Further to the above.Yesterday I watched PANTH TIME programme telecatsed live from Houslow Gurduara by Gurnam Singh on the SIKH CHANNEL.EVERYBODY present there including some gurduara officials and Gursikh roopi individuals were of the opinion that mixed marriages based on religion, race and ethnicity were inevitable.Thus they should be encouraged in the Gurduaras, otherwise these people, Sikh chilkdren and youth will walk away from Gurduaras.Everyone of them was of this opinion bar one young bibi ji who categorically defined such marraiges as failure of the parents to prepare their children for sikh life.
But what suprised me was that NOT ONE person , neither those of the gursikh saroop raised the issue of the Gurmat guidelines regards such marriages, where one of the individual is a non sikh.
It was as if such guidelines did not exists or really meant nothing as one after the other of the speakers hammered home the point that if we dont welcome such marriages then we will not only loose our children but also relationships and numbers.
While I do not disagree that it is a dilemna, what shocked me was the absence of any regard towards the Gurmat rulings on the issue where either one or both of the couple are NOT sikhs.
Surely,it would be hypocrisy, if we claim to be sikhs, and yet we cooly ignore such relevant rulings and carry on acts against the ruling and pretend all is well by having invited non sikh mariages or half sikhs marriages in total violation of the eddicts of Gurmat.
I think, if this the way people want that... non sikhs should not be turned away from Gurduara marriages, then something ought to be done to make the Gurmat ruling redundant.We cannot be eating our cake or and having it as well.
Such views left me very perplexed and disappointed and wondered if sikhs were now only in name and no longer cared what the Gurmat had ruled.