak, this hunger never departs.
hwtu ptxu Gru gurU idKwieAw shjy scu vwpwro ]
haat patan ghar guroo dikhaa-i-aa sehjay sach vaapaaro.
The Guru has revealed the stores and the city within the home of my own heart, where I intuitively carry on the true trade.
KMifq indRw Alp AhwrM nwnk qqu bIcwro ]8]
khandit nidraa alap ahaaraN naanak tat beechaaro. ||8||
Sleep little, and eat little; O Nanak, this is the essence of wisdom. ||8||
drsnu ByK krhu joigMdRw muMdRw JolI iKMQw ]
darsan bhaykh karahu jogindaraa mundraa jholee khinthaa.
"Wear the robes of the sect of Yogis who follow Gorakh; put on the ear-rings, begging wallet and patched coat.
bwrh AMqir eyku sryvhu Ktu drsn iek pMQw ]
baarah antar ayk sarayvhu khat darsan ik panthaa.
Among the twelve schools of Yoga, ours is the highest; among the six schools of philosophy, ours is the best path.
ien ibiD mnu smJweIAY purKw bwhuiV cot n KweIAY ]
in biDh man samjaa-ee-ai purkhaa baahurh chot na khaa-ee-ai.
This is the way to instruct the mind, so you will never suffer beatings again."
nwnku bolY gurmuiK bUJY jog jugiq iev pweIAY ]9]
naanak bolai gurmukh boojhai jog jugat iv paa-ee-ai. ||9||
Nanak speaks: the Gurmukh understands; this is the way that Yoga is attained. ||9||
AMqir sbdu inrMqir mudRw haumY mmqw dUir krI ]
antar sabad nirantar mudraa ha-umai mamtaa door karee.
Let constant absorption in the Word of the Shabad deep within be your ear-rings; eradicate egotism and attachment.
kwmu k®oDu AhMkwru invwrY gur kY sbid su smJ prI ]
kaam kroDh ahaNkaar nivaarai gur kai sabad so samajh paree.
Discard sexual desire, anger and egotism, and through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, attain true understanding.
iKMQw JolI Birpuir rihAw nwnk qwrY eyku hrI ]
khinthaa jholee bharipur rahi-aa naanak taarai ayk haree.
For your patched coat and begging bowl, see the Lord God pervading and permeating everywhere; O Nanak, the One Lord will carry you across.
swcw swihbu swcI nweI prKY gur kI bwq KrI ]10]
saachaa saahib saachee naa-ee parkhai gur kee baat kharee. ||10||
True is our Lord and Master, and True is His Name. Analyze it, and you shall find the Word of the Guru to be True. ||10||
aUNDau Kpru pMc BU topI ]
ooNDha-o khapar panch bhoo topee.
Let your mind turn away in detachment from the world, and let this be your begging bowl. Let the lessons of the five elements be your cap.
kWieAw kVwsxu mnu jwgotI ]
kaaN-i-aa karhaasan man jaagotee.
Let the body be your meditation mat, and the mind your loin cloth.
squ sMqoKu sMjmu hY nwil ]
sat santokh sanjam hai naal.
Let truth, contentment and self-discipline be your companions.
nwnk gurmuiK nwmu smwil ]11]
naanak gurmukh naam samaal. ||11||
O Nanak, the Gurmukh dwells on the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||11||
kvnu su gupqw kvnu su mukqw ]
kavan so guptaa kavan so muktaa.
"Who is hidden? Who is liberated?
kvnu su AMqir bwhir jugqw ]
kavan so antar baahar jugtaa.
Who is united, inwardly and outwardly?
kvnu su AwvY kvnu su jwie ]
kavan so aavai kavan so jaa-ay.
Who comes, and who goes?
kvnu su iqRBvix rihAw smwie ]12]
kavan so taribhavan rahi-aa samaa-ay. ||12||
Who is permeating and pervading the three worlds?"||12||
Git Git gupqw gurmuiK mukqw ]
ghat ghat guptaa gurmukh muktaa.
He is hidden within each and every heart. The Gurmukh is liberated.
AMqir bwhir sbid su jugqw ]
antar baahar sabad so jugtaa.
Through the Word of the Shabad, one is united, inwardly and outwardly.
mnmuiK ibnsY AwvY jwie ]
manmukh binsai aavai jaa-ay.
The self-willed manmukh perishes, and comes and goes.
nwnk gurmuiK swic smwie ]13]
naanak gurmukh saach samaa-ay. ||13||
O Nanak, the Gurmukh merges in Truth. ||13||
ikau kir bwDw srpin KwDw ]
ki-o kar baaDhaa sarpan khaaDhaa.
"How is one placed in bondage, and consumed by the serpent of Maya?
ikau kir KoieAw ikau kir lwDw ]
ki-o kar kho-i-aa ki-o kar laaDhaa.
How does one lose, and how does one gain?
ikau kir inrmlu ikau kir AMiDAwrw ]
ki-o kar nirmal ki-o kar anDhi-aaraa.
How does one become immaculate and pure? How is the darkness of ignorance removed?
iehu qqu bIcwrY su gurU hmwrw ]14]
ih tat beechaarai so guroo hamaaraa. ||14||
One who understands this essence of reality is our Guru."||14||
durmiq bwDw srpin KwDw ]
durmat baaDhaa sarpan khaaDhaa.
Man is bound by evil-mindedness, and consumed by Maya, the serpent.
mnmuiK KoieAw gurmuiK lwDw ]
manmukh kho-i-aa gurmukh laaDhaa.
The self-willed manmukh loses, and the Gurmukh gains.
siqguru imlY AMDyrw jwie ]
satgur milai anDhayraa jaa-ay.
Meeting the True Guru, darkness is dispelled.
nwnk haumY myit smwie ]15]
naanak ha-umai mayt samaa-ay. ||15||
O Nanak, eradicating egotism, one merges in the Lord. ||15||
suMn inrMqir dIjY bMDu ]
sunn nirantar deejai banDh.
Focused deep within, in perfect absorption,
aufY n hMsw pVY n kMDu ]
udai na hansaa parhai na kanDh.
the soul-swan does not fly away, and the body-wall does not collapse.
shj guPw Gru jwxY swcw ]
sahj gufaa ghar jaanai saachaa.
Then, one knows that his true home is in the cave of intuitive poise.
nwnk swcy BwvY swcw ]16]
naanak saachay bhaavai saachaa. ||16||
O Nanak, the True Lord loves those who are truthful. ||16||
iksu kwrix igRhu qijE audwsI ]
kis kaaran garihu taji-o udaasee.
"Why have you left your house and become a wandering Udaasee?
iksu kwrix iehu ByKu invwsI ]
kis kaaran ih bhaykh nivaasee.
Why have you adopted these religious robes?
iksu vKr ky qum vxjwry ]
kis vakhar kay tum vanjaaray.
What merchandise do you trade?
ikau kir swQu lµGwvhu pwry ]17]
ki-o kar saath langhaavahu paaray. ||17||
How will you carry others across with you?"||17||
gurmuiK Kojq Bey audwsI ]
gurmukh khojat bha-ay udaasee.
I became a wandering Udaasee, searching for the Gurmukhs.
drsn kY qweI ByK invwsI ]
darsan kai taa-ee bhaykh nivaasee.
I have adopted these robes seeking the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan.
swc vKr ky hm vxjwry ]
saach vakhar kay ham vanjaaray.
I trade in the merchandise of Truth.
nwnk gurmuiK auqris pwry ]18]
naanak gurmukh utras paaray. ||18||
O Nanak, as Gurmukh, I carry others across. ||18||
ikqu ibiD purKw jnmu vtwieAw ]
kit biDh purkhaa janam vataa-i-aa.
"How have you changed the course of your life?
kwhy kau quJuiehu mnu lwieAw ]
kaahay ka-o tujh ih man laa-i-aa.
With what have you linked your mind?
ikqu ibiD Awsw mnsw KweI ]
kit biDh aasaa mansaa khaa-ee.
How have you subdued your hopes and desires?
ikqu ibiD joiq inrMqir pweI ]
kit biDh jot nirantar paa-ee.
How have you found the Light deep within your nucleus?
ibnu dMqw ikau KweIAY swru ]
bin dantaa ki-o khaa-ee-ai saar.
Without teeth, how can you eat iron?
nwnk swcw krhu bIcwru ]19]
naanak saachaa karahu beechaar. ||19||
Give us your true opinion, Nanak."||19||
siqgur kY jnmy gvnu imtwieAw ]
satgur kai janmay gavan mitaa-i-aa.
Born into the House of the True Guru, my wandering in reincarnation ended.
Anhiq rwqy iehu mnu lwieAw ]
anhat raatay ih man laa-i-aa.
My mind is attached and attuned to the unstruck sound current.
mnsw Awsw sbid jlweI ]
mansaa aasaa sabad jalaa-ee.
Through the Word of the Shabad, my hopes and desires have been burnt away.
gurmuiK joiq inrMqir pweI ]
gurmukh jot nirantar paa-ee.
As Gurmukh, I found the Light deep within the nucleus of my self.
qRY gux myty KweIAY swru ]
tarai gun maytay khaa-ee-ai saar.
Eradicating the three qualities, one eats iron.
nwnk qwry qwrxhwru ]20]
naanak taaray taaranhaar. ||20||
O Nanak, the Emancipator emancipates. ||20||
Awid kau kvnu bIcwru kQIAly suMn khw Gr vwso ]
aad ka-o kavan beechaar kathee-alay sunn kahaa ghar vaaso.
"What can you tell us about the beginning? In what home did the absolute dwell then?
igAwn kI mudRw kvn kQIAly Git Git kvn invwso ]
gi-aan kee mudraa kavan kathee-alay ghat ghat kavan nivaaso.
What are the ear-rings of spiritual wisdom? Who dwells in each and every heart?
kwl kw TIgw ikau jlweIAly ikau inrBau Gir jweIAY ]
kaal kaa theegaa ki-o jalaa-ee-alay ki-o nirbha-o ghar jaa-ee-ai.
How can one avoid the attack of death? How can one enter the home of fearlessness?
shj sMqoK kw Awsxu jwxY ikau Cydy bYrweIAY ]
sahj santokh kaa aasan jaanai ki-o chhayday bairaa-ee-ai.
How can one know the posture of intuition and contentment, and overcome one's adversaries?"
gur kY sbid haumY ibKu mwrY qw inj Gir hovY vwso ]
gur kai sabad ha-umai bikh maarai taa nij ghar hovai vaaso.
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, egotism and corruption are conquered, and then one comes to dwell in the home of the self within.
ijin ric ricAw iqsu sbid pCwxY nwnku qw kw dwso ]21]
jin rach rachi-aa tis sabad pachhaanai naanak taa kaa daaso. ||21||
One who realizes the Shabad of the One who created the creation - Nanak is his slave. ||21||
khw qy AwvY khw iehu jwvY khw iehu rhY smweI ]
kahaa tay aavai kahaa ih jaavai kahaa ih rahai samaa-ee.
"Where did we come from? Where are we going? Where will we be absorbed?
eysu sbd kau jo ArQwvY iqsu gur iqlu n qmweI ]
ays sabad ka-o jo arthaavai tis gur til na tamaa-ee.
One who reveals the meaning of this Shabad is the Guru, who has no greed at all.
ikau qqY AivgqY pwvY gurmuiK lgY ipAwro ]
ki-o tatai avigatai paavai gurmukh lagai pi-aaro.
How can one find the essence of the unmanifest reality? How does one become Gurmukh, and enshrine love for the Lord?
Awpy surqw Awpy krqw khu nwnk bIcwro ]
aapay surtaa aapay kartaa kaho naanak beechaaro.
He Himself is consciousness, He Himself is the Creator; share with us, Nanak, your wisdom."
hukmy AwvY hukmy jwvY hukmy rhY smweI ]
hukmay aavai hukmay jaavai hukmay rahai samaa-ee.
By His Command we come, and by His Command we go; by His Command, we merge in absorption.
pUry gur qy swcu kmwvY giq imiq sbdy pweI ]22]
pooray gur tay saach kamaavai gat mit sabday paa-ee. ||22||
Through the Perfect Guru, live the Truth; through the Word of the Shabad, the state of dignity is attained. ||22||
Awid kau ibsmwdu bIcwru kQIAly suMn inrMqir vwsu lIAw ]
aad ka-o bismaad beechaar kathee-alay sunn nirantar vaas lee-aa.
We can only express a sense of wonder about the beginning. The absolute abided endlessly deep within Himself then.
Aklpq mudRw gur igAwnu bIcwrIAly Git Git swcw srb jIAw ]
akalpat mudraa gur gi-aan beechaaree-alay ghat ghat saachaa sarab jee-aa.
Consider freedom from desire to be the ear-rings of the Guru's spiritual wisdom. The True Lord, the Soul of all, dwells within each and every heart.
gur bcnI Aivgiq smweIAY qqu inrMjnu shij lhY ]
gur bachnee avigat samaa-ee-ai tat niranjan sahj lahai.
Through the Guru's Word, one merges in the absolute, and intuitively receives the immaculate essence.
nwnk dUjI kwr n krxI syvY isKu su Koij lhY ]
naanak doojee kaar na karnee sayvai sikh so khoj lahai.
O Nanak, that Sikh who seeks and finds the Way does not serve any other.
hukmu ibsmwdu hukim pCwxY jIA jugiq scu jwxY soeI ]
hukam bismaad hukam pachhaanai jee-a jugat sach jaanai so-ee.
Wonderful and amazing is His Command; He alone realizes His Command and knows the true way of life of His creatures.
Awpu myit inrwlmu hovY AMqir swcu jogI khIAY soeI ]23]
aap mayt niraalam hovai antar saach jogee kahee-ai so-ee. ||23||
One who eradicates his self-conceit becomes free of desire; he alone is a Yogi, who enshrines the True Lord deep within. ||23||
Aivgqo inrmwielu aupjy inrgux qy srguxu QIAw ]
avigato nirmaa-il upjay nirgun tay sargun thee-aa.
From His state of absolute existence, He assumed the immaculate form; from formless, He assumed the supreme form.
siqgur prcY prm pdu pweIAY swcY sbid smwie lIAw ]
satgur parchai param pad paa-ee-ai saachai sabad samaa-ay lee-aa.
By pleasing the True Guru, the supreme status is obtained, and one is absorbed in the True Word of the Shabad.
eyky kau scu eykw jwxY haumY dUjw dUir kIAw ]
aykay ka-o sach aykaa jaanai ha-umai doojaa door kee-aa.
He knows the True Lord as the One and only; he sends his egotism and duality far away.
so jogI gur sbdu pCwxY AMqir kmlu pRgwsu QIAw ]
so jogee gur sabad pachhaanai antar kamal pargaas thee-aa.
He alone is a Yogi, who realizes the Word of the Guru's Shabad; the lotus of the heart blossoms forth within.
jIvqu mrY qw sBu ikCu sUJY AMqir jwxY srb dieAw ]
jeevat marai taa sabh kichh soojhai antar jaanai sarab da-i-aa.
If one remains dead while yet alive, then he understands everything; he knows the Lord deep within himself, who is kind and compassionate to all.
nwnk qw kau imlY vfweI Awpu pCwxY srb jIAw ]24]
naanak taa ka-o milai vadaa-ee aap pachhaanai sarab jee-aa. ||24||
O Nanak, he is blessed with glorious greatness; he realizes himself in all beings. ||24||
swcO aupjY swic smwvY swcy sUcy eyk mieAw ]
saachou upjai saach samaavai saachay soochay ayk ma-i-aa.
We emerge from Truth, and merge into Truth again. The pure being merges into the One True Lord.
JUTy Awvih Tvr n pwvih dUjY Awvw gauxu BieAw ]
jhoothay aavahi thavar na paavahi doojai aavaa ga-on bha-i-aa.
The false come, and find no place of rest; in duality, they come and go.
Awvw gauxu imtY gur sbdI Awpy prKY bKis lieAw ]
aavaa ga-on mitai gur sabdee aapay parkhai bakhas la-i-aa.
This coming and going in reincarnation is ended through the Word of the Guru's Shabad; the Lord Himself analyzes and grants His forgiveness.
eykwbydn dUjY ibAwpI nwmu rswiexu vIsirAw ]
aykaa baydan doojai bi-aapee naam rasaa-in veesri-aa.
One who suffers from the disease of duality, forgets the Naam, the source of nectar.
so bUJY ijsu Awip buJwey gur kY sbid su mukqu BieAw ]
so boojhai jis aap bujhaa-ay gur kai sabad so mukat bha-i-aa.
He alone understands, whom the Lord inspires to understand. Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, one is liberated.
nwnk qwry qwrxhwrw haumY dUjw prhirAw ]25]
naanak taaray taaranhaaraa ha-umai doojaa parhari-aa. ||25||
O Nanak, the Emancipator emancipates one who drives out egotism and duality. ||25||
mnmuiK BUlY jm kI kwix ]
manmukh bhoolai jam kee kaan.
The self-willed manmukhs are deluded, under the shadow of death.
pr Gru johY hwxy hwix ]
par ghar johai haanay haan.
They look into the homes of others, and lose.
mnmuiK Brim BvY bybwix ]
manmukh bharam bhavai baybaan.
The manmukhs are confused by doubt, wandering in the wilderness.
vymwrig mUsY mMiqR mswix ]
vaymaarag moosai mantar masaan.
Having lost their way, they are plundered; they chant their mantras at cremation grounds.
sbdu n cInY lvY kubwix ]
sabad na cheenai lavai kubaan.
They do not think of the Shabad; instead, they utter obscenities.
nwnk swic rqy suKu jwix ]26]
naanak saach ratay sukh jaan. ||26||
O Nanak, those who are attuned to the Truth know peace. ||26||
gurmuiK swcy kw Bau pwvY ]
gurmukh saachay kaa bha-o paavai.
The Gurmukh lives in the Fear of God, the True Lord.
gurmuiK bwxI AGVu GVwvY ]
gurmukh banee agharh gharhaavai.
Through the Word of the Guru's Bani, the Gurmukh refines the unrefined.
gurmuiK inrml hir gux gwvY ]
gurmukh nirmal har gun gaavai.
The Gurmukh sings the immaculate, Glorious Praises of the Lord.
gurmuiK pivqRü prm pdu pwvY ]
gurmukh pavitar param pad paavai.
The Gurmukh attains the supreme, sanctified status.
gurmuiK roim roim hir iDAwvY ]
gurmukh rom rom har Dhi-aavai.
The Gurmukh meditates on the Lord with every hair of his body.
nwnk gurmuiK swic smwvY ]27]
naanak gurmukh saach samaavai. ||27||
O Nanak, the Gurmukh merges in Truth. ||27||
gurmuiK prcY byd bIcwrI ]
gurmukh parchai bayd beechaaree.
The Gurmukh is pleasing to the True Guru; this is contemplation on the Vedas.
gurmuiK prcY qrIAY qwrI ]
gurmukh parchai taree-ai taaree.
Pleasing the True Guru, the Gurmukh is carried across.
gurmuiK prcY su sbid igAwnI ]
gurmukh parchai so sabad gi-aanee.
Pleasing the True Guru, the Gurmukh receives the spiritual wisdom of the Shabad.
gurmuiK prcY AMqr ibiD jwnI ]
gurmukh parchai antar biDh jaanee.
Pleasing the True Guru, the Gurmukh comes to know the path within.
gurmuiK pweIAY AlK Apwru ]
gurmukh paa-ee-ai alakh apaar.
The Gurmukh attains the unseen and infinite Lord.
nwnk gurmuiK mukiq duAwru ]28]
naanak gurmukh mukat du-aar. ||28||
O Nanak, the Gurmukh finds the door of liberation. ||28||
gurmuiK AkQu kQY bIcwir ]
gurmukh akath kathai beechaar.
The Gurmukh speaks the unspoken wisdom.
gurmuiK inbhY sprvwir ]
gurmukh nibhai saparvaar.
In the midst of his family, the Gurmukh lives a spiritual life.
gurmuiK jpIAY AMqir ipAwir ]
gurmukh japee-ai antar pi-aar.
The Gurmukh lovingly meditates deep within.
gurmuiK pweIAY sbid Acwir ]
gurmukh paa-ee-ai sabad achaar.
The Gurmukh obtains the Shabad, and righteous conduct.
sbid Byid jwxY jwxweI ]
sabad bhayd jaanai jaanaa-ee.
He knows the mystery of the Shabad, and inspires others to know it.
nwnk haumY jwil smweI ]29]
naanak ha-umai jaal samaa-ee. ||29||
O Nanak, burning away his ego, he merges in the Lord. ||29||
gurmuiK DrqI swcY swjI ]
gurmukh Dhartee saachai saajee.
The True Lord fashioned the earth for the sake of the Gurmukhs.
iqs mih Epiq Kpiq su bwjI ]
tis meh opat khapat so baajee.
There, he set in motion the play of creation and destruction.
gur kY sbid rpY rMgu lwie ]
gur kai sabad rapai rang laa-ay.
One who is filled with the Word of the Guru's Shabad enshrines love for the Lord.
swic rqau piq isau Gir jwie ]
saach rata-o pat si-o ghar jaa-ay.
Attuned to the Truth, he goes to his home with honor.
swc sbd ibnu piq nhI pwvY ]
saach sabad bin pat nahee paavai.
Without the True Word of the Shabad, no one receives honor.
nwnk ibnu nwvY ikau swic smwvY ]30]
naanak bin naavai ki-o saach samaavai. ||30||
O Nanak, without the Name, how can one be absorbed in Truth? ||30||
gurmuiK Ast isDI siB buDI ]
gurmukh asat siDhee sabh buDhee.
The Gurmukh obtains the eight miraculous spiritual powers, and all wisdom.
gurmuiK Bvjlu qrIAY sc suDI ]
gurmukh bhavjal taree-ai sach suDhee.
The Gurmukh crosses over the terrifying world-ocean, and obtains true understanding.
gurmuiK sr Apsr ibiD jwxY ]
gurmukh sar apsar biDh jaanai.
The Gurmukh knows the ways of truth and untruth.
gurmuiK privriq nrivriq pCwxY ]
gurmukh parvirat narvirat pachhaanai.
The Gurmukh knows worldliness and renunciation.
gurmuiK qwry pwir auqwry ]
gurmukh taaray paar utaaray.
The Gurmukh crosses over, and carries others across as well.
nwnk gurmuiK sbid insqwry ]31]
naanak gurmukh sabad nistaaray. ||31||
O Nanak, the Gurmukh is emancipated through the Shabad. ||31||
nwmy rwqy haumY jwie ]
naamay raatay ha-umai jaa-ay.
Attuned to the Naam, the Name of the Lord, egotism is dispelled.
nwim rqy sic rhy smwie ]
naam ratay sach rahay samaa-ay.
Attuned to the Naam, they remain absorbed in the True Lord.
nwim rqy jog jugiq bIcwru ]
naam ratay jog jugat beechaar.
Attuned to the Naam, they contemplate the Way of Yoga.
nwim rqy pwvih moK duAwru ]
naam ratay paavahi mokh du-aar.
Attuned to the Naam, they find the door of liberation.
nwim rqy iqRBvx soJI hoie ]
naam ratay taribhavan sojhee ho-ay.
Attuned to the Naam, they understand the three worlds.
nwnk nwim rqy sdw suKu hoie ]32]
naanak naam ratay sadaa sukh ho-ay. ||32||
O Nanak, attuned to the Naam, eternal peace is found. ||32||
nwim rqy isD gosit hoie ]
naam ratay siDh gosat ho-ay.
Attuned to the Naam, they attain Sidh Gosht - conversation with the Siddhas.
nwim rqy sdw qpu hoie ]
naam ratay sadaa tap ho-ay.
Attuned to the Naam, they practice intense meditation forever.
nwim rqy scu krxI swru ]
naam ratay sach karnee saar.
Attuned to the Naam, they live the true and excellent lifestyle.
nwim rqy gux igAwn bIcwru ]
naam ratay gun gi-aan beechaar.
Attuned to the Naam, they contemplate the Lord's virtues and spiritual wisdom.
ibnu nwvY bolY sBu vykwru ]
bin naavai bolai sabh vaykaar.
Without the Name, all that is spoken is useless.
nwnk nwim rqy iqn kau jYkwru ]33]
naanak naam ratay tin ka-o jaikaar. ||33||
O Nanak, attuned to the Naam, their victory is celebrated. ||33||
pUry gur qy nwmu pwieAw jwie ]
pooray gur tay naam paa-i-aa jaa-ay.
Through the Perfect Guru, one obtains the Naam, the Name of the Lord.
jog jugiq sic rhY smwie ]
jog jugat sach rahai samaa-ay.
The Way of Yoga is to remain absorbed in Truth.
bwrh mih jogI Brmwey sMinAwsI iCA cwir ]
baarah meh jogee bharmaa-ay sani-aasee chhi-a chaar.
The Yogis wander in the twelve schools of Yoga; the Sannyaasis in six and four.
gur kY sbid jomir jIvY so pwey moK duAwru ]
gur kai sabad jo mar jeevai so paa-ay mokh du-aar.
One who remains dead while yet alive, through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, finds the door of liberation.
ibnu sbdY siB dUjY lwgy dyKhu irdY bIcwir ]
bin sabdai sabh doojai laagay daykhhu ridai beechaar.
Without the Shabad, all are attached to duality. Contemplate this in your heart, and see.
nwnk vfy sy vfBwgI ijnI scu riKAw aur Dwir ]34]
naanak vaday say vadbhaagee jinee sach rakhi-aa ur Dhaar. ||34||
O Nanak, blessed and very fortunate are those who keep the True Lord enshrined in their hearts. ||34||
gurmuiK rqnu lhY ilv lwie ]
gurmukh ratan lahai liv laa-ay.
The Gurmukh obtains the jewel, lovingly focused on the Lord.
gurmuiK prKY rqnu suBwie ]
gurmukh parkhai ratan subhaa-ay.
The Gurmukh intuitively recognizes the value of this jewel.
gurmuiK swcI kwr kmwie ]
gurmukh saachee kaar kamaa-ay.
The Gurmukh practices Truth in action.
gurmuiK swcy mnu pqIAwie ]
gurmukh saachay man patee-aa-ay.
The mind of the Gurmukh is pleased with the True Lord.
gurmuiK AlKu lKwey iqsu BwvY ]
gurmukh alakh lakhaa-ay tis bhaavai.
The Gurmukh sees the unseen, when it pleases the Lord.
nwnk gurmuiK cot n KwvY ]35]
naanak gurmukh chot na khaavai. ||35||
O Nanak, the Gurmukh does not have to endure punishment. ||35||
gurmuiK nwmu dwnu iesnwnu ]
gurmukh naam daan isnaan.
The Gurmukh is blessed with the Name, charity and purification.
gurmuiK lwgY shij iDAwnu ]
gurmukh laagai sahj Dhi-aan.
The Gurmukh centers his meditation on the celestial Lord.
gurmuiK pwvY drgh mwnu ]
gurmukh paavai dargeh maan.
The Gurmukh obtains honor in the Court of the Lord.
gurmuiK Bau BMjnu prDwnu ]
gurmukh bha-o bhanjan parDhaan.
The Gurmukh obtains the Supreme Lord, the Destroyer of fear.
gurmuiK krxI kwr krwey ]
gurmukh karnee kaar karaa-ay.
The Gurmukh does good deeds, an inspires others to do so.
nwnk gurmuiK myil imlwey ]36]
naanak gurmukh mayl milaa-ay. ||36||
O Nanak, the Gurmukh unites in the Lord's Union. ||36||
gurmuiK swsqR isimRiq byd ]
gurmukh saastar simrit bayd.
The Gurmukh understands the Simritees, the Shaastras and the Vedas.
gurmuiK pwvY Git Git Byd ]
gurmukh paavai ghat ghat bhayd.
The Gurmukh knows the secrets of each and every heart.
gurmuiK vYr ivroD gvwvY ]
gurmukh vair viroDh gavaavai.
The Gurmukh eliminates hate and envy.
gurmuiK sglI gxq imtwvY ]
gurmukh saglee ganat mitaavai.
The Gurmukh erases all accounting.
gurmuiK rwm nwm rMig rwqw ]
gurmukh raam naam rang raataa.
The Gurmukh is imbued with love for the Lord's Name.
nwnk gurmuiK Ksmu pCwqw ]37]
naanak gurmukh khasam pachhaataa. ||37||
O Nanak, the Gurmukh realizes his Lord and Master. ||37||
ibnu gur BrmY AwvY jwie ]
bin gur bharmai aavai jaa-ay.
Without the Guru, one wanders, coming and going in reincarnation.
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