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Gurus What/who Is A Guru

Jan 6, 2005
Metro-Vancouver, B.C., Canada
source: Sikh Gurus

The word Guru is so popular in India that in order to understand the fundamental concept of 'guru' in Sikhism, one must first completely drive out of one's mind the prevalent popular notion of a guru. The popular term 'guru' often used for a Brahman, a yogic teacher or a guide or even a school teacher, has made the Guruship so cheap that a scholar describes these gurus as 'wicks which smell foul after the lamps are extinguished.'
The term 'Guru' in Sikhism is not used for a teacher or a guide or an expert or even a human body. The word Guru is composed of two terms-
  • GU- means darkness and
    RU- means Light.
In Sikhism the word 'Guru' is, thus, defined as the Light that dispels all darkness, and that is called JOT (Divine Light). Guru Nanak was, therefore, the EMBODIMENT of Divine Light:
  • 'Gur Nanak Dev Govind roop.'
    (Basant Mohalla 5, p-1192, Guru Granth Sahib)
    'Guru Nanak is embodiment of the Light of God.' (Translation of the above)
The Guru in Sikhism is a perfect Prophet or Messenger of God in whom the Light of God shines fully, visibly and completely. Guru is in union with Divine. Thus he ushers the devotees, the seekers of Truth into a spiritual birth. Through him the Glory of the Lord is transmitted to humanity. On account of his Divine prerogatives, the Guru, though human in form, is Divine in Spirit.
Literally Guru Nanak's body was a platform from which God Himself spoke and delivered His message- Gurbani (Divine Word). God manifested Himself through Guru Nanak:
  • 'Gur meh aap samoai sabad vartaya.'
    (Var Malar ki Mohalla 1, p-1279)
    'In the true Guru (Nanak) He installed His Own Spirit Through him, God speaketh Himself.' (Translation of the above)
In another place in Gurbani it is said
  • 'Gur meh aap rakhaya kartare.'
    (Maru Mohalla 1(15), p-1024)
    'In the body of Guru (Nanak) God revealeth Himself.' (Translation of the above)
God is in the Guru and Guru is in God. Though God is everywhere and in everybody but His traits are illuminated through the Guru. The Jot (Divine Light) that enshrined Guru Nanak's body and the Primal Jot of God are, therefore, one and the same:
  • 'Gur Nanak Nanak har soai.'
    (Gaund Mohalla 5, p-865)
    'O Nanak, Jot of Nanak and God are one.' (Translation of the above)
Again the Janamsakhis (biographies) reveal that God spoke to Guru Nanak and said:
  • 'Mei aad parmeshar aur tu gur parmeshar.'
    'I am the Primal God and thou art Guru God.' (Translation of the above)
Guru Nanak never claimed that only his disciples or devotees could get salvation or go to heaven. Since he was the embodiment of Divine Light, and as the Divine Light does not belong to any particular sect or religion, so he stood guarantee for the entire humanity, and said, "Whosoever meditates upon One God, the Formless, will get salvation."
  • 'Jo jo japai so hoi punit Bhagat bhai lavai man hit.'
    (Gauri Sukhmani Mohalla 5, p-290)
    'He shall become pure whosoever repeateth His Name With devotion, affection and heartfelt love.' (Translation of the above)
When Guru Nanak conferred Guruship on Bhai Lehna (later called Guru Angad), the JOT was passed on and Guru Angad too became the embodiment of Divine Light. In the same way all the nine Gurus were the embodiments of Gur Nanak Jot. The tenth Master, Guru Gobind Singh then conferred the Guruship on Guru Granth Sahib (Holy Scripture), which too became the embodiment of Divine Light. Gur Nanak JOT is, therefore, enshrined and preserved in Guru Granth Sahib (it is no longer the Adi Granth, but only the Guru Granth), and it is the Living Guru for ever. For the Sikhs, the Guru Granth is the manifestation of the Guru's Spirit and through it, Guru Nanak lives on in the Sikh Faith.

Sikhism endeavors to uplift the human soul from the shackles of Maya (materialism). It aims at a virtuous life which leads to the ultimate realization of a state of Eternal Bliss. The objective of Guru Nanak's Guruship was to give instructions in the True Name, to save humanity from immersing in the ocean of distress and misery arising out of worldly life, and to blend the human souls with their Creator, thus, emancipating them from the cycle of transmigration breaking all barriers and bonds of sufferings. This is the essential character of Sikh faith.

The law of Karma or fatalism is repugnant to Sikh Religion as it does not reconcile with the merciful trait of the Almighty Lord. There is no such thing in Sikhism as eternal damnation or an everlasting pit of fire created by the revengeful God. Guru's grace erases the blot of thousands of evil deeds of the past and the present. It is also the savior of the future. Meditation on Nam burns countless sins. Singing the glory of the Lord through the Divine Word, can redeem a repentant sinner and, thus, doctrine of Karma ceases to operate. Such is the splendor of Guru Nanak's doctrine of God's Grace and Compassion.




Jul 21, 2004
Verily, Guru is one who is detached from the worldly matter, mastered his senses, tempered his passions, clothed with compassion, engaged in learning and wedded to meditation.


Aug 12, 2006
What about in Japji Sahib.
Gur Isar, Gur Gorakh Bharma, Gur Parbati Mai? Is it just one that realizes the truth and has become one with it?


Jul 21, 2004
Essentially, we reach the state of Paramatma or Waheguru who is formless and only knowledge (satchitanand). So any name or form is only for intiation stahe only, I believe. Guru is one who is pursuing that state.


Jul 15, 2004
Ishminder :
Gur Isar, Gur Gorakh Bharma, Gur Parbati Mai?

This line implies that I depend on my Guru, I have nothing to do with any gods or goddesses. like Isar, bharma, or parbati mai.
Guru is my Lord Parmeswar for, Guru is my creator, (Bharma) , Guru is my mother.

Guru is one who is pursuing that state.

Guru is not pursuing that highest state your talking about, we are the ones who are trying overcome illusion and merge with Guru.
As Guru Gobind Singh ji has said, The caste of the entire human race is one, have two eyes, two ears, as religions divide God, into muslim christian god, so we have divided ourselves into separate disctinctions, but we belong to and seek help from the one Guru, who appears in so very many forms, that one Guru is Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji
Nov 29, 2006
ਗੁਰੁ ਈਸਰੁ ਗੁਰੁ ਗੋਰਖੁ ਬਰਮਾ ਗੁਰੁ ਪਾਰਬਤੀ ਮਾਈ
1.Gur Isar, Gur Gorakh Bharma, Gur Parbati Ma
ਜੇ ਹਉ ਜਾਣਾ ਆਖਾ ਨਾਹੀ ਕਹਣਾ ਕਥਨੁ ਜਾਈ
2.jay ho jaanaa aakhaa naahee kahnaa kathan na jaaee
ਗੁਰਾ ਇਕ ਦੇਹਿ ਬੁਝਾਈ
3.guraa ik deh bujhaee

1st line is said for such a guru(
who has given me understanding(
ਬੁਝਾਈ)of humanbody( ਦੇਹ::deh).. he has told me the mystery of humanbody(3rd line says this thing).. hw I can use my body to see the GOD.
and 2nd line is telling that that thing cant be described by words..
only can be known by master.

Will put some more lines that describes what is true GURU

Ishminder :
Gur Isar, Gur Gorakh Bharma, Gur Parbati Mai?

This line implies that I depend on my Guru, I have nothing to do with any gods or goddesses. like Isar, bharma, or parbati mai.
Guru is my Lord Parmeswar for, Guru is my creator, (Bharma) , Guru is my mother.

Guru is one who is pursuing that state.

Guru is not pursuing that highest state your talking about, we are the ones who are trying overcome illusion and merge with Guru.
As Guru Gobind Singh ji has said, The caste of the entire human race is one, have two eyes, two ears, as religions divide God, into muslim christian god, so we have divided ourselves into separate disctinctions, but we belong to and seek help from the one Guru, who appears in so very many forms, that one Guru is Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji
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