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Confused About My Relationship With My Girlfriend

Nov 11, 2010
i met my gf in november on the internet and we met up too. we have been together since then however if she does not txt me i start to feel upset and hurt i know im so wrong for this. i plan to marry her and i cannot help but feel attached to her. how can i feel better?

your thoughts are welcomekaur


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Dear all

There are two threads on the same topic of confusion over one's relationship with one's girlfriend. They are now merged.

I am starting to become suspicious.

manpret ji/msbaath ji

You see when I put your reply to "nevastoplearning" ji together with your own question about a problem with your girlfriend a new picture emerges:

dear nevastoplearning
i can fully understand ur situation, as i was in ur position for a long long time. im still in love with my gf but now i have a control on my feelings but believe there is nothing i could have done to change my extreme attachment to my gf, but god helped me, i went through psychosis(now it can be called a tragedy) but there is nothing better ever happened to me, now i have more control over my feelings and feel more attached to God, i cant help you but i want to tell u, u r in serious trouble and if u want to escape, pray to God have utter faith in him and u will definetly feel better.

Two hours later you told the forum in a different thread

im in real trouble i cant help thinking about God
my gf is troubled by that she feels im becoming an ascetic
and i might leave her for God
i tried not to mention g word with her
but sometimes i feel so sad that i cant feel God(or whatever happens to enlightened people)
Reference:: Sikh Philosophy Network http://www.sikhphilosophy.net/showthread.php?t=34744
and i cant help expressing my sadnes to my gf
and everytime i do that she hangs up on me adding to my grief
she thinks im going crazy
i dont know how to handle her and my feelings

It adds up to this.
Today you first told nevastoplearning ji that you had resolved this problem with your girlfriend (see above) . Two hours later you started a new thread in which you said you did have a problem with your girlfriend, and contradicted yourself. Threads are merged. Please do not start any more threads on the subject of girlfriends. Thank you.
Nov 11, 2010
well she hasnt been in touch since saturday im starting to panic...
i cant even go to work without crying in secret as i really love her i do.
i tried phoning her today bt she never picked up. so i left a txt saying tht i love her and it hurts if i dnt recieve txt frm her at any point. shes perfect for me.


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
well she hasnt been in touch since saturday im starting to panic...
i cant even go to work without crying in secret as i really love her i do.
i tried phoning her today bt she never picked up. so i left a txt saying tht i love her and it hurts if i dnt recieve txt frm her at any point. shes perfect for me.
You are mis-using the word love if you don't respect her wishes and forcing her to love you. Take a chill pill. If there is love things naturally right themselves.

Sat Sri Akal.