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  1. S

    Sikh News 28th Annual Sikh Parade In Yuba City Draws Record Crowd (PRWeb Via Yahoo! News)

    The 28th Annual Sikh Parade in Yuba City turned in record crowds this weekend, exceeding the expectations of organizers. Near perfect weather brought in an estimated 75,000 to 80,000 Sikhs and non-Sikhs on Sunday to enjoy one of the Sacramento Valley's largest religious and cultural...
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    Sikh News 28th Annual Sikh Parade In Yuba City Draws Record Crowd (PRWeb)

    The 28th Annual Sikh Parade in Yuba City turned in record crowds this weekend, exceeding the expectations of organizers. Near perfect weather brought in an estimated 75,000 to 80,000 Sikhs and non-Sikhs on Sunday to enjoy one of the Sacramento Valley's largest religious and cultural...
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    Sikh News Title: Album On Tercentenary Sikh Gurpurab Released (PRWeb Via Yahoo! News)

    Special Video dedicated to the Tercentenary GurGaddi Divas of Sri Guru Granth Sahib has been released by Guru Nanak Daata Baksh Lai Mission, Chandigarh, the leading producers of spiritual Videos. The Album is titled “Vich Bani Amrit Sare” and is available for viewing and download for free at...