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Sikhism Anand Karaj As Per Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji: A Talk By Prof Maninerpal Singh

Chaan Pardesi

Oct 4, 2008
London & Kuala Lumpur
Further to the above.Yesterday I watched PANTH TIME programme telecatsed live from Houslow Gurduara by Gurnam Singh on the SIKH CHANNEL.EVERYBODY present there including some gurduara officials and Gursikh roopi individuals were of the opinion that mixed marriages based on religion, race and ethnicity were inevitable.Thus they should be encouraged in the Gurduaras, otherwise these people, Sikh chilkdren and youth will walk away from Gurduaras.Everyone of them was of this opinion bar one young bibi ji who categorically defined such marraiges as failure of the parents to prepare their children for sikh life.

But what suprised me was that NOT ONE person , neither those of the gursikh saroop raised the issue of the Gurmat guidelines regards such marriages, where one of the individual is a non sikh.

It was as if such guidelines did not exists or really meant nothing as one after the other of the speakers hammered home the point that if we dont welcome such marriages then we will not only loose our children but also relationships and numbers.

While I do not disagree that it is a dilemna, what shocked me was the absence of any regard towards the Gurmat rulings on the issue where either one or both of the couple are NOT sikhs.

Surely,it would be hypocrisy, if we claim to be sikhs, and yet we cooly ignore such relevant rulings and carry on acts against the ruling and pretend all is well by having invited non sikh mariages or half sikhs marriages in total violation of the eddicts of Gurmat.

I think, if this the way people want that... non sikhs should not be turned away from Gurduara marriages, then something ought to be done to make the Gurmat ruling redundant.We cannot be eating our cake or and having it as well.

Such views left me very perplexed and disappointed and wondered if sikhs were now only in name and no longer cared what the Gurmat had ruled.


Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
I totally agree Chan pardesi Ji..in todays materialistic pardhaan society..Sikhs just cannot let go/lose their kids..or NUMBERS....the GURU and his GURMATT comes LAST....if at all in the running.....Prof Maninderpal Singh gives the GURMATT WAY...precedence over our MANMATT WAYs...

Thats why we can see Obituries and adverts etc ...where children who have CONVERTED..left the religion..etc are also PROUDLY DISPLAYED..as MY SON..MY daughter in law..etc etc. A few DECADES AGO such an incident (son converting/marrying out of religion) would be considered such a SHAME that the parents would rather leave town/migrate than admit to such...and our Gurdwara parbhandaks also have reached deep into the GUTTERS....at a recent Bhog Ceremony in a small town...the Stage Secretary kept announcing the name of an elder son of the deceased as SARDAR XXXX SINGH JI..when the whole town knows that the said person converted for the sake of marrying another race, has his entire family following the new religion for past 50 YEARS !! It was his MOTHERS BHOG..and she was a Staunch Panch Khalsa Diwan Sikhnnee...and so she had her bhog in Gurdwara...BUT there was no need for the secretary to keep repeating a bare faced LIE by announcing SARDAR XXXX SINGH..when he is NOT - for 50 years...obviously becasue the son was PAYING for the Bhog and all...and everybody "sneered"..and smiled...and NO ONE gave a thought to the GURU !!!..and so conveneintly the same scretary had a day before extolled the .."supreme sacrifices of the Chhoteh Sahibzadehs in Sirhind....who kicked away all temptations awards..riches..beautiful princesses..and kept their FAITH INTACT...blah blah blah....clearly these people change colours like chameleons:japosatnamwaheguru:...so natural..and easy...


Aug 17, 2010
World citizen!
Surely not every mixed marriage has to be a mark of disrespect. What if allowing the Anand Karaj is the 1st step for a non-Sikh partner to become Sikh/become seriously interested in Sikhi?

Also how do we judge Sikhi? What about the hundreds of couples who care naught for Sikhi but are born into Sikh families? If they show less respect than a non-Sikh partner, should they still be automatically entitled to Anand Karaj? Following the Gurmat way is not as straight forward as it seems!

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Surely nSot every mixed marriage has to be a mark of disrespect. What if allowing the Anand Karaj is the 1st step for a non-Sikh partner to become Sikh/become seriously interested in Sikhi?

Also how do we judge Sikhi? What about the hundreds of couples who care naught for Sikhi but are born into Sikh families? If they show less respect than a non-Sikh partner, should they still be automatically entitled to Anand Karaj? Following the Gurmat way is not as straight forward as it seems!

1. Of course NOT jasleen Ji..each has its own "merits"...

2. Those born sikh..automatically jatt etc....forcibly admit themsleves into "sikhi" just because they say so......these are ignored..because they are our "own"...( MY first point in my story about a person who has his Last name as ABDULLAH being addressed as SINGH even after 50 YEARS and having Grandsons/Great Grandkids... called Abdullah too...).........How can we with a straight face then even talk about the Baba Zorawar Singh and Baba fateh Singh with the same tongue on the very next day from the same Stage ?? A Non-Sikh hearing the word "SINGH" on BOTH occasions and knowing the Abdullah person...as well as having read the history of the Chhotteh Sahibzadehs....can be excused if he concludes that its simply something people say ??? it has absolutley NO SIGNIFICANCE...anybody can be "SINGH" !!

3. GURMATT- GURBANI is as straight as the Twin Lines of the RAILWAY
TRACK.....just becasue our own Spectacles are Cracked/TWISTED and we are {censored}-eyed....cannot be used to say/justify the statement....<<<Following the Gurmat way is not as straight forward as it seems>>>> A DERAILED TRAIN....thats what we are..and we blame the tracks ....not the drunken driver or the buffalo that ran across the tracks...A perfectly Sane normal driver can keep his train on track because the tracks are as straight as they come...and they KEEP us on TRACK as far as they possibly can...0:)


Aug 17, 2010
World citizen!
Agree with you Gyani ji. However, the example you give is an extreme case and clear to all that the person involved is no longer a Sikh. I also saw part of the Sikh Channel debate. The discussion was not so much around extreme cases but everyday cases. The judgement of who is Sikh and who is not in such cases seems to be made on birth/ethnicity not actions and that is where I struggle to understand attitudes in the community. Such scenarios cannot be ignored as the incidence will increase. Is there a practical solution that does not discriminate on the basis of birth or otherwise into a Sikh family? I do not know :confusedkudi: