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  1. H

    Toward The Sikh Goal Of " Unifying Man Kind " By New Panj Piaras

    Dear brothers, loving SSAKAL :) A thought came to my mind that we could fulfill the cherished dreams of our Guru by unifying the mankind with the help of our to be so called the new panj piaras. Sikh couple could be encouraged to have five children who would act as Panj...
  2. N

    Thomas Merton: Leading Us Toward Contemplation (Arlington Catholic Herald)

    He was only 53 when he died, and had only been a Catholic for 30 of those years, but Thomas Merton found a way to touch the contemplative within all of us. http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/search/buddhism/SIG=120bkea4h/*http%3A//www.catholicherald.com/articles/05articles/merton.htm