Sat Sri Akal Ji
You pose some deep questions, Balbir Ji.
>>May I ask why there is speculation after realizing truth?
I speculate becuase I'm new to Sikhi, I enjoy dipping my toes into philosophical discussions but I also realise that my extremely limited knowledge may give rise to mistakes. So I speculate if I am unsure.
>>Without God no seed would be in existence even. God is the origin of us all. Why do we not call us Mool Mantar? Please explain.
Well that depends which root is in question. The way I see it, in the context of this discussion, God is the seed from which the Sacred text was inspired, and the Mool Mantra is the root of that text. Without God there would be no sacred text because that is what Sri Guru Granth Sahib is about. We as humans are out of this equation, imho. Unless you're speaking rather metaphorically, in which case I think you've lost me.
>>Is entire Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji about Mool Mantar? Please elaborate.
Is the entire tree a root? No, the root is the foundation upon which the tree grows. The tree has many different attributes to the root; it has bark, leaves, and other stuff (hehe).
To spell out my thoughts on this: God is the life within the tree. God seeded (inspired) the root to form (the Mool Mantra) and the tree grew (the text expanded) with God (summed up in the Mool Mantra) at it's core.
It's variety, it's beauty and glory stand with God at it's core.
Thank you for your thought provoking questions Balbir Singh Ji!
My responses may be incorrect but it's certainly fun to think about!