Do you really believe it when Kiran Bedi says that Anna is India and India is Anna. I think she has really gone bonkers.Why don"t these self-appointed, so-called civil society people, all go on a fast unto death? Why use Anna as fodder and put him is such a pitiable situation from which it is almost impossible to escape.And would we allow this kind of black-mail in our own families?What happens if a new group of people,even more qualified than this group,comes forward and claims to be the real Civil Society. There will be no end to this Tamasha.Why not just get rid of parliament and scrap the constitution and let the likes of Anna Hazare run the country.
Do you really believe it when Kiran Bedi says that Anna is India and India is Anna. I think she has really gone bonkers.
Why don"t these self-appointed, so-called civil society people, all go on a fast unto death? Why use Anna as fodder and put him is such a pitiable situation from which it is almost impossible to escape.
And would we allow this kind of black-mail in our own families?
What happens if a new group of people,even more qualified than this group,comes forward and claims to be the real Civil Society. There will be no end to this Tamasha.
Why not just get rid of parliament and scrap the constitution and let the likes of Anna Hazare run the country.