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The Character Pledge - To Be A Better Person !

Jan 6, 2005
Metro-Vancouver, B.C., Canada
The Character Pledge - how to be a better person !

I pledge to make character the central part of my personal growth,
To treat those I need nothing from as those on whom I depend,
To treat my family as well as I would a guest in my home,
To be in private what I am in public.

I pledge to be guided by principle, directed by conscience, informed by wisdom,
To honor integrity higher than celebrity or expediency,
To persevere in the face of obstacles and challenges from within and without,
To live by values in a world that sometimes mocks them.

I pledge to live so as to be trusted and to be worthy of that trust,
To be honest when lying would be easier and kind when it’s not deserved,
To hold my tongue when impulse wants to injure and forgive when pride wants to remember,
To respect when lust wants to ravage and give when greed wants to hoard.

I pledge to serve the needy, defend the helpless and lift the weary,
To be loyal to family and friends and the God-given potential in them,
To see others through the open lens of love and compassion,
To reach out in love to both the unloved and unlovable.

I pledge to overcome chronic anger, selfishness and hatred,
To let virtue garnish my thoughts and inform my actions,
To resist the temptation to compromise virtue and values,
To be a vehicle for truth and a roadblock to gossip,

I pledge to become the person I want my kids to think I am,
To be grateful for life’s lessons and patient with its fellow students,
To be humble enough to be corrected by masters and taught by children,
To let the olive press of life squeeze out the spoiled parts of my still-developing character.

And in the process, I pledge to make happiness my moral companion as I travel this life leaving it better than before I happened upon it.

source: http://meanttobehappy.com/


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ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
Baba Sheikh Fareed Ji asked the following (appears on Page 1384 Line 14)

What is that word, what is that virtue and what is the magic mantra,
What are those clothes which I can wear, to captivate my Husband Lord?

On the next stanza the answer is written as follows:

Humility is the word, Forgiveness is the virtue and sweet speech is the magic mantra,
Wear these three robes, O Sister (Soul), and you will captivate your Husband Lord.

My humble pranaam to Baba Sheikh Fareed Ji for his beautiful Bani.

~ astroboy ~
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