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Explain This In Dasam Granth

Aug 18, 2005
Fremont, California
Dasam Granth top of Page 1358 pornography translation of text into English

WHY IS THIS IN HERE? DO YOU THINK GURU GOBIND SINGH WAS A SEXUAL PERVERT? this is typical of Pandit literature - not Sikh Gurbani. If the Taksalis like to preach Dassam Granth, then why don't they preach about this page? And since they have Dassam Granth on a Palkee in their big gurdwara in India, why don't they read this as a hukamnaama?[/FONT]
When the princess heard like this
She asked the female friend to get away in the twinkling of an eye.
She went to the king rapidly.
She did sexual intercourse after embracing
She used poppy husk, hemp and opium
Bed was spread over him
Kissed and embraced
{censored} was put in the {censored}
When the king put the {censored} in the {censored}
Then the girl felt the interest in her mind
She embraced him and went under him
Kissed the king
She caught him and kept round her neck
She touched her body with his body
Both her lips were touched with his lips
Both breasts were joined with his breasts
She did sexual intercourse with the king like this
As she felt the elation in her mind
Thereafter she bid farewell to the king
She went to another country
Attractively she bid farewell to the king
She did such a lewd action
The king did not mention this happening to anybody else
He kept this woman's action in his mind
Some days later the king called that girl again
He made her queen and nobody could know this trick.[/FONT]


Aug 11, 2004
Ontario, Canada
Re: Explain this in Dassam Granth

Waheguru ji ka khalsa, Waheguru ji ki fateh!!!

Dear HarsimritKaur Ji,

I do not see the page of which you speak about in Dasam Granth. Forgive me I am wrong, for my only sorce is the Internet, but i did go to the sikhnet website which has the Dasam Granth Online. When I went to the page that you refferenced (p. 1358) I did not see it. Maybe if you could give a link, or a line refference that would be very helpful.

Waheguru ji ka khalsa, Waheguru ji ki fateH!


Sep 16, 2004
Re: Explain this in Dassam Granth

Dear Khalsa Ji

It would be more helpful if you could provide the serial no of charitar ( they are no in a sequence) as different reference pageg may exist for same charitar in different sources

Jatinder Singh
Aug 18, 2005
Fremont, California
Re: Explain this in Dassam Granth

It is omitted in the Sikhnet web. I can not find it either. Just locate an old one-volume print of Dassam Granth on page 1385, and you will see it on the top. If you happen to spot one please email me a copy. I know that it is somewhere in chaupei
Jul 30, 2004

perhaps it is from charitar 402(Das is yet to conferm) But tranlation in Punjabi can be obtained from gobind sadan.

Das wil write the mesasage of 402 Charitar.

Hindu kings like that of hill chef tains were only hypocrates and they did make tall claim of moraity but thier faith was very weak when they had fear of death.

As per that Chairter hindu(indian) kings of that time were unable to fight even a lustfull female due to thier fear of death and surrendered thier faith.

So moghuls were like female and seducuced were Hindu kings and thier faith was too weak by that time to prevent them from sin.

402 is story of King seduced by a girl who could not win him by allurement but by beating him and threathening to kil him compell him to surrender.

It shows the weakness of morality tauthgt by so called hindu Pandits of that time.

As that girl traps kings in unexpextable location ie in his own room it is a type of warfare used by Shivaji on Saesta Khan in pune and 40 Muktas(Salvaged) at battle of Mukatsar.

there we have encoded message superimposed on prongraphy to be sent to Sikhs in remote areas and let himdu or muslims who around but prevert could not get it and think it to be just by not aperson like Guru but by some poet.

It is pure encryption.

if it is from 402 then needless to say that translator of above text himself is prevert and with own fancy of hidden or supressed sexuality writing wrong.

As the term used is perhaps Bhag or Vagian which this guy wrote as {censored}.

like wise terms used are simple which tranlator is trying to give a shape of errotica.

See if it is in 402 or not or if not give das no of charitar.
Sep 4, 2005
Punjab, India
Dasam Granth has stuff that has no connection with Sikhism. It is full of Hindu Mythology. If we consider it as part of Sikhism them be sure we are doomed. If someone has any dought about it just go through the translations available at the Sikhnet.
Sep 4, 2005
Punjab, India
The explanation given by Vijaydeep Singh ji is beyond my comprehention. With this type of explanation any rubbish can be explained as part of spritual upliftment.
Hindusbrahmans had been doing it since ages. All the erotica of hindu mythology is easily explaned away as part of spritual learning. Erotica of Hindu temples are also supposed to be part of spritual leaning. Brahmans showed hindu gods full of lust and fighting each other for this.
Sep 4, 2005
Punjab, India
We must try to understand that The Snake of Hindu Mythology had engulfed religions like Jainism and Budhism and we all know the fate of these faiths in India.

Sikh masses are already 'Half way' inside the mouth of the 'Snake of Hindu Mythology'. We urgently need to redress the problem of the effect of Hindu Mythology and rituals on Sikhs.

A couple of days back Karwa Chouth festival of Hindu Women was celebrated. A large part of Sikh women celebrated it as a Sikh festival.

If we have to take Dasam Granth as a Sikh Scripture, then we should not object when RSS calls Sikhism as a sect of Hinduism. Then we have to consider ourselves as Hindus.
Jul 30, 2004

Das is sorry if he hurt the sentiments of respected Manbir Sahib Ji.

Das can say if we accept the writing of Kala Afghana Sahib and Amabala Sahib das can say that such type of Sikhism is more a sect protestant christianity full of contradiction.

das request you to kindly help das to get the exact charitar No.

anyway at present many of our missionaries often write such things related to so called sants or bramnaical people who preach something else but pratice contradictory.

402 charitar everone may go for prevert thing may be due to hiddern sexultiy suppresed due to bogatory while hollow discourse of King based upon hollow hindu morality lessons which so called Brahchairis give are totaly ommitted.

Guru Ji were against hypocrcy and so did pt. Paramnand complianeed about him to rajputs of hills.

Writier here is targetting the same in 402.

nowhere in hinduism it is writtan that Shiva is incarnation of Vishnu who in tern is from Akal.It is contraditioary to basic 'hinduism'.to be more clear at the time of Dasham Granth there was no faith at called hinduism.

It is about 150 year old things generated by Britishers.Hindutva of RSS which you are such much afard of is about 85 years old only.

Fear and frustration in the mind of many Dasham Granth Bashers is due to lack of faithn in the Guru's saying.

coming to Karva Chuath das was ammesed to see that Feeni a sort of food being served in Gurudwara on that day,incidently Bhai Sahib there also did not know much about Karva Chuath.

incidently there is Triya Charitar of Pingla devi also in Dasham Granth,Where writers state that Lady who does Sati ie burn herself with husband is not good but that is good who dies of sepration with better half.

So Brahmins oppsed Sati and that only in Dasham Granth?

If due to lack of knowledge in oridnary Sikhs regarding pagan dieties(Karva Mata here) which makes then to go for hindu rituals and Dasham Granth can be a good tool to prevent them from doing so.

coming on the rubbish what das said.

Thats what happen in intelligence that oridnary person or even spy who intercepts the messages ommits it as rubbish or out of scope and reciver gets message.

Since long poets have used there playing with words to help secert messages been sent to kings and armies.

Sikhs in past had totaly differant vocabulary.

Still mnay prongraphic clips are used by Terroirst and spies to tranfers the messages.This was nothing but propogand warfare to uncover the reality of rithousness(Dhaaram) of Hindu kings of that time who were playing to the tunes of Turks.

Sikhism talks of Peeri ie spiritualism so does it talk of Meeri(Kinghood/politics).A state where faith is supported from physical attacks of falsehood.Dasham Granth has good lot of things covering Meeri also.Perhaps Tenth master were writing that while he was figthing also.

say out of thousend verse of 402 people only surrong 8 or 9 and ignoreing all others.

inn errotica,description of body parts ,foreplay and incourse etcs are described for long and largest part of it is spent in this while Triya Charitar is devoid of shuch thin gs but many others things are also told which are ignored at once and wrong tranlation is done.

Das lastly request to give exact Triya Charitra.
Jul 30, 2004

It is from 402 only.

See the link below


and no 402 starts from page 599 there.

das has understood the Braj Bhasha part and thinks that punjabi tranlation may not be up to the mark.

Read it full word by word and then say the views especialy Manbir Sahib Ji as neither Gurmat is Inidan nor Punjabi and so we have to get out of RSS and Missiroiers grips respectivly.


Ie in faiths where Hell is fear factor to prevent adulatory same muslims,hindus or christians we can see the followere of faith can succumb to other fear factors.
Sep 11, 2005
THe Seed of Hindu Religion is based on SEX ,
The women worship Lord Shiva's Lingam ({censored} ), and they Feel Proud .
But in the Public If anyone talks Errrotica they offend.
Sep 11, 2005
The Explains are CandyFlos and SuperFlour to fool the Public ..

RamaKrishna Parmahansa , spent three years with nude women enjoying sex under the pretext of Sadhna Tantric Sex ....

And Today People Call him a graet Man because He made his wife Mother ...

Hindus Are very Clever Guys ........

Bewkuf Kiddan kisse nu banona hai Hindu es kam Wich Expert Ne
Sep 11, 2005
The Fact is that SEX is the fundamental necessacity No one can Escape from it Even If he / She says Love Towards God is Enough .....

SEX is also a way to Communion to GOD ........
Sep 4, 2005
Punjab, India
The main problem that we face is that those of us who have attachment with the writings of Dasam Granth, do so merely because of the word 'Dasam' attached with it. None of them have read it. Like the Gurubani of Guru Granth Sahib Ji which we keep reading and listening the writings of Dasam Granth is not at all read by people except a small portion such as Jap Sahib, Bachitar Natak and few other chapters. There are many portions which are plane Hindu Mythology. All that stuff mentioned in hindu scriptures. No Sikh who understands even a bit of Gurubani of SGGS would agree that these portions of Dasam Granth can be remotly connectd with Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

Its high time we come out of our slumber.
Aug 18, 2005
Fremont, California
How can you communicate with God with Sex? That is ridiculous. YOu can communicat with God even while you are asleep. God does not need sex. We only need it to procreate and release our tension and stress and have pleasure, of course with our spouse only.
Sep 4, 2005
Punjab, India
Sex is one of the many basic insticts of living being. As with other functions of living beings sex is meant to solve important basic function. It can have no added functionality to bring about spritual upliftment of a living being.
Spritual advancement has nothing to do with the basic functions of a living being. Only Humans have been provided with this power of Thinking to take it to higher spritual level. Sex has nothing to do with this aspect of human advancement.
In in past people have advocated Sex in the Sprituality, but it was always a degradation of human being rather helping in any aspect of spirituality.
So called sex experiments of Mohan Das Gandhi and Ramakrishna Paramhans show nothing but their personal weakness towards sex. You may need these so called experiments if your sexual life is unfulfilled or you are unable to control sexual cravings.
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