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  1. spnadmin

    UK 'Proud' Derby Sikh Soldier Bur Singh Johal Dies, Aged 98

    'Proud' Derby Sikh soldier Bur Singh Johal dies, aged 98 By ELLA RHODES Bur Singh Johal, pictured above in his Army uniform and wearing his medals, above left, fought for the British Army in Burma, Malaya and Singapore during the Second World War. Bur Singh Johal, pictured...
  2. spnadmin

    Zoroastrianism Bur Ridge Zoroastrians Construct Sculpture For Dalai Lama's Visit

    Preparations are under way for the Dalai Lama’s July visit to Chicago, and a Burr Ridge organization is part of the plans. The Zoroastrian Center of Chicago, located at 8615 Meadowbrook Lane in Burr Ridge, is one of 12 places of worship chosen to prepare sculptures to be used during the Dalai...