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Shere Punjab

Jul 13, 2004

Sher stands for Tiger
Punjab is land of punj (five) ab (waters = rivers)

Due to panthic contributions, Maharaja Ranjit Singh is known as Sher-e-Punjab.



Feb 19, 2005
Salaam Alaikaam, Muslim ji

This is very dark and complicated.

I am afraid that in the UK, the "Sher-E-Panjab" are indeed a "they". Unfortunately all that I know is based on rumor.

There are reports in the UK, there are some extremist Muslims, specifically of Pakistani lineage, that have been forcing converting Sikhs and Panjabi Hindus to Islam.

Other reports say that the same group of said Muslims are specifically men that are seducing (or deceiving, or forcing) Sikh/Hindu girls via matrimonial ads with deeply romantic and glorious tales of luxury...but the end result is that the girl gets whisked off to Pakistan for a life of slavery.

Another extremist group in the UK has been reported to take action against these alleged forced conversing by "rescuing" these Panjabi girls. (How...I don't know). This group calls itself Sher-E-Panjab, or "Lion of Panjab." The group, however, is a group of Radha Swamis, not a group of Sikhs.

I am gonig to defer to someone else to describe who the Radha Swamis are. The best that I can say is that they are a seperate religion in Panjab that heavily utilizes Sikh imagery, and even borrows from Sikh scriptures...but in other ways has very deep conflicts with the Sikh faith.

Devotees say that the Sher-E-Panjab has been acting as the "real" lion of Panjab...in that they took action where the girls Sikh brothers did not. Some Sikhs may go as far as saying that the Radha Swamis say this/do this simply to make a mockery of the Sikh's kirpan which stands for defending against injustice.

I don't know how much of this is true. I have heard that there are some fundamentalist tensions brewing in England on many sides, particularly in the Indian and Pakistani communities. If the disagreements escalate in to battles of extremism, that will be a very bad day for all faiths involved.

Muslim, you are in the UK and I am not. If I may ask, what have you seen or heard in regards to this matter?



Jul 13, 2004
most of wat u hav sed is tru expecept i dont think shere panjab are radhaswami, not gursikhs either though and i think theyre mainly monay.


Jul 4, 2004
whatever their origins might have been, to protect sikhs against attacks from muslims and PRIMARILY BNP thugs (incidentally they cant do either anymore), they are no more than petty criminals now reduced to a hip-hop style imitation gang with countless splinter groups.
Nov 22, 2005
sherepunjab was founded in round about 1979 there purpose was to help the young sikh girls and boys fend for them selves, they were also ther to stop the muslim race with mixing with our sikh girls


Jun 12, 2006
GssB_Shere-e-Punajab said:
sherepunjab was founded in round about 1979 there purpose was to help the young sikh girls and boys fend for them selves, they were also there to stop the muslim race with mixing with our sikh girls

I just met an oldy from that firm and so am going to ressurect the thread and repeat what he told me.

Originally is started up North, Birminghamn where some Pakistanis people had been making pornos with dumb young and drugged up Punjabi girls. They fought these people and then targetted a Pakistant promotion team promoting day time gigs, timed to coincide with school so parents wouldn't know their children were truanting. They managed to stop these down by smacking the bouncers and the deejays about.

Anyways small groups of these anti-Sikh jerks (mostly pakistani based and some with black converts). Targetted Sikh garls at unis and stuff. This lead to a lot of hostilities in mid-late 90s London.

Ultimately, from what I was told SP agreed to disband and address the problem in terms of raising your family. Some may indeed be working on sites, but others work in law, music industry etc etc. now. And yes some of them may have gone to criminal pursuits too. But a few have taken amrit though and lead clean professional lives.

Some feel let down that when they needed help none was forthcoming from within the community, many boys went to prision over this,.

The net result is that Sikh girls are still the freest girls around and are rapidly losing many idenitical markers.

The suggestions of SP to instigate wider social reform and educational programs were ignored, now you have a non stop stream of westernised Punjabi girls in the UK more likely to be in a bar on friday than a Gurdwara, and happy to date anyone they facy. Sikh guys can be seen in a similar light.

Oh yeah, SP were a mixture of Mona and keshdhari Sikhs, not Radhosoamis.


Jun 12, 2006
This is from a magazine they produced in the late 90s apparently.

I attached it to this post but I've never done that before so don't be surprised if I messed it up ....lol


Jun 12, 2006
dalsingh said:
This is from a magazine they produced in the late 90s apparently.

I attached it to this post but I've never done that before so don't be surprised if I messed it up ....lol

Whoa!!! It worked!!! lol


Sep 23, 2006
A sikh is a Saint/Soldier- we have lots of Saint (well wannabe's atleast)- no soldiers, which is y our sisters can openly be with muslims, hindus, whites, blacks etc etc- these guys had the soldier element- they were not radhaswamis- but Sikh brothers. It is a real shame that they r not around now- there is a real need for some defenders of the faith to stand up- a generation down the line, at the rate in which we are accepting our sisters to be with non sikhs- there will be hardly no sikhs left!!!


Jun 12, 2006
Gurjeevan said:
A sikh is a Saint/Soldier- we have lots of Saint (well wannabe's atleast)- no soldiers, which is y our sisters can openly be with muslims, hindus, whites, blacks etc etc- these guys had the soldier element- they were not radhaswamis- but Sikh brothers. It is a real shame that they r not around now- there is a real need for some defenders of the faith to stand up- a generation down the line, at the rate in which we are accepting our sisters to be with non sikhs- there will be hardly no sikhs left!!!

Or look at it a different way. If we got our act together, all those half Sikh and half whatever kids would come back to their Sikh roots and hopefully rejuvenate the panth.

But from what I see Sikh girls don't even bother to teach their kids about their roots so this is unlikely. Plus we do not do ourselves any favours with caste and hypocritical crap like that.

Also England is generally a VERY IRRELIGIOUS place, and the Anglo-Saxons here in general detest religion. This explains why so many left here for America centuries ago and formed large religious communities there (called the bible belt now I believe), and also why more people have converted to Sikhi in the U.S. than the U.K.

The British plan to integrate all of the foreigners here over generations. That is why here you have a strong subtle media campaign promoting inter-racial relationships in movies, TV programs, adverts etc., whilst when you look at America, these things are rarer in the media. I've said before, the problem is failing to raise children with the Sikh way of life more than anything else. Thsi makes them apathetic and have no feelings for or loyalty to the Sikh way of life.

We need education programs for Sikh girls really urgently as well as changes in hypocritical practices by the males in the community.

Don't despair though, this is what one guy from SP said to me (as much as I can recall):

"Just first look after your family, make them aware of their roots, make sure the boys aren't wimps and make sure the girls have strong minds that aren't easily influenced by westernised media. Plus we have to change our attitudes towards each other, get rid of the hate and unhealthy competition between us, and start looking after each other a bit more. Try and make sure that YOU are NOT a weak link in our community, if enough people think like this then we will turn things around."

Apparently some of these jerks they were fighting are related to the Al-Qaeda type groups that are now getting so much attention in the U.K.

Our people have been through much darker days than this, somehow, if enough of us wish it, we will overcome the issues we are facing today, so don't stress and don't be a weak link.

shere punjab

Dec 4, 2006
shere punjab is still following the roots...muslim boys terrorise sikh boys, its a war thats all, muslims want us 2 fight back, so we do...at the end of the day we are protectig our girls and our religon, no matter the concequences...sp are mainly sikh people now...people see us as a gang of reckless trouble makers, yes we drink, smoke, have girlfriends and so on..but the purpose of shere punjab is still there


Jun 12, 2006
I guess it boils down to positive self identity. When we feel fully comfortable with who we are then things fall in place.

Our heritage directs us to have a compassionate but strong community. Somehow we lose this when we are making our living here in the west. When we forget the important message of our past we become weak and targetted by others because we work against one another destroying ourselves. Caste is a typical example.

Regarding the laxity shown by many Sikhs (even those in SP), I think perhaps we should remember that ALL communities contain a wide spectrum of individuals, some disciplined some not. I think it is sad when more disciplined Sikhs look down on those that are lax. Nihungs used to jokingly call those Sikhs lax in rehat "kutchay billay" (raw cats!), but they were never excluded.

It is easy for us to feel demoralised in the face of attacks and subversion from bigger more established communities/races, but this has always happened to Sikhs. How do you think our ancestors felt when the Gurus were publically humiliated and killed.

But our history (in my mind at least) is beautiful because it is a tale about overcoming such oppression and being victorious in the face of it. This is the story of the Khalsa that we should internalise in our hearts.

In the Gurus time, when militarisation started in the panth, it was conceptualised by the metaphor that even a beautiful rose has thorns to protect it. Please try and show some respect for those who try and protect the community despite their shortcomings.

We need all sorts in the community to thrive.
Jul 30, 2004

shere punjab is still following the roots...muslim boys terrorise sikh boys, its a war thats all, muslims want us 2 fight back, so we do...at the end of the day we are protectig our girls and our religon, no matter the concequences...sp are mainly sikh people now...people see us as a gang of reckless trouble makers, yes we drink, smoke, have girlfriends and so on..but the purpose of shere punjab is still there

Das wanted to suggest some strategic plan to you Sher E Punjab.Try to make allliances with Hindus,Shias,Sufis,Sanatan Sikhs,Jews and Churches in your fight with hell worthy pseudo Muslims.In India we have such set ups,And Best of luck.


Jun 12, 2006
"Das wanted to suggest some strategic plan to you Sher E Punjab.Try to make allliances with Hindus,Shias,Sufis,Sanatan Sikhs,Jews and Churches in your fight with hell worthy pseudo Muslims.In India we have such set ups,And Best of luck."

Screw that. Go it alone. SP isn't just an anti-muslim thing. The way whiteman is mass brainwashing Sikhs (esp. girls) is as much, if not more of a problem than sulay.

Sikhs should be a community that is able to defend themselves, or we are a joke and so are our kirpans. Don't rely on others. This strategy has repeatedly led to our downfall in the past i.e. trusting Dogras led to downfall of Sikh kingdom, {censored} licking Anglo-Saxons led to the partition of our homeland and separation from the birthplace of our founder.
Jul 30, 2004

"Das wanted to suggest some strategic plan to you Sher E Punjab.Try to make allliances with Hindus,Shias,Sufis,Sanatan Sikhs,Jews and Churches in your fight with hell worthy pseudo Muslims.In India we have such set ups,And Best of luck."

Screw that. Go it alone. SP isn't just an anti-muslim thing. The way whiteman is mass brainwashing Sikhs (esp. girls) is as much, if not more of a problem than sulay.

Sikhs should be a community that is able to defend themselves, or we are a joke and so are our kirpans. Don't rely on others. This strategy has repeatedly led to our downfall in the past i.e. trusting Dogras led to downfall of Sikh kingdom, {censored} licking Anglo-Saxons led to the partition of our homeland and separation from the birthplace of our founder.

Mar 26, 2006
Satsriakaalji Saadhsangat,

The alliance which vijadeep veerji sugested is a wonderful idea...look brother if our kirpans were the only option ..HIndustan wouldnt have faced partition ...

There is a need for courage and strategy...there are jewish - hindu tie ups doing well ....hindu unity.com is one such example ..if u wish u can try getting contacts frm there

We are just getting over confident and not reaching to the root prob ...

Well there should be such mroe SHERE PUNJABs setup.. in Indore specially ther have been many such incidents

Guru Raakha
Jul 30, 2004
There is one thing to get self sufficent and not relying on other and with might takening foe single handedly and other should take our help.So instead of becoming asset and liability Sikhs should be asset only.thats what das understood by Bhai Dal Singh's assertion.And thats cool.
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