First exposed as a fraud by Christopher Hitchens, renowned twentieth-century saint Mother Teresa now appears to have been more of a monster. Via EurekAlert!:The myth of altruism and generosity surrounding Mother Teresa is dispelled in a paper by Serge Larivée and Genevieve Chenard of University...
My 76y/o Roman Catholic mother-in-law asked to come to Gurdwara with me, which we did on Sunday. It's currently 2.20am Monday morning and I'm hoping to goodness I've got gastro and not food poisoning... :beg::a26:
Rodney L. Taylor, Ph.D.Professor of Religious Studies, University of Colorado at Boulder
The central Confucian virtue of jen, most often rendered as "goodness," defines the proper relation of one person to another, a relationship always articulated for Confucianism in ethical terms. Its core...
This Shabad is by Guru Raam Daas Ji in Raag Bairaaree on Pannaa 719
bYrwVI mhlw 4 ]
hir jnu rwm nwm gun gwvY ]
jy koeI inMd kry hir jn kI Apunw gunu n gvwvY ]1] rhwau ]
jo ikCu kry su Awpy suAwmI hir Awpy kwr kmwvY ]
hir Awpy hI miq dyvY suAwmI hir Awpy boil bulwvY ]1]
hir Awpy pMc qqu...
This Shabad is by Bhagat Sheikh Fareed Ji in Salok Fareed Jee on Pannaa 1381
PrIdw bury dw Blw kir gusw min n hFwie ]
dyhI rogu n lgeI plY sBu ikCu pwie ]78]
fareedhaa burae dhaa bhalaa kar gusaa man n hadtaae ||
dhaehee rog n lagee palai sabh kishh paae ||78||
Fareed, answer evil with...
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