There is fear and desperation in their empty eyes. They have no livelihood and no work; and their growing children receive no education. Their daughters do not have much hope of finding suitable matches; and they are not certain where the next meal would come from. Many women and children live in Gurdwaré, Sikh place of worship relying on free kitchen
And so, a young adventurous Afghan Sikh, Pritpal Singh, who had left Afghanistan 2 decades ago, set out from the UK to document the suffering of fellow Afghan Sikhs and Hindus communities in Afghanistan. The film "MISSION AFGHANISTAN" portrays the life and hardships of minorities in War-torn Afghanistan."
Those who could afford it, left the country. Those left behind have hardly any means of support. They have no present and no future.
These are Sikh women with children, widows and families left behind in a war-riven Afghanistan.