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Sikhi - The End Game


Jan 29, 2011
Vancouver, Canada


You lose a war when you are out-classed and out-gunned. You lose a war when you are out-brained. It appears that it is pretty much endgame for the Sikhs. They are like Menachem Begin said: “Drugged {censored}roaches in a bottle“. No Attila The Hun to be found among these {censored}roaches.No Great Khan here. Just a bunch of fagged out {censored}roaches with their thick rubbery lips applied to the wrong appendage.

I think it is the end of the Sewa. Time is too precious to waste on fools. I might write three more articles. A Simple Explanation Of How The Sikh Nation Was Betrayed in 1947. An article on how I escaped the death trap in Delhi on the day the *****, Indira Gandhi was killed and my time with the Lion, Surinder Singh Sodhi. Finally for my few patrons, I thank you. Thank you Joginder Singh Foley; I like you. I would like to write one article on how to live like a Real Sikh. How to be fearless like a Lion, how to make tons of money and how to work only for yourself. And how to live free and proud. This is the formula I used on myself.


Dec 29, 2011
Re: Sikhi - End Game

The power of Sikhi is so great and that it is taking whole of India's force to try and eradicate it. Sikhi is like a spring, push it down hard as you like and it will bounce back.
We are humans at the end of the day some of us will want peace of mind, harmony in our life. The World will adopt Sikhi, its just a matter of time.
It will too late for India when they reliase what they are doing. India is scared buy a handful of Sikhs???!


Nov 27, 2011
Re: Sikhi - End Game

I am reading The History of Sikhs by Kushwant Singh and Sikhi has had so many sacrifices, so many wars and battles from the Afgans trying to eradicate Sikhs, blowning the Harminder Sahib three times. Invading Punjab 9 times and never successful.

I think Sikhs are strong today because a lot of Sikhs are highly educated. Organisations like United Sikhs, Sikh Channel Uk, and Khalsa Aid (naming a few) really help for justice and Sikh rights in India. Whoever wrote that article sounds like they have given up.

Like I mentioned above, the Invading Afghan army, they killed so many Sikhs. So today is no different to back then for Sikhs.

I agree with Baljinders that the power of Sikhi is great, people are really seeing the light of Sikhi.


Nov 27, 2011
Re: Sikhi - End Game

Actually I have just skim read the article and it is very interesting and exposing the India Intelligence of how they are misleading Sikh youths and also how they are trying to "hinduize" Sikhi outside of India.

What great measures and money spent by the India Intelligence to try to stop Sikhi.


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Re: Sikhi - End Game

Actually I have just skim read the article and it is very interesting and exposing the India Intelligence of how they are misleading Sikh youths and also how they are trying to "hinduize" Sikhi outside of India.What great measures and money spent by the India Intelligence to try to stop Sikhi.

OneD10s ji some comments and the tester for identifying possible qualities of those destroying Sikhism. Unfortunately some who post here do too fit the profiles. Makes lot of sense to me (extracted from http://www.sikharchives.com/?p=1389)

OneD10s brother did you try the spotter quiz to see which posters at spn follow the set up like a glove on hand. I mean the following flags of caution,

  • if the forum or person insists that the Dasam Granth is a genuine composition of Guru Gobind Singh he is a ENEMY Agent or the forum is a ENEMY front.
  • if the forum or person explains the Guru Granth Sahib by reference to Hindu Mythology or the Hindu Religion he is a ENEMY Agent or the forum is a ENEMY front.
  • If the forum or person does not accept the principle of Raj Karega Khalsa, he is a ENEMY Agent or the forum is a ENEMY front.
  • If the forum or person does not accept the principle that The Guru Granth Sahib is the revealed word of God, he is a ENEMY Agent or the forum is a ENEMY front.
  • If the forum or person does not accept the principle that the Guru Granth Sahib is subject to only one unitary interpretation he is a ENEMY Agent or the forum is a ENEMY front.
  • If a person talks a lot about Sikhi but cannot recite the Japji Sahib from heart, he is suspect. This is an excellent test. Ask him to recite the Japji Sahib, standing up.
  • If the person does not know or ever discuss Sikh History or steers you away from Sikh History, he is a ENEMY Agent or the forum is a ENEMY front.
  • If the person or forum steers a discussion away from real politics to mysticism and religious obscurantism he or the forum is a 100% ENEMY Agent or an agent of the IB.
  • Any so called Gurdwara which refuses to fly the Nishan Sahib, the flag of the Sikh Nation is a ENEMY or IB front
  • Any Gurdwara which has idols or pictures in the Darbar Sahib and in the presence of the Guru Granth Sahib is an ENEMY or Intelligence controlled “fake gurdwara”. No idol or statue can be located on Gurdwara premises or in it’s vicinity

  • Beware of people with a conflict of interest. For example, people with property in India. Their personal selfish interests will conflict with the interests of the Quom. They are easy to blackmail. This is one technique that K.P.S. Gill loved to use. He simply murdered the family members of suspected terrorists or used this threat to coerce people to do his bidding.
Pretty thought provoking and so simple to understand if one so wishes.

Sat Sri Akal.
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Apr 11, 2007
Re: Sikhi - End Game

Some philosophies have been to divide and conquer, Sikh philosophy should be to Unite and conquer=(love one an another), at whatever cost. It is the only way the world will be one and when the world is one the guru granth sahib will be a natural king as that is the absolute truth. Not singhs sikhs or anything else the guru granth sahib is the king the absolute conqueror, the conqueror of love!:happysingh:
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Nov 27, 2011
Re: Sikhi - End Game

yes Ambarsaria,

I did read that. I just can not believe people who are apart of the organisation who's main mission is destroy a group (sikhi). Do these people have any self respect and morals? They must be very sad!

But i think this just needs to be spread as people who do go to these organisations just do not realise what they are attending.


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Re: Sikhi - End Game

yes Ambarsaria,

I did read that. I just can not believe people who are apart of the organisation who's main mission is destroy a group (sikhi). Do these people have any self respect and morals? They must be very sad!

But i think this just needs to be spread as people who do go to these organisations just do not realise what they are attending.

OneD10s ji there is no shortage of Sikhs lined up to sell Sikhi for the usual of money, promotion, position and false pride. I depicted above symbolically turbans on one side and money on the other.

Sat Sri Akal.


Nov 27, 2011
Re: Sikhi - End Game

I agree Ambarsaria,

But as Guru Nanak squeezed the bread of the rich and poor man and found blood from the rich and milk fro the honest working poor man. That is surely a strong message for people to think about how they make a living.

It is just unmoral to work for an organisation which main objective it to mislead people. Surely one must question themselves when a part of these organisation.

But as I said before some people do not even realise they are attending events who are put together by these organisations. And I am sure they are slowly being exposed.
Apr 11, 2007
Re: Sikhi - End Game

<TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=1><TBODY><TR><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset" class=alt2>Originally Posted by OneD10s
yes Ambarsaria,

I did read that. I just can not believe people who are apart of the organisation who's main mission is destroy a group (sikhi). Do these people have any self respect and morals? They must be very sad!

But i think this just needs to be spread as people who do go to these organisations just do not realise what they are attending.


OneD10s ji there is no shortage of Sikhs lined up to sell Sikhi for the usual of money, promotion, position and false pride. I depicted above symbolically turbans on one side and money on the other.

Sat Sri Akal.<!-- google_ad_section_end -->

It is very sad that some sikhs are more interested in promoting these get rich quick money making schemes like above, that Mr Ambarsaria knows so much about and not promoting sikhism. The noble concept of sikhism at the time of its creation was to bring together two different faiths, Guru Nanak says no one is a muslim and no one is a hindu. It is very sad that a noble thought has been diluted today so much so to the extent by such people promoting ludacrise ideas like above, if the picture depicted above had any truth to it do you know how many mona sikhs there are in the world? I'll tell you there is more than the turban wearing ones anyway. If the point was to make money for anyone in promoting the mona sikh instead of the turban sikh they would be rich already and hence no point to debate anything about sikhi. It is a shame that sikhi is so divided due to people thinking they know sikhi because of what there grandad taught them, which was just to wear a turban and dont ask questions, but they have made no point in finding out the truth for themselves. I bet some of these so called sikhs still carry on with the caste system because there grandad taught them. These Mr ambasaria types are meant to be the guiding lights in sikhism at the moment and look whats happening to it. I dream of a day when the mona sikh, amritdhari sikh, and all other sikhs in the world can sit side by side and read the guru granth sahib without any discrimination from one an another. The guru's were able to unite the two different faiths and create sikhism it is a shame that the current sikhs can not even unite to create the khalsa. Did you also know that Guru Gobind Singh created the Khalsa, he did not create the 5 k's, that was created out of all the mish mash of all the scholary mindset to create a khalsa fauj in Maharaja Ranjit Singh's Raj! Sad story and a shame maybe the title is fitting Sikhi-End game. Love everyone if you show hate, just hate yourself as something is lacking in the individual to create the hate on the outside! Mr Ambarsaria, I do have love for you as at points you do give alot of guidance and I love reading some of your posts, but man at least stick to the truth. Love and peace to you brother! This is my last posting I may never post on this site again. I came to say what I needed to say. Remember this;

Waheguru ji ki Khalsa
Waheguru ji ki Fathe

Understand what they really mean!

Thank you all for your time!
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Dec 3, 2011
Re: Sikhi - End Game

Parma ji

Thank you for your points. All I can say is that the points are very very true and we all need to wake up and face the truth.
Many of us will discuss the truth with regards to how important it is. Then,we go off into our little worlds and forget. I mean in all honesty are we 100% truthful, honest and gurmat in our day to day living ??
It's very difficult to proceed in all your actions in a complete truthful gurmat manner.
Realising this and making amends, is what we should all be doing.

Even on these forums, I see a battle of ego's between certain members. The only advantage is normally the 3rd party is the one learning from experiencing another 2 battling each other. So, the 3rd person learns at the other's expense. Whereas, we are all on here and supposed to be leaning from each other and not at each others expense.
We could all just make a start by hepling each other in a truthful manner, then the gurmat living could follow.

Lucky Singh


Nov 27, 2011
Re: Sikhi - End Game

Parma wrote "The noble concept of sikhism at the time of its creation was to bring together two different faiths"

Are you sure that was the concept of Sikhi? to bring together two different faiths? Sikhi is about the truth, emerging with God and so much more, I do not think it was about what you wrote, however the two different faiths played apart in the creation to Sikhi? for example you wrote "Guru Nanak says no one is a muslim and no one is a hindu" meaning we are all one!


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Re: Sikhi - End Game

Luckysingh ji thanks for your post.
Even on these forums, I see a battle of ego's between certain members. The only advantage is normally the 3rd party is the one learning from experiencing another 2 battling each other. So, the 3rd person learns at the other's expense.

Luckysingh ji I encourage you to participate in such battles and make these non battles. Sometimes just witnessing by many is perhaps why the show goes on.

I will always take a stand, I do ignore couple of people on the forum through the ignore list.

The reason I take a stand is given how little we do normally otherwise, to ensure we do not become a group that takes,

  • mis-direction of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji lightly
  • Effort to direct Sikhism towards Hinduism lightly
When someone is exposed on the forum with an agenda, sorry I don't forget such and I will challenge as appropriate.

This hurts and is tiring. However, one puts up with hope it may help even one young Sikh in even a small measure. I
f I have been party to any bad experiences for you at spn, I apologize
Sat Sri Akal.


Dec 3, 2011
Re: Sikhi - End Game

Ambarsaria ji, No need to apologize for any troubles you feel you may have caused.
This makes me feel guilt, as I am in no position to be forgiving others since we all have plenty of forgiveness to ask from the Lord. I feel unworthy to be even given the authority to forgive as It feels to me that if we can't even forgive each other then how do we expect the Lord to forgive us.
Your battles are at the right place and at the right times. This gives a lot more validity to the issues at hand, if only all members had the same stronger approach.
I feel like the gaining 3rd party at times and this again brings on a guilt factor since all of the participants in a discussion, unfortunately don't all come out wiser at the end. It would be nice if all could gain rather than just the spectators.
Living in a pure gurmat and khalsa way of life is much more difficult than we actually realize. Love and unity is what sikhi needs and we all need sikhi.
There are sadly too many out there that are determined to put a daagh or blemish on sikhi. We can't just let it be, this is where strengths of unity are important. But if our egos are too busy determining who's right or wrong then this itself weakens any chances of unity.
Our actions today affect the children of tomorrow. If we focus on the tomorrow it becomes easier to drop our ego's. So, lets battle with our own weakness first before we battle any one else.

Waheguru ji ka Khalsa
Waheguru ji ki fateh.


Apr 24, 2006
Re: Sikhi - End Game

OneD10s ji some comments and the tester for identifying possible qualities of those destroying Sikhism. Unfortunately some who post here do too fit the profiles. Makes lot of sense to me (extracted from http://www.sikharchives.com/?p=1389)

OneD10s brother did you try the spotter quiz to see which posters at spn follow the set up like a glove on hand. I mean the following flags of caution,

  • if the forum or person insists that the Dasam Granth is a genuine composition of Guru Gobind Singh he is a ENEMY Agent or the forum is a ENEMY front.
  • if the forum or person explains the Guru Granth Sahib by reference to Hindu Mythology or the Hindu Religion he is a ENEMY Agent or the forum is a ENEMY front.
  • If the forum or person does not accept the principle of Raj Karega Khalsa, he is a ENEMY Agent or the forum is a ENEMY front.
  • If the forum or person does not accept the principle that The Guru Granth Sahib is the revealed word of God, he is a ENEMY Agent or the forum is a ENEMY front.
  • If the forum or person does not accept the principle that the Guru Granth Sahib is subject to only one unitary interpretation he is a ENEMY Agent or the forum is a ENEMY front.
  • If a person talks a lot about Sikhi but cannot recite the Japji Sahib from heart, he is suspect. This is an excellent test. Ask him to recite the Japji Sahib, standing up.
  • If the person does not know or ever discuss Sikh History or steers you away from Sikh History, he is a ENEMY Agent or the forum is a ENEMY front.
  • If the person or forum steers a discussion away from real politics to mysticism and religious obscurantism he or the forum is a 100% ENEMY Agent or an agent of the IB.
  • Any so called Gurdwara which refuses to fly the Nishan Sahib, the flag of the Sikh Nation is a ENEMY or IB front
  • Any Gurdwara which has idols or pictures in the Darbar Sahib and in the presence of the Guru Granth Sahib is an ENEMY or Intelligence controlled “fake gurdwara”. No idol or statue can be located on Gurdwara premises or in it’s vicinity

Sat Sri Akal.

lol Hahahahha

Good one Ambarsaria ji!

For those who don't get it (Parma ji I am talking to you), Ambarsaria ji does not side with the rigid Abrahamic structures of religion. So when he puts this list out, he is just kidding.
Ambarsaria ji does not side with terrorists either so when he labels everyone, who is against this way of thinking, as ENEMIES... he is clearly joking.
Ambarsaria ji does not see himself as the supreme judge of deciding who is a Sikh and who isn't, he is quite humble with an all time low ego so when he does that here, when he acts like some kind of an egotistical tw*t, some angry paranoid man, he is just pulling your leg.
Ambarsaria ji, believes in being fearless thus fear inducing tactics such as this list is his way of amusement.

Make sense now? It is purely amusement. Don't get caught in the seriousness otherwise you'll come out very fearful, paranoid, angry and hostile; you will lose touch with sources of understanding and will come out with a very horrible black and white view of reality.


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Re: Sikhi - End Game

lol Hahahahha

Good one Ambarsaria ji!

For those who don't get it (Parma ji I am talking to you), Ambarsaria ji does not side with the rigid Abrahamic structures of religion. So when he puts this list out, he is just kidding.
Ambarsaria ji does not side with terrorists either so when he labels everyone, who is against this way of thinking, as ENEMIES... he is clearly joking.
Ambarsaria ji does not see himself as the supreme judge of deciding who is a Sikh and who isn't, he is quite humble with an all time low ego so when he does that here, when he acts like some kind of an egotistical tw*t, some angry paranoid man, he is just pulling your leg.
Ambarsaria ji, believes in being fearless thus fear inducing tactics such as this list is his way of amusement.

Make sense now? It is purely amusement. Don't get caught in the seriousness otherwise you'll come out very fearful, paranoid, angry and hostile; you will lose touch with sources of understanding and will come out with a very horrible black and white view of reality.
Bhagat Singh ji this is not my list. It comes from the referenced link in the first post of the thread. Do I like it the way it is laid out? Perhaps not. Do somethings make sense to me, yes. Do all make sense to me, NO.

I did not baaaaaaaaastarize the list or did editorial changes so in a way for amusement for sure. I am surprised no one commented thus far.

Parma is on my ignore list as I don't have good dialog with him and it was counter-productive at least personally for me. So I did what I could as I have a choice in this matter as others do too.


Sat Sri Akal.


Apr 24, 2006
Re: Sikhi - End Game

What's the source?

IMO it's all nonsense, I found myself literally laughing out loud (I had to inhibit it since everyone's sleeping). I mean I do see some logic in not knowing Jap ji Sahib by heart. If one were to do Nitnem everyday one would know at least one bani by heart but this does not mean they are enemies. Some people don't do nitnem, they do simran. Or they study Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji and don't have a routine or some structure in their life where they did not get to the outcome of knowing Jap ji Sahib by heart.

If it's serious, I think seeing things is terms of allies and enemies is kind of messed up. It does not suit a Seeker of truth. One who pursues truth will grab wisdom wherever it comes from. He does not set-up the world in which he is fighting some enemy. No one is an enemy, everyone is a vessel for wisdom to flow through. Wisdom flows through all the time out of everyone. Who can be an enemy to him if everyone is guiding him with wisdom?

Anyways, what made sense to you?


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Re: Sikhi - End Game

What's the source?

IMO it's all nonsense, I found myself literally laughing out loud (I had to inhibit it since everyone's sleeping).

With that opening line you need to go back to bed. I will not respond if all is nonsense. I don't want to further irritate or make you break into uncontrolled laughter and make an idiot of yourself by waking all asleep. Perhaps we can dialog when there are more awake around you winkingmunda. Your friends will show up shortly to give support if you plan to stay awake.

Good night from me though.
Sat Sri Akal.
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