I have heard hair is used for the making of vitamin D2 which is correct but only when the skin is completly covered and sunlight can not touch the skin i.e. animals with fur.
Where are you getting this from?
Skin produces some types of vitamin D if I am not mistaken.
People keep asking why do we keep our hair long?
What?!? Why shouldn't we? Did we not evolve with long hair? Are long hair not a signature distinction of man from animals?
Do scientists understand why humans have long hair? Nope
Theories include, sexual selection - we are able to tell how healthy someon is by looking at their hair, so selection of a mate
Its a vestigial trait - long hair did not hinder our survival so we did not lose it, like our appendix
Functional - babies have strong grip. Why? So they can latch on to something... picture a koala with baby... replace mother koala with a human... replace baby koala with a human child clung to the hair of the parent, as the human parent works away.
See nails need to keep growing thats why there is a need to cut them because our environment is different from what it was before. Now we cannot naturally keep our nails short.
What are the reasons for cutting hair? Well, cutting of hairs was done to show control. Along with circumcision, which came later when haircuts were common. What's next??
Why were Sikhs told to keep long hair? because of the conversion process of Mughals. There seems to be no other solid reason.
I always wonder about the kara and this is the nicest explanation I heard would love to know if this is right and if it is why has it been reduced in size.
The kara shows commitment, only little bits of the metal go through your skin. IN fact the hair on my right arm are slightly healthier, more shiny than teh hair on my left arm. I assume this is because of my kara. You can use a big one in self defense but other than that its pretty pointless.
the kachera seems pretty logical but are they neccassery now days, how many Sikhs ride horses.
Have you ever worn a kachera? Its the most comfortable thing ever!!
The kirpan a means to protect is very out dated. one if you used it in self defence in England and the other person wasnt armed you would have a job proving that it wasnt excessive force, Most people who have claimed it was in selfdefence have failed and are doing time, also if you pull a knife out your quite likely to get shot these days and these also the fact that if one carries a weapon the other will get a bigger/ better weapon hence the nuclear arms race. thank you for your posting but still it hasnt shed any light on the need for them,
Kirpan is useless and outdates like you said. A kara works better for self defense anyways. About it being a sumbol for protection of the weak... Who does that?? And even if you didn't have a kirpan, oyu would be able to help someone.
If nothing else a kirpan looks cool.
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Hair cannot give you strength or energy, it is dead from the moment it leaves the folical it cannot repair its self nor does it require any more nutrients after being cut than if it is left uncut. It grows at the same rate reguardless,
No sir. You will consume more materials to try and build cut hair than if your hair are uncut. Because once a hair grows to a certain length it stops. If you cut it it has to keep growing. WE assume in both cases the shedding rate is the same.