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Partition Corruption In The Punjab

Chaan Pardesi

Oct 4, 2008
London & Kuala Lumpur
admin note: The image attached to this article is described in the next paragraph. The image had to be resized and attached because if not a black window displays in the Spotlight. Unavoidable. I apologize for any unwanted changes to the OP.

The building that Houses the Patwari, next to the deputy Kaptaan Badhni police office. On the left can be seen the Tahsildars so called office, the grey house which is NEVER occupied apart from some chairs where people sit and gossip, while awaiting!The thasildar attends once a week alledgedly.NO wonder Punjab is stagnant and has NOT moved forward.

The Tahsildar & Patwari's Office at Badhni, where farmers and poor people turn up day after day to get their documents sorted out. BUT the Patwari Mangal Singh is never in the office.

When contacted by phone , and if he answers, you think ..you are lucky...NO ..NO...you are not so lucky ..as then he is full of excuses-that he is in Chandigarh, or that his son is sick and the third day he was sick.His excuses never cease to amaze.

The people come, sit around ''wehelle'gossip and go home waiting for him.They repeat the same action the next day, while Patwari Mangal Singh comes with another innovative excuse when caught on phone if lucky; otherwise he turns the phone off.

This is the beauracratic structure, the Akali Dal government has sat up in the Punjab.It is the most corrupted government that Punjab has ever seen.Yet CM Badal sahib never ceases to say the Punjab will be turned into California, Australia or Sweden- I don't think the Buddha Badal sahib knows what California or the countries look like, or operate like.

The 'High street' of Badhni is full of holes & swampy water, that smells. People could not walk through, so the poor people themselves managed to throw tons of earth over to try to make it passable, but as the earth settles, it has become uneven with potholes and puddles of water.

The 'road' is full of waste that is lying in corners or over the whole street with little puddles of stagnant water that breeds mosquitoes and disease.Not to mention of people digging their noses and spitting all over or urinating in the tight corners or lanes that run to the houses!

Some of the habits of Punjabis are understandable, but at least the sytsems should be attempted to be improved.At least the government officials should arrive on duty on time and facilitate the important paper work of the people where all documents are correct and in order.

The absence of officers who are supposed to be on duty , seeking bribery quite openly is rife among the officials, the people are forced to give to get their work done and the NRIs never help when they offer bigger sums to get the work done.It is a catch 22-Corruption is breeding more corruption.This is not the fault of the central Govt, but the Punjab-where the SIKH AKLAI government is in power, alledgedly.

This makes me wonder if those Sikhs talking about Khalistan do indeed live in the real world.If the current systems in Punjab are anything to go by, the Sikh government in Khalistan will be worst.The habit of Punjabis to help and do work for 'apna ghar da banda 'than with imandari , sachai and jumawari are totally absent in the Punjabi and specifically Sikh psyche!

I don't think even the Gurus can any longer help the Punjab and it's people get a simply decent life where they can sleep without worrying to find R9000 to simlply get a 'daskhat' on a birth certificate!

Es Guruan di dharti da aap Guru ...hi rakha ho sakda, par shaid aaj uh vi hath shad gaye hon ge.I feel sorry for the people of the Punjab in this age and time.

One can see all those sitting 'gappan marrde' ..Rab sahib Patwari ji di udeek wich!aj ayoo , ke kall nu ayoo ga....shaid badal sahib nu aap vi nah patta hove ke patwari sahib kad padaran ge!

I am left in NO doubt at all that this is the case throught the whole Punjab admistration system and all over Punjab.At some stage I will talk about the most corrupted minister in Punjab, involved in on going sex scandal cases along with his son, still dreams of minstership.This man tried to impress me that he was talking to the SSP Moga, after inviting me to the house for a meal.


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Dalvinder Singh Grewal

Jan 3, 2010
Re: Corruption in the Punjab

Punjab is indebted by 1 Lakh Crores. This will continue to increase since the Punjab political and bureaucratic culture is built not on quality but on 'Bhai-Bhatija Wad'. Jobs are given not on the basis of merit but on how close you are to the top politician or next on the ladder. Over the period such a system has been created that administration is built of sycophants, relatives or relatives' relatives. They are helped further by those who can wield lathis and apply force to keep the system working or getting the votes. It is extremely difficult to break such a nexus. People will have to continue to suffer under such a strong system where quality has been given a go bye at every stage. Punjab's indebtedness will thus continue until its bankruptcy is declared in open. It is said that the people get the government as they deserve. No one else but the people themselves have to be blamed since they have chosen successive governments:redturban:.

Chaan Pardesi

Oct 4, 2008
London & Kuala Lumpur
Re: Corruption in the Punjab

This is the California badal and his Akali Party are making of the Punjab.I don't know where he saw the pictures of California to know how it looks... but considering Moga is a rather supposed to be a large town where the Nestlé's Factory that produces Verka milk products or so are situated...to find the main street [chowk]of Moga in this condition is rather a National Shame for the Akali Party and it's rule in the Punjab.

Perhaps they should include these streets in the tourist guide for NRIs and others to visit and have a cup of tea with badal .THis is the scene of streets all over the every town, kasba and village of Punjab bar a few places.

The above is a main street in MOGA city.This is at it's best, many others are ten times worse off, with people lining along the walls urinating openly in public!One can just see the puddles of water on the side


THE ABOVE IS THE MAIN CHOWK OF MOGA, leading all roads out, all passengers into the bus terminal!!!!

Badal's dream!Akali Paty's great achievement!-They have been promising to turn Punjab into California, Canada, US ...and this is what they have done to the Punjab.All false promises and the people are putting up with the worst corruption fe...udalism, cronyism and could not care less about the poor janta attitude from the so called SIKH party-Akali Dal.It is NO wonder youth are trying to leave in their hundereds of thousands....This is the main central CHOWK of Moga,one can just the main entrance to bus terminal in the back ground.All the promise and empty talk, while the people of Punjab are suffering.This is the reality of Punjab, that the NRIs don't talk about , when their flash their monies...dollars and streling pounds....the poor continue to suffer...while the real Punjab bleeds it's 7th river of human misery.This should be the national shame of the Punjab, with compliments from the Badal led Akali party and it's allies BJP>

along the line, I must have missed the bill boards that say......Badalwad..VIKAAS HOEYA, VIKAAS KITA, VIKAAS KARANGGE....par barbaad karange PUNJAB!!!!!!


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Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Re: Corruption in the Punjab

Punjab used to be the bread basket of India. Now, it is the basket full of IOU’s that it can never pay back. The small farmers have either sold their one or two acres or/and are in a lot of debt, mainly due to the GMS(Genetically Modified Seeds) by the US companies like Monsato and others. They have to buy these hybrid seeds during new planting and also the pesticides like Roundup from the same companies. The suicide rate is growing due to this.

Water wells are drying because water from the Punjabi rivers has been diverted to the other states for decades rather than used for irrigation in the state itself. The latter was the plan concocted by Indira Gandhi and it is still there.

The Badals which mean clouds are on their own Cloud Nine and lining their pockets from the public funds. They own TV stations and many other businesses. Last year, one of their companies signed a multi-billion dollars deal with Oracle. There is lack of infrastructure and no new industry.

Many graduates from Punjab are forced to migrate to other states to find jobs. Drug use is rampant and it has become the transport gateway of drugs which come from Afghanistan.

Haryana, which was the body part of Punjab and was chopped off by the central government is growing in leaps and bounds whereas Punjab is becoming worse than the poorest of the African countries.

The situation cannot get better because the central government is too weak to intervene. Many other states attract multinational companies to open up shops. Punjab is not able to because of absence of will.

It is a sad tale of what was once the Jewel of India.

Tejwant Singh


Apr 3, 2005
Re: Corruption in the Punjab

Punjab used to be the bread basket of India. Now, it is the basket full of IOU’s that it can never pay back. The small farmers have either sold their one or two acres or/and are in a lot of debt, mainly due to the GMS(Genetically Modified Seeds) by the US companies like Monsato and others. They have to buy these hybrid seeds during new planting and also the pesticides like Roundup from the same companies. The suicide rate is growing due to this.

Water wells are drying because water from the Punjabi rivers has been diverted to the other states for decades rather than used for irrigation in the state itself. The latter was the plan concocted by Indira Gandhi and it is still there.

The Badals which mean clouds are on their own Cloud Nine and lining their pockets from the public funds. They own TV stations and many other businesses. Last year, one of their companies signed a multi-billion dollars deal with Oracle. There is lack of infrastructure and no new industry.

Many graduates from Punjab are forced to migrate to other states to find jobs. Drug use is rampant and it has become the transport gateway of drugs which come from Afghanistan.

Haryana, which was the body part of Punjab and was chopped off by the central government is growing in leaps and bounds whereas Punjab is becoming worse than the poorest of the African countries.

The situation cannot get better because the central government is too weak to intervene. Many other states attract multinational companies to open up shops. Punjab is not able to because of absence of will.

It is a sad tale of what was once the Jewel of India.

Tejwant Singh

There is other side of story as well.

Every year Punjab still create record of highest yield.

per capita electricity consumption is highest in Punjab higher than Haryana and Delhi.

The difference between per capita income gap Punjab and Bihar was 1.7 in 60s .Now an average Punjabi has 4 times per capita income of Bihar.

All MNC's companies which sell thier most expensive and luxurious products open their showroom in Punjab and Delhi.if Punjabi's are getting economically ruined how come they purchase most expensive products?

Its true Haryana is growing leaps and bounds , but main reason is its closeness to Delhi. because of overpopulation and no space left in Delhi , lot of companies and people moved and still moving in NCR region of Haryana

Chaan Pardesi

Oct 4, 2008
London & Kuala Lumpur
Re: Corruption in the Punjab

Kanwardeep Singh JI I agree with you there.But the infra structure and conditions for people are NOT changed and getting worse.Materially, at personal levels the Punjabis are far ahead of many due to the NRI factor and disposal of lands -thus all sorts of car showrooms etc.But that does not mean the Punjab has developed structurally-it has fallen back.One needs to see the road conditions, sanitation, wastage accumulated; the pathetic conditions of the buses- 95% of which would have been taken off the roads for safety reasons in most other countries, apart from South America and Africa.

The CORUPTION that has blanketed every and each officer and person of the Punjab amazes me..that anything ever gets done.No accountabily, responsibility conscience of duty to the people ...they are ripping the poor, who may be indulging into drugs aand other criminal activities to keep up and sustain their lives.

People cry out the number of accidents, I think considering the dangerous roads, busses and vehicles and road sense and responsibility to society..it is a miracle Very very few die or are killed.

That is the real Punjab; the rest is just materialism.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Re: Corruption in the Punjab

The SIKH Villages that were DESTROYED to create CHANDIGARH....Those SIKHS are still crying out for compensation..justice..they got PEANUTS !! And Today Chandigarh is NOT even Punjab's....More SIKH villages are being destroyed..for Chandigarh Airport..many were destroyed for Jalandhar Airport which suddenly became a "Science Centre named after Gujral....all those DISPLACED got PEANUTS...

Buying Mercedes cars from the proceeds of your meagre KILLA..is like burning your house down for some warmth in Winter...what do you burn next winter ??..what do you sell to buy the next merc ??

Plenty of apologists abound...cant they see the reality on the ground..??? sad case..

Chaan Pardesi

Oct 4, 2008
London & Kuala Lumpur
Re: Corruption in the Punjab

Don't get me wrong.Giani Jarnail Singh jI absolutely right.The attack upon Punjab is multi cornered and sometimes , even the most organised will get perplexed and give up to where do we start to address things.

I had no problem getting my issues done.I had connections through my Chacha right through to Sukhbir Badal, not that I value such very much.My chacha Knows that I don't approve of ssuch cronyism and connections.I reluctantly went along with his friend to his neighbors home for dinner-the most corrupted MLA along with his sosn; and a disgraced Minister of education Punjab.Who as I thought was out to impress me that he has lines of communication with the SSP moga who he had invited too and was handing out SIFARSHAA'n for some poor individuals who needed their cases addressed urgently .THis were supposed to be simple cases of theft and assault and lost of car and phone that should be a routine investigation and close of case, minus some give and take on the specifics of the cases.I could not understand why such a routine job needed someone like an MLA to be involved...with police to address what is the DUTY of the law and order authorities to do anyway, irrespective of the fact whether person is poor or rich.

Next I was introduced to the SSP as apna Ghar da munda ji, ////je koyee gal baat hove, eh tuhanu phone siddha karan ge!

I sat listening.Then as I was speaking to someone next to me; I was interrupted rudely [in an attmpt to impress me what authority and how important he was,it was so obvious] and told that the SSP and the MLA saab need to discuss some urgent matters; could I leave the room for about twenty minutes and be in the library.I simply got up and walked back to the house through the gate in his rear garden and narrated the whole story to my uncle, who despises the MLA for his crooked ways; considering at some point before the chap became MLA some years,they were best of buddies. for as many as twenty fives years that I know of.My uncle too has been the chairman of market Board Nihalsinghwala and Moga and now reside in Calgary.So it cannot be jealousy I concluded.

Shortly the PA came running to the house to tell me that the MLA and SSP sahib is now free and why did I leave.

I made some excuse about not being well and ..declined to go back saying I was not feeling well and need to go to bed.

I could not understand why the poor needed such people who were obviously deep into corrupted practices.The cases were simple every day cases.Obviously, one needs connections to be heard.

With such climate and manners prevalent, Punjab will never be even the poorest part of california nor even match Bulgaria in another 300 years.The poor suppressed and treated with contempt.

I later came to get a whim of why the two met in private; as I only heard, I rather not make a sweeping statement here.

I opened my disgust to my uncle, who agreed with me and confirmed that this ex disgraced minister and his son were deeply involved in bribery, corrupted, and being accused of using sex harassment cases and using threats to black mail certain individuals...unfrotunately for the silly son , someone who was far intelligent taped the conversation and made a trip to the Jullender range DIGP and spill the beans where both were arrested and the minster lost his minister ship!Cases are on going.

I am sorry, but what will such badmaash charaters ever do for Punjab.How many more of these people are there holding power?

I had the means, but what about people who have no means and reaches.I am not proud, of my connections, as I feel those who like my uncle who had done all the jobs for me...must have deprived some other poor person....for perhaps another year or so to have his needs completed.

I used to sit and cry my thoughts out the poverty and conditions of the local people.Will another Guru ji come to save them ever?

Some days later, a relative of one of my nieces came to visit me and take me to her home village.On the way, the chap realised I knew some 'big shots'....the next day he aske dmy neice if I could get him a call card of the MLA and the deputy CM saab....shows the air desperation among people...when I asked why...his reply came as no surprise...but very sad...that such cards are needed to get simple things done...
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Jan 29, 2011
Vancouver, Canada
What is worse that no one sees it as something out of usual. People get used to seeing puddles on the road. Or throwing garbage on the side. Same problem in Patna, the birth place of Guru Gobind Singh and capital of Bihar. Mom went there and said it was like an open garbage dump. She said people are poor there so care more about food than cleanliness. I asked her why do we have governments then? If every city or place will be as rich as the people who live there? Even in certain desi areas of Canadian cities, the infra is said to be a bit ignored. This is because most desi people don't care to fight it out with their local ministers to get better quality roads, street lights etc. Accepting things is a rare quality and a rampant disease!


Dec 3, 2011
I don't think for a minute that the corruption has got worse or better.
It is still there under different disguises and is as 'pakhee' as ever in it's strength !
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Apr 3, 2005
Re: Corruption in the Punjab

The SIKH Villages that were DESTROYED to create CHANDIGARH....Those SIKHS are still crying out for compensation..justice..they got PEANUTS !! And Today Chandigarh is NOT even Punjab's....More SIKH villages are being destroyed..for Chandigarh Airport..many were destroyed for Jalandhar Airport which suddenly became a "Science Centre named after Gujral....all those DISPLACED got PEANUTS...
This is the same story in the entire India. Government acquire land from farmers by giving the peanuts and then declare it commercial or residential.

Buying Mercedes cars from the proceeds of your meagre KILLA..is like burning your house down for some warmth in Winter...what do you burn next winter ??..what do you sell to buy the next merc ??

If Punjab is ruined then why the land prices are so high in first place?Why so many NRI's invest in land of Punjab ? Nobody invest in ruined place.Whether you like it or not the sky rocketed land price is a big boon for land owner families.

It is the same story in Haryana , Punjab and West Uttar pradesh. lot of people sell their land , some spend their money , some make investments in rented properties .Boys from these families even loose their motivation to work hard because they just adopt lavish culture from the money which they get from parents and Indian salaries which are not so high just don't attract them.


Apr 3, 2005
Re: Corruption in the Punjab

Don't get me wrong.Giani Jarnail Singh jI absolutely right.The attack upon Punjab is multi cornered and sometimes , even the most organised will get perplexed and give up to where do we start to address things.

Chaan pardesi ji

Do you think that situation in other parts of India is good?It is the same or even worse.Punjab suffer from all the third world developing countries problem.


Jun 13, 2012
Nagpur, India
Where is corruption not existing ?? It's all over the world & all individuals except few God Gifted Ones ...

Further, yes Punjab too is in the of corruption probably coz people have got greedier .. especially the ruling parties...Ruling parties are the ones to use the public fund in proper manner but unfortunately its not happening ..

Chaan Pardesi

Oct 4, 2008
London & Kuala Lumpur
Chaan pardesi ji
''Do you think that situation in other parts of India is good?It is the same or even worse.Punjab suffer from all the third world developing countries problem.''

But Punjab does not need to suffer and go on like a third world country,it is a small state with a large diaspora who has the means to help, but the corruption of the ruling party does not encourage that to take place nor allow its own resources to be availed from the central govt.It can also be very much like saying The PM is a Sikh and the C in C is a Sikh ,therefore all is very good with the rest of the Sikhs, and 1984 is an illusion among Sikhs!All is honky donkey glory!Other parts may not be as good or better than Punjab is not a consolation nor something to feel good about.Other parts do not have denied capitals [like chandigarh] nor shortage of waters etc.nor are discriminated for large scale industries on the pretext that it is a border state.Chandigarh is being hindinized so a time will come it will no longer be Punjabi speaking at all.The Punjabi speakers are already in a minority right now.

Punjabis need to speak up and bring the issue into the limelight so that exposure may make some people think and demand change instead of arguing over negative issues like religion and khalistan

The rest of india is not my concern.Considering that 3.5 million and over Punjabis are abroad and most have close connections, this should NOt be the situation of the Punjab today.Such comments also imply that many people are happy to remain like this as it gives them some solace to lord over the poor, perhaps.

''If Punjab is ruined then why the land prices are so high in first place?Why so many NRI's invest in land of Punjab ?'' Nobody invest in ruined place.Whether you like it or not the sky rocketed land price is a big boon for land owner families.''

It has nothing to do with me liking it it or not[I don't live there and only exposing the poor conditions]Of course it is, and that is one of the reasons the local youth has become lazy and is enjoying buying cars and other gadgets.But how long will money from these sales last?That is the reason a large numbers of migrants have flooded Punjab.Where the Sikh population that was 60% when Punjabi suba was declared is today only 52%.

The statement again does not stand because after the monies run out from sales of their land...they are all queing often through illegal means to run out of the state.If things were all that good as pointed by these people, why is such a large number , practically every other youth is looking to migrate.

''Thrifty'' baniyas and large concerns and Government is buying the lands - has nothing , absolutely nothing to to do with the poor infrastructure that the people of the Punjab have to put up with.Ever wonder just how are injured transported to hospitals...private ambulances...there is absolutley neglible government facility for the good of the people.

The above is a very childish and immature statement.Perhaps the writer does NOT know that the salaries of every civil servant in Punjab were NOT paid in February as the govt has NO money.Badal & company are begging the NRIs to invest, but a very negligible number has staken up the offer.Badals know the majority of the NRIs do NOT approve of their system that has enveloped the Punjab, thus we see little of them[badal] sneeking off abroad...as they are not welcome.They know it.

NRIs buying plots of land through their foreign currency is also neglible, any way these plots of land do NOT support the poor structure of the state government.Absolutley NOThing gets done without corruption.

Corrution is everywhere, but such open begging corruption and openly naming a sum to get a job done is peculiar to the Punjab.I wonder if this writer is suggesting that we tolerate such and keep our mouth shut?
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