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Naam Niranjan



AMg 112

ang 112

Page 112

mwJ mhlw 3 ]

maajh mehulaa 3 

Maajh, Third Mehl:

AMdir hIrw lwlu bxwieAw ]

andhar heeraa laal bunaaeiaa

Diamonds and rubies are produced deep within the self.

gur kY sbid priK prKwieAw ]

gur kai subadh purakh purukhaaeiaa

They are assayed and valued tthrough the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

ijn scu plY scu vKwxih scu ksvtI lwvixAw ]1]

jin such pulai such vukhaanehi such kusuvuttee laavaniaa

Those who have gathered Truth, speak Truth; they apply the Touch-stone of Truth. ||1||

hau vwrI jIau vwrI gur kI bwxI mMin vswvixAw ]

ho vaaree jeeo vaaree gur kee baanee munn vusaavaniaa

I am a sacrifice, my soul is a sacrifice, to those who enshrine the Word of the Guru's Bani within their minds.

AMjn mwih inrMjnu pwieAw joqI joiq imlwvixAw ]1] rhwau ]

anjun maahi nirunjun paaeiaa jothee joth milaavaniaa

In the midst of the darkness of the world, they obtain the Immaculate One, and their light merges into the Light. ||1||Pause||

iesu kwieAw AMdir bhuqu pswrw ]

eis kaaeiaa andhar buhuth pusaaraa

Within this body are countless vast vistas;

nwmu inrMjnu Aiq Agm Apwrw ]

naam nirunjun ath agum apaaraa

the Immaculate Naam is totally Inaccessible and Infinite.

gurmuiK hovY soeI pwey Awpy bKis imlwvixAw ]2]

gurumukh hovai soee paaeaeaapae bukhas milaavaniaa

He alone becomes Gurmukh and obtains it, whom the Lord forgives, and unites with Himself. ||2||

myrw Twkuru scu idRVwey ]

maeraa thaakur such dhrirraaeae

My Lord and Master implants the Truth.

gur prswdI sic icqu lwey ]

gur purusaadhee sach chith laaeae

By Guru's Grace, one's consciousness is attached to the Truth.

sco scu vrqY sBnI QweI scy sic smwvixAw ]3]

sucho such vuruthai subhunee thaaee suchae sach sumaavaniaa

The Truest of the True is pervading everywhere; the true ones merge in Truth. ||3||

vyprvwhu scu myrw ipAwrw ]

vaepuruvaahu such maeraa piaaraa

The True Carefree Lord is my Beloved.

iklivK Avgx kwtxhwrw ]

kilavikh avugun kaattunehaaraa

He cuts out our sinful mistakes and evil actions;

pRym pRIiq sdw iDAweIAY BY Bwie Bgiq idRVwvixAw ]4]

praem preeth sudhaa dhiaaeeai bhai bhaae bhugath dhrirraavaniaa

with love and affection, meditate forever on Him. He implants the Fear of God and loving devotional worship within us. ||4||

qyrI Bgiq scI jy scy BwvY ]

thaeree bhugath suchee jae suchae bhaavai

Devotional worship is True, if it pleases the True Lord.

Awpy dyie n pCoqwvY ]

aapae dhaee n pushothaavai

He Himself bestows it; He does not regret it later.

sBnw jIAw kw eyko dwqw sbdy mwir jIvwvixAw ]5]

subhunaa jeeaa kaa eaeko dhaathaa subudhae maar jeevaavaniaa

He alone is the Giver of all beings. The Lord kills with the Word of His Shabad, and then revives. ||5||

hir quDu bwJhu mY koeI nwhI ]

har thudh baajhuhu mai koee naahee

Other than You, Lord, nothing is mine.

hir quDY syvI qY quDu swlwhI ]

har thudhai saevee thai thudh saalaahee

I serve You, Lord, and I praise You.

Awpy myil lYhu pRB swcy pUrY krim qUM pwvixAw ]6]

aapae mael laihu prubh saachae poorai kuram thoon paavaniaa

You unite me with Yourself, O True God. Through perfect good karma You are obtained. ||6||

mY horu n koeI quDY jyhw ]

mai hor n koee thudhai jaehaa

For me, there is no other like You.

qyrI ndrI sIJis dyhw ]

thaeree nudhuree seejhas dhaehaa

By Your Glance of Grace, my body is blessed and sanctified.

Anidnu swir smwil hir rwKih gurmuiK shij smwvixAw ]7]

anadhin saar sumaal har raakhehi gurumukh sehaj sumaavaniaa

Night and day, the Lord takes care of us and protects us. The Gurmukhs are absorbed in intuitive peace and poise. ||7||

quDu jyvfu mY horu n koeI ]

thudh jaevudd mai hor n koee

For me, there is no other as Great as You.

quDu Awpy isrjI Awpy goeI ]

thudh aapae sirujeeaapae goee

You Yourself create, and You Yourself destroy.

qUM Awpy hI GiV BMin svwrih nwnk nwim suhwvixAw ]8]5]6]

thooaapae hee gharr bhunn suvaarehi naanuk naam suhaavaniaa

You Yourself create, destroy and adorn. O Nanak, we are adorned and embellished with the Naam. ||8||5||6||



Humbly asking for everybody’s forgiveness
