The Basic dilemma facing us be GURU-DOKHI (going agaisnt the GURU SGGS and Guru Gobind Singh Jis Agiyah bhaiyee akal ki...GURU MANIYOH GRANTH ) or to be PANTH-DOKHI (going against the Panth Sikh Rehat Maryada).
1. The GURU- SGGS CANNOT be changed/altered in any way. This is CONSISTENT.
2. The SRM is Man 1945 and has been changed many times by the Khalsa Panth.
3. Khandey bate dee Pahul is based on SRM - the Banis read are listed here.
4. The Khalsa Panth has the Moral Authority to do any changes in the SRM.. in the light of new evidence on the writings and banis etc.
5. Its time the SGPC/Sikh Academics/Jathedars, Takhats etc get together and come to a Final Stand and solve this cancerous dilemma once and for all. The LONGER it is allowed to fester..the more dangerous it becomes and Panth is getting divided beyond repair.
6. Guru Amardass Ji already made this clear..Kachi dangerous to those who SING..READ..LISTEN to Kachi banis. The ONLY GURBANI is that in SGGS..our Only and SOLE GURU.