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Dec 13, 2005
Satsriakal Folks!! :D

There is an increasing talk about world oil reserves running out and the use of natural gas, what as sikhs do we think of the use of nuclear energy as a fuel substitute, and with the increasing change in climate is it possible to develop a system of harnessing extreme whether conditions to generate power?
I have read some articles into the use of nanotechnology to prevent waste of fuel energy but ultimately a time will come when we do not have any fuel resources left so will we eventually have to look into the use of alnernative energy, all of our lives revolve around electricity even as i am using the internet now.

I wonder whether their is a way of detecting a natural disaster and then tapping the power generated from the extreme force of nature as a means of generating electricity. I have heard many conspiracy theories that someone in the world is controlling the weather but just think how great it would be if we could harness the force behind nature for greater good of humanity.

Just a thought, I did not know what forum to post it in so I thought I would post it in this one,

Indy :}{}{}:
Jul 30, 2004

Panth talks of nature which is endless as our God is one who lives in nature.

As our God is in energy which is undestructable then we can think on many plans like solar enrgy or steller energy or say wind energy all are a bit renweuable.

Nuclear could be the last option.But it must not be demed as untouchable.


Dec 13, 2005
Thankyou Vijaydeep Ji your message was great,

I have never researched about stellar energy how would we use it and what exactly is it?, is there much study being done at how we can harness this energy, i know the moon has a pull on the tides can we tap into the energy which causes the pull?

Jul 30, 2004

to study the composition of Stars we do study what sort of wavelenghts,amptitude ect. are rays from there have.Based upon that we get to know the matter which makes those stars.

This is only an initial stage.But as Sun is a star giving EMR more due to proximity to us so do star also send it.

Thier energy level due to distnace is more but thier number is endless.

So as in sun only one but nearer in star many but farer.

so scince may try to combine enrgy from many stars into one trap and may convert it into say elerctricity.

so far we use atomic energy based upon fission but soon we may swithc over to fusion based nuclera energy where by converting hydrozen into helium we get energy and hydrozen stocks are endless.In Stars and suns same thing happens.


Dec 13, 2005
Satriakal Vijaydeep Singh Ji

You are very intelligent I wish I had studied physics then I would no more about the galaxy, I wonder if we can put solar panels on mercury as it is closer to the sun so will generate more power and then transmit it to earth is that possible?


Indy :thumbup:
Jul 30, 2004

cost of transfering energy from mercury to earth will be more costly then getting it directly from sun free of cost.

Yes if we live on mercury some day we will ahve more solar energy over there.:)
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