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General Bani For Getting Rid Of Boori Nazar And Totka (Evil Eye And Magic)

Mar 26, 2011
Sat shri akal,

I am here as i have a query, my sister who has been married for 8 years is facing a lot of problems since she she got married. but since last 3-4 years things have started to get out of hand. her husband and her only son keep on having something or other as health issues, first her husband had to under go a slip disc surgery ( he is only 31) and since then he hasnt been able to do normal day to day tasks and now her child keeps getting hurt in someway. people in my family say that her sister in law does toona totkas on them as she and her family believes in jaadu tonas. I dont really believe in all this, but i really cant see my sister suffering like this every day, i do dukh bhanjni sahib for my sister's safety, but is there any other bani which would help her and her husband and child from this evil eye. Please Please help me!!!

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011

Please do not waste your time in this belief of bad spirits and fairies, it is using precious energy that you could be using in more practical methods, I completely agree with findingmywayji, leave the medical stuff to the doctors, recite bani to give you help and guidance, sometimes things can be a self fulfilling prophecy, if you believe in jadoo, then that can be a negative self fulfilling prophecy, jadoo is no more sikhi than believing in ladoo!

try and concentrate on cold hard facts about your nephew and brother in law, try and make things easier by your presence and sewa, if there is anything you can do, it is to passionately talk against the possibility of jadoo, this family appears to be suffering enough without the added fear of something that does not exist, take a lead role in dispelling their fears and do not ignore what the doctors are telling you, good luck


Jun 12, 2011
I hope my friends will not mind if I add a Jewish Kabballah perspective on the "evil eye" subject. The best thing a person can do is actually IGNORE the negative energy and the person believed to be sending it. Ignoring it really does take away its evil power. It's the reverse of the law of attraction - you tend to attract what you think about a lot.

Also realize that medical problems can happen naturally in any family, and if a person is sick or hurt, that in itself can make the person more vulnerable to other sickness before he is healed.


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Sat shri akal,

I am here as i have a query, my sister who has been married for 8 years is facing a lot of problems since she she got married. but since last 3-4 years things have started to get out of hand. her husband and her only son keep on having something or other as health issues, first her husband had to under go a slip disc surgery ( he is only 31) and since then he hasnt been able to do normal day to day tasks and now her child keeps getting hurt in someway. people in my family say that her sister in law does toona totkas on them as she and her family believes in jaadu tonas. I dont really believe in all this, but i really cant see my sister suffering like this every day, i do dukh bhanjni sahib for my sister's safety, but is there any other bani which would help her and her husband and child from this evil eye. Please Please help me!!!
jasminebhatia ji sorry to hear about the situation.

I was thinking if your sister lives in the same house as her sister-in-law who is supposed to be doing jadoo/toona stuff? Usually distance and as Annie ji said ignoring suspected (evil) people is the best approach. Does your sister's husband confirm that his sister is into such stuff? I don't know of many real sisters cursing that their brother get a slipped disc! So there may be possibility of not getting along and apprehension and mis-communication leading to issues more than anything else.

Just some thoughts.

Sat Sri Akal.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
The BOTTOM LINE here is this..."PEOPLE SAY.....so and so does jadoo toonnas..shes a witch..daeinnn....etc etc. ( Read Original post please)

PEOPLE...have always SAID..many many things...I hear this magic jadoo toonnan eveil eye thing DAILY on ALL TV Channels satelliting OUT of INDIA....its a Multi Billion Dollar BUSINESS...obvioulsy becasue TV AD spots are very very expensive...and these evil eyes ads run for HOURS on end on multi channels...who can AFFORD them ?? Obviously ..PEOPLE SAY...PEOPLE HEAR...PEOPLE BELIVE...and PEOPLE BUY....and so the Circle GOES ON UNABATED. And the Ads target all..hindus, muslims, christians, jains.... and EVEN SIKHS !!

I DONT know about anyone else..BUT if one is a SIKH..why NOT...LISTEN TO GURU JI SGGS...instead of just "PEOPLE" ?? GURU Ji is 110% CLEAR on this subject...THERE IS NO SUCH THING....read Guru Jis perosnal experience..when babar attacked India..." KOI MUGHAL NA HOAA ANDHA .......... You see the Hindu/Mulsim Magicians and soothsayers had ASSURED the LODHI SULTAN that their Magic mantras jadoo toonnas etc will MAKE EACH MUGHAL SOLDIER BLIND !!! and furthermore their jadoo toonnas will SEAL Babars CANNONS SHUT...so that not even a single cannon Shot will be fired !! The "PEOPLE" said..and the PEOPLE Bleeived....and so did the LODHIS.........BUT GURU NANAK JI SAHIB...DID NOT BELIVE any of this RUBBISH.......and what happened ?? Did the Mughals becoem BLIND ?? did their cannons become SEALED SHUT ?? OF COURSE NOT. Nothing of teh sort happened....Babar and hois Hordes attacked Sultanpur Lodhis Punjab..and wreaked DEATH and DESTRUCTION on the poor people of PUNJAB...Guru nanak Ji further says..EETEE Maar payee KURLANNEH..tenki dard na iayah...SO MUCH BLOOD and destruction !!!

SO VEER JI...take all this rubbish OUT of your MIND...the best way to help your sis and her family is....have more and deeper FAITH ( not SHARDHA ?? A shadhaloo is actually a SHARDHA + OLLOO Blind OWL type )..FAITH means ACCEPTING all in HIS HUKM..and doing all in our power to ENDURE and seek the BEST MEDICAL HELP. FAITH means more NITNEM and BANI daily..read with PURPOSE...not as a ritual....

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Harry Ji...I LOVED that ....JADOO...VS LADOO..play on words !!! Made my day..I prefer a LADOO..any day.............Jadoo can go fly a kite for all i care...

For all those who beleive in this eveil eye....SEND ME SOME !! I will even PAY you..but ONLY if it works !!! ( this is REVERSE....because normally people PAY to REMOVE evil eye...not me....I PAY to get it !! Offer is serious !! and a CHALLENGE to all those evil eyes staring at ME..come get me !!...IF you Pay my Air Fare..I will even TRAVEL to wherever you are...and IF YOU FAIL..you have to give me LADOOS !!)
Mar 26, 2011
Thank you all for taking out time and writing in, i do not believe in all this myself, but i guess seeing my sister tackling these type of situations has made me a little weak, as it hurts me to see her like this, i am a firm believer of guru granth sahib ji and thats what i do when i see all this happening to my sister i just pray and pray thats all i can do, so thats the reason i asked if there was a bani specially for a person's safety and good health.

and @ Ambarsaria: its my jija's bhabhi ( his elder brother's wife) her parents are involved in all these things.

i just hope babaji helps everyone around and keeps everyone safe.
Mar 26, 2011
yes u are right, thank you so much..and yes doctors are doing their job already. we are a modern educated family, its just the people around us who are talking stuff. so i guess i need to take an initiativeto help everyone understand. thanks again!!


Dec 22, 2009
jasmine ji,

Does your sister do Nitnem regularly? Not praying regularly makes us weak and vulnerable... if on no other level, than to be open to the amount of worrying,fretting and stressing your sister may be doing at the moment, dealing with her current circumstances.

*in my opinion*, there is a dark realm, and dark things exist in it... but we willingly submit ourselves to darkness, ifyness, wutever, when we dont pray regularly.


Nov 7, 2010
urrh well gives me $100,000 like and yeah,,urhhh the badie spirits will go away...urhhh they speaky to me... Euros accepted only till the end of the week before it goes kaputt like....send to Mystic man S.Bull at BS bank sorted well done code 123456 account 666 666 666 ....yeah before 12th Dec as like the maya peeps said we will be like 2012 well toasted...butt hey yo needing a seat on the ship yo..save you one also..Any wackky spirits costing double...

Or alternatively realise that black magic doesnt exist !! If ghosts and demons do exist then so does God and you know what, they are just jealous of us as we do have her/his love and they can never get so close. Win-Win..Just look after your family the best you can.



Jun 28, 2022
Sat shri akal,

I am here as i have a query, my sister who has been married for 8 years is facing a lot of problems since she she got married. but since last 3-4 years things have started to get out of hand. her husband and her only son keep on having something or other as health issues, first her husband had to under go a slip disc surgery ( he is only 31) and since then he hasnt been able to do normal day to day tasks and now her child keeps getting hurt in someway. people in my family say that her sister in law does toona totkas on them as she and her family believes in jaadu tonas. I dont really believe in all this, but i really cant see my sister suffering like this every day, i do dukh bhanjni sahib for my sister's safety, but is there any other bani which would help her and her husband and child from this evil eye. Please Please help me!!!
Waheguru ji ka Khalsa Sri Waheguru ji ki fateh
Yes there is black magic and stuff in this world and it may be possible that a person as you mentioned may have done it
All this stuff is present in this world and can be dated back to when the world began
To overcome it,you sister and brother-in-law must dharan amrit and after that organise Sri Akhand path sahib in their house Nobody in all universes is as big and great than Guru sahib with true heart do ardaas to guru sahib and tell them strictly and Regularly do all nitem,5 japji sahib and 32 path bhram kavach
I am 10000% sure you will not only be free of it but also free from cycle of birth and death and all this illusionous world
May Waheguru and Guru Nanak bless you
Sat Sri Akal vir


Aug 13, 2012
Waheguru ji ka Khalsa Sri Waheguru ji ki fateh
Yes there is black magic and stuff in this world and it may be possible that a person as you mentioned may have done it
All this stuff is present in this world and can be dated back to when the world began
To overcome it,you sister and brother-in-law must dharan amrit and after that organise Sri Akhand path sahib in their house Nobody in all universes is as big and great than Guru sahib with true heart do ardaas to guru sahib and tell them strictly and Regularly do all nitem,5 japji sahib and 32 path bhram kavach
I am 10000% sure you will not only be free of it but also free from cycle of birth and death and all this illusionous world
May Waheguru and Guru Nanak bless you
Sat Sri Akal vir
are you for real?


Oct 15, 2021
Just meditate ,ek om kar akal muth .that is one muthi of paramathma .devine awathar heal all spiritual problem