In a move to express the state's displeasure, Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal has sought a meeting with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh over the issue of importing wheat at a higher price of $317-$330 per tonne.
Badal will present a document to the PM on the futility of importing wheat Punjab government has decided to oppose the Centre's decision to import wheat. This time, the state government will strengthen its claims with a detailed document on the status of cereals in the nation. Chief Minister...
LUDHIANA: The Punjab Chief Minister, Mr Prakash Singh Badal has sought a meeting with the Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh over the issue of importing wheat at a higher price of $317-$330 per tonne.
KOCHI, INDIA (Hindu Business Line) -- Tyre manufacturers, who consume 54 per cent of India's natural rubber, have scaled up their projections for natural rubber imports in the current financial year by 10,000 tonnes to 70,000 tonnes...
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