I would concede that is happiness, but REAL happiness?
Good morning H...
Apologies for an error made in spelling "Immortality of the soul" and not Immorality of the soul when I last replied.
Real happiness is what all religions and non-religions attempt to define. Likewise, Sikhism too defines real happiness as a state of being, but questions what is "reality"? Guru Teg Bahadhur Ji on page 1427 of SGGSJ dismisses physical existence as no more than a dream and that true happiness is else where [God Consciousness].
Things that we can touch have no permanence [perishable]. There is nothing in the physical world which we can take with us, so why hold on [Sikh thought] ? Our primary purpose is to look away from perishable objects only then can we see the imperishable [real, meaning God].
Sikhism considers that happiness of the mind is dependent upon situation and circumstance and is therefore transitory, whereas, happiness of the soul is in Union with God.
Have a good day !