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Do You Know Who You Are?

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Do you know who you are, I mean really know who you are?

It seems to be that most people live a life that is actually belonging to someone else, there does seem to be a lack of original thought out there, take fashion, this, I understand is people wearing things because other people wear them, uhm ok, don't quite understand that, but it seems a popular concept, or cars, people drive a certain car because, (wiping away tears of laughter) because it looks good? because it adds to their persona? how strange, although, In my past, I do remember suffering from the same, now I have to confess to feeling a slight pity for people caught up in these strange rituals. When I played the game, many years ago, and lost the lot, I was not the same man anymore, one minute I had a pretty american fiance, a big house, a big car, expensive clothes and lots of holidays, the next I was a bum with no house and no car, and no fiance, I was essentially the same person on both days, but inside, I was not. My baubles defined me, I was Harry, Harry lives in that house, that is Harry's car, and Harry's prince of wales check suit, the one that went really well with the red turban, and Harry's wife to be, another blue eyed blonde from Hawaii, those things defined me, they were who I was, not me, I was just a conduit, I was not even nothing, because I truly believed I was that man, with that house and that suit.

The experience set me on a course to find myself again, but in hindsight, the only way I could have found myself again would have been to re embrace the life I had, so the self that I believed in, was actually just a product of illusion itself. Therefore, most perceptions of the self are also merely an illusion, which means that most peoples idea of who they are is also an illusion, as if you base yourself on illusory desires, needs and wants, then you yourself are nothing more than what you base yourself on.

Having spent the last four months in isolation, without the need for verification or validation from society, I have a much better idea of who I actually am, the questions, what do I want to do?, what does society want me to do? came to me daily, I did what I wanted to do, and once the need for validation and verification had passed, then you realise that most people are just conduits, for a universal consciousness, a template, that is in fact a huge lie.

At this stage in my life, I would not dream of getting close to another human being, as I am only just seeing who is the true me, and until I know me, how could I possibly impose myself on another?

This universal consciousness, this template, derived from the media, from films, from anyone that is perceived to be doing well, is what most people aspire to, including me, 20 years ago, now my biggest nightmare is being trapped in a room full of such people, with this universal consciousness dominating procedure, etiquette and proceedings, including conversational topics, and social interaction. Lots of false people talking about lots of false things whilst admiring each others false possessions. None of them know who they are, only who they want to be. Do you know who you are? Did you have to painfully strip away all the layers that conceal the truth?

Who are you?


Jan 9, 2011
London UK

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step [Lao Tzu]. And indeed, here you are in that predicament, but not of your own accord but that of the makers master plan. First comes self realisation and then, God realisation.

"Be still and know that I am God" Psalm 46:10

You Sir, are en route for the real deal and if you want the real deal, I mean the "real deal" - then surrender.

What is the real deal ?

The real deal is "Gur Prasad".

How does one surrender ?

By living in the "hukam".

What is Hukam ?

Hukam is eternal law and eternal law is "love", the beginning and end of all there is, there was and that there will be.

Guru Ji says, "man tu jyot saroop ha apna mool pehchan", meaning, O'mind you are part of the eternal light, recognise thyself.

And so is you my dear brother H, enjoy therefore the flavour of your own ink.

Good day !


Sep 25, 2016
This was a great read. The more we attach to things or people outside ourselves, the more we seek this external validation, the more we rely on things and the media and other people to define us - the farther we become from our true selves. I feel like most people do not know themselves very well at all. Everyone's image of themself is very molded and directed by society and the media. There is a lack of deep introspection and reflection - these things will bring about a greater self-awareness. Life seems to be lived very shallowly. The more intimate we can become with ourselves by looking within, I think almost automatically this facilitates greater spirituality, and can bring us closer to Waheguru.


Sep 25, 2016
Absolutely agree, society has become obsessed with a living template based on the media and those perceived to be successful

Yes, and what is defined as "success" is just socially constructed. How can one actually objectively define success for the entire human race? It just dulls down all the diversity in personalities, talents, and skills that exist among us, as conforming is what becomes encouraged.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Yes, and what is defined as "success" is just socially constructed. How can one actually objectively define success for the entire human race? It just dulls down all the diversity in personalities, talents, and skills that exist among us, as conforming is what becomes encouraged.

one can actually objectively define success as living by SGGS


May 11, 2016
Do you know who you are, I mean really know who you are?

It seems to be that most people live a life that is actually belonging to someone else, there does seem to be a lack of original thought out there, take fashion, this, I understand is people wearing things because other people wear them, uhm ok, don't quite understand that, but it seems a popular concept, or cars, people drive a certain car because, (wiping away tears of laughter) because it looks good? because it adds to their persona? how strange, although, In my past, I do remember suffering from the same, now I have to confess to feeling a slight pity for people caught up in these strange rituals. When I played the game, many years ago, and lost the lot, I was not the same man anymore, one minute I had a pretty american fiance, a big house, a big car, expensive clothes and lots of holidays, the next I was a bum with no house and no car, and no fiance, I was essentially the same person on both days, but inside, I was not. My baubles defined me, I was Harry, Harry lives in that house, that is Harry's car, and Harry's prince of wales check suit, the one that went really well with the red turban, and Harry's wife to be, another blue eyed blonde from Hawaii, those things defined me, they were who I was, not me, I was just a conduit, I was not even nothing, because I truly believed I was that man, with that house and that suit.

The experience set me on a course to find myself again, but in hindsight, the only way I could have found myself again would have been to re embrace the life I had, so the self that I believed in, was actually just a product of illusion itself. Therefore, most perceptions of the self are also merely an illusion, which means that most peoples idea of who they are is also an illusion, as if you base yourself on illusory desires, needs and wants, then you yourself are nothing more than what you base yourself on.

Having spent the last four months in isolation, without the need for verification or validation from society, I have a much better idea of who I actually am, the questions, what do I want to do?, what does society want me to do? came to me daily, I did what I wanted to do, and once the need for validation and verification had passed, then you realise that most people are just conduits, for a universal consciousness, a template, that is in fact a huge lie.

At this stage in my life, I would not dream of getting close to another human being, as I am only just seeing who is the true me, and until I know me, how could I possibly impose myself on another?

This universal consciousness, this template, derived from the media, from films, from anyone that is perceived to be doing well, is what most people aspire to, including me, 20 years ago, now my biggest nightmare is being trapped in a room full of such people, with this universal consciousness dominating procedure, etiquette and proceedings, including conversational topics, and social interaction. Lots of false people talking about lots of false things whilst admiring each others false possessions. None of them know who they are, only who they want to be. Do you know who you are? Did you have to painfully strip away all the layers that conceal the truth?

Who are you?

Cool post :) I agree.

People form their identities based on the attachments that they hold. No attachments = no identity. And you are simply the drop in the ocean.

You've realised a lot about yourself and the khel already.


Sep 25, 2016
People form their identities based on the attachments that they hold. No attachments = no identity. And you are simply the drop in the ocean.

Our society is always encouraging use to form an identity, "to be someone," and to not simply be the drop in the ocean. Interestingly enough, the exact opposite - embracing being a simple drop in the ocean, is what can bring about enlightenment.


Sep 5, 2016
Slavery has not been abolished, it has just gotten sophisticated...

It's not the lines on your hand that matter, it's the lines that YOU make..

At the end of your life what would you remember?
your bank balance?
the power your signature held?

...Re-claim your life...

(You know where you heard these lines before, lol)



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