There is absolutley no such thing as "sin/SIN/Original or otherwise " in Gurbani. This concept is non-sikh and non-gurmat.Alcohol may be an easy way to make medicines/drugs such as cough medicines etc..BUT there are other ways and methods too...this use of alcohol is a business decision..and in Muslim Countries like mine alcohol being Haram..the Govt has funded islamic scientists and manufacturers to make and sell non-alcoholic based perfumes, aerosols, even baby medicines like Gripe it can be done - as long as the will is there.Literally HUNDREDS of tuks and shabads sprinkled throughout the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji are IMAGES of "alcohol production" which is used by Guru Ji to show an ALTERNATIVE PREFERENCE. Page 360 comes to mind - since i was doing my sehaj paath on this page the Tuks Guru Ji advises..Instead of collecting GURR (jaggery used as Base Sugar for fermentation in home made alcohol) why not collect GYAAN - KNOWLEDGE ??..and use DHYAAN - concentration to recite/vichaar His name (instead of concentrating at the boiling pot of desi sheraab )...and Put in the Good deeds instead of Kas (probabaly some sort of chemicals added to separate the foam)...and as the BHathee (fire ) put in the PREM - LOVE for HIM..and watch the AMRIT of His Naam percolate and drip drop by drop....( as the alcohol drips drop by drop).Looking at this IMAGERY of a Bhathee (in English?) in the Sugar cane field ( Illegal bhatees like this can still be seen in Punjab fields today for desi ghar dee khadhee hoi RROORREE Marka ), it is clear Guru Nanak Ji was well aware of how alcohol is manufactured and here He is trying to persuade the "Ahluwalliah - sherab manufacturer ) to change his ways and STOP making this false intoxicant and begin using the REAL INTOXICANT of Naam-prem-good deeds-amrit and enjoyment.ALCOHOL whether in drop or gallon is a clear NO NO NO in Gurmatt. Period.When my late dad was diagnosed as having suffered his first of 3 heart attacks Mycardial infarction.. the doctor advised him to begin taking a glass of wine a day... and he could live longer... dad told him... I haven't touched a drop all my life... WHY should I start NOW that my life is coming to an END ?? dad lived on for another 15 years... and two more heart attacks - no bypasses or angioplasty for him either... as that would entail beadbi of kesh shaving chest etc...and the final mycardial infarction was massive... but he went happily doing his sukhmani sahibs and anand sahibs till the last breath. Its a Fallacy that a glass of alcohol may have added years... but what about his self respect ?? He did add 15 years..but maintaining his self respect and dignity of maintaining his discipline rehat and not compromising these. I respect him more for this.
There is absolutley no such thing as "sin/SIN/Original or otherwise " in Gurbani. This concept is non-sikh and non-gurmat.
Alcohol may be an easy way to make medicines/drugs such as cough medicines etc..BUT there are other ways and methods too...this use of alcohol is a business decision..and in Muslim Countries like mine alcohol being Haram..the Govt has funded islamic scientists and manufacturers to make and sell non-alcoholic based perfumes, aerosols, even baby medicines like Gripe it can be done - as long as the will is there.
Literally HUNDREDS of tuks and shabads sprinkled throughout the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji are IMAGES of "alcohol production" which is used by Guru Ji to show an ALTERNATIVE PREFERENCE. Page 360 comes to mind - since i was doing my sehaj paath on this page the Tuks Guru Ji advises..Instead of collecting GURR (jaggery used as Base Sugar for fermentation in home made alcohol) why not collect GYAAN - KNOWLEDGE ??..and use DHYAAN - concentration to recite/vichaar His name (instead of concentrating at the boiling pot of desi sheraab )...and Put in the Good deeds instead of Kas (probabaly some sort of chemicals added to separate the foam)...and as the BHathee (fire ) put in the PREM - LOVE for HIM..and watch the AMRIT of His Naam percolate and drip drop by drop....( as the alcohol drips drop by drop).
Looking at this IMAGERY of a Bhathee (in English?) in the Sugar cane field ( Illegal bhatees like this can still be seen in Punjab fields today for desi ghar dee khadhee hoi RROORREE Marka ), it is clear Guru Nanak Ji was well aware of how alcohol is manufactured and here He is trying to persuade the "Ahluwalliah - sherab manufacturer ) to change his ways and STOP making this false intoxicant and begin using the REAL INTOXICANT of Naam-prem-good deeds-amrit and enjoyment.
ALCOHOL whether in drop or gallon is a clear NO NO NO in Gurmatt. Period.
When my late dad was diagnosed as having suffered his first of 3 heart attacks Mycardial infarction.. the doctor advised him to begin taking a glass of wine a day... and he could live longer... dad told him... I haven't touched a drop all my life... WHY should I start NOW that my life is coming to an END ?? dad lived on for another 15 years... and two more heart attacks - no bypasses or angioplasty for him either... as that would entail beadbi of kesh shaving chest etc...and the final mycardial infarction was massive... but he went happily doing his sukhmani sahibs and anand sahibs till the last breath. Its a Fallacy that a glass of alcohol may have added years... but what about his self respect ?? He did add 15 years..but maintaining his self respect and dignity of maintaining his discipline rehat and not compromising these. I respect him more for this.