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Anand Sahib - Pauri 37


Jun 11, 2004
Dear Khalsa Ji,

Today, in my journey, ‘The Sat’ has brought me to 37th Pauri of Anand Sahib. What it means to me is being shared with you in this post.

1. ey sRvxhu myirho swcY sunxY no pTwey ] ay sarvanhu mayriho saachai sunnai no pathaa-ay.

O’ my faculty for listening, your existence is to listen the truth.

My understanding:

Guru Sahib has chosen only the human faculty for listening and there is reason for doing so. ‘The Sat’ cannot be touched, seen, tasted of felt. It is through listening about ‘The Sat’ that we acquire the mental ability to seek this ‘Ultimate’. It is for this reason Guru Sahib has chosen to single out this particular human faculty.

As Guru Sahib has pointed out in Siri Guru Granth Sahib that human for enables the being to seek and merge with ‘The Sat’. Here in this sentence Guru Sahib have become more specific in pointing to the specific Gyanindriya, which is most important for the task. Guru Sahib says that faculty for hearing was created only for this purpose i.e. to listen about truth.

2. swcY sunxY no pTwey srIir lwey suxhu siq bwxI ] saachai sunnai no pathaa-ay sareer laa-ay sunhu sat banee.

Created to here about ‘Truth’ and coupled to the body for this purpose, listen to the True Banee.

My understanding:

In this sentence Guru Sahib re-emphasise what he has said in the previous sentence. By implications Guru Sahib says that but to listen about ‘The Sat’, there was no other reason for hearing ability to exist. This way Guru Sahib gives paramount importance to listening to the scripture about ‘The Sat’.

3. ijqu suxI mnu qnu hirAw hoAw rsnw ris smwxI ] jit sunee man tan hari-aa ho-aa rasnaa ras samaanee.

One who listens, her or his mind gets oriented towards ‘The Sat’ and her or his being gets totally imbued with the ‘The Sat’.

My understanding:

Guru Sahib tells the importance of listening to the Gurbani and understanding it. This exercise leads to change in the frame of mind; the gets revitalised and gets imbued with ‘The Sat’.

4. scu AlK ivfwxI qw kI giq khI n jwey ] sach alakh vidaanee taa kee gat kahee na jaa-ay.

‘The Sat’ is immense and the state of ‘The Sat’ cannot be described.

My understanding:

Guru Sahib tells that ‘The Sat’ cannot be described. This way no one can make another person to understand what ‘The Sat’ is. The experience of ‘The Sat’, the knowledge of ‘The Sat’ cannot be transplanted from one person to another. Each person has to strive on her or his own.

5. khY nwnku AMimRq nwmu suxhu pivqR hovhu swcY sunxY no pTwey ]37] kahai naanak amrit naam sunhu pavitar hovhu saachai sunnai no pathaa-ay. ||37||

Says Nanak, listen to Naam and get purified, you were created to listen about ‘The Sat’.

My understanding:

Guru Sahib tells that by listening to ‘Naam’ the person gets purified. This human faculty for hearing is created to achieve this end.

With this I close.

With love and respect for all.

Amarpal Singh