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Sects Are Radha-Soamis Anti-Sikh?


Aug 14, 2011
Satnaam Ji.

I wish to know here and educate myself as to whether Radha-Soamis are anti-Sikh and what rites or rituals performed by them put them attributed to this.

I have read a bit about the life of some their preachers and also found that within sikh community, Radha-Soamis are not liked that much.

I am not sure about RAM RAHIM whose video I saw on youtube dancing and posing as a singer, but Radha-Soamis dont seem to reflect that kind of disposition.

Satnaam Ji.


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Satnaam Ji.

I wish to know here and educate myself as to whether Radha-Soamis are anti-Sikh and what rites or rituals performed by them put them attributed to this.

I have read a bit about the life of some their preachers and also found that within sikh community, Radha-Soamis are not liked that much.

I am not sure about RAM RAHIM whose video I saw on youtube dancing and posing as a singer, but Radha-Soamis dont seem to reflect that kind of disposition.

Satnaam Ji.
Valour ji the Radhasoamis are a fraud on Sikhism. They started their stuff with Sikhism as a linkage and then kicked out Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji out of their life at Beas and everywhere. They manipulate and sound like Gurbani and create their own variations.

They are fully exploiting the external persona of a Sikh to misguide and start fads like vegans as a focal point whereas Sikhism is much broader and a life realization versus just focussing on what you eat.

The objectives of the movement:
These are very clearly defined by the sect and they are:
Diffusion of knowledge useful for spiritual and moral advancement according to the traditions and tenets of Radha Soami Faith as propounded by the Sant Sat Gurus of Radha Soami Colony Beas (Dera Baba Jaimal Singh.)
To provide and make arrangement for holding Satsangs (religious sermons) and Bhandaras(large gatherings) at the colony and other places.
To run a Langar (kitchen for providing free meals) and lodgings for the Sadhus, Sewadars, Satsangis and others and to look after their needs.
To arrange for the printing, publication, sale as well as dissemination of literature on Radha Soami Faith in India.
To establish and/or run a hospital and/or dispensary at or near the said Colony.

Do you Sikhism, Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji mentioned or adhered to anywhere!
Apparently now the only organized RSSB charitable activity for the poor is the Beas hospital that was built many years ago, when Charan Singh was the guru. The annual “eye camps” that provided free medical care for cataracts and other problems have been discontinued. (Another guru’s “dera” offers them, though.)
Sunil Godhwani, Religare’s Chairman and Managing Director, is a Radha Soami Satsang Beas follower and the guru’s closest aide. Malvinder and Shivinder Mohan Singh, the brothers (nephews of the guru) who founded Religare and transferred millions of shares in the company to the guru’s sons also are RSSB initiates.




It is wrong to even consider them to be close to Sikhism. They are anti-Sikh for sure as they mislead droves of Sikhs by looking like Sikhs.

Sat Sri Akal.


Aug 14, 2011
Thanks Ambarsaria Ji.

I think there people around the head of such spiritual organizations or even the heads (after the institution has been running for long time) would always succumb to allure of Maya. These might well be true and the current Guru might not match the spiritual stature of being a spiritual guide to the masses.

But I meant to say that Are they in any way opposing or denigrating the Sikh Faith ? If they are not, and as you said that they have taken reference from Guru Granth Sahib and don't respect the Guru as we do, then I guess We can derive some positive from this. Well, I think No one can love my parents as I do, but if anyone regards them, then It is fair enough for me. I would cherish that the School of thought I adhere to is influencing them. Even the followers of Osho make elaborate references of SGGS and Osho has written Tika on Japji Sahib as maskeenji mentioned.

Well, I recall talking to one of the followers of the faith, whose statement disturbed me a bit. He said that SGGS is just a book and you need a guru in physical form to show you the way to Salvation. At the corner of our street, We have a Sweets shop owned by Dera follower and his products are free from any adulteration and pure and are exhausted very early. There have been other instances too. I find good naam abhyassis too in them, although those who drink and still full of material lusts are quite a few, and that's there in any sect or religion.

But still if we reject them outright as per Sikh code, I guess they must be given the right to co-exist. Let the people decide. Factions within Sikhs are furious over all the Deras to the extent of hitting them, I guess few are in the dark but many are doing good work, including Nanaksar Sahib, Mastuana Sahib.


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Thanks Ambarsaria Ji.

I think there people around the head of such spiritual organizations or even the heads (after the institution has been running for long time) would always succumb to allure of Maya. These might well be true and the current Guru might not match the spiritual stature of being a spiritual guide to the masses.

But I meant to say that Are they in any way opposing or denigrating the Sikh Faith ? If they are not, and as you said that they have taken reference from Guru Granth Sahib and don't respect the Guru as we do, then I guess We can derive some positive from this. Well, I think No one can love my parents as I do, but if anyone regards them, then It is fair enough for me. I would cherish that the School of thought I adhere to is influencing them. Even the followers of Osho make elaborate references of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji and Osho has written Tika on Japji Sahib as maskeenji mentioned.

Well, I recall talking to one of the followers of the faith, whose statement disturbed me a bit. He said that Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is just a book and you need a guru in physical form to show you the way to Salvation. At the corner of our street, We have a Sweets shop owned by Dera follower and his products are free from any adulteration and pure and are exhausted very early. There have been other instances too. I find good naam abhyassis too in them, although those who drink and still full of material lusts are quite a few, and that's there in any sect or religion.

But still if we reject them outright as per Sikh code, I guess they must be given the right to co-exist. Let the people decide. Factions within Sikhs are furious over all the Deras to the extent of hitting them, I guess few are in the dark but many are doing good work, including Nanaksar Sahib, Mastuana Sahib.
Valour ji they don't believe in Sikh Guru jis or Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji so I don't know what is left beyond that for them to be called Sikhs. We are not even talking Sikh Rehat Maryada or respect for it.

Sure lot of people outside of Sikhism do good things and I have no issues there. But people with Sikh persona and being pseudo Sikhs with little to no adherence or belief in Guru jis I have no respect for as Sikhs. As people I treat them as I will treat any human being but with a sense of caution for their inherent qualities of cheating as a basis of their movement. The Dera Beas was established on Sikhism basis till it was convenient to throw Sikhism out of the picture. From Sikhism perspective they are nothing but opportunistic and saboteurs. Some are OK with this but I have no respect for such for their cheating.

Sat Sri Akal.

Hardip Singh

Jan 14, 2009
Valour jee,
They are NOT AT ALL adhering to any of the SIKHISIM values but they do borrow shabads from SGGS to do their katha in all satsangs without giving any due respect.
See the irony of the fate, the land deed papers of the Dera Beas in Punjab were registered in the name of SGGS jee by the land donors of that village to avoid any future disputes.
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