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Anand Sahib - Pauri 36th


Jun 11, 2004
Dear Khalsa Ji,

In this post, I share with you what I understand from 36th Pauri of Anand Sahib.

1. ey nyqRhu myirho hir qum mih joiq DrI hir ibnu Avru n dyKhu koeI ] ay naytarahu mayriho har tum meh jot Dharee har bin avar na daykhhu ko-ee.

O’ my eyes, it is ‘The Sat’ who has placed light in you; do not see any other than ‘The Sat.

My understanding:

Guru Sahib tells me that ‘The Sat’ is the cause of my being. In the same way, ‘The Sat’ is the cause of other beings too. The ‘Akaar’ of different beings should not confuse me; I should see only ‘The Sat’ in them. All the creation is manifestation of ‘The Sat’ because ‘The Sat’ is working in all of them. This insight Guru Sahib gives me.

2. hir ibnu Avru n dyKhu koeI ndrI hir inhwilAw ] har bin avar na daykhhu ko-ee nadree har nihaali-aa.

No one other than ‘The Sat’ is seen then through vision ‘The Sat’ is realised.

My understanding:

Guru Sahib tells me the effect of the higher level of spirituality where one sees only ‘The Sat’ in all the beings. Only when the person sees ‘The Sat’ in all, her or his consciousness stands fully illuminates by the divine inside her or him. At this state of spirituality, the individuality is dissolved; all is ‘The Sat’. There is no place for Ahamkara, which was the barrier between the individual and ‘The Sat’. The individual is now resonating with ‘The Sat’. This is the spiritual state where ‘The Sat’ is realised.


3. eyhu ivsu sMswru qum dyKdy eyhu hir kw rUpu hY hir rUpu ndrI AwieAw ] ayhu vis sansaar tum daykh-day ayhu har kaa roop hai har roop nadree aa-i-aa.

In this world you see the forms (Akaar) of ‘The Sat’, have you seen the form of ‘The Sat’.

My understanding:

Guru Sahib tells me that the whole creation is the form of ‘The Sat’. Guru Sahib asks me are you able to see ‘The Sat’ in them? This question tells me that what I see is ‘Akaar’ or form i.e. Roop; I have to develop the abilities, i.e. the mental disposition to see in them their essence i.e. ‘The Sat’. Unless this ability is developed, pluralities of form will confuse me and I will not be able to see the Reality in them – ‘The Sat’.

4. gur prswdI buiJAw jw vyKw hir ieku hY hir ibnu Avru n koeI ] gur parsaadee bujhi-aa jaa vaykhaa har ik hai har bin avar na ko-ee.

With the grace of ‘The Sat’ one develops the ability where one sees ‘The Sat’ in all, no other but ‘The Sat’.

My understanding:

Guru Sahib tells that it with the grace of ‘The Sat’ i.e. Gurparsadi that one acquires the ability to see ‘The Sat’ in all.

My past learning tells me that once the mind is purified and Ahamkara dissolve one reaches very close to be graced by ‘The Sat’, in fact it is automatic (to use a technical term). It is my conviction that ‘The Sat’ is always ready to grace the individual provided she or he is ready for it; each individual has to make efforts in this direction.

5. khY nwnku eyih nyqR AMD sy siqguir imilAY idb idRsit hoeI ]36] kahai naanak ayhi naytar anDh say satgur mili-ai dib darisat ho-ee. ||36||

Says Nanak, that the eyes are blind, when Satguru introduces one gets the divine vision.

My understanding:

Guru Sahib has used the word blind. This word is not used the way we use in normal conversation. Here the blindness is because our natural and normal eyes are not able to see ‘The Sat’ in each of the entity that ‘The Sat’ has created. Here the blindness is in understanding; it is in the inability of the individual to conceptualise ‘The Sat’ everywhere in the creation; it is blindness of mental perception and realisation.

Once with the grace of ‘The Sat’ one acquires the divine vision (dib daristi) to perceive ‘The Sat’ in every entity of the creation of ‘The Sat’. This divine vision is not something supernatural. It is natural; it is a frame of mind; it is the particular disposition of the brain.

I hold the opinion that nothing is free in this world. One has to put in effort to achieve or acquire the desired goal.

With this I close this post.
With love and respect for all.

Amarpal Singh


Jul 18, 2004
Re: Anand Sahib: 36th Pauri: My understanding

Pray Truth for all and say Satsriakal!
The wish to share with all, what you understand from Anand Sahib, seems to be quite forceful.

You wrote:
1. ey nyqRhu myirho hir qum mih joiq DrI hir ibnu Avru n dyKhu koeI ay naytarahu mayriho har tum meh jot Dharee har bin avar na daykhhu ko-ee.
O’ my eyes, it is ‘The Sat’ who has placed light in you; do not see any other than ‘The Sat´.

Gurudev, as I understand, is in Ananda singing this verse. Gurudev is in great bliss becoming ONE with God. Gurudev also found that whole world and its activities are God Himself.

Strange is that not only ego of a being but also every limb of him feels his separate ego.
So is the case of eyes until realizing the Truth.

Ignorant eyes feel that those see. Ignorant Jeev feels that he knows.

Guru Amar Das Ji, realizing the Truth, becomes aware of the false pride of eyes too.
He makes the eyes aware of this Truth and sings 'O my eyes Hari has engulfed light in you nobody else than Hari watches'.

Dear Amarpal Singh Ji!
You interpreted Guru's Vaak as "O’ my eyes, it is ‘The Sat’ who has placed light in you; do not see any other than ‘The Sat'."
Your explanation to eyes that do not see any other than ‘The Sat' confirms the further existence of the ignorance of eyes.

All is God. By realizing God there remains no difference among the scenes, watching it and the ONE who enjoy watching it.

This is what next line of this Pauri is.
2. hir ibnu Avru n dyKhu koeI ndrI hir inhwilAw har bin avar na daykhhu ko-ee nadree har nihaali-aa.


Balbir Singh


Jun 11, 2004
Dear Balbir Singh Ji,

What you have said in your post:

"All is God. By realizing God there remains no difference among the scenes, watching it and the ONE who enjoy watching it."

I have elaborated on the same in the last line of the Pauri.

Under the caption 'my understanding' of the last line explains the same thing, in different words and feelings.

With love and respect for all.

Amarpal Singh