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How different are messages of Buddha and Founding Guru Nanak of Sikhs!


Jul 23, 2004
Buddha was not a God.
He never claimed to be a God.
He never claimed to be messenger of God.
He was a man who achieved Nirvana through Human efforts.
Guru Nanak claimed the same except he accepted God within us.

How different are messages of Buddha and Founding Guru Nanak of Sikhs!
Buddha and Nanak Philosophies are not as different as we think. Guru Nanak’s view of God inside is more appealing to traditional prayer-oriented world religions such as Christians, Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs; because they believe in God as a higher power to pray. Buddha’s message was appealing to Meditation-oriented religions such as Buddhism, Jainism and Taoism, where we seek spiritual wisdom within without using the word God.

Here is an example:
If we see ourselves in others-
Then whom can we hurt?
What harm can we do?

--The Buddha

Don’t we see similarity of above quote with Gurbani of GGS: Vichhar gai sabh taat prai; jab te sadh sangat mein pai… There are no strangers since I have company of gurmukhs/god oriented (GGS, M5).

Science, Religion & Spiritualityhttp://amzn.to/ga1Bz2 Find books by Dr. Sukhraj S. Dhillon at your favorite digital store!

Logical Sikh

Sep 22, 2018
you got it very wrong, Gurus claimed to be messengers of God and claimed they were doing God's Work.
Sikhi is far superior (Philosophically) to Budhism (or any other religion). If you dont know this much then i think you're not eligible to promote whatever self published books you're promoting here...


Jul 23, 2004
Gurus claimed to be messengers of God and claimed they were doing God's Work.
Sikhi is far superior (Philosophically) to Budhism (or any other religion). ......
Thanks for your interest Logical Sikh Ji. Please show me the follower of any religion who says his religion is not superior. This is religious ego and worst than personal ego. Please share why Sikhi is superior by focusing on content of Gurbani and not attacking someone who tries to understand. You consider messenger of God by sharing Gurbani quotes?

Those who look at the content and are learners is what being a Sikhs is about. Attacking the books that are cited as a source of info is sad. It will be logical to cite in signature: “Author of self-help and spiritual books.” I don’t do it because we always have someone who is allergic to books. Even their judgment is very poor to think that people write for money only. They forget that some of us write as a hobby and service. All the best with your belief.


Jul 23, 2004
If you don't believe that Sikhi is Supreme and Aad Sach Jugaad Sach, Why are you even here in a Sikh Forum?
Sikhs are learners, humble and don't judge. Nanak hukme je bujhe ta haumein... Haumein dhirag rog hai..Nanak neech kahe vichar....

"Before becoming a MUSLIM, a SIKH, a HINDU or a CHRISTIAN Let's become a Human first." Guru Nanak.

Logical Sikh

Sep 22, 2018
Sikhs do judge an ill informed person,-

Maas Maas kr murakh Jhagde, gyaan dhyaan nhi jaane,
kaun Maas kaun saag kahaave, kis mei paap samaane.
Gainda maar Hom yagg kiye devteya ki baane.
Maas chhode bais nakk pakkde Raati Maanas Khaane.

Second line you quoted isn't even gurbani so pls get informed.
Question remains, If you don't consider Sikhi to be supreme, why are you even here in a Sikh philosophy forum ?


Jul 23, 2004
It is due to people who have boxed their thinking with blind faith, Sikhism has not become universal religion. Sikh philosophy is universal but Buddha philosophy is more popular in the west among highly educated people. The post you are attacking without thinking and understanding is declared on LinkedIn among professionals:

Top performing post last week​

· Buddha was not a God. · He never claimed to be a God. · He never claimed to be messenger…
SCIENCE, RELIGION & SPIRITUALITY ("Self-help and Spiritual Series")


Jul 23, 2004
<<<Second line you quoted isn't even gurbani ....
Question remains, If you don't consider Sikhi to be supreme, why are you even here in a Sikh philosophy forum ?
As far as Sikh religion is concerned, Gurbani and other sources such as scientific and logical evaluation is making it meaningful for the current generation of science and technology.

logic certainly has a potential to improve our interpretation and understanding; and means nothing more than understanding the rational behind what Gurbani says as against any dogmatic belief. I will not be surprised if philosophy of GGS presented in a scientific and logical way makes it the best spiritual scripture for the entire humanity.
Mar 11, 2024
Khaas Khaas kr murakh bhonke, gyaan dhyaan nhi jaane,
Shaant Shaant kr aure bole, samjhe koi koi
gyaan dhyan kich karam na jaana, saar na jaana teri
Sab te Vada Satgur of Nanak, jin kal rakhi meri


Jun 6, 2018
Just to add
Buddha himself claimed to be a Incarnation of RAMA.Few Sampridya /taksal believes this as well for BAba NANAK.
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Buddha was not a God.
He never claimed to be a God.
He never claimed to be messenger of God.
He was a man who achieved Nirvana through Human efforts.
Guru Nanak claimed the same except he accepted God within us.

How different are messages of Buddha and Founding Guru Nanak of Sikhs!
Buddha and Nanak Philosophies are not as different as we think. Guru Nanak’s view of God inside is more appealing to traditional prayer-oriented world religions such as Christians, Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs; because they believe in God as a higher power to pray. Buddha’s message was appealing to Meditation-oriented religions such as Buddhism, Jainism and Taoism, where we seek spiritual wisdom within without using the word God.

Here is an example:
If we see ourselves in others-
Then whom can we hurt?
What harm can we do?

--The Buddha

Don’t we see similarity of above quote with Gurbani of GGS: Vichhar gai sabh taat prai; jab te sadh sangat mein pai… There are no strangers since I have company of gurmukhs/god oriented (GGS, M5).

Science, Religion & Spiritualityhttp://amzn.to/ga1Bz2 Find books by Dr. Sukhraj S. Dhillon at your favorite digital store!
Teaching of Budha is entirely different than Guru Nanak.
I find different forms of Buddhism in India, Sikkim, Nepal or China, Lambodia or japan.
In Sikkim, they firmly believe on myths rather than truth.
They believe Master Padmasambhav visited Sikkim in 8th century but thats false, they have nothing to prove as whaever written by Padmasambhav is written after 400-500 years after him by Bhutanis only. His biography written by his wife and main disciple Yeshe Tsogyal denied if he ever went out of Tibet during his stay for 56 years (Indians 28 years) other than Nepal only.
Buddhist don't call a learned scholar, Rimpoche (gret Guru) to anyone if his past life is not revealed. Even than they are self-oriented, never believe in God but wish salvation only in one life. It means none of forms of Dalai Lama could never get salvation.
Buddha also didn't believe in supreme Lord, If so where do they get merged after death and call it salvation?
Sikh religion:
Sikhs do not wish any salvation, they have one wish their Guru may always be with them, it may be this world or the other. Bhai Sati Das Ji’s last wish was to have the glimpse of his Master, Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib Ji. He started reciting Mool Mantar and the executioners wrapped him in raw cotton before setting it afire . Bhai Sati Das Ji’s body was burning in immense fire while he was standing still in the love of his Guru. He continued reciting Mool Mantar without an iota of pain under the watchful eyes of his Guru and thousands of spectators. Hari Ram Gupta writes in his ‘Guru Tegh Bahadur-A Biographical Study’ – Sati Das condemned these brutalities. He was hacked to pieces’ limb by limb.
Guru Fateh!!
you got it very wrong, Gurus claimed to be messengers of God and claimed they were doing God's Work.
Sikhi is far superior (Philosophically) to Budhism (or any other religion). If you dont know this much then i think you're not eligible to promote whatever self published books you're promoting here...
A historical reference in relevance;
Khwaja Zainul Abdin is the author of ‘Tawarikhe Arab’ who is the first to mention Baba Nanak’s visit to Mecca! In this book he writes that ‘he was with Guru Nanak at that time, when he had a conversation with Qazi Ruknuddin’! Further in his book he writes that ‘Qazi Ruknuddin greeted him, then Guru Nanak Ji shouted ‘Sat Sri Akal Gurbar Akal’, then the Qazi asked, “Fala Ala Majhab” meaning what is your religion, then Guru Nanak replied, I am a servant of God, I have no religion”!

Guru Fateh !!
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Thanks for your interest Logical Sikh Ji. Please show me the follower of any religion who says his religion is not superior. This is religious ego and worst than personal ego. Please share why Sikhi is superior by focusing on content of Gurbani and not attacking someone who tries to understand. You consider messenger of God by sharing Gurbani quotes?

Those who look at the content and are learners is what being a Sikhs is about. Attacking the books that are cited as a source of info is sad. It will be logical to cite in signature: “Author of self-help and spiritual books.” I don’t do it because we always have someone who is allergic to books. Even their judgment is very poor to think that people write for money only. They forget that some of us write as a hobby and service. All the best with your belief.
The difference is there, the Masiah of every religion. called himself as God, and it was he who had control on birth and death. The 10th master clarified in detail that whosoever was sent by Lord Akal Purakh to connect the mankind with him, all of them declared them God. Finally he chosen Guru Gobind Singh ji.
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And Guru Gobind Singh ji warned his Sikhs on calling him God by saying---JO MUJH KO PARMESAR UCHAR HAIN TE SAB NARAK KUND ME PARI HAIN !!
And the first Guru called himself Messenger of God.
What evidence more is needed?
Guru Fateh !!
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