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I understand Sikhi talks not to use Maala. Still I tend to have some experimental nature, and would like to express my personal thoughts about this. Sometimes, it comes to me that when I use maala, initially the fingers movement start, but sooner it gets into inside, and a jaap starts from inside, and immdly I realize that my fingers stopped long ago. But then there is no need to move fingers, as maala served its purpose to accelerate the jaap. Kids learn riding bicycle having two side wheels. Once learnt, there is no need to keep those side wheels, which acted as a tool to learn. However, if one gets stuck with side wheels or maala always, then those have clearly defeated the purpose.

Sometimes, it appears to me that moving fingers on maala is as good as feeling our spine! and moving amrit through the spine! bead by bead... one by one. I guess, most of these feelings came to me, when I had interest in Pranic healing. Inhaling and exhaling, which causes collection of channelized energy through out the human body, when done consciously, with a purpose in mind.

Guru Sahib told Sikhs not to use maala. Two reasons come to me: 1. Human mind tends to stick at counting insteading of using it as a tool to move on to other levels.

2. Rituals at Guru Sahib's times demanded mantra jaap for a certain count, to gain ridhi/sidhi, which is not the focus of Sikhism.

I look forward to what others think. For me, it helps a lot!

