Sat Sri Akaal
What does the word Har (ਹਰਿ) mean? Posted below is the first shabad in Guru Granth Sahib Ji where this word appears on Ang 10 (according to the search criteria used, please correct if it's not right). suggests 'diamond' from the Sanskrit noun, and English...
My understanding outside quotes in blue. I stand corrected for any errors which are mine.
Raag Gaureeh, Guru Arjan Dev ji
Ultimate happiness for all is in one creator understood
Some do yoga, Some so enjoy consuming, Some research, Some contemplate so quiet
Some hold stick and do yoga
Some do...
Kaanra Guru Ramdas ji
With the creator’s love mind sings so imbued
All fears and exasperations are purified in consonance with creator’s wisdom
Colored with creator’s hue the disassociates and gets to the abode
Such’s dust from the feet one gets if so obliged by such
People caught in me and you...
Siree Raag Guru Amardas ji
The creator’s name is ocean of comfort, facing upto the creator such is reached
Everyday recollect the understanding of the creator in absorbing peaceful reflection
Heart is imbued with truth of the creator, the tongue so sings the virtues
People the world is...
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