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A Clown's View Of Sikhism

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011

When I first wandered here, I was an convinced that there was no god for me, just a wolf and a man. The wolf man theory worked well enough, as a wolf I was lustful, driven, egoistical, proud and confident. As a man, gentle, compassionate, caring, modest and loving.

Having made the decision to merge the two personalities made my wife extremely happy, as she often comments that sometimes she is never quite sure who she is coming home to. However the arrangement did work well, as I could play the 'game' when needed and still be true to the man within.

The merging of these two, and submission of the self to the creator, the eternal one, that which is everywhere in everything, was achieved largely through this forum with the support of my dear wife and parents, however, in this new merged personality, I feel that the path to enlightenment through sikhism has turned me into a clown. I do not have huge issues being a clown, it was one of the traits of my being a man not to take anything too seriously, however finding knowledge within sikhi has put everything in a different light.

I take things quite seriously, I take sikhi very seriously, I do not feel it is something I can just pay lip service to, below is a list of the facets I am adhering to and the consequences

Honesty-being honest is not that hard, it is the consequences in others that can be hard, to be honest is to respect the truth, and be unafraid of lies and dishonesty. To be honest and truthful, has to be done with some tact and diplomacy, end result, for me anyway, it has to be delivered with humour in a way that is self deprecating. Result-Clown

Pride and ego-Although I have flirted with lack of pride and ego in the past, I am now taking these to new heights, I am now nothing, I am a vessel filled with a sense of wonder at the power of the creator, the love of people close to me, and the desire to provide and protect those who I love, I feel able to love complete strangers and provide assistance to anyone in need, provided I am able to see the creator within. the absence of the creator, to me, is a sign that my help will do more harm than good. Some people confuse my attempts at humility and desire to help with stupidity, Result-clown

Work and money, 12 months ago, I was a consultant to 9 large local companies, finding it more and more difficult to keep playing the game, as time went on, I walked out on each contract, as I found my business associates more and more disgusting in the pursuit of money over anything else, so I have a little shop, that looks like a junk shop, where I provide cheap repairs. I am free, but me and my wife have both had to get to used to living quite cheaply, it means little things make us happy, free things, walking the dogs, spending hours on sunday at the sea life centre, talking etc. Freedom comes at a price, rejection of the game of business, can only result in more clownery.

Arguments and disagreements, I do not argue, I hate arguing, and I hate the feeling in your heart when you have disagreed with someone and there is bad feeling. I will do anything to avoid this, some might say you should stick to your guns, be yourself, be ready to take up arms to support your fight, I personally believe that every argument or fight I have ever had, was the result of one of us being in a 'bad place'. People say and act sometimes in a way that is not really them, when they are in a bad mood, or ill, or angry, what is the point of giving any relevance or importance to these words and actions. I always say 'what can we do to get things back to the way they were before all this' and this normally has the result that the other party gets confused, they want a fight, not resolution, but again, humour helps, I have escaped several beatings thanks to the clown, however I have also found that avoiding such people, or situations also works well. Result-Clown

Laughter- I have always loved the sound of laughter, before I became a full time clown, when I was only part time, I genuinely believed that people just always laughed, it was my wife that pointed out to me that I made people laugh, I cannot help it, and now, I am worse, lets face it , in this meaningless life, other than bonding with the creator, and loving those around you, what else is there? cars, houses, money, never made me happy, only a clown would reject a life of money and status for a lifetime of hearing others laugh

Living, there is so much to do in this world, technology has brought us so much, some of us aspire after the latest phone/car, but really living is no different to the time of the gurus. we have the same problems that people has then, status, money, pride, family, validation from peers. They found a way to liberate themselves from it all, and imparted it to us, we flirt with it, try and follow the same road, but without the hunger and need that drove those before us to find it. Living, my mother would say, is very hard, and she was right, my heart breaks for anyone whose life is dominated by the need for acceptance, whose living depends on lies and games, whose marriage is haunted by thoughts of bliss elsewhere, those that have constructed elaborate personalities to hide the fears and inadequate feelings within, such perfect lives on the outside, living skin and flesh on a dung frame

Am I in bliss? I am free, but not in bliss, the next step up from clownism is fully fledged sikhism, where these ideals and theories can be sharpened up, to be a fully fledged keshdhari, non drinking, perfect disciple of the power that is all, is to stand as a beacon to others, like a lighthouse, I am Khalsa, I am here to help and inspire, but till then, it is the clowns path I follow
Aug 28, 2010
Such a capability is only in Sikhism as there is an oppotunity to every clown to reach a state of being at the TOP as mentioned in your last para of the message.
Really a thought proviking message .



May 9, 2006
Gah, just lost my post!

In summary: awesome post Harry bhaji!! I think I'm a clown too, I can relate to many of your points. I'm sure my family looks at me and my cardboard furniture, faded-paint car, entry-level job and thinks I'm a clown for not wanting more. But little do they know I've found the greatest treasure one could ever hope for.

Also, I think you've found another rung on the ladder to Sach khand! Clown khand!! welcomekaur

Scarlet Pimpernel

We seek him here,we sikh
May 31, 2011
In the Self
You are not a clown because you are happy inside,clowns can be sad they are a showman the opposite of Khalsa which is :
Iam what Iam,being as I should be , Khalsa is happy because he contains that which is happiness itself.
New phone ,old phone , clay tablet or Ipad .What does it matter ,before the phone we said hello ,on the phone we still say hello .
Nothing has really changed only the medium, the content is mostly as mundane as before.Before it was written in ink ,now in code.


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Harry Haller ji great post. You have a wonderful gift in your writing as succinctness and clarity is not easy.

Don,t ever forget that the whole creation is a bit of circus. Clowns are the most highly cherished as they bring laughter and happiness to many and perhaps are best remembered. Best way to anyone's heart is by being a clown. By forgetting who one is and just being.

Sat Sri Akal.
Aug 18, 2005
Fremont, California
I see negative clowns in Sikhism where there are some stupid Sikhs that are very wealthy, only engorging in themselves. They are eager to help a gurdwara because Guru Granth Sahib is there and Sangat watches who does what. When there are hurricane or tzunammi victims and earthquake victims, they help. But when there are isolated incidences of local sangat in need (I don't mean American Sikhs that are wealthy in India and pretend to be poor in America), they only help the pakandi sants.

Sikhism teaches to help anyone, regardless of his fancial status. That is why we feed langar to both the poor and rich. But we are the clowns only looking for outward recognition of sewa in the gurdwara.

Who is doing sewa of teaching the Guru Granth Sahib? Not just general famous shabads and how to sing them. Not just Akhand Paath and Sahaij paath and occassional weddings, funerals, melas, etc, but who is actually helping to empower the community of the knowledge of Guru Granth Sahib.

I see more emphasis on promoting khalistanism (not meant out of disrect to Khalistanism here), Janam Saikhi, dasam granth, paath recitation without meaning, commercial raagism, stupid kathavachiks raping women.

There is lots of emphasis on learning to read Punjabi (that is great,though).

If our sangat had a better understanding of Guru Granth Sahib texts,then they would live happier, healthier, and successful lives. Not because of rituals or recitations, but because of feeding the mind critical information Guru Gian and being reinforced in times of challenges.

We must empower the human race with Guru ji's wisdom.
Good clowns empower the audience with entertainment that makes their minds happy.

Each and every one of us is in the spotlight. The show is about to continue and we need more good clowns.
Aug 18, 2005
Fremont, California
I am not against rituals in my last post. I am against the ideal of doing rituals in place of studying Guru Granth Sahib.

If a ritual is idol worship, I am against it, but all people should be respected, regardless of their belief. You don't have to agree with anyone 100% to respect.

I am careful who I trust, and trust is something earned to a certain degree.

Let us trust the wisdom of Guru Granth Sahib. Don't be afraid to dive in and study, even if it is one word per week. A little is better than none.

If you can't read, then ask someone learned in Gurbani to give you an inspiration per week of Guru ji, not just reading huqamnaama.
Aug 28, 2010
I fully appreciate the views in he message of HarsimiritKaur ji.The views are very candid and focused exclusive to SGGS ji.
I hope her contribution in sharing of views can be of great meaningful guidance for the sangat.



ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
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