Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakaal!
Dear all and Pk70 Jee!
Please do not deviate from your statement. You wrote " . . . Bisan stands for the Creator as it is also used by Guru Sahiban in various places."
I could not find one instance where Gurdev has called Bisan the creator. Please let all know which Baabaa has convinced people that Bisan is the creator, or it is your mind.
With all due respect Balbir Singh ji. I have cleared what I intended to say in the context i.e "use of words in various concepts". On that base, you can judge me. Your judgement is truly immaterial to me though!
I also request you that while debating, one must not get personal at all, only those do who are prone to lose cool. sorry to say that Gurbani preaches against that.
The biography of your profile at SPN states that you are writing articles, working on Gurbani of Satguru Naanak and His saroops. I request and hope that you take care quoting Guru Saahibaan.
That is very true and I shall keep doing so, and for one word, I feel not to argue with a gentleman who gets personal so quickly, it is pointless to continue debate. By the way, I havent checked your profile to go personal. I dont need it.
Quote "I was just referring to the use of words like Bisan, Ram, Brahama. They are used in Gurbani in both ways."
Many live in duality that is why they understand two kinds of meanings from the Guru's Word.
The reverend Gurus choose one word to express the same attribute of God.
Sir, that is your opinion, stick to it and let me be in duality and have my own opinion just contrary to yours.
Bisan is Bisan. Bisan is not the creator who created Bisan. The same is with Raam, Brahma or Mahesh.
Sardar Bahadar Balbir Singh ji, Guru ji also hints about HIS being in every one and the fact that all are because of HIM, who created who, is not the issue doesnt exist in this context
You wrote "Balbir j Singh ji, Now look at the following quote from GGS JI. First use of Ram is for Hindu Avtar/God, Ram Chandar." And quoted
bRhmw ibsnu mhysu dyv aupwieAw ] bRhmy idqy byd pUjw lwieAw ] ds AvqwrI rwmu rwjw AwieAw ]
barahmaa bisan mahays dayv upaa-i-aa. barahmay ditay bayd poojaa laa-i-aa. das avtaaree raam raajaa aa-i-aa. 1279-18
Also, the above Vaak clearly states that Brahma, Bisan and Mahesh are created.
Yes sir, I have to agree with you; however, you missed my point( or just dont want to acknowledge it), I just proved that same word" Ram" is used for HIM as well as for HIs creation" Ram Chandra"
You also forgot that namjap ji quoted Kabir ji in which Kabir ji used Bisan just contray to your initial quote. If you disagree with it, be feel free.
Guru Angad Dev Jee is also not explaining here that Brahma, Bisan, Mahesh or Das Avtaaree Raam is a Hindu.
Sardar Bahadar Balbir Singh ji, this quote is not from Guru Angad Dev, it is from Guru Nanak, Malaar Ki Vaar Mehla 1 (1279)
Please let all know what has convinced you that they are Hindu.
No body did. Actually I am not affiliated to any one or group but my Glorious Guru Granth Sahib ji. It is very abvious that all these names we discussed are adored by Hindus as their Dev or Avtar. Guru ji used them as references to clear the mist society had in those days.
Quote "I have expressed my opinions; you have the right to have your opinions about the "Truth" Obviously we disagree about” the Truth “strongly if I may say this!"
Surely one has the right to have his opinions and disagree but please do not mislead readers by saying that the true Gurus have said so. At least he can refer Guru's words confirming it.
Sir, I just share here on SPN sangat , it can disagree or agree with me because I dont consider myself a scholar or preacher. Kindly do not accuse me of that which I dont do. I have found on this site, sangat is very intelligent.It is my feeling, people here share and debate, misleading word is used out of context here.
Quote "As I said, you have the right to have your views; however, I wouldn’t stoop low to call people fanatics unless they act like fanatics."
What should one call a person who sticks with his views like Bisan is the creator? Gurdev has never explained this though.
By the way a dictionary describes the word fanatic in these words. "A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject."
You can, I havent stopped you but to me it is against Gurbani to judge people like this.
Quote "As explained above, same 'RAM' word is used for Ram Chandar and the Creator as well. Words are the same; however, context it different. Being a Sikh, I hope, you are very well aware of the truth that Guru Sahiban, Bhagat jio, used Ram, Murar, Krishana, Sanwla also for the Creator."
I could not find one reference where Guru Saahibaan have called Raam, Muraar, Krishna, Sanwla the creator. Please provide one reference and oblige
Sir I already gave quote about this, let me give once again
ਦਸਅਵਤਾਰੀ ਰਾਮੁ ਰਾਜਾ ਆਇਆ॥(1279)
ਤਿਨ ਮਹਿਰਾਮੁ ਰਹਿਆ ਭਰਪੂਰ॥37 Japji
In the first quote, it is about "Ram Chandar" specifically.
In the second one it is about the Creator who permeates in HIS nature.
Sardar Bahadar Balbir Singh ji, another request, I do not have enough time to involve in futile issues as you have raised. So enjoy the site. Peace!!!!!