Sikhi as it is practiced today, is no longer the Sikhi that was taught to us by our Gurus. It is a spirituality that stands distorted, corrupted and tainted. Its scripture – Gurbani – has been distorted through vedic and puranic slants in interpretations and translations; its history muddled in...
Hindu group accused of 'hijacking' other faiths
Hindu group accused of 'hijacking' other faiths - Religion and Beliefs - NZ Herald News
A Hindu group organising a conference aimed at uniting the different religions that flowed out of India is instead being accused of...
Kindly visi the following site
and see the forum.
It reminds us that how filthy and prevert can a person who says that Sikhs are Hindus can be.
Kindly see all the forum and need to be carefull with such peole who misinterpret Gurbani of Guru...
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